This is an example website for Zotonic.
Zotonic is included as Hex packages.
The example website is in apps/example_site
You can add your own websites or adapt it.
Make sure that you have installed the dependencies:
- Erlang OTP (version 22.3 or newer)
- PostgreSQL (9.5 or newer)
- ImageMagick (command line tools
) - C compiler (gcc)
- Build tools (GNU Make, reltool etc.)
For development:
- inotify (or fswatch)
- sassc or sass to handle .scss / .sass files
- gettext to process .pot / .po files
If you want to use video
- ffmpeg
For virus checks of uploaded files:
- clamav
In the top level directory, type:
The build tool rebar3 will be downloaded and after that all Zotonic Hex packages will be downloaded and compiled.
The example site is assumed to run on port 8000/8443 and with
the hostname example.test
. The hostname is configured in
You will need to add the hostname to your /etc/hosts
file, add
this line: example.test
Add the user role zotonic
with all permissions on the database zotonic
The user should be able to login using the password zotonic
$ sudo -u postgres psql (enter your OS password)
And then:
postgres=# CREATE USER zotonic WITH PASSWORD 'zotonic';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE zotonic WITH OWNER = zotonic ENCODING = 'UTF8';
postgres=# GRANT ALL ON DATABASE zotonic TO zotonic;
For development, start Zotonic with the included script:
This calls bin/zotonic debug
Zotonic will start and you will see the Erlang command prompt.
You can stop Zotonic by typing twice ctrl-C.
You can now visit the site: https://example.test:8443/
Be sure to accept the self-signed certificate.
Chrome users: click in the white and type: thisisunsafe
The admin interface is at: https://example.test:8443/admin/
The username is admin
and the password is also admin
(Note that the admin
password can only be used from a local network address.)
On the commmnd line type:
bin/zotonic status
Or to see all the commands:
This will show all the commands:
USAGE: /home/you/zotonic-example/bin/zotonic (options) [command]
Where [command] is one of:
addsite Add a site and install database
compile Compile all modified erlang files in the background.
compilefile Compile a specific erlang file.
config Show Zotonic and Erlang configuration.
configfiles List Zotonic config files being used.
configtest Test if the Zotonic config files can be read.
connectdb Connect to PostgreSQL using the Zotonic database configuration.
createdb Create the PostgreSQL database and schema for a site.
debug Start Zotonic in the foreground with the Erlang shell.
dispatch Show dispatch information for a site or url.
etop Show top processes running in the Erlang VM.
flush Flush all caches of all sites or a specific site.
load Force reload of an Erlang module.
logtail Show the last lines of the error and console logs.
restart Restart Zotonic and all sites without restarting the Erlang VM.
restartsite Restart a site.
rpc Call an Erlang function and display the result.
runtests Run the specified tests from the Zotonic module test directories.
shell Open an Erlang shell on the running Erlang VM.
siteconfig Show the configuration of a site.
siteconfigfiles List the config files used for a site.
sitedir Show the path to the site's Erlang application.
sitetest Run the tests for a site.
start Start Zotonic in the background.
start_nodaemon Start Zotonic in the foreground but without the Erlang shell.
startsite Start a site.
status Show if Zotonic is running and list the status of all sites.
stop Stop the Erlang VM running Zotonic.
stopsite Stop a site.
update Update the server. Compiles and loads any new code, flushes caches and rescans all modules.
wait Wait for a max timeout till Zotonc is running and responding to a ping.
See for more info.
-v : Prints Zotonic version