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 Chapter XXX Codon Alignment ==============================================

This chapter is about Codon Alignments, which is a special case of nucleotide alignment in which the trinucleotides correspond directly to amino acids in the translated protein product. Codon Alignment carries information that can be used for many evolutionary analysis.

This chapter has been divided into four parts to explain the codon alignment support in Biopython. First, a general introduction about the basic classes in Bio.CodonAlign will be given. Then, a typical procedure of how to obtain a codon alignment within Biopython is then discussed. Next, some simple applications of codon alignment, such as dN/dS ratio estimation and neutrality test and so forth will be covered. Finally, IO support of codon alignment will help user to conduct analysis that cannot be done within Biopython.

X.1 CodonSeq Class

Bio.CodonAlign.CodonSeq object is the base object in Codon Alignment. It is similar to Bio.Seq but with some extra attributes. To obtain a simple CodonSeq object, you just need to give a str object of nucleotide sequence whose length is a multiple of 3 (This can be violated if you have rf_table argument). For example:

>>> from Bio.CodonAlign import CodonSeq
>>> codon_seq = CodonSeq("AAATTTCCCGGG")
>>> codon_seq
CodonSeq('AAATTTCCCGGG', Gapped(CodonAlphabet(), '-'))

An error will raise up if the input sequence is not a multiple of 3.

>>> codon_seq = CodonSeq("AAATTTCCCGG")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/biopython/Bio/CodonAlign/", line 81, in __init__
    assert len(self) % 3 == 0, "Sequence length is not a triple number"
AssertionError: Sequence length is not a triple number

By default, Bio.CodonAlign.default_codon_alphabet will be assigned to CodonSeq object if you don't specify any Alphabet. This default_codon_alphabet is gapped universal genetic code, which will work in most cases. However, if you are analyzing data from mitochondria, for instance, and are in need of assigning an special codon alphabet by yourself, Bio.CodonAlign.CodonAlphabet also provides you an easy solution. All you need is to pick up a CodonTable object that is correct for your data. For example:

>>> from Bio.CodonAlign import CodonSeq
>>> from Bio.CodonAlign.CodonAlphabet import get_codon_alphabet
>>> from Bio.Data.CodonTable import generic_by_id
# vertebrate mitochondria alphabet
>>> codon_alphabet = get_codon_alphabet(generic_by_id[2], gap_char="-")
>>> codon_seq1 = CodonSeq("AAA---CCCGGG", alphabet=codon_alphabet)
>>> codon_seq1
CodonSeq('AAA---CCCGGG', CodonAlphabet(Vertebrate Mitochondrial))

The slice of CodonSeq is exactly the same with Seq and it will always return a Seq object if you sliced a CodonSeq. For example:

>>> codon_seq1
CodonSeq('AAA---CCCGGG', CodonAlphabet(Vertebrate Mitochondrial))
>>> codon_seq1[:6]
Seq('AAA---', DNAAlphabet())
>>> codon_seq1[1:5]
Seq('AA--', DNAAlphabet())

As you might imagine, CodonSeq is able to be translated into amino acid sequence based on the CodonAlphabet within it. In fact, CodonSeq does more than this. CodonSeq object has a rf_table attribute that dictates how the CodonSeq will be translated (rf_table will indicate the starting position of each codon in the sequence). This is useful if you sequence is known to have frameshift events or pseudogene that has insertion or deletion. You might notice that in the previous example, you haven't specify the rf_table when initiate a CodonSeq object. In fact, CodonSeq object will automatically assign a rf_table to the CodonSeq if you don't say anything about it.

>>> codon_seq1 = CodonSeq("AAACCCGGG")
>>> codon_seq1
CodonSeq('AAACCCGGG', CodonAlphabet(Standard))
>>> codon_seq1.rf_table
[0, 3, 6]
>>> codon_seq1.translate()
>>> codon_seq2 = CodonSeq("AAACCCGG", rf_table=[0, 3, 5])
>>> codon_seq2.rf_table
[0, 3, 5]
>>> codon_seq2.translate()

In the example, we didn't assign rf_table to codon_seq1. By default, CodonSeq will automatically generate a rf_table to the coding sequence assuming no frameshift events. In this case, it is [0, 3, 6], which means the first codon in the sequence starts at position 0, the second codon in the sequence starts at position 3, and the third codon in the sequence starts at position 6. In codon_seq2, we only have 8 nucleotides in the sequence, but with rf_table option specified. In this case, the third codon starts at the 5th position of the sequence rather than the 6th. And the translate() function will use the rf_table to get the translated amino acid sequence.

Another thing to keep in mind is that rf_table will only be applied to ungapped nucleotide sequence. This makes rf_table to be interchangeable between CodonSeq with the same sequence but different gaps inserted. For example,

>>> codon_seq1 = CodonSeq("AAACCC---GGG")
>>> codon_seq1.rf_table
[0, 3, 6]
>>> codon_seq1.translate()
>>> codon_seq1.full_translate()

We can see that the rf_table of codon_seq1 is still [0, 3, 6], even though we have gaps added. The translate() function will skip the gaps and return the ungapped amino acid sequence. If gapped protein sequence is what you need, full_translate() comes to help.

It is also easy to convert Seq object to CodonSeq object, but it is the user's responsibility to ensure all the necessary information is correct for a CodonSeq (mainly rf_table).

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> codon_seq = CodonSeq()
>>> seq = Seq('AAAAAA')
>>> codon_seq.from_seq(seq)
CodonSeq('AAAAAA', CodonAlphabet(Standard))
>>> seq = Seq('AAAAA')
>>> codon_seq.from_seq(seq)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/biopython/Bio/CodonAlign/", line 264, in from_seq
    return cls(seq._data, alphabet=alphabet)
  File "/biopython/Bio/CodonAlign/", line 80, in __init__
    assert len(self) % 3 == 0, "Sequence length is not a triple number"
AssertionError: Sequence length is not a triple number
>>> codon_seq.from_seq(seq, rf_table=(0, 2))
CodonSeq('AAAAA', CodonAlphabet(Standard))

X.2 CodonAlignment Class

The CodonAlignment class is another new class in Codon.Align. It's aim is to store codon alignment data and apply various analysis upon it. Similar to MultipleSeqAlignment, you can use numpy style slice to a CodonAlignment. However, once you sliced, the returned result will always be a MultipleSeqAlignment object.

>>> from Bio.CodonAlign import default_codon_alphabet, CodonSeq, CodonAlignment
>>> from Bio.Alphabet import generic_dna
>>> from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
>>> from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC, Gapped
>>> a = SeqRecord(CodonSeq("AAAACGTCG", alphabet=default_codon_alphabet), id="Alpha")
>>> b = SeqRecord(CodonSeq("AAA---TCG", alphabet=default_codon_alphabet), id="Beta")
>>> c = SeqRecord(CodonSeq("AAAAGGTGG", alphabet=default_codon_alphabet), id="Gamma")
>>> codon_aln = CodonAlignment([a, b, c])
>>> print codon_aln
CodonAlphabet(Standard) CodonAlignment with 3 rows and 9 columns (3 codons)
AAA---TCG Beta
>>> codon_aln[0]
ID: Alpha
Name: <unknown name>
Description: <unknown description>
Number of features: 0
CodonSeq('AAAACGTCG', CodonAlphabet(Standard))
>>> print codon_aln[:, 3]
>>> print codon_aln[1:, 3:10]
CodonAlphabet(Standard) alignment with 2 rows and 6 columns
---TCG Beta

You can write out CodonAlignment object just as what you do with MultipleSeqAlignment.

>>> from Bio import AlignIO
>>> AlignIO.write(codon_aln, 'example.aln', 'clustal')

An alignment file called example.aln can then be found in your current working directory. You can write CodonAlignment out in any MSA format that Biopython supports.

Currently, you are not able to read MSA data as a CodonAlignment object directly (because of dealing with rf_table issue for each sequence). However, you can read the alignment data in as a MultipleSeqAlignment object and convert them into CodonAlignment object using from_msa() class method. For example,

>>> aln ='example.aln', 'clustal')
>>> codon_aln = CodonAlignment()
>>> print codon_aln.from_msa(aln)
CodonAlphabet(Standard) CodonAlignment with 3 rows and 9 columns (3 codons)
AAA---TCG Beta

Note, the from_msa() method assume there is no frameshift events occurs in your alignment. Its behavior is not guaranteed if your sequence contain frameshift events!!

There is a couple of methods that can be applied to CodonAlignment class for evolutionary analysis. We will cover them more in X.4.

X.3 Build a Codon Alignment

Building a codon alignment is the first step of many evolutionary anaysis. But how to do that? Bio.CodonAlign provides you an easy funciton build() to achieve all. The data you need to prepare in advance is a protein alignment and a set of DNA sequences that can be translated into the protein sequences in the alignment. method requires two mandatory arguments. The first one should be a protein MultipleSeqAlignment object and the second one is a list of nucleotide SeqRecord object. By default, assumes the order of the alignment and nucleotide sequences are in the same. For example:

>>> from Bio import CodonAlign
>>> from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC
>>> from Bio.Align import MultipleSeqAlignment
>>> from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> nucl1 = SeqRecord(Seq('AAATTTCCCGGG', alphabet=IUPAC.IUPACUnambiguousDNA()), id='nucl1')
>>> nucl2 = SeqRecord(Seq('AAATTACCCGCG', alphabet=IUPAC.IUPACUnambiguousDNA()), id='nucl2')
>>> nucl3 = SeqRecord(Seq('ATATTACCCGGG', alphabet=IUPAC.IUPACUnambiguousDNA()), id='nucl3')
>>> prot1 = SeqRecord(nucl1.seq.translate(), id='prot1')
>>> prot2 = SeqRecord(nucl2.seq.translate(), id='prot2')
>>> prot3 = SeqRecord(nucl3.seq.translate(), id='prot3')
>>> aln = MultipleSeqAlignment([prot1, prot2, prot3])
>>> codon_aln =, [nucl1, nucl2, nucl3])
>>> print codon_aln
CodonAlphabet(Standard) CodonAlignment with 3 rows and 12 columns (4 codons)

In the above example, will try to match nucl1 with prot1, nucl2 with prot2 and nucl3 with prot3, i.e., assuming the order of records in aln and [nucl1, nucl2, nucl3] is the same. method is also able to handle key match. In this case, records with same id are paired. For example:

>>> nucl1 = SeqRecord(Seq('AAATTTCCCGGG', alphabet=IUPAC.IUPACUnambiguousDNA()), id='nucl1')
>>> nucl2 = SeqRecord(Seq('AAATTACCCGCG', alphabet=IUPAC.IUPACUnambiguousDNA()), id='nucl2')
>>> nucl3 = SeqRecord(Seq('ATATTACCCGGG', alphabet=IUPAC.IUPACUnambiguousDNA()), id='nucl3')
>>> prot1 = SeqRecord(nucl1.seq.translate(), id='prot1')
>>> prot2 = SeqRecord(nucl2.seq.translate(), id='prot2')
>>> prot3 = SeqRecord(nucl3.seq.translate(), id='prot3')
>>> aln = MultipleSeqAlignment([prot1, prot2, prot3])
>>> nucl = {'prot1': nucl1, 'prot2': nucl2, 'prot3': nucl3}
>>> codon_aln =, nucl)
>>> print codon_aln
CodonAlphabet(Standard) CodonAlignment with 3 rows and 12 columns (4 codons)

This option is handleful if you read nucleotide sequences using SeqIO.index method, in which case the nucleotide dict with be generated automatically.

Sometimes, you are neither not able to ensure the same order or the same id. method provides you an manual approach to tell the program nucleotide sequence and protein sequence correspondance by generating a corr_dict. corr_dict should be a dictionary that uses protein record id as key and nucleotide record id as item. Let's look at an example:

>>> nucl1 = SeqRecord(Seq('AAATTTCCCGGG', alphabet=IUPAC.IUPACUnambiguousDNA()), id='nucl1')
>>> nucl2 = SeqRecord(Seq('AAATTACCCGCG', alphabet=IUPAC.IUPACUnambiguousDNA()), id='nucl2')
>>> nucl3 = SeqRecord(Seq('ATATTACCCGGG', alphabet=IUPAC.IUPACUnambiguousDNA()), id='nucl3')
>>> prot1 = SeqRecord(nucl1.seq.translate(), id='prot1')
>>> prot2 = SeqRecord(nucl2.seq.translate(), id='prot2')
>>> prot3 = SeqRecord(nucl3.seq.translate(), id='prot3')
>>> aln = MultipleSeqAlignment([prot1, prot2, prot3])
>>> corr_dict = {'prot1': 'nucl1', 'prot2': 'nucl2', 'prot3': 'nucl3'}
>>> codon_aln =, [nucl3, nucl1, nucl2], corr_dict=corr_dict)
>>> print codon_aln
CodonAlphabet(Standard) CodonAlignment with 3 rows and 12 columns (4 codons)

We can see, even though the second argument of is not in the same order with aln in the above example, the corr_dict tells the program to pair protein records and nucleotide records. And we are still able to obtain the correct CodonAlignment object.

The underlying algorithm of method is very similar to pal2nal (a very famous perl script to build codon alignment). will first translate protein sequences into a long degenerate regular expression and tries to find a match in its corresponding nucleotide sequence. When translation fails, it divide protein sequence into several small anchors and tries to match each anchor to the nucleotide sequence to figure out where the mismatch and frameshift events lie. Other options available for includes anchor_len (default 10) and max_score (maximum tolerance of unexpected events, default 10). You may want to refer the Biopython build-in help to get more information about these options.

Now let's look at a real example of building codon alignment. Here we will use epidermal growth factor (EGFR) gene to demonstrate how to obtain codon alignment. To reduce your effort, we have already collected EGFR sequences for Homo sapiens, Bos taurus, Rattus norvegicus, Sus scrofa and Drosophila melanogaster. You can download them from here. Uncomressing the .zip, you will see three files. egfr_nucl.fa is nucleotide sequences of EGFR and egfr_pro.aln is EGFR protein sequence alignment in clustal format. The egfr_id contains id correspondance between protein records and nucleotide records. You can then try the following code (make sure the files are in your current python working directory):

>>> from Bio import SeqIO, AlignIO
>>> nucl = SeqIO.parse('egfr_nucl.fa', 'fasta', alphabet=IUPAC.IUPACUnambiguousDNA())
>>> prot ='egfr_pro.aln', 'clustal', alphabet=IUPAC.protein)
>>> id_corr = {i.split()[0]: i.split()[1] for i in open('egfr_id').readlines()}
>>> aln =, nucl, corr_dict=id_corr, alphabet=CodonAlign.default_codon_alphabet)
/biopython/Bio/CodonAlign/ UserWarning: gi|47522840|ref|NP_999172.1|(L 449) does not correspond to gi|47522839|ref|NM_214007.1|(ATG)
  % (, aa, aa_num,, this_codon))
>>> print aln
CodonAlphabet(Standard) CodonAlignment with 6 rows and 4446 columns (1482 codons)
---------------------ATGCTGCTGCGACGGCGCAACGGCCCCTGCCCCTTC...GTG gi|24657104|ref|NM_057411.3|
------------------------------ATGAAAAAGCACGAG------------...GCC gi|302179500|gb|HM749883.1|
------------------------------ATGCGACGCTCCTGGGCGGGCGGCGCC...GCA gi|47522839|ref|NM_214007.1|
------------------------------ATGCGACCCTCCGGGACGGCCGGGGCA...GCA gi|41327737|ref|NM_005228.3|
------------------------------ATGCGACCCTCAGGGACTGCGAGAACC...GCA gi|6478867|gb|M37394.2|RATEGFR

We can see, while building the codon alignment a mismatch event is found. And this is shown as a UserWarning.

X.4 Codon Alignment Application

The most important application of codon alignment is to estimate nonsynonymous substitutions per site (dN) and synonymous substitutions per site (dS). CodonAlign currently support three counting based methods (NG86, LWL85, YN00) and maximum likelihood method to estimate dN and dS. The function to conduct dN, dS estimation is called cal_dn_ds. When you obtained a codon alignment, it is quite easy to calculate dN and dS. For example (assuming you have EGFR codon alignmnet in the python working space):

>>> from Bio.CodonAlign.CodonSeq import cal_dn_ds
>>> print aln
CodonAlphabet(Standard) CodonAlignment with 6 rows and 4446 columns (1482 codons)
---------------------ATGCTGCTGCGACGGCGCAACGGCCCCTGCCCCTTC...GTG gi|24657104|ref|NM_057411.3|
------------------------------ATGAAAAAGCACGAG------------...GCC gi|302179500|gb|HM749883.1|
------------------------------ATGCGACGCTCCTGGGCGGGCGGCGCC...GCA gi|47522839|ref|NM_214007.1|
------------------------------ATGCGACCCTCCGGGACGGCCGGGGCA...GCA gi|41327737|ref|NM_005228.3|
------------------------------ATGCGACCCTCAGGGACTGCGAGAACC...GCA gi|6478867|gb|M37394.2|RATEGFR
>>> dN, dS = cal_dn_ds(aln[0], aln[1], method='NG86')
>>> print dN, dS
0.0209078305058 0.0178371876389
>>> dN, dS = cal_dn_ds(aln[0], aln[1], method='LWL95')
>>> print dN, dS
0.0203061425453 0.0163935691992
>>> dN, dS = cal_dn_ds(aln[0], aln[1], method='YN00')
>>> print dN, dS
0.0198195580321 0.0221560648799
>>> dN, dS = cal_dn_ds(aln[0], aln[1], method='ML')
>>> print dN, dS
0.0193877676103 0.0217247139962

If you are using maximum likelihood methdo to estimate dN and dS, you are also able to specify equilibrium codon frequency to cfreq argument. Available options include F1x4, F3x4 and F61.

It is also possible to get dN and dS matrix or a tree from a CodonAlignment object.

>>> dn_matrix, ds_matrix = aln.get_dn_ds_matrxi()
>>> print dn_matrix
gi|24657088|ref|NM_057410.3|    0
gi|24657104|ref|NM_057411.3|    0.0209078305058 0
gi|302179500|gb|HM749883.1|     0.611523924924  0.61022032668   0
gi|47522839|ref|NM_214007.1|    0.614035083563  0.60401686212   0.0411803504059 0
gi|41327737|ref|NM_005228.3|    0.61415325314   0.60182631356   0.0670105144563 0.0614703609541 0
gi|6478867|gb|M37394.2|RATEGFR  0.61870883409   0.606868724887  0.0738690303483 0.0735789092792 0.0517984707257 0
gi|24657088|ref|NM_057410.3|    gi|24657104|ref|NM_057411.3|    gi|302179500|gb|HM749883.1| gi|47522839|ref|NM_214007.1|    gi|41327737|ref|NM_005228.3|    gi|6478867|gb|M37394.2|RATEGFR
>>> dn_tree, ds_tree = aln.get_dn_ds_tree()
>>> print dn_tree
    Clade(branch_length=0, name='Inner5')
        Clade(branch_length=0.279185347322, name='Inner4')
            Clade(branch_length=0.00859186651689, name='Inner3')
                Clade(branch_length=0.0258992353629, name='gi|6478867|gb|M37394.2|RATEGFR')
                Clade(branch_length=0.0258992353629, name='gi|41327737|ref|NM_005228.3|')
            Clade(branch_length=0.0139009266768, name='Inner2')
                Clade(branch_length=0.020590175203, name='gi|47522839|ref|NM_214007.1|')
                Clade(branch_length=0.020590175203, name='gi|302179500|gb|HM749883.1|')
        Clade(branch_length=0.294630667432, name='Inner1')
            Clade(branch_length=0.0104539152529, name='gi|24657104|ref|NM_057411.3|')
            Clade(branch_length=0.0104539152529, name='gi|24657088|ref|NM_057410.3|')

Another application of codon alignment that CodonAlign supports is Mcdonald-Kreitman test. This test compares the within species synonymous substitutions and nonsynonymous substitutions and between species synonymous substitutions and nonsynonymous substitutions to see if they are from the same evolutionary process. The test requires gene sequences sampled from different individuals of the same species. In the following example, we will use Adh gene from fluit fly to demonstrate how to conduct the test. The data includes 11 individuals from D. melanogaster, 4 individuals from D. simulans and 12 individuals from D. yakuba. The data is available from here. A function called mktest will be used for the test.

>>> from Bio import SeqIO, AlignIO
>>> from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC
>>> from Bio.CodonAlign import build
>>> from Bio.CodonAlign.CodonAlignment import mktest

>>> pro_aln ='adh.aln', 'clustal', alphabet=IUPAC.protein)
>>> p = SeqIO.index('drosophilla.fasta', 'fasta', alphabet=IUPAC.IUPACUnambiguousDNA())
>>> codon_aln = build(pro_aln, p)
>>> print codon_aln
CodonAlphabet(Standard) CodonAlignment with 27 rows and 768 columns (256 codons)

>>> print mktest([codon_aln[1:12], codon_aln[12:16], codon_aln[16:]])

In the above example, codon_aln[1:12] belongs to D. melanogaster, codon_aln[12:16] belongs to D. simulans and codon_aln[16:] belongs to D. yakuba. mktest will return the p-value of the test. We can see in this case, 0.00206 << 0.01, therefore, the gene is under strong negative selection according to MK test.

X.4 Future Development

Because of the limited time frame for Google Summer of Code project, some of the functions in CodonAlign is not tested comprehensively. In the following days, I will continue perfect the code and several new features will be added. I am always welcome to hear your suggestions and feature request. You are also highly encouraged to contribute to the existing code. Please do not hesitable to email me (zruan1991 at gmail dot com) when you have novel ideas that can make the code better.