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{"\u4e00": {"\u4e00": "one, one radical (no. 1)"}, "\u4e8c": {"\u4e8c": "two, two radical (no. 7)"}, "\u4e09": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)"}, "\u56db": {"\u56d7": "box or enclosure radical (no. 31); box", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u4e94": {"\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)"}, "\u516d": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u4e03": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u4e59": "the latter; duplicate; strange; witty; fishhook radical (no. 5)"}, "\u516b": {"\u516b": "eight, eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u4e5d": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u4e59": "the latter; duplicate; strange; witty; fishhook radical (no. 5)"}, "\u5341": {"\u5341": "ten, ten radical (no. 24)"}, "\u53e3": {"\u53e3": "mouth, opening, mouth radical (no. 30)"}, "\u65e5": {"\u65e5": "sun, day, sun radical (no. 72)"}, "\u6708": {"\u6708": "moon, month, moon radical (no. 74)"}, "\u7530": {"\u7530": "field, field radical (no. 102)"}, "\u76ee": {"\u76ee": "eye, eye radical (no. 109)"}, "\u53e4": {"\u5341": "ten", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u543e": {"\u4e94": "five", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u5192": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor"}, "\u670b": {"\u8089": "meat"}, "\u660e": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u6708": "month; moon"}, "\u5531": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u660c": "prosperous; bright; clear"}, "\u6676": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u54c1": {"\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u5442": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)"}, "\u660c": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u65e9": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5341": "ten"}, "\u65ed": {"\u4e5d": "nine", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u4e16": {"\u5eff": "twenty; 20"}, "\u80c3": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u6708": "month; moon"}, "\u65e6": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)"}, "\u80c6": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u65e6": "daybreak; dawn; morning"}, "\u4e98": {"\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)", "\u65e6": "daybreak; dawn; morning"}, "\u51f9": {"\u51f5": "open box enclosure; open box radical (no. 17)"}, "\u51f8": {"\u51f5": "open box enclosure; open box radical (no. 17)"}, "\u65e7": {"\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u81ea": {"\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor"}, "\u767d": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u767e": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u767d": "white"}, "\u4e2d": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u5343": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u5341": "ten"}, "\u820c": {"\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u5347": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u5efe": "twenty; 20; twenty or letter H radical (no. 55)"}, "\u6607": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5347": "measuring box; 1.8 liter"}, "\u4e38": {"\u4e5d": "nine", "\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)"}, "\u5bf8": {"\u5bf8": "sun (unit of measurement) (radical no. 41)"}, "\u8098": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u5c02": {"\u7531": "wherefore; a reason", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u535a": {"\u5341": "ten", "\u5c03": "to state to; to announce"}, "\u5360": {"\u535c": "divination", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u4e0a": {"\u535c": "divination", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)"}, "\u4e0b": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u535c": "divination"}, "\u5353": {"\u535c": "divination", "\u65e9": "early; fast"}, "\u671d": {"\u5341": "ten", "\u65e9": "early; fast", "\u8089": "meat"}, "\u5632": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u671d": "morning; dynasty; regime; epoch; period; (North) Korea"}, "\u53ea": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u8c9d": {"\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor"}, "\u5504": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u8c9e": {"\u535c": "divination", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u54e1": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u8cbc": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish", "\u5360": "fortune-telling; divining; forecasting; occupy; hold; have; get; take"}, "\u898b": {"\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor"}, "\u5150": {"\u65e7": "old times; old things; old friend; former; ex-", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u5143": {"\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u9801": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u9811": {"\u5143": "beginning; former time; origin", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u51e1": {"\u51e0": "table; table enclosure; table or windy radical (no. 16)", "\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)"}, "\u8ca0": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u4e07": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)"}, "\u53e5": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u808c": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u51e0": "table; table enclosure; table or windy radical (no. 16)"}, "\u65ec": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u52fa": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)"}, "\u7684": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u52fa": "ladle; one tenth of a go; dip"}, "\u9996": {"\u81ea": "oneself"}, "\u4e59": {"\u4e59": "second, latter, second radical (no. 5)"}, "\u4e71": {"\u820c": "tongue; reed; clapper", "\u4e59": "the latter; duplicate; strange; witty; fishhook radical (no. 5)"}, "\u76f4": {"\u5341": "ten", "\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor"}, "\u5177": {"\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u771f": {"\u5341": "ten", "\u5177": "tool; utensil; means; possess; ingredients; counter for armor, suits, sets of furniture"}, "\u5de5": {"\u5de5": "work (radical no. 48)"}, "\u5de6": {"\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)"}, "\u53f3": {"\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u6709": {"\u8089": "meat"}, "\u8cc4": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish", "\u6709": "possess; have; exist; happen; occur; approx"}, "\u8ca2": {"\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u9805": {"\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u5200": {"\u5200": "knife, sword, knife radical (no. 18)"}, "\u5203": {"\u5200": "sword; saber; knife", "\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)"}, "\u5207": {"\u4e03": "seven", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u53ec": {"\u5200": "sword; saber; knife", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u662d": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u53ec": "seduce; call; send for; wear; put on; ride in; buy; eat; drink; catch (cold)"}, "\u5247": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u526f": {"\u7550": "to fill; roll of cloth", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u5225": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u4e01": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u4e85": "feathered stick; barb radical (no. 6)"}, "\u753a": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u4e01": "street; ward; town; counter for guns, tools, leaves or cakes of something; even number; 4th calendar sign"}, "\u53ef": {"\u4e01": "street; ward; town; counter for guns, tools, leaves or cakes of something; even number; 4th calendar sign", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u9802": {"\u4e01": "street; ward; town; counter for guns, tools, leaves or cakes of something; even number; 4th calendar sign", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u5b50": {"\u5b50": "child, seed, child radical (no. 39)"}, "\u5b54": {"\u5b50": "child; sign of the rat; 11PM-1AM; first sign of Chinese zodiac", "\u4e59": "the latter; duplicate; strange; witty; fishhook radical (no. 5)"}, "\u4e86": {"\u4e85": "feathered stick; barb radical (no. 6)"}, "\u5973": {"\u5973": "woman, female, female radical (no. 38)"}, "\u597d": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u5b50": "child; sign of the rat; 11PM-1AM; first sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u5982": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u6bcd": {"\u6bcb": "do not; must not; be not; mother radical (no. 80)"}, "\u8cab": {"\u6bcd": "mother", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u5144": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u546a": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5144": "elder brother; big brother"}, "\u514b": {"\u53e4": "old", "\u5144": "elder brother; big brother"}, "\u5c0f": {"\u5c0f": "small, insignificant, small radical (no. 42)"}, "\u5c11": {"\u5c0f": "little; small", "\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)"}, "\u5927": {"\u5927": "big, big radical (no. 37)"}, "\u591a": {"\u5915": "evening"}, "\u5915": {"\u5915": "evening, katakana ta radical (no. 36)"}, "\u6c50": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5915": "evening"}, "\u5916": {"\u5915": "evening", "\u535c": "divination"}, "\u540d": {"\u5915": "evening", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u77f3": {"\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u8096": {"\u5c0f": "little; small", "\u6708": "month; moon"}, "\u785d": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u8096": "resemblance"}, "\u7815": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u5346": "soldier; private; die"}, "\u7802": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u5c11": "few; little"}, "\u59ac": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u77f3": "stone"}, "\u524a": {"\u8096": "resemblance", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u5149": {"\u5c0f": "little; small", "\u5140": "high & level; lofty; bald; dangerous"}, "\u592a": {"\u5927": "large; big", "\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)"}, "\u5668": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5927": "large; big"}, "\u81ed": {"\u81ea": "oneself", "\u5927": "large; big"}, "\u55c5": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u81ed": "stinking; ill-smelling; suspicious looking; odor; savor; fragrance; be fragrant; stink; glow; be bright"}, "\u5999": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u5c11": "few; little"}, "\u7701": {"\u5c11": "few; little", "\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor"}, "\u539a": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5b50": "child; sign of the rat; 11PM-1AM; first sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u5947": {"\u5927": "large; big", "\u53ef": "can; passable; mustn't; should not; do not"}, "\u5ddd": {"\u5ddb": "river, river radical (no. 47)"}, "\u5dde": {"\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)", "\u5ddb": "curving river radical (no.47)"}, "\u9806": {"\u5ddb": "curving river radical (no.47)", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u6c34": {"\u6c34": "water, water radical (no. 85)"}, "\u6c37": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)"}, "\u6c38": {"\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)", "\u6c34": "water"}, "\u6cc9": {"\u767d": "white", "\u6c34": "water"}, "\u817a": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u6cc9": "spring; fountain"}, "\u539f": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u767d": "white", "\u5c0f": "little; small"}, "\u9858": {"\u539f": "meadow; original; primitive; field; plain; prairie; tundra; wilderness", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u6cf3": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u6c38": "eternity; long; lengthy"}, "\u6cbc": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u53ec": "seduce; call; send for; wear; put on; ride in; buy; eat; drink; catch (cold)"}, "\u6c96": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u4e2d": "in; inside; middle; mean; center"}, "\u6c4e": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u51e1": "mediocre"}, "\u6c5f": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)"}, "\u6c70": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u592a": "plump; thick; big around"}, "\u6c41": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5341": "ten"}, "\u6c99": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5c11": "few; little"}, "\u6f6e": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u671d": "morning; dynasty; regime; epoch; period; (North) Korea"}, "\u6e90": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u539f": "meadow; original; primitive; field; plain; prairie; tundra; wilderness"}, "\u6d3b": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u820c": "tongue; reed; clapper"}, "\u6d88": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u8096": "resemblance"}, "\u6cc1": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5144": "elder brother; big brother"}, "\u6cb3": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u53ef": "can; passable; mustn't; should not; do not"}, "\u6cca": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u767d": "white"}, "\u6e56": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u80e1": "barbarian; foreign"}, "\u6e2c": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5247": "rule; follow; based on; model after"}, "\u571f": {"\u571f": "earth, earth radical (no. 32)"}, "\u5410": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u5727": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u57fc": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u5947": "strange; strangeness; curiosity"}, "\u57a3": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u4e98": "span; request"}, "\u586b": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u771f": "true; reality; Buddhist sect"}, "\u572d": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u5c01": {"\u572d": "square jewel; corner; angle; edge", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u6daf": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5393": "precipice; shore; bank; surname; cliff"}, "\u5bfa": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u6642": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5bfa": "Buddhist temple"}, "\u5747": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u5300": "equal"}, "\u706b": {"\u706b": "fire, fire radical (no. 86)"}, "\u708e": {"\u706b": "fire"}, "\u7169": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u6de1": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u708e": "inflammation; flame; blaze"}, "\u706f": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u4e01": "street; ward; town; counter for guns, tools, leaves or cakes of something; even number; 4th calendar sign"}, "\u7551": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy"}, "\u707d": {"\u5ddb": "curving river radical (no.47)", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u7070": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u70b9": {"\u5360": "fortune-telling; divining; forecasting; occupy; hold; have; get; take", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u7167": {"\u662d": "shining; bright", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u9b5a": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u6f01": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u9b5a": "fish"}, "\u91cc": {"\u91cc": "village, mile, village radical (no. 166)"}, "\u9ed2": {"\u91cc": "ri; village; parent's home; league", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u58a8": {"\u9ed1": "black; dark; evil; sinister", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u9bc9": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u91cc": "ri; village; parent's home; league"}, "\u91cf": {"\u65e6": "daybreak; dawn; morning", "\u91cc": "ri; village; parent's home; league"}, "\u5398": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u91cc": "ri; village; parent's home; league"}, "\u57cb": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u91cc": "ri; village; parent's home; league"}, "\u540c": {"\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u6d1e": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u540c": "same; agree; equal"}, "\u80f4": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u540c": "same; agree; equal"}, "\u5411": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u5c1a": {"\u5c0f": "little; small", "\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u5b57": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u5b50": "child; sign of the rat; 11PM-1AM; first sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u5b88": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u5b8c": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u5143": "beginning; former time; origin"}, "\u5ba3": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u4e98": "span; request"}, "\u5bb5": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u8096": "resemblance"}, "\u5b89": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u5973": "woman; female"}, "\u5bb4": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5973": "woman; female"}, "\u5bc4": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u5947": "strange; strangeness; curiosity"}, "\u5bcc": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u7550": "to fill; roll of cloth"}, "\u8caf": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish", "\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u4e01": "street; ward; town; counter for guns, tools, leaves or cakes of something; even number; 4th calendar sign"}, "\u6728": {"\u6728": "tree, tree radical (no. 75)"}, "\u6797": {"\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u68ee": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u6797": "grove; forest"}, "\u6842": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u572d": "square jewel; corner; angle; edge"}, "\u67cf": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u67a0": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5346": "soldier; private; die"}, "\u68a2": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u8096": "resemblance"}, "\u68da": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u670b": "companion; friend"}, "\u674f": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u6850": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u540c": "same; agree; equal"}, "\u690d": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u76f4": "straightaway; honesty; frankness; fix; repair"}, "\u6905": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5947": "strange; strangeness; curiosity"}, "\u67af": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u53e4": "old"}, "\u6734": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u535c": "divination"}, "\u6751": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u76f8": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor"}, "\u673a": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u51e0": "table; table enclosure; table or windy radical (no. 16)"}, "\u672c": {"\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u672d": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u4e59": "the latter; duplicate; strange; witty; fishhook radical (no. 5)"}, "\u66a6": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u6797": "grove; forest", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u6848": {"\u5b89": "relax; cheap; low; quiet; rested; contented; peaceful", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u71e5": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u54c1": "goods; refinement; dignity; article; counter for meal courses", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u672a": {"\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u672b": {"\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u6627": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u672a": "un-; not yet; hitherto; still; even now; sign of the ram; 1-3PM; eighth sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u6cab": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u672b": "end; close; tip; powder; posterity"}, "\u5473": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u672a": "un-; not yet; hitherto; still; even now; sign of the ram; 1-3PM; eighth sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u59b9": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u672a": "un-; not yet; hitherto; still; even now; sign of the ram; 1-3PM; eighth sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u6731": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u672a": "un-; not yet; hitherto; still; even now; sign of the ram; 1-3PM; eighth sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u682a": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u6731": "vermilion; cinnabar; scarlet; red; bloody"}, "\u82e5": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u53f3": "right"}, "\u8349": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u65e9": "early; fast"}, "\u82e6": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u53e4": "old"}, "\u82db": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u53ef": "can; passable; mustn't; should not; do not"}, "\u5bdb": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u83a7": "edible greens; amaranth"}, "\u8584": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u6ea5": "far and wide"}, "\u8449": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u4e16": "generation; world; society; public", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u6a21": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u83ab": "must not; do not; be not"}, "\u6f20": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u83ab": "must not; do not; be not"}, "\u5893": {"\u83ab": "must not; do not; be not", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u66ae": {"\u83ab": "must not; do not; be not", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u819c": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u83ab": "must not; do not; be not"}, "\u82d7": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy"}, "\u5146": {"\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u6843": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5146": "portent; 10**12; trillion; sign; omen; symptoms"}, "\u773a": {"\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor", "\u5146": "portent; 10**12; trillion; sign; omen; symptoms"}, "\u72ac": {"\u5927": "large; big", "\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)"}, "\u72b6": {"\u723f": "left-side kata radical (no. 91)", "\u72ac": "dog"}, "\u9ed9": {"\u9ed1": "black; dark; evil; sinister", "\u72ac": "dog"}, "\u7136": {"\u6708": "month; moon", "\u72ac": "dog", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u837b": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u72c4": "barbarian"}, "\u72e9": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u5b88": "guard; protect; defend; obey"}, "\u732b": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u82d7": "seedling; sapling; shoot"}, "\u725b": {"\u725b": "cow, cow radical (no. 93)"}, "\u7279": {"\u725b": "cow", "\u5bfa": "Buddhist temple"}, "\u544a": {"\u725b": "cow", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u5148": {"\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u6d17": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5148": "before; ahead; previous; future; precedence"}, "\u4ecb": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u754c": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u4ecb": "jammed in; shellfish; mediate; concern oneself with"}, "\u8336": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u4eba": "person", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u810a": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)", "\u8089": "meat"}, "\u5408": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u5854": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u8345": "adzuki beans; thick"}, "\u738b": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball"}, "\u7389": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)"}, "\u5b9d": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u7389": "jewel; ball"}, "\u73e0": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u6731": "vermilion; cinnabar; scarlet; red; bloody"}, "\u73fe": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u898b": "see; hopes; chances; idea; opinion; look at; visible"}, "\u73a9": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u5143": "beginning; former time; origin"}, "\u72c2": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u7389": "jewel; ball"}, "\u65fa": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u7389": "jewel; ball"}, "\u7687": {"\u767d": "white", "\u7389": "jewel; ball"}, "\u5448": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u7389": "jewel; ball"}, "\u5168": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u7389": "jewel; ball"}, "\u6813": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5168": "whole; entire; all; complete; fulfill"}, "\u7406": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u91cc": "ri; village; parent's home; league"}, "\u4e3b": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u7389": "jewel; ball"}, "\u6ce8": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u4e3b": "lord; chief; master; main thing; principal"}, "\u67f1": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u4e3b": "lord; chief; master; main thing; principal"}, "\u91d1": {"\u91d1": "metal, gold, gold radical (no. 167)"}, "\u9291": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u5148": "before; ahead; previous; future; precedence"}, "\u9262": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u672c": "book; present; main; origin; true; real; counter for long cylindrical things"}, "\u9285": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u540c": "same; agree; equal"}, "\u91e3": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u52fa": "ladle; one tenth of a go; dip"}, "\u91dd": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u5341": "ten"}, "\u9298": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u540d": "name; noted; distinguished; reputation"}, "\u93ae": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u771f": "true; reality; Buddhist sect"}, "\u9053": {"\u9996": "neck; counter for songs and poems", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u5c0e": {"\u9053": "road-way; street; district; journey; course; moral; teachings", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u8fbb": {"\u5341": "ten", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u8fc5": {"\u5342": "to fly rapidly", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u9020": {"\u544a": "revelation; tell; inform; announce", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u8feb": {"\u767d": "white", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u9003": {"\u5146": "portent; 10**12; trillion; sign; omen; symptoms", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u8fba": {"\u5200": "sword; saber; knife", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u5de1": {"\u5ddb": "curving river radical (no.47)", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u8eca": {"\u8eca": "cart, car, car radical (no. 159)"}, "\u9023": {"\u8eca": "car", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u8ecc": {"\u8eca": "car", "\u4e5d": "nine"}, "\u8f38": {"\u8eca": "car", "\u516a": "steal"}, "\u55a9": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u516a": "steal"}, "\u524d": {"\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)", "\u6708": "month; moon", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u714e": {"\u524d": "in front; before", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u5404": {"\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u683c": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5404": "each; every; either"}, "\u8cc2": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish", "\u5404": "each; every; either"}, "\u7565": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u5404": "each; every; either"}, "\u5ba2": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u5404": "each; every; either"}, "\u984d": {"\u5ba2": "guest; visitor; customer; client", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u590f": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u81ea": "oneself", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)"}, "\u51e6": {"\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)", "\u51e0": "table; table enclosure; table or windy radical (no. 16)"}, "\u6761": {"\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u843d": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u6d1b": "Kyoto; the capital"}, "\u5197": {"\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u51e0": "table; table enclosure; table or windy radical (no. 16)"}, "\u51a5": {"\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u516d": "six"}, "\u8ecd": {"\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u8eca": "car"}, "\u8f1d": {"\u5149": "ray; light", "\u8ecd": "army; force; troops; war; battle"}, "\u904b": {"\u8ecd": "army; force; troops; war; battle", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u51a0": {"\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u5143": "beginning; former time; origin"}, "\u5922": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u5915": "evening"}, "\u5751": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u4ea2": "high spirits"}, "\u9ad8": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)"}, "\u4eab": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5b50": "child; sign of the rat; 11PM-1AM; first sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u587e": {"\u5b70": "which; how; who", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u719f": {"\u5b70": "which; how; who", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u4ead": {"\u9ad8": "tall; high; expensive", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u4e01": "street; ward; town; counter for guns, tools, leaves or cakes of something; even number; 4th calendar sign"}, "\u4eac": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5c0f": "little; small"}, "\u6dbc": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u4eac": "capital; 10**16"}, "\u666f": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u4eac": "capital; 10**16"}, "\u9be8": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u4eac": "capital; 10**16"}, "\u820e": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5409": "good luck; joy; congratulations"}, "\u5468": {"\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u5409": "good luck; joy; congratulations"}, "\u9031": {"\u5468": "circumference; circuit; lap", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u58eb": {"\u58eb": "scholar, bachelor (radical no. 33)"}, "\u5409": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u58ee": {"\u723f": "left-side kata radical (no. 91)", "\u58eb": "gentleman; samurai; samurai radical (no. 33)"}, "\u8358": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u58ee": "robust; manhood; prosperity"}, "\u58f2": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u5b66": {"\u5c0f": "small, insignificant", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u5b50": "child; sign of the rat; 11PM-1AM; first sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u899a": {"\u5c0f": "small, insignificant", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u898b": "see; hopes; chances; idea; opinion; look at; visible"}, "\u6804": {"\u5c0f": "small, insignificant", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u66f8": {"\u807f": "brush; finally; self; relate; follow; here; fast; writing brush radical (no. 129)", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u6d25": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u807f": "brush; finally; self; relate; follow; here; fast; writing brush radical (no. 129)"}, "\u7267": {"\u725b": "cow", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u653b": {"\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u6557": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u679a": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u6545": {"\u53e4": "old", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u656c": {"\u82df": "any; at all; in the least", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u8a00": {"\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u8b66": {"\u656c": "awe; respect; honor; revere", "\u8a00": "say"}, "\u8a08": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5341": "ten"}, "\u8a6e": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5168": "whole; entire; all; complete; fulfill"}, "\u7344": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u8a00": "say"}, "\u8a02": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u4e01": "street; ward; town; counter for guns, tools, leaves or cakes of something; even number; 4th calendar sign"}, "\u8a03": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u535c": "divination"}, "\u8a0e": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u8a13": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5ddb": "curving river radical (no.47)"}, "\u8a54": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u53ec": "seduce; call; send for; wear; put on; ride in; buy; eat; drink; catch (cold)"}, "\u8a70": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5409": "good luck; joy; congratulations"}, "\u8a71": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u820c": "tongue; reed; clapper"}, "\u8a60": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u6c38": "eternity; long; lengthy"}, "\u8a69": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5bfa": "Buddhist temple"}, "\u8a9e": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u543e": "I; my; our; one's own"}, "\u8aad": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u58f2": "sell"}, "\u8abf": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5468": "circumference; circuit; lap"}, "\u8ac7": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u708e": "inflammation; flame; blaze"}, "\u8afe": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u82e5": "young; if; perhaps; possibly; low number; immature"}, "\u8aed": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u516a": "steal"}, "\u5f0f": {"\u5f0b": "piling; ceremony radical (no. 56)", "\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)"}, "\u8a66": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5f0f": "style; ceremony; rite; function; method; system; form; expression"}, "\u5f10": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u5f0b": "piling; ceremony radical (no. 56)", "\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)"}, "\u57df": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u6216": "some; one; or; possibly; a certain"}, "\u8cca": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish", "\u620e": "warrior; arms; barbarian; Ainu"}, "\u683d": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u8f09": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)", "\u8eca": "car"}, "\u8302": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u620a": "5th calendar sign"}, "\u621a": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)", "\u4e0a": "above; up", "\u5c0f": "little; small"}, "\u6210": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)"}, "\u57ce": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u6210": "turn into; become; get; grow; elapse; reach"}, "\u8aa0": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u6210": "turn into; become; get; grow; elapse; reach"}, "\u5a01": {"\u620c": "sign of the dog; 7-9PM; eleventh sign of Chinese zodiac", "\u5973": "woman; female"}, "\u6ec5": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u620d": "protection", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u6e1b": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u54b8": "all; same"}, "\u8511": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u620d": "protection"}, "\u685f": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u6214": "damage; remain; slight"}, "\u92ad": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u6214": "damage; remain; slight"}, "\u6d45": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u6214": "damage; remain; slight"}, "\u6b62": {"\u6b62": "stop"}, "\u6b69": {"\u6b62": "stop; halt", "\u5c11": "few; little"}, "\u6e09": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u6b69": "walk; counter for steps"}, "\u983b": {"\u6b69": "walk; counter for steps", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u80af": {"\u6b62": "stop; halt", "\u6708": "month; moon"}, "\u4f01": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u6b62": "stop; halt"}, "\u6b74": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u6797": "grove; forest", "\u6b62": "stop; halt"}, "\u6b66": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u5f0b": "piling; ceremony radical (no. 56)", "\u6b62": "stop; halt"}, "\u8ce6": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish", "\u6b66": "warrior; military; chivalry; arms"}, "\u6b63": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u6b62": "stop; halt"}, "\u8a3c": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u6b63": "correct; justice; righteous; 10**40"}, "\u653f": {"\u6b63": "correct; justice; righteous; 10**40", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u5b9a": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u758b": "head; counter for animals"}, "\u9320": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u5b9a": "determine; fix; establish; decide"}, "\u8d70": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u8d85": {"\u8d70": "run", "\u53ec": "seduce; call; send for; wear; put on; ride in; buy; eat; drink; catch (cold)"}, "\u8d74": {"\u8d70": "run", "\u535c": "divination"}, "\u8d8a": {"\u8d70": "run", "\u6209": "warrior; arms; savage; Ainu"}, "\u662f": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u758b": "head; counter for animals"}, "\u984c": {"\u662f": "just so; this; right; justice", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u5824": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u662f": "just so; this; right; justice"}, "\u5efa": {"\u807f": "brush; finally; self; relate; follow; here; fast; writing brush radical (no. 129)", "\u5ef4": "long stride or stretching radical (no. 54)"}, "\u9375": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u5efa": "build"}, "\u5ef6": {"\u6b63": "correct; justice; righteous; 10**40", "\u5ef4": "long stride or stretching radical (no. 54)"}, "\u8a95": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5ef6": "prolong; stretching"}, "\u790e": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u695a": "whip; cane"}, "\u5a7f": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u80e5": "together; mutual; subordinate official"}, "\u8863": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)"}, "\u88c1": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)", "\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing"}, "\u88c5": {"\u58ee": "robust; manhood; prosperity", "\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing"}, "\u88cf": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u91cc": "ri; village; parent's home; league"}, "\u58ca": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u5341": "ten", "\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing"}, "\u54c0": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u9060": {"\u8881": "long kimono", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u733f": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u8881": "long kimono"}, "\u521d": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u5dfe": {"\u5dfe": "turban, scarf, scarf radical (no. 50)"}, "\u5e03": {"\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)"}, "\u5e06": {"\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)", "\u51e1": "mediocre"}, "\u5e45": {"\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)", "\u7550": "to fill; roll of cloth"}, "\u5e3d": {"\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)", "\u5192": "risk; face; defy; dare; damage; assume (a name)"}, "\u5e55": {"\u83ab": "must not; do not; be not", "\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)"}, "\u5e4c": {"\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)", "\u6643": "clear"}, "\u9326": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u5e1b": "cloth"}, "\u5e02": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)"}, "\u67ff": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5e02": "market; city; town"}, "\u59c9": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u5e02": "market; city; town"}, "\u80ba": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u5e02": "market; city; town"}, "\u5e2f": {"\u4e17": "thirty", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)"}, "\u6ede": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5e2f": "sash; belt; obi; zone; region"}, "\u523a": {"\u673f": "thorn", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u5236": {"\u725b": "cow", "\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u88fd": {"\u5236": "system; law; rule", "\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing"}, "\u8ee2": {"\u8eca": "car", "\u4e91": "say"}, "\u82b8": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u4e91": "say"}, "\u96e8": {"\u96e8": "rain, rain radical (no. 173)"}, "\u96f2": {"\u96e8": "rain", "\u4e91": "say"}, "\u66c7": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u96f2": "cloud"}, "\u96f7": {"\u96e8": "rain", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy"}, "\u971c": {"\u96e8": "rain", "\u76f8": "inter-; mutual; together; each other; minister of state; councillor; aspect; phase; physiognomy"}, "\u51ac": {"\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)", "\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)"}, "\u5929": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u5927": "large; big"}, "\u5996": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u592d": "early death; calamity"}, "\u6c83": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u592d": "early death; calamity"}, "\u6a4b": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u55ac": "high; boasting"}, "\u5b0c": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u55ac": "high; boasting"}, "\u7acb": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)"}, "\u6ce3": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect"}, "\u7ae0": {"\u97f3": "sound; noise", "\u65e9": "early; fast"}, "\u7af6": {"\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u5144": "elder brother; big brother"}, "\u5e1d": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)"}, "\u8ae6": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5e1d": "sovereign; the emperor; god; creator"}, "\u7ae5": {"\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u91cc": "ri; village; parent's home; league"}, "\u77b3": {"\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor", "\u7ae5": "juvenile; child"}, "\u9418": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u7ae5": "juvenile; child"}, "\u5546": {"\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u518f": "light; clear; bright"}, "\u5ae1": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u53e4": "old"}, "\u9069": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u53e4": "old", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u6ef4": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u53e4": "old"}, "\u6575": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u53e4": "old", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u5315": {"": ""}, "\u53f1": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u4e03": "seven"}, "\u5302": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u5315": "spoon; spoon or katakana hi radical (no. 21)"}, "\u9803": {"\u5315": "spoon; spoon or katakana hi radical (no. 21)", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u5317": {"\u5315": "spoon; spoon or katakana hi radical (no. 21)"}, "\u80cc": {"\u5317": "north", "\u8089": "meat"}, "\u6bd4": {"\u5315": "spoon; spoon or katakana hi radical (no. 21)"}, "\u6606": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u6bd4": "compare; race; ratio; Philipines"}, "\u7686": {"\u6bd4": "compare; race; ratio; Philipines", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u6977": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u7686": "all; everything"}, "\u8ae7": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u7686": "all; everything"}, "\u6df7": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u6606": "descendants; elder brother; insect"}, "\u6e07": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u66f7": "why; how; when"}, "\u8b01": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u66f7": "why; how; when"}, "\u8910": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u66f7": "why; how; when"}, "\u559d": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u66f7": "why; how; when"}, "\u845b": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u66f7": "why; how; when", "\u5302": "fragrant; stink; glow; insinuate; (kokuji)"}, "\u65e8": {"\u5315": "spoon; spoon or katakana hi radical (no. 21)", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u8102": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u65e8": "delicious; relish; show a liking for; purport; will; clever; expert"}, "\u8a63": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u65e8": "delicious; relish; show a liking for; purport; will; clever; expert"}, "\u58f1": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u5315": "spoon; spoon or katakana hi radical (no. 21)"}, "\u6bce": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u6bcb": "do not; must not; be not; mother radical (no. 80)"}, "\u654f": {"\u6bce": "every", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u6885": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u6bce": "every"}, "\u6d77": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u6bce": "every"}, "\u4e5e": {"\u4e59": "the latter; duplicate; strange; witty; fishhook radical (no. 5)"}, "\u4e7e": {"\u5341": "ten", "\u65e9": "early; fast", "\u4e5e": "beg; invite; ask"}, "\u8179": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u590d": "return; repeat; repeatedly"}, "\u8907": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u590d": "return; repeat; repeatedly"}, "\u6b20": {"\u6b20": "yawn, lack, yawn radical (no. 76)"}, "\u5439": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u6b20": "lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)"}, "\u708a": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u6b20": "lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)"}, "\u6b4c": {"\u54e5": "big brother", "\u6b20": "lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)"}, "\u8edf": {"\u8eca": "car", "\u6b20": "lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)"}, "\u6b21": {"\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)", "\u6b20": "lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)"}, "\u8328": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u6b21": "next; order; sequence"}, "\u8cc7": {"\u6b21": "next; order; sequence", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u59ff": {"\u6b21": "next; order; sequence", "\u5973": "woman; female"}, "\u8aee": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u54a8": "investigate"}, "\u8ce0": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish", "\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u57f9": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u5256": {"\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u97f3": {"\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u6697": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u97f3": "sound; noise"}, "\u97fb": {"\u97f3": "sound; noise", "\u54e1": "employee; member; number; the one in charge"}, "\u8b58": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u6220": "sword; potter's clay; to gather"}, "\u93e1": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u7adf": "end; finally"}, "\u5883": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u7adf": "end; finally"}, "\u4ea1": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u531a": "box-on-side enclosure radical (no. 22)"}, "\u76f2": {"\u4ea1": "deceased; the late; dying; perish", "\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor"}, "\u5984": {"\u4ea1": "deceased; the late; dying; perish", "\u5973": "woman; female"}, "\u8352": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u4ea1": "deceased; the late; dying; perish", "\u5ddb": "curving river radical (no.47)"}, "\u671b": {"\u4ea1": "deceased; the late; dying; perish", "\u6708": "month; moon", "\u7389": "jewel; ball"}, "\u65b9": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)"}, "\u59a8": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u65b9": "direction; person; alternative"}, "\u574a": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u65b9": "direction; person; alternative"}, "\u82b3": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u65b9": "direction; person; alternative"}, "\u80aa": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u65b9": "direction; person; alternative"}, "\u8a2a": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u65b9": "direction; person; alternative"}, "\u653e": {"\u65b9": "direction; person; alternative", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u6fc0": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u656b": "ancient musical instrument"}, "\u8131": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u514c": "exchange"}, "\u8aac": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u514c": "exchange"}, "\u92ed": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u514c": "exchange"}, "\u66fd": {"\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)<div>\u7530 rice field; rice paddy<br />\u65e5 day; sun; Japan; counter for days</div>"}, "\u5897": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u66fd": "formerly; once; before; ever; never; ex-"}, "\u8d08": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish", "\u66fd": "formerly; once; before; ever; never; ex-"}, "\u6771": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u68df": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u6771": "east"}, "\u51cd": {"\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)", "\u6771": "east"}, "\u598a": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u58ec": "9th calendar sign"}, "\u5ef7": {"\u58ec": "9th calendar sign", "\u5ef4": "long stride or stretching radical (no. 54)"}, "\u67d3": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u4e5d": "nine", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u71c3": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u7136": "sort of thing; so; if so; in that case; well"}, "\u8cd3": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u5c11": "few; little", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u6b73": {"\u6b62": "stop; halt", "\u620d": "protection"}, "\u770c": {"\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor", "\u5c0f": "little; small"}, "\u6803": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u4e07": "ten thousand; 10,000"}, "\u5730": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u4e5f": "to be (classical)"}, "\u6c60": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u4e5f": "to be (classical)"}, "\u866b": {"\u4e2d": "in; inside; middle; mean; center"}, "\u86cd": {"\u5c0f": "small, insignificant", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u866b": "insect; bug; temper"}, "\u86c7": {"\u866b": "insect; bug; temper", "\u5b83": "other"}, "\u8679": {"\u866b": "insect; bug; temper", "\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)"}, "\u8776": {"\u866b": "insect; bug; temper", "\u4e16": "generation; world; society; public", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u72ec": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u866b": "insect; bug; temper"}, "\u8695": {"\u5929": "heavens; sky; imperial", "\u866b": "insect; bug; temper"}, "\u98a8": {"\u51e0": "table; table enclosure; table or windy radical (no. 16)", "\u866b": "insect; bug; temper"}, "\u5df1": {"\u5df2": "oneself (radical no. 49)"}, "\u8d77": {"\u8d70": "run", "\u5df1": "self; snake; serpent"}, "\u5983": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u5df1": "self; snake; serpent"}, "\u6539": {"\u5df1": "self; snake; serpent", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u8a18": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5df1": "self; snake; serpent"}, "\u5305": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u5df1": "self; snake; serpent"}, "\u80de": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u5305": "wrap; pack up; cover; conceal"}, "\u7832": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u5305": "wrap; pack up; cover; conceal"}, "\u6ce1": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5305": "wrap; pack up; cover; conceal"}, "\u4e80": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u96fb": {"\u96e8": "rain", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u7adc": {"\u9f8d": "dragon; imperial"}, "\u6edd": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u7adc": "dragon; imperial"}, "\u8c5a": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u8c55": "pig; hog; pig radical (no. 152)"}, "\u9010": {"\u8c55": "pig; hog; pig radical (no. 152)", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u9042": {"\u8c55": "pig; hog; pig radical (no. 152)", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u5bb6": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u8c55": "pig; hog; pig radical (no. 152)"}, "\u5ac1": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u5bb6": "house; home; family; professional; expert; performer"}, "\u8c6a": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u8c55": "pig; hog; pig radical (no. 152)"}, "\u8178": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u661c": "open; sun"}, "\u5834": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u661c": "open; sun"}, "\u6e6f": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u661c": "open; sun"}, "\u7f8a": {"\u7f8a": "sheep, sheep radical (no. 123)"}, "\u7f8e": {"\u7f8a": "sheep", "\u5927": "large; big"}, "\u6d0b": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u7f8a": "sheep"}, "\u8a73": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u7f8a": "sheep"}, "\u9bae": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u7f8a": "sheep"}, "\u9054": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u7f8a": "sheep", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u7fa8": {"\u7f8a": "sheep", "\u6c34": "water", "\u6b20": "lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)"}, "\u5dee": {"\u7f8a": "sheep", "\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)"}, "\u7740": {"\u7f8a": "sheep", "\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor"}, "\u552f": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u5806": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u690e": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u8ab0": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u7126": {"\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u7901": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u7126": "char; hurry; impatient; irritate; burn; scorch; singe"}, "\u96c6": {"\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u51c6": {"\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u9032": {"\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u96d1": {"\u4e5d": "nine", "\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u96cc": {"\u6b64": "this; current; next; coming; last; past", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u6e96": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u96bc": "falcon"}, "\u596e": {"\u5927": "large; big", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy"}, "\u596a": {"\u5927": "large; big", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u78ba": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u96ba": "bird flying; high ambition"}, "\u5348": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u5e72": "dry; parch"}, "\u8a31": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5348": "noon; sign of the horse; 11AM-1PM; seventh sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u6b53": {"\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)", "\u6b20": "lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)"}, "\u6a29": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u89b3": {"\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)", "\u898b": "see; hopes; chances; idea; opinion; look at; visible"}, "\u7fbd": {"\u7fbd": "feather, wing, feather radical (no. 124)"}, "\u7fd2": {"\u7fbd": "feathers; counter for birds, rabbits", "\u767d": "white"}, "\u7fcc": {"\u7fbd": "feathers; counter for birds, rabbits", "\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect"}, "\u66dc": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u7fbd": "feathers; counter for birds, rabbits", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u6fef": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u7fbd": "feathers; counter for birds, rabbits", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u66f0": {"\u66f0": "say, say radical (no. 73)"}, "\u56f0": {"\u56d7": "box or enclosure radical (no. 31); box", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u56fa": {"\u56d7": "box or enclosure radical (no. 31); box", "\u53e4": "old"}, "\u932e": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u56fa": "harden; set; clot; curdle"}, "\u56fd": {"\u56d7": "box or enclosure radical (no. 31); box", "\u7389": "jewel; ball"}, "\u56e3": {"\u56d7": "box or enclosure radical (no. 31); box", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u56e0": {"\u56d7": "box or enclosure radical (no. 31); box", "\u5927": "large; big"}, "\u59fb": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u56e0": "cause; factor; be associated with; depend on; be limited to"}, "\u54bd": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u56e0": "cause; factor; be associated with; depend on; be limited to"}, "\u5712": {"\u56d7": "box or enclosure radical (no. 31); box", "\u8881": "long kimono"}, "\u56de": {"\u56d7": "box or enclosure radical (no. 31); box", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u58c7": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u4eb6": "truly; wholly; cordial"}, "\u5e97": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u5360": "fortune-telling; divining; forecasting; occupy; hold; have; get; take"}, "\u5eab": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u8eca": "car"}, "\u5ead": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u5ef7": "courts; imperial court; government office"}, "\u5e81": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u4e01": "street; ward; town; counter for guns, tools, leaves or cakes of something; even number; 4th calendar sign"}, "\u5e8a": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u9ebb": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u6797": "grove; forest"}, "\u78e8": {"\u9ebb": "hemp; flax", "\u77f3": "stone"}, "\u5fc3": {"\u5fc3": "heart, heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u5fd8": {"\u4ea1": "deceased; the late; dying; perish", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u6063": {"\u6b21": "next; order; sequence", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u5fcd": {"\u5203": "blade; sword; edge", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u8a8d": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5fcd": "endure; bear; put up with; conceal; secrete; spy; sneak"}, "\u5fcc": {"\u5df1": "self; snake; serpent", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u5fd7": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u8a8c": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5fd7": "intention; plan; resolve; aspire; motive; hopes; shilling"}, "\u82af": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u5fe0": {"\u4e2d": "in; inside; middle; mean; center", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u4e32": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u4e2d": "in; inside; middle; mean; center"}, "\u60a3": {"\u4e32": "shish kebab; spit; skewer", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u601d": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u6069": {"\u56e0": "cause; factor; be associated with; depend on; be limited to", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u5fdc": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u610f": {"\u97f3": "sound; noise", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u81c6": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u610f": "idea; mind; heart; taste; thought; desire; care; liking"}, "\u60f3": {"\u76f8": "inter-; mutual; together; each other; minister of state; councillor; aspect; phase; physiognomy", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u606f": {"\u81ea": "oneself", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u61a9": {"\u820c": "tongue; reed; clapper", "\u606f": "breath; respiration; son; interest (on money)"}, "\u6075": {"\u7531": "wherefore; a reason", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u6050": {"\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)", "\u51e1": "mediocre", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u60d1": {"\u6216": "some; one; or; possibly; a certain", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u611f": {"\u54b8": "all; same", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u6182": {"\u767e": "hundred", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)"}, "\u5be1": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u81ea": "oneself", "\u5206": "part; minute of time; segment; share; degree; one's lot; duty; understand; know; rate; 1%; chances; shaku/100"}, "\u5fd9": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u4ea1": "deceased; the late; dying; perish"}, "\u60a6": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u514c": "exchange"}, "\u6052": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u4e98": "span; request"}, "\u60bc": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u5353": "eminent; table; desk; high"}, "\u609f": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u543e": "I; my; our; one's own"}, "\u6016": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u5e03": "linen; cloth"}, "\u614c": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u8352": "laid waste; rough; rude; wild"}, "\u6094": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u6bce": "every"}, "\u618e": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u66fd": "formerly; once; before; ever; never; ex-"}, "\u6163": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u8cab": "pierce; 8 1/3lbs; penetrate; brace"}, "\u6109": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u516a": "steal"}, "\u60f0": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u5de6": "left", "\u6708": "month; moon"}, "\u614e": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u771f": "true; reality; Buddhist sect"}, "\u61be": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u611f": "emotion; feeling; sensation"}, "\u61b6": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u610f": "idea; mind; heart; taste; thought; desire; care; liking"}, "\u60e7": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u5177": "tool; utensil; means; possess; ingredients; counter for armor, suits, sets of furniture"}, "\u61a7": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u7ae5": "juvenile; child"}, "\u61ac": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u666f": "scenery; view"}, "\u6155": {"\u83ab": "must not; do not; be not", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u6dfb": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5fdd": "grateful; indebted", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u5fc5": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)"}, "\u6ccc": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5fc5": "invariably; certain; inevitable"}, "\u624b": {"\u624b": "hand, hand radical (no. 64)"}, "\u770b": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor"}, "\u6469": {"\u9ebb": "hemp; flax", "\u624b": "hand"}, "\u6211": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)", "\u4e85": "feathered stick; barb radical (no. 6)"}, "\u7fa9": {"\u7f8a": "sheep", "\u6211": "ego; I; selfish; our; oneself"}, "\u8b70": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u7fa9": "righteousness; justice; morality; honor; loyalty; meaning"}, "\u72a0": {"\u725b": "cow", "\u7fa9": "righteousness; justice; morality; honor; loyalty; meaning"}, "\u62b9": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u672b": "end; close; tip; powder; posterity"}, "\u62ed": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5f0f": "style; ceremony; rite; function; method; system; form; expression"}, "\u62c9": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect"}, "\u62b1": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5305": "wrap; pack up; cover; conceal"}, "\u642d": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u8345": "adzuki beans; thick"}, "\u6284": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5c11": "few; little"}, "\u6297": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u4ea2": "high spirits"}, "\u6279": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u6bd4": "compare; race; ratio; Philipines"}, "\u62db": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u53ec": "seduce; call; send for; wear; put on; ride in; buy; eat; drink; catch (cold)"}, "\u62d3": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u77f3": "stone"}, "\u62cd": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u767d": "white"}, "\u6253": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u4e01": "street; ward; town; counter for guns, tools, leaves or cakes of something; even number; 4th calendar sign"}, "\u62d8": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u53e5": "phrase; clause; sentence; passage; paragraph; counter for haiku"}, "\u6368": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u820e": "cottage; inn; hut; house; mansion"}, "\u62d0": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u6458": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u53e4": "old"}, "\u6311": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5146": "portent; 10**12; trillion; sign; omen; symptoms"}, "\u6307": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u65e8": "delicious; relish; show a liking for; purport; will; clever; expert"}, "\u6301": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5bfa": "Buddhist temple"}, "\u62f6": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5ddb": "curving river radical (no.47)", "\u5915": "evening"}, "\u62ec": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u820c": "tongue; reed; clapper"}, "\u63ee": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u8ecd": "army; force; troops; war; battle"}, "\u63a8": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u63da": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u661c": "open; sun"}, "\u63d0": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u662f": "just so; this; right; justice"}, "\u640d": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u54e1": "employee; member; number; the one in charge"}, "\u62fe": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5408": "fit; suit; join; 0.1"}, "\u62c5": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u65e6": "daybreak; dawn; morning"}, "\u62e0": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u51e6": "dispose; manage; deal with; sentence; condemn; act; behave; place"}, "\u63cf": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u82d7": "seedling; sapling; shoot"}, "\u64cd": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u54c1": "goods; refinement; dignity; article; counter for meal courses", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u63a5": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u59be": "concubine"}, "\u63b2": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u66f7": "why; how; when"}, "\u639b": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5366": "a divination sign"}, "\u6357": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u6b69": "walk; counter for steps"}, "\u7814": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u5e75": "put together"}, "\u6212": {"\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)", "\u5efe": "twenty; 20; twenty or letter H radical (no. 55)"}, "\u5f04": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u5efe": "twenty; 20; twenty or letter H radical (no. 55)"}, "\u68b0": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u6212": "commandment"}, "\u9f3b": {"\u81ea": "oneself", "\u7540": "to give"}, "\u5211": {"\u5e75": "put together", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u578b": {"\u5211": "punish; penalty; sentence; punishment", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u624d": {"\u624b": "hand"}, "\u8ca1": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish", "\u624d": "genius; years old; cubic shaku"}, "\u6750": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u624d": "genius; years old; cubic shaku"}, "\u5b58": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5b50": "child; sign of the rat; 11PM-1AM; first sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u5728": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u4e43": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)"}, "\u643a": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u96bd": "superior; outstanding; talented"}, "\u53ca": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u5438": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u53ca": "reach out; exert; exercise; cause"}, "\u6271": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u53ca": "reach out; exert; exercise; cause"}, "\u4e08": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u4e42": "mow; cut grass; subdue"}, "\u53f2": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u4e42": "mow; cut grass; subdue"}, "\u540f": {"\u4e08": "length; 10feet; measure; Mr.; Ms.; height; stature; all (one has); only; that's all; merely", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u66f4": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u4e42": "mow; cut grass; subdue"}, "\u786c": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u66f4": "grow late; night watch; sit up late; of course; renew; renovate; again; more and more; further"}, "\u6897": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u66f4": "grow late; night watch; sit up late; of course; renew; renovate; again; more and more; further"}, "\u53c8": {"\u53c8": "again, right hand, right hand radical (no. 29)"}, "\u53cc": {"\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u6851": {"\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u96bb": {"\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u8b77": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u96bb": "vessels; counter for ships; fish; birds; arrows; one of a pair"}, "\u7372": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u96bb": "vessels; counter for ships; fish; birds; arrows; one of a pair"}, "\u5974": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u6012": {"\u5974": "guy; slave; manservant; fellow", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u53cb": {"\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u629c": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u53cb": "friend"}, "\u6295": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u6bb3": "pike; windy-again radical (no. 79)"}, "\u6ca1": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u6bb3": "pike; windy-again radical (no. 79)"}, "\u80a1": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u6bb3": "pike; windy-again radical (no. 79)"}, "\u8a2d": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u6bb3": "pike; windy-again radical (no. 79)"}, "\u6483": {"\u8eca": "car", "\u6bb3": "pike; windy-again radical (no. 79)", "\u624b": "hand"}, "\u6bbb": {"\u58f3": "casing; shell; husk", "\u6bb3": "pike; windy-again radical (no. 79)"}, "\u652f": {"\u5341": "ten", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u6280": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u652f": "branch; support; sustain; branch radical (no. 65)"}, "\u679d": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u652f": "branch; support; sustain; branch radical (no. 65)"}, "\u80a2": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u652f": "branch; support; sustain; branch radical (no. 65)"}, "\u830e": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5723": "holy; sacred"}, "\u602a": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u5723": "holy; sacred"}, "\u8efd": {"\u8eca": "car", "\u5723": "holy; sacred"}, "\u53d4": {"\u4e0a": "above; up", "\u5c0f": "little; small", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u7763": {"\u53d4": "uncle; youth", "\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor"}, "\u5bc2": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u53d4": "uncle; youth"}, "\u6dd1": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u53d4": "uncle; youth"}, "\u53cd": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u5742": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u53cd": "anti-"}, "\u677f": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u53cd": "anti-"}, "\u8fd4": {"\u53cd": "anti-", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u8ca9": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish", "\u53cd": "anti-"}, "\u722a": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)"}, "\u59a5": {"\u722a": "claw; nail; talon", "\u5973": "woman; female"}, "\u4e73": {"\u5b5a": "sincere; nourish; encase", "\u4e59": "the latter; duplicate; strange; witty; fishhook radical (no. 5)"}, "\u6d6e": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5b5a": "sincere; nourish; encase"}, "\u6deb": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u722a": "claw; nail; talon", "\u58ec": "9th calendar sign"}, "\u5c06": {"\u723f": "left-side kata radical (no. 91)", "\u722a": "claw; nail; talon", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u5968": {"\u5c06": "leader; commander; general; admiral; or; and again; soon; from now on; just about", "\u5927": "large; big"}, "\u91c7": {"\u722a": "claw; nail; talon", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u63a1": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u91c7": "dice; form; appearance; take; coloring"}, "\u83dc": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u91c7": "dice; form; appearance; take; coloring"}, "\u53d7": {"\u722a": "claw; nail; talon", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u6388": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u53d7": "accept; undergo; answer (phone); take; get; catch; receive"}, "\u611b": {"\u722a": "claw; nail; talon", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)"}, "\u66d6": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u611b": "love; affection; favourite"}, "\u6255": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)"}, "\u5e83": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)"}, "\u52fe": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)"}, "\u62e1": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5e83": "wide; broad; spacious"}, "\u9271": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u5e83": "wide; broad; spacious"}, "\u5f01": {"\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)", "\u5efe": "twenty; 20; twenty or letter H radical (no. 55)"}, "\u96c4": {"\u53b7": "the fore-arm; the upper-arm; round", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u53f0": {"\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u6020": {"\u53f0": "pedestal; a stand; counter for machines and vehicles", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u6cbb": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u53f0": "pedestal; a stand; counter for machines and vehicles"}, "\u51b6": {"\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)", "\u53f0": "pedestal; a stand; counter for machines and vehicles"}, "\u59cb": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u53f0": "pedestal; a stand; counter for machines and vehicles"}, "\u80ce": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u53f0": "pedestal; a stand; counter for machines and vehicles"}, "\u7a93": {"\u7a74": "hole; aperture; slit; cave; den", "\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u53bb": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)"}, "\u6cd5": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u53bb": "gone; past; quit; leave; elapse; eliminate; divorce"}, "\u4f1a": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4e91": "say"}, "\u81f3": {"\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u5ba4": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u81f3": "climax; arrive; proceed; reach; attain; result in"}, "\u5230": {"\u81f3": "climax; arrive; proceed; reach; attain; result in", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u81f4": {"\u81f3": "climax; arrive; proceed; reach; attain; result in", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u4e92": {"\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)"}, "\u68c4": {"\u342c": "a cup with pendants; a pennant; wild; barren; uncultivated", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u80b2": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)", "\u6708": "month; moon"}, "\u64a4": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u80b2": "bring up; grow up; raise; rear", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u5145": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u5141": "license; sincerity; permit"}, "\u9283": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u5145": "allot; fill"}, "\u786b": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u342c": "a cup with pendants; a pennant; wild; barren; uncultivated"}, "\u6d41": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u342c": "a cup with pendants; a pennant; wild; barren; uncultivated"}, "\u5141": {"\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)", "\u513f": "legs radical (no. 10)"}, "\u5506": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u590b": "None"}, "\u51fa": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u51f5": "open box enclosure; open box radical (no. 17)"}, "\u5c71": {"\u5c71": "mountain, mountain radical (no. 46)"}, "\u62d9": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u51fa": "exit; leave; go out; come out; put out; protrude"}, "\u5ca9": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u77f3": "stone"}, "\u70ad": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u7070": "ashes; puckery juice; cremate"}, "\u5c90": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u652f": "branch; support; sustain; branch radical (no. 65)"}, "\u5ce0": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u4e0a": "above; up", "\u4e0b": "below; down; descend; give; low; inferior"}, "\u5d29": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u670b": "companion; friend"}, "\u5bc6": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u5fc5": "invariably; certain; inevitable", "\u5c71": "mountain"}, "\u871c": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u5fc5": "invariably; certain; inevitable", "\u866b": "insect; bug; temper"}, "\u5d50": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u98a8": "wind; air; style; manner"}, "\u5d0e": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u5947": "strange; strangeness; curiosity"}, "\u5d16": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u572d": "square jewel; corner; angle; edge"}, "\u5165": {"\u5165": "enter, enter radical (no. 11)"}, "\u8fbc": {"\u5165": "enter; insert", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u5206": {"\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u8ca7": {"\u5206": "part; minute of time; segment; share; degree; one's lot; duty; understand; know; rate; 1%; chances; shaku/100", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u9812": {"\u5206": "part; minute of time; segment; share; degree; one's lot; duty; understand; know; rate; 1%; chances; shaku/100", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u516c": {"\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)", "\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)"}, "\u677e": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u516c": "public; prince; official; governmental"}, "\u7fc1": {"\u516c": "public; prince; official; governmental", "\u7fbd": "feathers; counter for birds, rabbits"}, "\u8a1f": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u516c": "public; prince; official; governmental"}, "\u8c37": {"\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u6d74": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u8c37": "valley"}, "\u5bb9": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u8c37": "valley"}, "\u6eb6": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5bb9": "contain; form; looks"}, "\u6b32": {"\u8c37": "valley", "\u6b20": "lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)"}, "\u88d5": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u8c37": "valley"}, "\u925b": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u3563": "a marsh at the foot of the hills; name of a river"}, "\u6cbf": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u3563": "a marsh at the foot of the hills; name of a river"}, "\u8cde": {"\u5c1a": "esteem; furthermore; still; yet", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u515a": {"\u5c1a": "esteem; furthermore; still; yet", "\u5144": "elder brother; big brother"}, "\u5802": {"\u5c1a": "esteem; furthermore; still; yet", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u5e38": {"\u5c1a": "esteem; furthermore; still; yet", "\u540a": "suspend; hang; wear (sword)"}, "\u88f3": {"\u5c1a": "esteem; furthermore; still; yet", "\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing"}, "\u638c": {"\u5c1a": "esteem; furthermore; still; yet", "\u624b": "hand"}, "\u76ae": {"\u76ae": "skin, skin radical (no. 107)"}, "\u6ce2": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u76ae": "pelt; skin; hide; leather; skin radical (no. 107)"}, "\u5a46": {"\u6ce2": "waves; billows; Poland", "\u5973": "woman; female"}, "\u62ab": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u76ae": "pelt; skin; hide; leather; skin radical (no. 107)"}, "\u7834": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u76ae": "pelt; skin; hide; leather; skin radical (no. 107)"}, "\u88ab": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u76ae": "pelt; skin; hide; leather; skin radical (no. 107)"}, "\u6b8b": {"\u6b79": "bare bone; bad; wrong; death radical (n. 78)", "\u6214": "damage; remain; slight"}, "\u6b89": {"\u6b79": "bare bone; bad; wrong; death radical (n. 78)", "\u65ec": "decameron; 10-day period; season (for specific products)"}, "\u6b8a": {"\u6b79": "bare bone; bad; wrong; death radical (n. 78)", "\u6731": "vermilion; cinnabar; scarlet; red; bloody"}, "\u6b96": {"\u6b79": "bare bone; bad; wrong; death radical (n. 78)", "\u76f4": "straightaway; honesty; frankness; fix; repair"}, "\u5217": {"\u6b79": "bare bone; bad; wrong; death radical (n. 78)", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u88c2": {"\u5217": "file; row; rank; tier; column", "\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing"}, "\u70c8": {"\u5217": "file; row; rank; tier; column", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u6b7b": {"\u6b79": "bare bone; bad; wrong; death radical (n. 78)", "\u5315": "spoon; spoon or katakana hi radical (no. 21)"}, "\u846c": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u6b7b": "death; die", "\u5efe": "twenty; 20; twenty or letter H radical (no. 55)"}, "\u77ac": {"\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor", "\u821c": "type of morning glory; rose of Sharon; althea"}, "\u8033": {"\u8033": "ear, ear radical (no. 128)"}, "\u53d6": {"\u8033": "ear", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u8da3": {"\u8d70": "run", "\u53d6": "take; fetch; take up"}, "\u6700": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u53d6": "take; fetch; take up"}, "\u64ae": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u6700": "utmost; most; extreme"}, "\u6065": {"\u8033": "ear", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u8077": {"\u8033": "ear", "\u6220": "sword; potter's clay; to gather"}, "\u8056": {"\u8033": "ear", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u7389": "jewel; ball"}, "\u6562": {"\u8033": "ear", "\u6534": "strike; hit; folding chair radical (no. 66)"}, "\u8074": {"\u8033": "ear", "\u5341": "ten", "\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u61d0": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u5341": "ten", "\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing"}, "\u6162": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u66fc": "wide; beautiful"}, "\u6f2b": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u66fc": "wide; beautiful"}, "\u8cb7": {"\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u7f6e": {"\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u76f4": "straightaway; honesty; frankness; fix; repair"}, "\u7f70": {"\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u8a00": "say", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u5be7": {"\u5bcd": "used as a term of comparison", "\u4e01": "street; ward; town; counter for guns, tools, leaves or cakes of something; even number; 4th calendar sign"}, "\u6fc1": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u8700": "green caterpillar; Szechwan"}, "\u74b0": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u7758": "round; stare"}, "\u9084": {"\u7758": "round; stare", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u592b": {"\u5927": "large; big"}, "\u6276": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u592b": "husband; man"}, "\u6e13": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u595a": "servant; what; why"}, "\u898f": {"\u592b": "husband; man", "\u898b": "see; hopes; chances; idea; opinion; look at; visible"}, "\u66ff": {"\u592b": "husband; man", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u8cdb": {"\u592b": "husband; man", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u6f5c": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u66ff": "exchange; spare; substitute; per-"}, "\u5931": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u592b": "husband; man"}, "\u9244": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u5931": "lose; error; fault; disadvantage; loss"}, "\u8fed": {"\u5931": "lose; error; fault; disadvantage; loss", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u81e3": {"\u81e3": "minister, official (radical no. 131)"}, "\u59eb": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u81e3": "retainer; subject"}, "\u8535": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)"}, "\u81d3": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u8535": "storehouse; hide; own; have; possess"}, "\u8ce2": {"\u81e3": "retainer; subject", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u814e": {"\u81e3": "retainer; subject", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand", "\u8089": "meat"}, "\u5805": {"\u81e3": "retainer; subject", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u81e8": {"\u81e3": "retainer; subject", "\u54c1": "goods; refinement; dignity; article; counter for meal courses"}, "\u89a7": {"\u81e3": "retainer; subject", "\u898b": "see; hopes; chances; idea; opinion; look at; visible"}, "\u5de8": {"\u531a": "box-on-side enclosure radical (no. 22)", "\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)"}, "\u62d2": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5de8": "gigantic; big; large; great"}, "\u529b": {"\u529b": "power, force, katakana ka radical (no. 19)"}, "\u7537": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u52b4": {"\u5c0f": "small, insignificant", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u52df": {"\u83ab": "must not; do not; be not", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u52a3": {"\u5c11": "few; little", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u529f": {"\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u52e7": {"\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u52aa": {"\u5974": "guy; slave; manservant; fellow", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u52c3": {"\u5b5b": "comet; dark; obscure", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u52b1": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u4e07": "ten thousand; 10,000", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u52a0": {"\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u8cc0": {"\u52a0": "add; addition; increase; join; include; Canada", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u67b6": {"\u52a0": "add; addition; increase; join; include; Canada", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u8107": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u8105": {"\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert", "\u6708": "month; moon"}, "\u5354": {"\u5341": "ten", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u884c": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)"}, "\u5f8b": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u807f": "brush; finally; self; relate; follow; here; fast; writing brush radical (no. 129)"}, "\u5fa9": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u590d": "return; repeat; repeatedly"}, "\u5f97": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u65e6": "daybreak; dawn; morning", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u5f93": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u758b": "head; counter for animals"}, "\u5f92": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u8d70": "run"}, "\u5f85": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u5bfa": "Buddhist temple"}, "\u5f80": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u4e3b": "lord; chief; master; main thing; principal"}, "\u5f81": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u6b63": "correct; justice; righteous; 10**40"}, "\u5f84": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u5723": "holy; sacred"}, "\u5f7c": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u76ae": "pelt; skin; hide; leather; skin radical (no. 107)"}, "\u5f79": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u6bb3": "pike; windy-again radical (no. 79)"}, "\u5fb3": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u5341": "ten", "\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u5fb9": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u80b2": "bring up; grow up; raise; rear", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u5fb4": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u5c71": "mountain", "\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u61f2": {"\u5fb4": "indications; sign; omen; symptom; collect; seek; refer to; question", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u5fae": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u5c71": "mountain", "\u5140": "high & level; lofty; bald; dangerous", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u8857": {"\u884c": "going; journey", "\u572d": "square jewel; corner; angle; edge"}, "\u6841": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u884c": "going; journey"}, "\u8861": {"\u884c": "going; journey", "\u9b5a": "fish"}, "\u7a3f": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u9ad8": "tall; high; expensive"}, "\u7a3c": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u5bb6": "house; home; family; professional; expert; performer"}, "\u7a0b": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u5448": "display; offer; present; send; exhibit"}, "\u7a0e": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u514c": "exchange"}, "\u7a1a": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u548c": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u79fb": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u591a": "many; frequent; much"}, "\u79d2": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u5c11": "few; little"}, "\u79cb": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u6101": {"\u79cb": "autumn", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u79c1": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)"}, "\u79e9": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u5931": "lose; error; fault; disadvantage; loss"}, "\u79d8": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u5fc5": "invariably; certain; inevitable"}, "\u79f0": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u5c13": "you; that"}, "\u5229": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u68a8": {"\u5229": "profit; advantage; benefit", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u7a6b": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u96bb": "vessels; counter for ships; fish; birds; arrows; one of a pair"}, "\u7a42": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u6075": "favor; blessing; grace; kindness"}, "\u7a32": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u722a": "claw; nail; talon", "\u65e7": "old times; old things; old friend; former; ex-"}, "\u9999": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u5b63": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u5b50": "child; sign of the rat; 11PM-1AM; first sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u59d4": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u5973": "woman; female"}, "\u79c0": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u4e43": "from; possessive particle; whereupon; accordingly"}, "\u900f": {"\u79c0": "excel; excellence; beauty; surpass", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u8a98": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u79c0": "excel; excellence; beauty; surpass"}, "\u7a3d": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u5c24": "reasonable; just; natural; superb; outstanding; plausible", "\u65e8": "delicious; relish; show a liking for; purport; will; clever; expert"}, "\u7a40": {"\u58eb": "gentleman; samurai; samurai radical (no. 33)", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u6bb3": "pike; windy-again radical (no. 79)"}, "\u83cc": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u56d7": "box or enclosure radical (no. 31); box", "\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)"}, "\u840e": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u59d4": "committee; entrust to; leave to; devote; discard"}, "\u7c73": {"\u7c73": "rice, rice radical (no. 119)"}, "\u7c89": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u5206": "part; minute of time; segment; share; degree; one's lot; duty; understand; know; rate; 1%; chances; shaku/100"}, "\u7c98": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u5360": "fortune-telling; divining; forecasting; occupy; hold; have; get; take"}, "\u7c92": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect"}, "\u7ca7": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u5e84": "level"}, "\u8ff7": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u7c8b": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u5346": "soldier; private; die"}, "\u8b0e": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u8ff7": "astray; be perplexed; in doubt; lost; err; illusion"}, "\u7ce7": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u91cf": "quantity; measure; weight; amount; consider; estimate; surmise"}, "\u83ca": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre"}, "\u5965": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u5927": "large; big"}, "\u6570": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u5973": "woman; female", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u697c": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5a41": "frequently; tie"}, "\u985e": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u5927": "large; big", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u6f06": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u687c": "None"}, "\u819d": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u6c34": "water"}, "\u69d8": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u7f8a": "sheep", "\u6c34": "water"}, "\u6c42": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)"}, "\u7403": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u6c42": "request; want; wish for; require; demand"}, "\u6551": {"\u6c42": "request; want; wish for; require; demand", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u7af9": {"\u7af9": "bamboo, bamboo radical (no. 118)"}, "\u7b11": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u592d": "early death; calamity"}, "\u7b20": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect"}, "\u7b39": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u4e16": "generation; world; society; public"}, "\u7b8b": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u6214": "damage; remain; slight"}, "\u7b4b": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u808b": "rib"}, "\u7bb1": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u76f8": "inter-; mutual; together; each other; minister of state; councillor; aspect; phase; physiognomy"}, "\u7b46": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u807f": "brush; finally; self; relate; follow; here; fast; writing brush radical (no. 129)"}, "\u7b52": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u540c": "same; agree; equal"}, "\u7b49": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u5bfa": "Buddhist temple"}, "\u7b97": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor", "\u5efe": "twenty; 20; twenty or letter H radical (no. 55)"}, "\u7b54": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u5408": "fit; suit; join; 0.1"}, "\u7b56": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u673f": "thorn"}, "\u7c3f": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u6ea5": "far and wide"}, "\u7bc9": {"\u7b51": "an ancient musical instrument", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u7bed": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u7adc": "dragon; imperial"}, "\u4eba": {"\u4eba": "human, human radical (no. 9)"}, "\u4f50": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5de6": "left"}, "\u4fb6": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5442": "spine; backbone"}, "\u4f46": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u65e6": "daybreak; dawn; morning"}, "\u4f4f": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4e3b": "lord; chief; master; main thing; principal"}, "\u4f4d": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect"}, "\u4ef2": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4e2d": "in; inside; middle; mean; center"}, "\u4f53": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u672c": "book; present; main; origin; true; real; counter for long cylindrical things"}, "\u60a0": {"\u6538": "relaxed; at ease; place", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u4ef6": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u725b": "cow"}, "\u4ed5": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u58eb": "gentleman; samurai; samurai radical (no. 33)"}, "\u4ed6": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4e5f": "to be (classical)"}, "\u4f0f": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u72ac": "dog"}, "\u4f1d": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4e91": "say"}, "\u4ecf": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)"}, "\u4f11": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u4eee": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u53cd": "anti-"}, "\u4f0e": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u652f": "branch; support; sustain; branch radical (no. 65)"}, "\u4f2f": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u767d": "white"}, "\u4fd7": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u8c37": "valley"}, "\u4fe1": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u8a00": "say"}, "\u4f73": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u572d": "square jewel; corner; angle; edge"}, "\u4f9d": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing"}, "\u4f8b": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5217": "file; row; rank; tier; column"}, "\u500b": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u56fa": "harden; set; clot; curdle"}, "\u5065": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5efa": "build"}, "\u5074": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5247": "rule; follow; based on; model after"}, "\u4f8d": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5bfa": "Buddhist temple"}, "\u505c": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4ead": "pavilion; restaurant; mansion; arbor; cottage; vaudeville; music hall; stage name"}, "\u5024": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u76f4": "straightaway; honesty; frankness; fix; repair"}, "\u5023": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u653e": "set free; release; fire; shoot; emit; banish; liberate"}, "\u50b2": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u6556": "play; be proud"}, "\u5012": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5230": "arrival; proceed; reach; attain; result in"}, "\u5075": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u8c9e": "upright; chastity; constancy; righteousness"}, "\u50e7": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u66fd": "formerly; once; before; ever; never; ex-"}, "\u5104": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u610f": "idea; mind; heart; taste; thought; desire; care; liking"}, "\u5100": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u7fa9": "righteousness; justice; morality; honor; loyalty; meaning"}, "\u511f": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u8cde": "prize; reward; praise"}, "\u4ed9": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5c71": "mountain"}, "\u50ac": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5d14": "cliff; bluff; precipice"}, "\u4ec1": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)"}, "\u4fae": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u6bce": "every"}, "\u4f7f": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u540f": "officer; an official"}, "\u4fbf": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u66f4": "grow late; night watch; sit up late; of course; renew; renovate; again; more and more; further"}, "\u500d": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u512a": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u6182": "melancholy; grieve; lament; be anxious; sad; unhappy"}, "\u4f10": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)"}, "\u5bbf": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u4f70": "100; hundred; leader of 100 men; east-west path between paddies"}, "\u50b7": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u661c": "open; sun"}, "\u4fdd": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5446": "be amazed; disgusted; shocked"}, "\u8912": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u4fdd": "protect; guarantee; keep; preserve; sustain; support"}, "\u5091": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u6840": "measuring box"}, "\u4ed8": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u7b26": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u4ed8": "adhere; attach; refer to; append"}, "\u5e9c": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u4ed8": "adhere; attach; refer to; append"}, "\u4efb": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u58ec": "9th calendar sign"}, "\u8cc3": {"\u4efb": "responsibility; duty; term; entrust to; appoint", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u4ee3": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5f0b": "piling; ceremony radical (no. 56)"}, "\u888b": {"\u4ee3": "substitute; change; convert; replace; period; age; counter for decades of ages, eras, etc.; generation; charge; rate; fee", "\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing"}, "\u8cb8": {"\u4ee3": "substitute; change; convert; replace; period; age; counter for decades of ages, eras, etc.; generation; charge; rate; fee", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u5316": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5315": "spoon; spoon or katakana hi radical (no. 21)"}, "\u82b1": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5316": "change; take the form of; influence; enchant; delude; -ization"}, "\u8ca8": {"\u5316": "change; take the form of; influence; enchant; delude; -ization", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u50be": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u9803": "time; about; toward"}, "\u4f55": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u53ef": "can; passable; mustn't; should not; do not"}, "\u8377": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u4f55": "what"}, "\u4fca": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u590b": "None"}, "\u508d": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u65c1": "RHS of character; at same time"}, "\u4ffa": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5944": "cover; suffocate; obstruct"}, "\u4e45": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)"}, "\u755d": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u4e45": "long time; old story"}, "\u56da": {"\u56d7": "box or enclosure radical (no. 31); box", "\u4eba": "person"}, "\u5185": {"\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u4eba": "person"}, "\u4e19": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u5185": "inside; within; between; among; house; home"}, "\u67c4": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u4e19": "third class; 3rd; 3rd calendar sign"}, "\u8089": {"\u8089": "meat, meat radical (no. 130)"}, "\u8150": {"\u5e9c": "borough; urban prefecture; govt office; representative body; storehouse", "\u8089": "meat"}, "\u5ea7": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u5750": "sit"}, "\u632b": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5750": "sit"}, "\u5352": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u4ece": "two people", "\u5341": "ten"}, "\u5098": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4ece": "two people", "\u5341": "ten"}, "\u5301": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u4e42": "mow; cut grass; subdue"}, "\u4ee5": {"\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)", "\u4eba": "person"}, "\u4f3c": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4ee5": "by means of; because; in view of; compared with"}, "\u4f75": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5e76": "put together"}, "\u74e6": {"\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)"}, "\u74f6": {"\u5e76": "put together", "\u74e6": "tile; gram"}, "\u5bae": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u5442": "spine; backbone"}, "\u55b6": {"\u5c0f": "small, insignificant", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u5442": "spine; backbone"}, "\u5584": {"\u7f8a": "sheep", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u81b3": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u5584": "virtuous; good; goodness"}, "\u5e74": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u5e72": "dry; parch"}, "\u591c": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u4eba": "person", "\u5915": "evening"}, "\u6db2": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u591c": "night; evening"}, "\u585a": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u51a2": "mound; hillock"}, "\u5e63": {"\u655d": "be worn-out; be dilapidated; be defeated", "\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)"}, "\u853d": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u655d": "be worn-out; be dilapidated; be defeated"}, "\u5f0a": {"\u655d": "be worn-out; be dilapidated; be defeated", "\u5efe": "twenty; 20; twenty or letter H radical (no. 55)"}, "\u559a": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5950": "clear; bright"}, "\u63db": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5950": "clear; bright"}, "\u878d": {"\u9b32": "tripod", "\u866b": "insect; bug; temper"}, "\u65bd": {"\u65b9": "direction; person; alternative", "\u4e5f": "to be (classical)"}, "\u65cb": {"\u65b9": "direction; person; alternative", "\u758b": "head; counter for animals"}, "\u904a": {"\u65bf": "to swim; to move freely; to rove", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u65c5": {"\u65b9": "direction; person; alternative", "\u4eba": "person"}, "\u52ff": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)"}, "\u7269": {"\u725b": "cow", "\u52ff": "not; must not; do not; be not"}, "\u6613": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u52ff": "not; must not; do not; be not"}, "\u8cdc": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish", "\u6613": "easy; ready to; simple; fortune-telling; divination"}, "\u5c3f": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u6c34": "water"}, "\u5c3c": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u5315": "spoon; spoon or katakana hi radical (no. 21)"}, "\u5c3b": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u4e5d": "nine"}, "\u6ce5": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5c3c": "nun"}, "\u5840": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u5c4f": "wall; fence"}, "\u5c65": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u5fa9": "restore; return to; revert; resume"}, "\u5c4b": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u81f3": "climax; arrive; proceed; reach; attain; result in"}, "\u63e1": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5c4b": "roof; house; shop; dealer; seller"}, "\u5c48": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u51fa": "exit; leave; go out; come out; put out; protrude"}, "\u6398": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5c48": "yield; bend; flinch; submit"}, "\u5800": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u5c48": "yield; bend; flinch; submit"}, "\u5c45": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u53e4": "old"}, "\u636e": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5c45": "reside; to be; exist; live with"}, "\u88fe": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u5c45": "reside; to be; exist; live with"}, "\u5c64": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u66fd": "formerly; once; before; ever; never; ex-"}, "\u5c40": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u53e5": "phrase; clause; sentence; passage; paragraph; counter for haiku"}, "\u9045": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u7f8a": "sheep", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u6f0f": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u96e8": "rain"}, "\u5237": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u5c3a": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u5c3d": {"\u5c3a": "shaku; Japanese foot; measure; scale; rule", "\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)"}, "\u6ca2": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5c3a": "shaku; Japanese foot; measure; scale; rule"}, "\u8a33": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5c3a": "shaku; Japanese foot; measure; scale; rule"}, "\u629e": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5c3a": "shaku; Japanese foot; measure; scale; rule"}, "\u663c": {"\u5c3a": "shaku; Japanese foot; measure; scale; rule", "\u65e6": "daybreak; dawn; morning"}, "\u6238": {"\u6238": "door, house, door radical (no. 63)"}, "\u80a9": {"\u6238": "door; counter for houses; door radical (no. 63)", "\u6708": "month; moon"}, "\u623f": {"\u6238": "door; counter for houses; door radical (no. 63)", "\u65b9": "direction; person; alternative"}, "\u6247": {"\u6238": "door; counter for houses; door radical (no. 63)", "\u7fbd": "feathers; counter for birds, rabbits"}, "\u7089": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u6238": "door; counter for houses; door radical (no. 63)"}, "\u623b": {"\u6238": "door; counter for houses; door radical (no. 63)", "\u5927": "large; big"}, "\u6d99": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u623b": "re-; return; revert; resume; restore; go backwards"}, "\u96c7": {"\u6238": "door; counter for houses; door radical (no. 63)", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u9867": {"\u96c7": "employ; hire", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u5553": {"\u6238": "door; counter for houses; door radical (no. 63)", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u793a": {"\u793a": "altar, display (radical no. 113)"}, "\u793c": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u4e59": "the latter; duplicate; strange; witty; fishhook radical (no. 5)"}, "\u7965": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u7f8a": "sheep"}, "\u795d": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u5144": "elder brother; big brother"}, "\u798f": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u7550": "to fill; roll of cloth"}, "\u7949": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u6b62": "stop; halt"}, "\u793e": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u8996": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u898b": "see; hopes; chances; idea; opinion; look at; visible"}, "\u5948": {"\u5927": "large; big", "\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display"}, "\u5c09": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u6170": {"\u5c09": "military officer; jailer; old man; rank", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u6b3e": {"\u58eb": "gentleman; samurai; samurai radical (no. 33)", "\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u6b20": "lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)"}, "\u7981": {"\u6797": "grove; forest", "\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display"}, "\u895f": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u7981": "prohibition; ban; forbid"}, "\u5b97": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display"}, "\u5d07": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u5b97": "religion; sect; denomination; main point; origin; essence"}, "\u796d": {"\u6708": "month; moon", "\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display"}, "\u5bdf": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u796d": "ritual; offer prayers; celebrate; deify; enshrine; worship"}, "\u64e6": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5bdf": "guess; presume; surmise; judge; understand"}, "\u7531": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u62bd": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u7531": "wherefore; a reason"}, "\u6cb9": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u7531": "wherefore; a reason"}, "\u8896": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u7531": "wherefore; a reason"}, "\u5b99": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u7531": "wherefore; a reason"}, "\u5c4a": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u7531": "wherefore; a reason"}, "\u7b1b": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u8ef8": {"\u8eca": "car", "\u7531": "wherefore; a reason"}, "\u7532": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u62bc": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u7532": "armor; high (voice); A grade; first class; former; instep; carapace"}, "\u5cac": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u7532": "armor; high (voice); A grade; first class; former; instep; carapace"}, "\u633f": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5343": "thousand", "\u5341": "ten", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u7533": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u4f38": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u7533": "have the honor to; sign of the monkey; 3-5PM; ninth sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u795e": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u7533": "have the honor to; sign of the monkey; 3-5PM; ninth sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u635c": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u53df": "old person"}, "\u679c": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u83d3": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u679c": "fruit; reward; carry out; achieve; complete; end; finish; succeed"}, "\u8ab2": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u679c": "fruit; reward; carry out; achieve; complete; end; finish; succeed"}, "\u88f8": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u679c": "fruit; reward; carry out; achieve; complete; end; finish; succeed"}, "\u65a4": {"\u65a4": "axe, axe radical (no. 69)"}, "\u6790": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u65a4": "axe; 1.32 lb; catty; counter for loaves of bread; axe radical (no. 69)"}, "\u6240": {"\u6238": "door; counter for houses; door radical (no. 63)", "\u65a4": "axe; 1.32 lb; catty; counter for loaves of bread; axe radical (no. 69)"}, "\u7948": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u65a4": "axe; 1.32 lb; catty; counter for loaves of bread; axe radical (no. 69)"}, "\u8fd1": {"\u65a4": "axe; 1.32 lb; catty; counter for loaves of bread; axe radical (no. 69)", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u6298": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u65a4": "axe; 1.32 lb; catty; counter for loaves of bread; axe radical (no. 69)"}, "\u54f2": {"\u6298": "fold; break; fracture; bend; yield; submit", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u901d": {"\u6298": "fold; break; fracture; bend; yield; submit", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u8a93": {"\u6298": "fold; break; fracture; bend; yield; submit", "\u8a00": "say"}, "\u65ac": {"\u8eca": "car", "\u65a4": "axe; 1.32 lb; catty; counter for loaves of bread; axe radical (no. 69)"}, "\u66ab": {"\u65ac": "beheading; kill; murder", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u6f38": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u65ac": "beheading; kill; murder"}, "\u65ad": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u65a4": "axe; 1.32 lb; catty; counter for loaves of bread; axe radical (no. 69)"}, "\u8cea": {"\u65a4": "axe; 1.32 lb; catty; counter for loaves of bread; axe radical (no. 69)", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u65a5": {"\u65a4": "axe; 1.32 lb; catty; counter for loaves of bread; axe radical (no. 69)", "\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)"}, "\u8a34": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u65a5": "reject; retreat; recede; withdraw; repel; repulse"}, "\u6628": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u4e4d": "though; notwithstanding; while; during; both; all"}, "\u8a50": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u4e4d": "though; notwithstanding; while; during; both; all"}, "\u4f5c": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4e4d": "though; notwithstanding; while; during; both; all"}, "\u96ea": {"\u96e8": "rain", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)"}, "\u9332": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u5f54": "to carve wood"}, "\u5265": {"\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u6c34": "water", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u5c0b": {"\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u6025": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u7a4f": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u722a": "claw; nail; talon", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u4fb5": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u6d78": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u5bdd": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u723f": "left-side kata radical (no. 91)", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u5a66": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u5e1a": "broom"}, "\u6383": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5e1a": "broom"}, "\u5f53": {"\u5c0f": "little; small", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)"}, "\u5f59": {"\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u679c": "fruit; reward; carry out; achieve; complete; end; finish; succeed"}, "\u4e89": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u4e85": "feathered stick; barb radical (no. 6)"}, "\u6d44": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u4e89": "contend; dispute; argue"}, "\u4e8b": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u4e85": "feathered stick; barb radical (no. 6)"}, "\u5510": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u7cd6": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u5510": "T'ang; China"}, "\u5eb7": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u96b6": "extend; give; cast; slave radical (no. 171)"}, "\u902e": {"\u96b6": "extend; give; cast; slave radical (no. 171)", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u4f0a": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5c39": "an official rank"}, "\u541b": {"\u5c39": "an official rank", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u7fa4": {"\u541b": "mister; you; ruler; male name suffix", "\u7f8a": "sheep"}, "\u8010": {"\u800c": "rake", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u9700": {"\u96e8": "rain", "\u800c": "rake"}, "\u5112": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u9700": "demand; request; need"}, "\u7aef": {"\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u8011": "specialized; concentrated"}, "\u4e21": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u5c71": "mountain"}, "\u6e80": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5eff": "twenty; 20"}, "\u753b": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u7531": "wherefore; a reason", "\u51f5": "open box enclosure; open box radical (no. 17)"}, "\u6b6f": {"\u6b62": "stop; halt", "\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u51f5": "open box enclosure; open box radical (no. 17)"}, "\u66f2": {"\u66f0": "say; reason; pretext; history; past; flat sun radical (no. 73)", "\u5efe": "twenty; 20; twenty or letter H radical (no. 55)"}, "\u66f9": {"\u66f2": "bend; music; melody; composition; pleasure; injustice; fault; curve; crooked; perverse; lean", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u906d": {"\u66f9": "cadet; friend", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u6f15": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u66f9": "cadet; friend"}, "\u69fd": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u66f9": "cadet; friend"}, "\u6597": {"\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)"}, "\u6599": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u6597": "Big Dipper; 10 sho (vol); sake dipper; dots and cross radical (no. 68)"}, "\u79d1": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u6597": "Big Dipper; 10 sho (vol); sake dipper; dots and cross radical (no. 68)"}, "\u56f3": {"\u56d7": "box or enclosure radical (no. 31); box", "\u4e42": "mow; cut grass; subdue"}, "\u7528": {"\u7528": "use (radical no. 101)"}, "\u5eb8": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u7528": "utilize; business; service; use; employ"}, "\u5099": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u7528": "utilize; business; service; use; employ"}, "\u6614": {"\u5efe": "twenty; 20; twenty or letter H radical (no. 55)", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u932f": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u6614": "once upon a time; antiquity; old times"}, "\u501f": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u6614": "once upon a time; antiquity; old times"}, "\u60dc": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u6614": "once upon a time; antiquity; old times"}, "\u63aa": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u6614": "once upon a time; antiquity; old times"}, "\u6563": {"\u6708": "month; moon", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u5eff": {"\u5efe": "twenty; 20; twenty or letter H radical (no. 55)"}, "\u5eb6": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u5eff": "twenty; 20", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u906e": {"\u5eb6": "commoner; all; bastard", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u5e2d": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u5eff": "twenty; 20", "\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)"}, "\u5ea6": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u5eff": "twenty; 20", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u6e21": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5ea6": "degrees; occurrence; time; counter for occurrences"}, "\u5954": {"\u5927": "large; big", "\u5349": "grass"}, "\u5674": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u8cc1": "decorate"}, "\u58b3": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u8cc1": "decorate"}, "\u61a4": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u8cc1": "decorate"}, "\u713c": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u5c2d": "high; far"}, "\u6681": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5c2d": "high; far"}, "\u534a": {"\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)", "\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)", "\u5341": "ten"}, "\u4f34": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u534a": "half; middle; odd number; semi-; part-"}, "\u7554": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u534a": "half; middle; odd number; semi-; part-"}, "\u5224": {"\u534a": "half; middle; odd number; semi-; part-", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u62f3": {"\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)", "\u4eba": "person", "\u624b": "hand"}, "\u5238": {"\ud841\udd09": "None", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u5dfb": {"\ud841\udd09": "None", "\u5df1": "self; snake; serpent"}, "\u570f": {"\u56d7": "box or enclosure radical (no. 31); box", "\u5dfb": "scroll; volume; book; part; roll up; wind up; tie; coil; counter for texts (or book scrolls)"}, "\u52dd": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u52b5": "become fatigued; stop"}, "\u85e4": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u6ed5": "rising water"}, "\u8b04": {"\u6715": "majestic plural; imperial we", "\u8a00": "say"}, "\u7247": {"\u7247": "(a) slice, slice radical (no. 91)"}, "\u7248": {"\u7247": "one-sided; leaf; sheet; right-side kata radical (no. 91)", "\u53cd": "anti-"}, "\u4e4b": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)"}, "\u4e4f": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u4e4b": "of; this"}, "\u829d": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u4e4b": "of; this"}, "\u4e0d": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u5426": {"\u4e0d": "negative; non-; bad; ugly; clumsy", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u676f": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u4e0d": "negative; non-; bad; ugly; clumsy"}, "\u77e2": {"\u5929": "heavens; sky; imperial"}, "\u77ef": {"\u77e2": "dart; arrow", "\u55ac": "high; boasting"}, "\u65cf": {"\u65b9": "direction; person; alternative", "\u77e2": "dart; arrow"}, "\u77e5": {"\u77e2": "dart; arrow", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u667a": {"\u77e5": "know; wisdom", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u6328": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u77e3": "sentence particle"}, "\u77db": {"\u4e88": "beforehand; previous; myself; I", "\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)"}, "\u67d4": {"\u77db": "halberd; arms; festival float", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u52d9": {"\u77db": "halberd; arms; festival float", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u9727": {"\u96e8": "rain", "\u52d9": "task; duties"}, "\u73ed": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u5e30": {"\u5200": "sword; saber; knife", "\u5e1a": "broom"}, "\u5f13": {"\u5f13": "bow, bow radical (no. 57)"}, "\u5f15": {"\u5f13": "bow; bow (archery, violin)", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u5f14": {"\u5f13": "bow; bow (archery, violin)", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u5f18": {"\u5f13": "bow; bow (archery, violin)", "\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)"}, "\u5f37": {"\u5f13": "bow; bow (archery, violin)", "\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)", "\u866b": "insect; bug; temper"}, "\u5f25": {"\u5f13": "bow; bow (archery, violin)", "\u5c13": "you; that"}, "\u5f31": {"\u5f13": "bow; bow (archery, violin)", "\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)"}, "\u6eba": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5f31": "weak; frail"}, "\u6cb8": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5f17": "dollar"}, "\u8cbb": {"\u5f17": "dollar", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u7b2c": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u5f14": "condolences; mourning; funeral", "\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)"}, "\u5f1f": {"\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)", "\u5f14": "condolences; mourning; funeral", "\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)"}, "\u5de7": {"\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)", "\u4e02": "obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters"}, "\u53f7": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)"}, "\u673d": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u4e02": "obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters"}, "\u8a87": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5938": "boast"}, "\u984e": {"\u54a2": "outspokenly", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u6c5a": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)"}, "\u4e0e": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)"}, "\u5199": {"\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u4e0e": "bestow; participate in; give; award; impart; provide; cause; gift; godsend"}, "\u8eab": {"\u8eab": "body, body radical (no. 158)"}, "\u5c04": {"\u8eab": "somebody; person; one's station in life", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u8b1d": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5c04": "shoot; shine into; onto; archery"}, "\u8001": {"\u8001": "old man; old age; grow old", "\u5315": "spoon; spoon or katakana hi radical (no. 21)"}, "\u8003": {"\u8001": "old man; old age; grow old", "\u4e02": "obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters"}, "\u5b5d": {"\u8001": "old man; old age; grow old", "\u5b50": "child; sign of the rat; 11PM-1AM; first sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u6559": {"\u5b5d": "filial piety; child's respect", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u62f7": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u8003": "consider; think over"}, "\u8005": {"\u8001": "old man; old age; grow old", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u716e": {"\u8005": "someone; person", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u8457": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u8005": "someone; person"}, "\u7bb8": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u8005": "someone; person"}, "\u7f72": {"\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u8005": "someone; person"}, "\u6691": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u8005": "someone; person"}, "\u8af8": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u8005": "someone; person"}, "\u732a": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u8005": "someone; person"}, "\u6e1a": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u8005": "someone; person"}, "\u8ced": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish", "\u8005": "someone; person"}, "\u5ce1": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u593e": "insert between"}, "\u72ed": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u593e": "insert between"}, "\u631f": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u593e": "insert between"}, "\u982c": {"\u593e": "insert between", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u8ffd": {"\ud840\udca4": "None", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u961c": {"\ud840\udca4": "None", "\u5341": "ten"}, "\u5e2b": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)", "\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)"}, "\u5e25": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)"}, "\u5b98": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u68fa": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5b98": "bureaucrat; the government"}, "\u7ba1": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u5b98": "bureaucrat; the government"}, "\u7236": {"\u7236": "father, father radical (no. 88)"}, "\u91dc": {"\u7236": "father", "\u91d1": "gold"}, "\u4ea4": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u7236": "father"}, "\u52b9": {"\u4ea4": "mingle; mixing; association; coming & going", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u8f03": {"\u8eca": "car", "\u4ea4": "mingle; mixing; association; coming & going"}, "\u6821": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u4ea4": "mingle; mixing; association; coming & going"}, "\u8db3": {"\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u4fc3": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u8db3": "leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear"}, "\u6349": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u8db3": "leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear"}, "\u8ddd": {"\u8db3": "leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear", "\u5de8": "gigantic; big; large; great"}, "\u8def": {"\u8db3": "leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear", "\u5404": "each; every; either"}, "\u9732": {"\u96e8": "rain", "\u8def": "path; route; road; distance"}, "\u8df3": {"\u8db3": "leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear", "\u5146": "portent; 10**12; trillion; sign; omen; symptoms"}, "\u8e8d": {"\u8db3": "leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear", "\u7fbd": "feathers; counter for birds, rabbits", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u8df5": {"\u8db3": "leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear", "\u6214": "damage; remain; slight"}, "\u8e0f": {"\u8db3": "leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear", "\u6c93": "shoes; boots"}, "\u8e2a": {"\u8db3": "leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear", "\u5b97": "religion; sect; denomination; main point; origin; essence"}, "\u9aa8": {"\u6708": "month; moon"}, "\u6ed1": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u9aa8": "skeleton; bone; remains; frame"}, "\u9ac4": {"\u9aa8": "skeleton; bone; remains; frame", "\u6709": "possess; have; exist; happen; occur; approx", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u798d": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u54bc": "crooked mouth; evil; dishonest"}, "\u6e26": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u54bc": "crooked mouth; evil; dishonest"}, "\u934b": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u54bc": "crooked mouth; evil; dishonest"}, "\u904e": {"\u54bc": "crooked mouth; evil; dishonest", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u962a": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u53cd": "anti-"}, "\u963f": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u53ef": "can; passable; mustn't; should not; do not"}, "\u969b": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u796d": "ritual; offer prayers; celebrate; deify; enshrine; worship"}, "\u969c": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u7ae0": "badge; chapter; composition; poem; design"}, "\u9699": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u5c0f": "little; small", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u968f": {"\u964f": "melon; wrap", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u966a": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u967d": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u661c": "open; sun"}, "\u9673": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u6771": "east"}, "\u9632": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u65b9": "direction; person; alternative"}, "\u9644": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u4ed8": "adhere; attach; refer to; append"}, "\u9662": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u5b8c": "perfect; completion; end"}, "\u9663": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u8eca": "car"}, "\u968a": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u8c55": "pig; hog; pig radical (no. 152)"}, "\u589c": {"\u968a": "regiment; party; company; squad", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u964d": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u5905": "to descend; to come down from heaven; to send down"}, "\u968e": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u7686": "all; everything"}, "\u965b": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u6bd4": "compare; race; ratio; Philipines", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u96a3": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u821b": "dancing radical (no. 136)"}, "\u9694": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u9b32": "tripod"}, "\u96a0": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u722a": "claw; nail; talon", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u5815": {"\u964f": "melon; wrap", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u9665": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u65e7": "old times; old things; old friend; former; ex-"}, "\u7a74": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u7a7a": {"\u7a74": "hole; aperture; slit; cave; den", "\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)"}, "\u63a7": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u7a7a": "empty; sky; void; vacant; vacuum"}, "\u7a81": {"\u7a74": "hole; aperture; slit; cave; den", "\u5927": "large; big"}, "\u7a76": {"\u7a74": "hole; aperture; slit; cave; den", "\u4e5d": "nine"}, "\u7a92": {"\u7a74": "hole; aperture; slit; cave; den", "\u81f3": "climax; arrive; proceed; reach; attain; result in"}, "\u7a83": {"\u7a74": "hole; aperture; slit; cave; den", "\u5207": "cut; cutoff; be sharp"}, "\u7a9f": {"\u7a74": "hole; aperture; slit; cave; den", "\u5c48": "yield; bend; flinch; submit"}, "\u7aaa": {"\u7a74": "hole; aperture; slit; cave; den", "\u6c34": "water", "\u572d": "square jewel; corner; angle; edge"}, "\u643e": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u7a84": "narrow; fold; furl; shrug; pucker; shut; close"}, "\u7aaf": {"\u7a74": "hole; aperture; slit; cave; den", "\u7f94": "lamb"}, "\u7aae": {"\u7a74": "hole; aperture; slit; cave; den", "\u8eac": "body; self"}, "\u63a2": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u34c1": "a net; net-like; radical 122", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u6df1": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u34c1": "a net; net-like; radical 122", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u4e18": {"\u65a4": "axe; 1.32 lb; catty; counter for loaves of bread; axe radical (no. 69)", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)"}, "\u5cb3": {"\u4e18": "hill; knoll", "\u5c71": "mountain"}, "\u5175": {"\u4e18": "hill; knoll", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u6d5c": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5175": "soldier; private; troops; army; warfare; strategy; tactics"}, "\u7cf8": {"\u7cf8": "thread, string, thread radical (no. 120)"}, "\u7e54": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u6220": "sword; potter's clay; to gather"}, "\u7e55": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5584": "virtuous; good; goodness"}, "\u7e2e": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5bbf": "inn; lodging; relay station; dwell; lodge; be pregnant; home; dwelling"}, "\u7e41": {"\u654f": "cleverness; agile; alert", "\u7cf8": "thread"}, "\u7e26": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5f93": "accompany; obey; submit to; comply; follow; secondary; incidental; subordinate"}, "\u7dfb": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u81f4": "doth; do; send; forward; cause; exert; incur; engage"}, "\u7dda": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u6cc9": "spring; fountain"}, "\u7dbb": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5b9a": "determine; fix; establish; decide"}, "\u7de0": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5e1d": "sovereign; the emperor; god; creator"}, "\u7dad": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u7f85": {"\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u7dad": "fiber; tie; rope"}, "\u7df4": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u6771": "east"}, "\u7dd2": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u8005": "someone; person"}, "\u7d9a": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u58f2": "sell"}, "\u7d75": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u4f1a": "meeting; meet; party; association; interview; join"}, "\u7d71": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5145": "allot; fill"}, "\u7d5e": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u4ea4": "mingle; mixing; association; coming & going"}, "\u7d66": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5408": "fit; suit; join; 0.1"}, "\u7d61": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5404": "each; every; either"}, "\u7d50": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5409": "good luck; joy; congratulations"}, "\u7d42": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u51ac": "winter"}, "\u7d1a": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u53ca": "reach out; exert; exercise; cause"}, "\u7d00": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5df1": "self; snake; serpent"}, "\u7d05": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)"}, "\u7d0d": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5185": "inside; within; between; among; house; home"}, "\u7d21": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u65b9": "direction; person; alternative"}, "\u7d1b": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5206": "part; minute of time; segment; share; degree; one's lot; duty; understand; know; rate; 1%; chances; shaku/100"}, "\u7d39": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u53ec": "seduce; call; send for; wear; put on; ride in; buy; eat; drink; catch (cold)"}, "\u7d4c": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5723": "holy; sacred"}, "\u7d33": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u7533": "have the honor to; sign of the monkey; 3-5PM; ninth sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u7d04": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u52fa": "ladle; one tenth of a go; dip"}, "\u7d30": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy"}, "\u7d2f": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u7cf8": "thread"}, "\u7d22": {"\u5341": "ten", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u7cf8": "thread"}, "\u7dcf": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5fe9": "rush; hurry; be flustered"}, "\u7dbf": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5e1b": "cloth"}, "\u7d79": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u8099": "a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty"}, "\u7e70": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u54c1": "goods; refinement; dignity; article; counter for meal courses", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u7d99": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre"}, "\u7dd1": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5f54": "to carve wood"}, "\u7e01": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5f56": "divination"}, "\u7db2": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u7f54": "net"}, "\u7dca": {"\u81e3": "retainer; subject", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand", "\u7cf8": "thread"}, "\u7d2b": {"\u6b64": "this; current; next; coming; last; past", "\u7cf8": "thread"}, "\u7e1b": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5c03": "to state to; to announce"}, "\u7e04": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u5e7c": {"\u5e7a": "short thread radical (no. 52)", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u5f8c": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u5e7a": "short thread radical (no. 52)", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)"}, "\u5e7d": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u5e7a": "short thread radical (no. 52)"}, "\u5e7e": {"\u5e7a": "short thread radical (no. 52)", "\u620c": "sign of the dog; 7-9PM; eleventh sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u6a5f": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5e7e": "how many; how much; how far; how long; some; several"}, "\u757f": {"\u620c": "sign of the dog; 7-9PM; eleventh sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u7384": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u5e7a": "short thread radical (no. 52)"}, "\u755c": {"\u7384": "mysterious; occultness", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy"}, "\u84c4": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u755c": "livestock; domestic fowl and animals"}, "\u5f26": {"\u5f13": "bow; bow (archery, violin)", "\u7384": "mysterious; occultness"}, "\u64c1": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u96cd": "softening; mitigation"}, "\u6ecb": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u8332": "here"}, "\u6148": {"\u8332": "here", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u78c1": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u8332": "here"}, "\u7cfb": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u7cf8": "thread"}, "\u4fc2": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u7cfb": "lineage; system"}, "\u5b6b": {"\u5b50": "child; sign of the rat; 11PM-1AM; first sign of Chinese zodiac", "\u7cfb": "lineage; system"}, "\u61f8": {"\u7e23": "county; district; subdivision", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u905c": {"\u5b6b": "grandchild; descendants", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u5374": {"\u53bb": "gone; past; quit; leave; elapse; eliminate; divorce", "\u5369": "seal radical (no. 26)"}, "\u811a": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u5374": "instead; on the contrary; rather"}, "\u5378": {"\u5348": "noon; sign of the horse; 11AM-1PM; seventh sign of Chinese zodiac", "\u6b63": "correct; justice; righteous; 10**40", "\u5369": "seal radical (no. 26)"}, "\u5fa1": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u5378": "wholesale"}, "\u670d": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u5369": "seal radical (no. 26)", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u547d": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5369": "seal radical (no. 26)"}, "\u4ee4": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u30de": "None"}, "\u96f6": {"\u96e8": "rain", "\u4ee4": "orders; ancient laws; command; decree"}, "\u9f62": {"\u9f52": "tooth; cog", "\u4ee4": "orders; ancient laws; command; decree"}, "\u51b7": {"\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)", "\u4ee4": "orders; ancient laws; command; decree"}, "\u9818": {"\u4ee4": "orders; ancient laws; command; decree", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u9234": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u4ee4": "orders; ancient laws; command; decree"}, "\u52c7": {"\u30de": "None", "\u7537": "male"}, "\u6e67": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u52c7": "courage; cheer up; be in high spirits; bravery; heroism"}, "\u901a": {"\u752c": "road with walls on both sides", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u8e0a": {"\u8db3": "leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear", "\u752c": "road with walls on both sides"}, "\u7591": {"\u5315": "spoon; spoon or katakana hi radical (no. 21)", "\u77e2": "dart; arrow", "\u30de": "None", "\u758b": "head; counter for animals"}, "\u64ec": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u7591": "doubt; distrust; be suspicious; question"}, "\u51dd": {"\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)", "\u7591": "doubt; distrust; be suspicious; question"}, "\u7bc4": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u8eca": "car", "\u5369": "seal radical (no. 26)"}, "\u72af": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u5369": "seal radical (no. 26)"}, "\u6c3e": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5369": "seal radical (no. 26)"}, "\u5384": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u5369": "seal radical (no. 26)"}, "\u5371": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u5384": "unlucky; misfortune; bad luck; disaster"}, "\u5b9b": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u5915": "evening", "\u5369": "seal radical (no. 26)"}, "\u8155": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u5b9b": "address; just like; fortunately"}, "\u82d1": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5915": "evening", "\u5369": "seal radical (no. 26)"}, "\u6028": {"\u5915": "evening", "\u5369": "seal radical (no. 26)", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u67f3": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u536f": "sign of the hare or rabbit; 5-7AM; fourth sign of Chinese zodiac; east"}, "\u5375": {"\u536f": "sign of the hare or rabbit; 5-7AM; fourth sign of Chinese zodiac; east"}, "\u7559": {"\u536f": "sign of the hare or rabbit; 5-7AM; fourth sign of Chinese zodiac; east", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy"}, "\u7460": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u7559": "detain; fasten; halt; stop"}, "\u8cbf": {"\u536f": "sign of the hare or rabbit; 5-7AM; fourth sign of Chinese zodiac; east", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u5370": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)", "\u5369": "seal radical (no. 26)"}, "\u81fc": {"\u81fc": "mortar, mortar radical (no. 134)"}, "\u6bc0": {"\u81fc": "mortar", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u6bb3": "pike; windy-again radical (no. 79)"}, "\u8208": {"\u81fc": "mortar", "\u540c": "same; agree; equal", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u9149": {"\u897e": "cover; place on top of; west radical variant (no. 146)", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)"}, "\u9152": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)"}, "\u914c": {"\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)", "\u52fa": "ladle; one tenth of a go; dip"}, "\u914e": {"\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u9175": {"\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)", "\u5b5d": "filial piety; child's respect"}, "\u9177": {"\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)", "\u544a": "revelation; tell; inform; announce"}, "\u916c": {"\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)", "\u5dde": "state; province"}, "\u916a": {"\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)", "\u5404": "each; every; either"}, "\u9162": {"\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)", "\u4e4d": "though; notwithstanding; while; during; both; all"}, "\u9154": {"\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)", "\u5346": "soldier; private; die"}, "\u914d": {"\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)", "\u5df1": "self; snake; serpent"}, "\u9178": {"\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)", "\u590b": "None"}, "\u7336": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u914b": "chieftain"}, "\u5c0a": {"\u914b": "chieftain", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u8c46": {"\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u982d": {"\u8c46": "beans; pea; midget", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u77ed": {"\u77e2": "dart; arrow", "\u8c46": "beans; pea; midget"}, "\u8c4a": {"\u66f2": "bend; music; melody; composition; pleasure; injustice; fault; curve; crooked; perverse; lean", "\u8c46": "beans; pea; midget"}, "\u9f13": {"\u5409": "good luck; joy; congratulations", "\u8c46": "beans; pea; midget", "\u652f": "branch; support; sustain; branch radical (no. 65)"}, "\u559c": {"\u5409": "good luck; joy; congratulations", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u6a39": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5409": "good luck; joy; congratulations", "\u8c46": "beans; pea; midget", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u76bf": {"\u76bf": "dish, dish radical (no. 108)"}, "\u8840": {"\u76bf": "dish; a helping; plate"}, "\u76c6": {"\u5206": "part; minute of time; segment; share; degree; one's lot; duty; understand; know; rate; 1%; chances; shaku/100", "\u76bf": "dish; a helping; plate"}, "\u76df": {"\u660e": "bright; light", "\u76bf": "dish; a helping; plate"}, "\u76d7": {"\u6b21": "next; order; sequence", "\u76bf": "dish; a helping; plate"}, "\u6e29": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u76bf": "dish; a helping; plate"}, "\u84cb": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u76cd": "come together; congregate; meet; cover"}, "\u76e3": {"\u81e3": "retainer; subject", "\u76bf": "dish; a helping; plate"}, "\u6feb": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u76e3": "oversee; official; govt office; rule; administer"}, "\u9451": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u76e3": "oversee; official; govt office; rule; administer"}, "\u85cd": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u76e3": "oversee; official; govt office; rule; administer"}, "\u731b": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u5b5f": "chief; beginning"}, "\u76db": {"\u6210": "turn into; become; get; grow; elapse; reach", "\u76bf": "dish; a helping; plate"}, "\u5869": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u76bf": "dish; a helping; plate"}, "\u9280": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u826e": "northeast (Oriental zodiac); stopping; good radical (no. 138)"}, "\u6068": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u826e": "northeast (Oriental zodiac); stopping; good radical (no. 138)"}, "\u6839": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u826e": "northeast (Oriental zodiac); stopping; good radical (no. 138)"}, "\u5373": {"\u826e": "northeast (Oriental zodiac); stopping; good radical (no. 138)", "\u5369": "seal radical (no. 26)"}, "\u7235": {"\u722a": "claw; nail; talon", "\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u826e": "northeast (Oriental zodiac); stopping; good radical (no. 138)", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u7bc0": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u5373": "instant; namely; as is; conform; agree; adapt"}, "\u9000": {"\u826e": "northeast (Oriental zodiac); stopping; good radical (no. 138)", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u9650": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u826e": "northeast (Oriental zodiac); stopping; good radical (no. 138)"}, "\u773c": {"\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor", "\u826e": "northeast (Oriental zodiac); stopping; good radical (no. 138)"}, "\u826f": {"\u826e": "northeast (Oriental zodiac); stopping; good radical (no. 138)"}, "\u6717": {"\u826f": "good; pleasing; skilled", "\u8089": "meat"}, "\u6d6a": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u826f": "good; pleasing; skilled"}, "\u5a18": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u826f": "good; pleasing; skilled"}, "\u98df": {"\u98df": "eat, food, food radical (no. 184)"}, "\u98ef": {"\u98df": "eat; food", "\u53cd": "anti-"}, "\u98f2": {"\u98df": "eat; food", "\u6b20": "lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)"}, "\u98e2": {"\u98df": "eat; food", "\u51e0": "table; table enclosure; table or windy radical (no. 16)"}, "\u9913": {"\u98df": "eat; food", "\u6211": "ego; I; selfish; our; oneself"}, "\u98fe": {"\u98df": "eat; food", "\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)"}, "\u990c": {"\u98df": "eat; food", "\u8033": "ear"}, "\u9928": {"\u98df": "eat; food", "\u5b98": "bureaucrat; the government"}, "\u9905": {"\u98df": "eat; food", "\u5e76": "put together"}, "\u990a": {"\u7f8a": "sheep", "\u98df": "eat; food"}, "\u98fd": {"\u98df": "eat; food", "\u5305": "wrap; pack up; cover; conceal"}, "\u65e2": {"\u826e": "northeast (Oriental zodiac); stopping; good radical (no. 138)", "\u65e0": "nothing; not exist; crooked heaven radical (no.71)"}, "\u6982": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u65e2": "previously; already; long ago"}, "\u6168": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u65e2": "previously; already; long ago"}, "\u5e73": {"\u5e72": "dry; parch"}, "\u547c": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u4e4e": "question mark; ?"}, "\u576a": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u5e73": "even; flat; peace"}, "\u8a55": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5e73": "even; flat; peace"}, "\u5208": {"\u4e42": "mow; cut grass; subdue", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u5239": {"\u4e42": "mow; cut grass; subdue", "\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u5e0c": {"\u4e42": "mow; cut grass; subdue", "\u5e03": "linen; cloth"}, "\u51f6": {"\u4e42": "mow; cut grass; subdue", "\u51f5": "open box enclosure; open box radical (no. 17)"}, "\u80f8": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u5308": "turmoil; Hungary"}, "\u96e2": {"\u79bb": "rare beast; strange; elegant", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u7483": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u51f6": "villain; evil; bad luck; disaster", "\u79b8": "rump; footprint radical (no. 114)"}, "\u6bba": {"\u4e42": "mow; cut grass; subdue", "\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u6bb3": "pike; windy-again radical (no. 79)"}, "\u723d": {"\u5927": "large; big", "\u723b": "to mix with; to associate with; to join; double X radical (no. 89)"}, "\u7d14": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5c6f": "barracks; police station; camp"}, "\u9813": {"\u5c6f": "barracks; police station; camp", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u920d": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u5c6f": "barracks; police station; camp"}, "\u8f9b": {"\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u5341": "ten"}, "\u8f9e": {"\u820c": "tongue; reed; clapper", "\u8f9b": "spicy; bitter; hot; acrid"}, "\u6893": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u8f9b": "spicy; bitter; hot; acrid"}, "\u5bb0": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u8f9b": "spicy; bitter; hot; acrid"}, "\u58c1": {"\u8f9f": "false; punish; crime; law", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u74a7": {"\u8f9f": "false; punish; crime; law", "\u7389": "jewel; ball"}, "\u907f": {"\u8f9f": "false; punish; crime; law", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u65b0": {"\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u65a4": "axe; 1.32 lb; catty; counter for loaves of bread; axe radical (no. 69)"}, "\u85aa": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u65b0": "new"}, "\u89aa": {"\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u898b": "see; hopes; chances; idea; opinion; look at; visible"}, "\u5e78": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u5e72": "dry; parch"}, "\u57f7": {"\u5e78": "happiness; blessing; fortune", "\u4e38": "round; full (month); perfection; -ship; pills; make round; roll up; curl up; seduce; explain away"}, "\u646f": {"\u57f7": "tenacious; take hold; grasp; take to heart", "\u624b": "hand"}, "\u5831": {"\u5e78": "happiness; blessing; fortune", "\u5369": "seal radical (no. 26)", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u53eb": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u4e29": "to join or connect the vine"}, "\u7cfe": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u4e29": "to join or connect the vine"}, "\u53ce": {"\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u5351": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u5341": "ten"}, "\u7891": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u5351": "lowly; base; vile; vulgar"}, "\u9678": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u5774": "clod of earth; land"}, "\u7766": {"\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u52e2": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)", "\u4e38": "round; full (month); perfection; -ship; pills; make round; roll up; curl up; seduce; explain away", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u71b1": {"\u57f6": "art", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u83f1": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u513f": "legs radical (no. 10)", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)"}, "\u9675": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u5774": "clod of earth; land"}, "\u4ea5": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u4eba": "person"}, "\u6838": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u4ea5": "sign of the hog; 9-11PM; twelfth sign of the Chinese zodiac"}, "\u523b": {"\u4ea5": "sign of the hog; 9-11PM; twelfth sign of the Chinese zodiac", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u8a72": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u4ea5": "sign of the hog; 9-11PM; twelfth sign of the Chinese zodiac"}, "\u9ab8": {"\u9aa8": "skeleton; bone; remains; frame", "\u4ea5": "sign of the hog; 9-11PM; twelfth sign of the Chinese zodiac"}, "\u52be": {"\u4ea5": "sign of the hog; 9-11PM; twelfth sign of the Chinese zodiac", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u8ff0": {"\u672e": "a type of millet; a type of herb", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u8853": {"\u884c": "going; journey", "\u672e": "a type of millet; a type of herb"}, "\u5bd2": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u4e09": "three", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)", "\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)"}, "\u585e": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u4e09": "three", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u91b8": {"\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)", "\u8944": "rise; raise"}, "\u8b72": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u8944": "rise; raise"}, "\u58cc": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u8944": "rise; raise"}, "\u5b22": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u8944": "rise; raise"}, "\u6bd2": {"\u4e09": "three", "\u6bcd": "mother"}, "\u7d20": {"\u4e09": "three", "\u7cf8": "thread"}, "\u9ea6": {"\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)"}, "\u9752": {"\u6708": "month; moon"}, "\u7cbe": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u9752": "blue; green"}, "\u8acb": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u9752": "blue; green"}, "\u60c5": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u9752": "blue; green"}, "\u6674": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u9752": "blue; green"}, "\u6e05": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u9752": "blue; green"}, "\u9759": {"\u9752": "blue; green", "\u4e89": "contend; dispute; argue"}, "\u8cac": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u7e3e": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u8cac": "blame; condemn; censure"}, "\u7a4d": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u8cac": "blame; condemn; censure"}, "\u50b5": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u8cac": "blame; condemn; censure"}, "\u6f2c": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u8cac": "blame; condemn; censure"}, "\u8868": {"\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)", "\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing"}, "\u4ff5": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u8868": "surface; table; chart; diagram"}, "\u6f54": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u7d5c": "marking line; ascertain; assess; measure"}, "\u5951": {"\u5200": "sword; saber; knife", "\u5927": "large; big"}, "\u55ab": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5951": "pledge; promise; vow"}, "\u5bb3": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u8f44": {"\u8eca": "car", "\u5bb3": "harm; injury"}, "\u5272": {"\u5bb3": "harm; injury", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u61b2": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u751f": {"\u751f": "life, life radical (no. 100)"}, "\u661f": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u751f": "life; genuine; birth"}, "\u9192": {"\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)", "\u661f": "star; spot; dot; mark"}, "\u59d3": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u751f": "life; genuine; birth"}, "\u6027": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u751f": "life; genuine; birth"}, "\u7272": {"\u725b": "cow", "\u751f": "life; genuine; birth"}, "\u7523": {"\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u751f": "life; genuine; birth"}, "\u9686": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)", "\u751f": "life; genuine; birth"}, "\u5cf0": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)", "\u4e30": "abundant; lush; bountiful; plenty; fat face; luxurious growth of grass"}, "\u8702": {"\u866b": "insect; bug; temper", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)", "\u4e09": "three", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u7e2b": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u9022": "meeting; tryst; date; rendezvous"}, "\u62dd": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u4e09": "three", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u5bff": {"\u4e09": "three", "\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u92f3": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u5bff": "longevity; congratulations; one's natural life"}, "\u7c4d": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u8012": "come; plough; 3-branch tree radical (no. 127)", "\u6614": "once upon a time; antiquity; old times"}, "\u6625": {"\u4e09": "three", "\u5927": "large; big", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u693f": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u6625": "springtime; spring (season)"}, "\u6cf0": {"\u4e09": "three", "\u5927": "large; big", "\u6c34": "water"}, "\u594f": {"\u4e09": "three", "\u4eba": "person", "\u5929": "heavens; sky; imperial"}, "\u5b9f": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u4e09": "three", "\u4eba": "person"}, "\u5949": {"\u4e09": "three", "\u5927": "large; big", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u4ff8": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5949": "observance; offer; present; dedicate"}, "\u68d2": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5949": "observance; offer; present; dedicate"}, "\u8b39": {"\u8a00": "say"}, "\u50c5": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u4e09": "three"}, "\u52e4": {"\u83eb": "the violet", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u6f22": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u592b": "husband; man"}, "\u5606": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u592b": "husband; man"}, "\u96e3": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u592b": "husband; man", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u83ef": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u5782": {"\u5343": "thousand", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u553e": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5782": "droop; suspend; hang; slouch"}, "\u7761": {"\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor", "\u5782": "droop; suspend; hang; slouch"}, "\u9318": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u5782": "droop; suspend; hang; slouch"}, "\u4e57": {"\u5343": "thousand", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u5270": {"\u4e57": "ride; power; multiplication; record; counter for vehicles; board; mount; join", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u4eca": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)"}, "\u542b": {"\u4eca": "now", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u8caa": {"\u4eca": "now", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u541f": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u4eca": "now"}, "\u5ff5": {"\u4eca": "now", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u637b": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5ff5": "wish; sense; idea; thought; feeling; desire; attention"}, "\u7434": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u4eca": "now"}, "\u9670": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u4eca": "now", "\u4e91": "say"}, "\u4e88": {"\u30de": "None", "\u4e86": "complete; finish"}, "\u5e8f": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u4e88": "beforehand; previous; myself; I"}, "\u9810": {"\u4e88": "beforehand; previous; myself; I", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u91ce": {"\u91cc": "ri; village; parent's home; league", "\u4e88": "beforehand; previous; myself; I"}, "\u517c": {"\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u5acc": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u517c": "concurrently; and"}, "\u938c": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u517c": "concurrently; and"}, "\u8b19": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u517c": "concurrently; and"}, "\u5ec9": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u517c": "concurrently; and"}, "\u897f": {"\u897e": "west, west radical (no. 146)"}, "\u4fa1": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u897e": "cover; place on top of; west radical variant (no. 146)"}, "\u8981": {"\u897e": "cover; place on top of; west radical variant (no. 146)", "\u5973": "woman; female"}, "\u8170": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u8981": "need; main point; essence; pivot; key to"}, "\u7968": {"\u897e": "cover; place on top of; west radical variant (no. 146)", "\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display"}, "\u6f02": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u7968": "ballot; label; ticket; sign"}, "\u6a19": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u7968": "ballot; label; ticket; sign"}, "\u6817": {"\u897e": "cover; place on top of; west radical variant (no. 146)", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u6144": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u6817": "chestnut"}, "\u9077": {"\u897e": "cover; place on top of; west radical variant (no. 146)", "\u5927": "large; big", "\u5df1": "self; snake; serpent", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u8986": {"\u897e": "cover; place on top of; west radical variant (no. 146)", "\u5fa9": "restore; return to; revert; resume"}, "\u7159": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u897e": "cover; place on top of; west radical variant (no. 146)", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u5357": {"\u5341": "ten", "\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u5e72": "dry; parch"}, "\u6960": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5357": "south"}, "\u732e": {"\u5357": "south", "\u72ac": "dog"}, "\u9580": {"\u9580": "gate, gate radical (no. 169)"}, "\u554f": {"\u9580": "gate; counter for cannons", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u95b2": {"\u9580": "gate; counter for cannons", "\u514c": "exchange"}, "\u95a5": {"\u9580": "gate; counter for cannons", "\u4f10": "fell; strike; attack; punish"}, "\u9593": {"\u9580": "gate; counter for cannons", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u95c7": {"\u9580": "gate; counter for cannons", "\u97f3": "sound; noise"}, "\u7c21": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u9593": "interval; space"}, "\u958b": {"\u9580": "gate; counter for cannons", "\u5e75": "put together"}, "\u9589": {"\u9580": "gate; counter for cannons", "\u624d": "genius; years old; cubic shaku"}, "\u95a3": {"\u9580": "gate; counter for cannons", "\u5404": "each; every; either"}, "\u9591": {"\u9580": "gate; counter for cannons", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u805e": {"\u9580": "gate; counter for cannons", "\u8033": "ear"}, "\u6f64": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u958f": "intercalation; illegitimate throne"}, "\u6b04": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u95cc": "rise high; be well along"}, "\u95d8": {"\u9580": "gate; counter for cannons", "\u8c46": "beans; pea; midget", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u5009": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u5275": {"\u5009": "godown; warehouse; storehouse; cellar; treasury", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u975e": {"\u975e": "wrong, wrong radical (no. 175)"}, "\u4ff3": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u975e": "un-; mistake; negative; injustice; non-"}, "\u6392": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u975e": "un-; mistake; negative; injustice; non-"}, "\u60b2": {"\u975e": "un-; mistake; negative; injustice; non-", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u7f6a": {"\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u975e": "un-; mistake; negative; injustice; non-"}, "\u8f29": {"\u975e": "un-; mistake; negative; injustice; non-", "\u8eca": "car"}, "\u6249": {"\u6238": "door; counter for houses; door radical (no. 63)", "\u975e": "un-; mistake; negative; injustice; non-"}, "\u4faf": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u77e2": "dart; arrow"}, "\u5589": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u4faf": "marquis; lord; daimyo"}, "\u5019": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)", "\u77e2": "dart; arrow"}, "\u6c7a": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u592c": "decide; determine; archery glove"}, "\u5feb": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u592c": "decide; determine; archery glove"}, "\u5049": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u97cb": "tanned leather radical (no. 178)"}, "\u9055": {"\u97cb": "tanned leather radical (no. 178)", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u7def": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u97cb": "tanned leather radical (no. 178)"}, "\u885b": {"\u884c": "going; journey", "\u97cb": "tanned leather radical (no. 178)"}, "\u97d3": {"\u5341": "ten", "\u65e9": "early; fast", "\u97cb": "tanned leather radical (no. 178)"}, "\u5e72": {"\u5341": "ten"}, "\u809d": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u5e72": "dry; parch"}, "\u520a": {"\u5e72": "dry; parch", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u6c57": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5e72": "dry; parch"}, "\u8ed2": {"\u8eca": "car", "\u5e72": "dry; parch"}, "\u5cb8": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u5e72": "dry; parch"}, "\u5e79": {"\u5341": "ten", "\u65e9": "early; fast", "\u4eba": "person", "\u5e72": "dry; parch"}, "\u828b": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u4e8e": "going; from"}, "\u5b87": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u4e8e": "going; from"}, "\u4f59": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5c0f": "little; small"}, "\u9664": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u4f59": "too much; myself; surplus; other; remainder"}, "\u5f90": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u4f59": "too much; myself; surplus; other; remainder"}, "\u53d9": {"\u4f59": "too much; myself; surplus; other; remainder", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u9014": {"\u4f59": "too much; myself; surplus; other; remainder", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u659c": {"\u4f59": "too much; myself; surplus; other; remainder", "\u6597": "Big Dipper; 10 sho (vol); sake dipper; dots and cross radical (no. 68)"}, "\u5857": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u4f59": "too much; myself; surplus; other; remainder", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u675f": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u983c": {"\u675f": "bundle; sheaf; ream; tie in bundles; govern; manage; control", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u702c": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u983c": "trust; request"}, "\u52c5": {"\u675f": "bundle; sheaf; ream; tie in bundles; govern; manage; control", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u758e": {"\u758b": "head; counter for animals", "\u675f": "bundle; sheaf; ream; tie in bundles; govern; manage; control"}, "\u8fa3": {"\u8f9b": "spicy; bitter; hot; acrid", "\u675f": "bundle; sheaf; ream; tie in bundles; govern; manage; control"}, "\u901f": {"\u675f": "bundle; sheaf; ream; tie in bundles; govern; manage; control", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u6574": {"\u6555": "an imperial order or decree", "\u6b63": "correct; justice; righteous; 10**40"}, "\u5263": {"\u50c9": "all", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u967a": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u50c9": "all"}, "\u691c": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u50c9": "all"}, "\u5039": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u50c9": "all"}, "\u91cd": {"\u5343": "thousand", "\u91cc": "ri; village; parent's home; league"}, "\u52d5": {"\u91cd": "heavy; heap up; pile up; nest of boxes; -fold", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u816b": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u91cd": "heavy; heap up; pile up; nest of boxes; -fold"}, "\u52f2": {"\u52d5": "move; motion; change; confusion; shift; shake", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u50cd": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u52d5": "move; motion; change; confusion; shift; shake"}, "\u7a2e": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u91cd": "heavy; heap up; pile up; nest of boxes; -fold"}, "\u885d": {"\u884c": "going; journey", "\u91cd": "heavy; heap up; pile up; nest of boxes; -fold"}, "\u85ab": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u91cd": "heavy; heap up; pile up; nest of boxes; -fold", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u75c5": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u4e19": "third class; 3rd; 3rd calendar sign"}, "\u75f4": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u77e5": "know; wisdom"}, "\u75d8": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u8c46": "beans; pea; midget"}, "\u75c7": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u6b63": "correct; justice; righteous; 10**40"}, "\u760d": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u661c": "open; sun"}, "\u75e9": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u53df": "old person"}, "\u75be": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u77e2": "dart; arrow"}, "\u5ac9": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u75be": "rapidly"}, "\u75e2": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u5229": "profit; advantage; benefit"}, "\u75d5": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u826e": "northeast (Oriental zodiac); stopping; good radical (no. 138)"}, "\u75b2": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u76ae": "pelt; skin; hide; leather; skin radical (no. 107)"}, "\u75ab": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u6bb3": "pike; windy-again radical (no. 79)"}, "\u75db": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u752c": "road with walls on both sides"}, "\u7656": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u8f9f": "false; punish; crime; law"}, "\u533f": {"\u531a": "box-on-side enclosure radical (no. 22)", "\u82e5": "young; if; perhaps; possibly; low number; immature"}, "\u5320": {"\u531a": "box-on-side enclosure radical (no. 22)", "\u65a4": "axe; 1.32 lb; catty; counter for loaves of bread; axe radical (no. 69)"}, "\u533b": {"\u531a": "box-on-side enclosure radical (no. 22)", "\u77e2": "dart; arrow"}, "\u5339": {"\u531a": "box-on-side enclosure radical (no. 22)", "\u513f": "legs radical (no. 10)"}, "\u533a": {"\u531a": "box-on-side enclosure radical (no. 22)", "\u4e42": "mow; cut grass; subdue"}, "\u67a2": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u533a": "ward; district"}, "\u6bb4": {"\u533a": "ward; district", "\u6bb3": "pike; windy-again radical (no. 79)"}, "\u6b27": {"\u533a": "ward; district", "\u6b20": "lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)"}, "\u6291": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5369": "seal radical (no. 26)"}, "\u4ef0": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u536c": "lofty; high; raise; high-priced"}, "\u8fce": {"\u536c": "lofty; high; raise; high-priced", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u767b": {"\u7676": "dotted tent radical (no. 105)", "\u8c46": "beans; pea; midget"}, "\u6f84": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u767b": "ascend; climb up"}, "\u767a": {"\u7676": "dotted tent radical (no. 105)", "\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u5ec3": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u767a": "departure; discharge; publish; emit; start from; disclose; counter for gunshots"}, "\u50da": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5927": "large; big", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5c0f": "little; small"}, "\u77ad": {"\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor", "\u5927": "large; big", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5c0f": "little; small"}, "\u5bee": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u5c1e": "fuel used for sacrifices"}, "\u7642": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u5c1e": "fuel used for sacrifices"}, "\u5f6b": {"\u5468": "circumference; circuit; lap", "\u5f61": "three; hair ornament; short hair or fur radical (no. 59)"}, "\u5f62": {"\u5e75": "put together", "\u5f61": "three; hair ornament; short hair or fur radical (no. 59)"}, "\u5f71": {"\u666f": "scenery; view", "\u5f61": "three; hair ornament; short hair or fur radical (no. 59)"}, "\u6749": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5f61": "three; hair ornament; short hair or fur radical (no. 59)"}, "\u5f69": {"\u91c7": "dice; form; appearance; take; coloring", "\u5f61": "three; hair ornament; short hair or fur radical (no. 59)"}, "\u5f70": {"\u7ae0": "badge; chapter; composition; poem; design", "\u5f61": "three; hair ornament; short hair or fur radical (no. 59)"}, "\u5f66": {"\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u5f61": "three; hair ornament; short hair or fur radical (no. 59)"}, "\u9854": {"\u5f66": "lad; boy (ancient)", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u9808": {"\u5f61": "three; hair ornament; short hair or fur radical (no. 59)", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u81a8": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u5f6d": "swelling; sound of drum"}, "\u53c2": {"\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)", "\u5927": "large; big", "\u5f61": "three; hair ornament; short hair or fur radical (no. 59)"}, "\u60e8": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u53c2": "nonplussed; three; going; coming; visiting; visit; be defeated; die; be madly in love"}, "\u4fee": {"\u6538": "relaxed; at ease; place", "\u5f61": "three; hair ornament; short hair or fur radical (no. 59)"}, "\u73cd": {"\u738b": "king; rule; magnate", "\u4eba": "person", "\u5f61": "three; hair ornament; short hair or fur radical (no. 59)"}, "\u8a3a": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u4eba": "person", "\u5f61": "three; hair ornament; short hair or fur radical (no. 59)"}, "\u6587": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u4e42": "mow; cut grass; subdue"}, "\u5bfe": {"\u6587": "sentence; literature; style; art; decoration; figures; plan; literary radical (no. 67)", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u7d0b": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u6587": "sentence; literature; style; art; decoration; figures; plan; literary radical (no. 67)"}, "\u868a": {"\u866b": "insect; bug; temper", "\u6587": "sentence; literature; style; art; decoration; figures; plan; literary radical (no. 67)"}, "\u6591": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u6587": "sentence; literature; style; art; decoration; figures; plan; literary radical (no. 67)"}, "\u6589": {"\u6587": "sentence; literature; style; art; decoration; figures; plan; literary radical (no. 67)", "\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)"}, "\u5264": {"\u9f4a": "alike; equal; similar; Saito", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u6e08": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u9f4a": "alike; equal; similar; Saito"}, "\u658e": {"\u9f4a": "alike; equal; similar; Saito"}, "\u7c9b": {"\u807f": "brush; finally; self; relate; follow; here; fast; writing brush radical (no. 129)", "\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre"}, "\u5841": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u697d": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u85ac": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u697d": "music; comfort; ease"}, "\u7387": {"\u7384": "mysterious; occultness", "\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)", "\u5341": "ten"}, "\u6e0b": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u6b62": "stop; halt", "\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)"}, "\u6442": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u8076": "whisper", "\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)"}, "\u592e": {"\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)", "\u5927": "large; big"}, "\u82f1": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u592e": "center; middle"}, "\u6620": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u592e": "center; middle"}, "\u8d64": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u8d66": {"\u8d64": "red", "\u6534": "strike; hit; folding chair radical (no. 66)"}, "\u5909": {"\u4ea6": "also; again", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)"}, "\u8de1": {"\u8db3": "leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear", "\u4ea6": "also; again"}, "\u86ee": {"\u4ea6": "also; again", "\u866b": "insect; bug; temper"}, "\u604b": {"\u4ea6": "also; again", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u6e7e": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5f2f": "curve; stretching a bow"}, "\u9ec4": {"\u9ec4": "yellow, yellow radical (no. 201)"}, "\u6a2a": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u9ec4": "yellow"}, "\u628a": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5df4": "comma-design"}, "\u8272": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u5df4": "comma-design"}, "\u7d76": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u8272": "color"}, "\u8276": {"\u8c4a": "bountiful; excellent; rich", "\u8272": "color"}, "\u80a5": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u5df4": "comma-design"}, "\u7518": {"\u5eff": "twenty; 20"}, "\u7d3a": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u7518": "sweet; coax; pamper; be content; sugary"}, "\u67d0": {"\u7518": "sweet; coax; pamper; be content; sugary", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u8b00": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u67d0": "so-and-so; one; a certain; that person"}, "\u5a92": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u67d0": "so-and-so; one; a certain; that person"}, "\u6b3a": {"\u5176": "that", "\u6b20": "lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)"}, "\u68cb": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5176": "that"}, "\u65d7": {"\u65b9": "direction; person; alternative", "\u5176": "that"}, "\u671f": {"\u5176": "that", "\u8089": "meat"}, "\u7881": {"\u5176": "that", "\u77f3": "stone"}, "\u57fa": {"\u5176": "that", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u751a": {"\u7518": "sweet; coax; pamper; be content; sugary", "\u5339": "equal; head; counter for small animals; roll of cloth"}, "\u52d8": {"\u751a": "tremendously; very; great; exceedingly", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u582a": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u751a": "tremendously; very; great; exceedingly"}, "\u8cb4": {"\u4e2d": "in; inside; middle; mean; center", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u907a": {"\u8cb4": "precious; value; prize; esteem; honor", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u9063": {"\u4e2d": "in; inside; middle; mean; center", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u6f70": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u8cb4": "precious; value; prize; esteem; honor"}, "\u821e": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u821b": "dancing radical (no. 136)"}, "\u7121": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u7d44": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u4e14": "moreover; also; furthermore"}, "\u7c97": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u4e14": "moreover; also; furthermore"}, "\u79df": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u4e14": "moreover; also; furthermore"}, "\u72d9": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u4e14": "moreover; also; furthermore"}, "\u7956": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u4e14": "moreover; also; furthermore"}, "\u963b": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u4e14": "moreover; also; furthermore"}, "\u67fb": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u4e14": "moreover; also; furthermore"}, "\u52a9": {"\u4e14": "moreover; also; furthermore", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u5b9c": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u4e14": "moreover; also; furthermore"}, "\u7573": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u4e14": "moreover; also; furthermore"}, "\u4e26": {"\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)"}, "\u666e": {"\u4e26": "row; and; besides; as well as; line up; rank with; rival; equal", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u8b5c": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u666e": "universal; wide(ly); generally; Prussia"}, "\u6e7f": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u9855": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u7e4a": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)"}, "\u970a": {"\u96e8": "rain", "\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)"}, "\u696d": {"\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)", "\u7f8a": "sheep", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u64b2": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u83d0": "None"}, "\u50d5": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u83d0": "None"}, "\u5171": {"\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u4f9b": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5171": "together; both; neither; all; and; alike; with"}, "\u7570": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u5171": "together; both; neither; all; and; alike; with"}, "\u7ffc": {"\u7fbd": "feathers; counter for birds, rabbits", "\u7570": "uncommon; queerness; strangeness; wonderful; curious; unusual"}, "\u6234": {"\u88c1": "tailor; judge; decision; cut out (pattern)"}, "\u6d2a": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5171": "together; both; neither; all; and; alike; with"}, "\u6e2f": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5df7": "fork in road; scene; arena; theater"}, "\u66b4": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5171": "together; both; neither; all; and; alike; with", "\u6c34": "water"}, "\u7206": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u66b4": "outburst; rave; fret; force; violence; cruelty; outrage"}, "\u606d": {"\u5171": "together; both; neither; all; and; alike; with", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u9078": {"\u5dfd": "southeast", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u6bbf": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u5171": "together; both; neither; all; and; alike; with", "\u6bb3": "pike; windy-again radical (no. 79)"}, "\u4e95": {"\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)", "\u5efe": "twenty; 20; twenty or letter H radical (no. 55)"}, "\u4e3c": {"\u4e95": "well; well crib; town; community", "\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)"}, "\u56f2": {"\u56d7": "box or enclosure radical (no. 31); box", "\u4e95": "well; well crib; town; community"}, "\u8015": {"\u8012": "come; plough; 3-branch tree radical (no. 127)", "\u4e95": "well; well crib; town; community"}, "\u4e9c": {"\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u60aa": {"\u4e9c": "Asia; rank next; come after; -ous", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u5186": {"\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)"}, "\u89d2": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)"}, "\u89e6": {"\u89d2": "angle; corner; square; horn; antlers", "\u866b": "insect; bug; temper"}, "\u89e3": {"\u89d2": "angle; corner; square; horn; antlers", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife", "\u725b": "cow"}, "\u518d": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u5189": "red; tan"}, "\u8b1b": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5193": "put together; inner palace"}, "\u8cfc": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish", "\u5193": "put together; inner palace"}, "\u69cb": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5193": "put together; inner palace"}, "\u6e9d": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5193": "put together; inner palace"}, "\u8ad6": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u4f96": "think; be methodical"}, "\u502b": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4f96": "think; be methodical"}, "\u8f2a": {"\u8eca": "car", "\u4f96": "think; be methodical"}, "\u504f": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u6241": "level; small"}, "\u904d": {"\u6241": "level; small", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u7de8": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u6241": "level; small"}, "\u518a": {"\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u5efe": "twenty; 20; twenty or letter H radical (no. 55)"}, "\u67f5": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u518a": "tome; counter for books; volume"}, "\u5178": {"\u66f2": "bend; music; melody; composition; pleasure; injustice; fault; curve; crooked; perverse; lean", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u6c0f": {"\u6c0f": "clan, clan radical (no. 83)"}, "\u7d19": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u6c0f": "family name; surname; clan"}, "\u5a5a": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u660f": "dark; evening; dusk"}, "\u4f4e": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u6c0f": "family name; surname; clan", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)"}, "\u62b5": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u6c10": "name of an ancient tribe"}, "\u5e95": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u6c10": "name of an ancient tribe"}, "\u6c11": {"\u6c0f": "family name; surname; clan"}, "\u7720": {"\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor", "\u6c11": "people; nation; subjects"}, "\u6355": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u752b": "for the first time; not until"}, "\u54fa": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u752b": "for the first time; not until"}, "\u6d66": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u752b": "for the first time; not until"}, "\u84b2": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u6d66": "bay; creek; inlet; gulf; beach; seacoast"}, "\u8217": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5409": "good luck; joy; congratulations", "\u752b": "for the first time; not until"}, "\u88dc": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u752b": "for the first time; not until"}, "\u90b8": {"\u6c10": "name of an ancient tribe", "\u9091": "village; rural community; right village radical (no. 163)"}, "\u90ed": {"\u4eab": "receive; undergo; answer (phone); take; get; catch", "\u9091": "village; rural community; right village radical (no. 163)"}, "\u90e1": {"\u541b": "mister; you; ruler; male name suffix", "\u9091": "village; rural community; right village radical (no. 163)"}, "\u90ca": {"\u4ea4": "mingle; mixing; association; coming & going", "\u9091": "village; rural community; right village radical (no. 163)"}, "\u90e8": {"\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u9091": "village; rural community; right village radical (no. 163)"}, "\u90fd": {"\u8005": "someone; person", "\u9091": "village; rural community; right village radical (no. 163)"}, "\u90f5": {"\u5782": "droop; suspend; hang; slouch", "\u9091": "village; rural community; right village radical (no. 163)"}, "\u90a6": {"\u4e30": "abundant; lush; bountiful; plenty; fat face; luxurious growth of grass", "\u9091": "village; rural community; right village radical (no. 163)"}, "\u90a3": {"\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)", "\u9091": "village; rural community; right village radical (no. 163)"}, "\u90f7": {"\u5e7a": "short thread radical (no. 52)", "\u826e": "northeast (Oriental zodiac); stopping; good radical (no. 138)", "\u9091": "village; rural community; right village radical (no. 163)"}, "\u97ff": {"\u90f7": "home town; village; native place; district", "\u97f3": "sound; noise"}, "\u90ce": {"\u826f": "good; pleasing; skilled", "\u9091": "village; rural community; right village radical (no. 163)"}, "\u5eca": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u90ce": "son; counter for sons"}, "\u76fe": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u5341": "ten", "\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor"}, "\u5faa": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u76fe": "shield; escutcheon; pretext"}, "\u6d3e": {"\u6c34": "water", "\ud840\udca2": "None"}, "\u8108": {"\u8089": "meat", "\ud840\udca2": "None"}, "\u8846": {"\u8840": "blood", "\u4eba": "person"}, "\u9013": {"\u4e55": "tiger; brave; fierce; surname", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u6bb5": {"\u6bb3": "pike; windy-again radical (no. 79)"}, "\u935b": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u6bb5": "grade; steps; stairs"}, "\u540e": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u5e7b": {"\u5e7a": "short thread radical (no. 52)"}, "\u53f8": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u4f3a": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u53f8": "director; official; govt office; rule; administer"}, "\u8a5e": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u53f8": "director; official; govt office; rule; administer"}, "\u98fc": {"\u98df": "eat; food", "\u53f8": "director; official; govt office; rule; administer"}, "\u55e3": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u518a": "tome; counter for books; volume", "\u53f8": "director; official; govt office; rule; administer"}, "\u821f": {"\u821f": "boat, boat radical (no. 137)"}, "\u8236": {"\u821f": "boat; ship", "\u767d": "white"}, "\u822a": {"\u821f": "boat; ship", "\u4ea2": "high spirits"}, "\u8237": {"\u821f": "boat; ship", "\u7384": "mysterious; occultness"}, "\u822c": {"\u821f": "boat; ship", "\u6bb3": "pike; windy-again radical (no. 79)"}, "\u76e4": {"\u822c": "carrier; carry; all", "\u76bf": "dish; a helping; plate"}, "\u642c": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u822c": "carrier; carry; all"}, "\u8239": {"\u821f": "boat; ship", "\u3563": "a marsh at the foot of the hills; name of a river"}, "\u8266": {"\u821f": "boat; ship", "\u76e3": "oversee; official; govt office; rule; administer"}, "\u8247": {"\u821f": "boat; ship", "\u5ef7": "courts; imperial court; government office"}, "\u74dc": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)"}, "\u5f27": {"\u5f13": "bow; bow (archery, violin)", "\u74dc": "melon"}, "\u5b64": {"\u5b50": "child; sign of the rat; 11PM-1AM; first sign of Chinese zodiac", "\u74dc": "melon"}, "\u7e6d": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u7cf8": "thread", "\u866b": "insect; bug; temper"}, "\u76ca": {"\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)", "\u76bf": "dish; a helping; plate"}, "\u6687": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u6577": {"\u65c9": "to state to; to announce", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u6765": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre"}, "\u6c17": {"\u6c14": "spirit; steam radical (no. 84)", "\u4e42": "mow; cut grass; subdue"}, "\u6c7d": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u6c14": "spirit; steam radical (no. 84)"}, "\u98db": {"\u5347": "measuring box; 1.8 liter"}, "\u6c88": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5198": "to move on; doubtful"}, "\u6795": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u59bb": {"\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u5973": "woman; female"}, "\u51c4": {"\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)", "\u59bb": "wife; spouse"}, "\u8870": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u8877": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u9762": {"\u9762": "face, face radical (no. 176)"}, "\u9eba": {"\u9ea5": "wheat", "\u9762": "mask; face; features; surface"}, "\u9769": {"\u5eff": "twenty; 20", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u9774": {"\u9769": "leather; become serious; skin; hide; pelt", "\u5316": "change; take the form of; influence; enchant; delude; -ization"}, "\u8987": {"\u897e": "cover; place on top of; west radical variant (no. 146)", "\u9769": "leather; become serious; skin; hide; pelt", "\u6708": "month; moon"}, "\u58f0": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u7709": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor"}, "\u5449": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u5a2f": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u5449": "give; do something for"}, "\u8aa4": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5449": "give; do something for"}, "\u84b8": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u70dd": "many; offer; dedicate; to steam"}, "\u627f": {"\u4e86": "complete; finish", "\u4e09": "three", "\u6c34": "water"}, "\u51fd": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u6c34": "water", "\u51f5": "open box enclosure; open box radical (no. 17)"}, "\u6975": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u4e9f": "fast; quick; sudden"}, "\u7259": {"\u4e85": "feathered stick; barb radical (no. 6)", "\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)"}, "\u82bd": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u7259": "tusk; fang; tusk radical (no. 92)"}, "\u90aa": {"\u7259": "tusk; fang; tusk radical (no. 92)", "\u9091": "village; rural community; right village radical (no. 163)"}, "\u96c5": {"\u7259": "tusk; fang; tusk radical (no. 92)", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u91c8": {"\u91c6": "separate; divide; topped rice radical (no. 165)", "\u5c3a": "shaku; Japanese foot; measure; scale; rule"}, "\u756a": {"\u91c6": "separate; divide; topped rice radical (no. 165)", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy"}, "\u5be9": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u756a": "turn; number in a series"}, "\u7ffb": {"\u756a": "turn; number in a series", "\u7fbd": "feathers; counter for birds, rabbits"}, "\u85e9": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u6f58": "water in which rice has been washed"}, "\u6bdb": {"\u6bdb": "fur, hair, fur radical (no. 82)"}, "\u8017": {"\u8012": "come; plough; 3-branch tree radical (no. 127)", "\u6bdb": "fur; hair; feather; down"}, "\u5c3e": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u6bdb": "fur; hair; feather; down"}, "\u5b85": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u4e47": "to depend on; to entrust with"}, "\u8a17": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u4e47": "to depend on; to entrust with"}, "\u70ba": {"\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)", "\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u507d": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u70ba": "do; change; make; benefit; welfare; be of use; reach to; try; practice; cost; serve as; good; advantage; as a result of"}, "\u754f": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)"}, "\u9577": {"\u9577": "long, grow, leader radical (no. 168)"}, "\u5f35": {"\u5f13": "bow; bow (archery, violin)", "\u9577": "long; leader"}, "\u5e33": {"\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)", "\u9577": "long; leader"}, "\u8139": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u9577": "long; leader"}, "\u9aea": {"\u9adf": "hair hanging long; mane; long hair radical (no.190)", "\u53cb": "friend"}, "\u5c55": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u5efe": "twenty; 20; twenty or letter H radical (no. 55)"}, "\u55aa": {"\u5341": "ten", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing"}, "\u5de3": {"\u5c0f": "small, insignificant", "\u679c": "fruit; reward; carry out; achieve; complete; end; finish; succeed"}, "\u5358": {"\u5c0f": "small, insignificant", "\u7532": "armor; high (voice); A grade; first class; former; instep; carapace"}, "\u6226": {"\u5358": "simple; one; single; merely", "\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)"}, "\u7985": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u5358": "simple; one; single; merely"}, "\u5f3e": {"\u5f13": "bow; bow (archery, violin)", "\u5358": "simple; one; single; merely"}, "\u685c": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5c0f": "small, insignificant", "\u5973": "woman; female"}, "\u7363": {"\u5c0f": "small, insignificant", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u72ac": "dog"}, "\u8133": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u5c0f": "small, insignificant", "\u51f6": "villain; evil; bad luck; disaster"}, "\u60a9": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u5c0f": "small, insignificant", "\u51f6": "villain; evil; bad luck; disaster"}, "\u53b3": {"\u5c0f": "small, insignificant", "\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u6562": "daring; brave; bold"}, "\u9396": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u5c0f": "little; small", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u6319": {"\u5c0f": "small, insignificant", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)", "\u624b": "hand"}, "\u8a89": {"\u5c0f": "small, insignificant", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)", "\u8a00": "say"}, "\u731f": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u9f20": "rat; mouse; dark gray"}, "\u9ce5": {"\u706b": "fire"}, "\u9cf4": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u9db4": {"\u5bc9": "crane (bird)", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u70cf": {"\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u8526": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u9ce9": {"\u4e5d": "nine", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u9d8f": {"\u595a": "servant; what; why", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u5cf6": {"\u9ce5": "bird; chicken", "\u5c71": "mountain"}, "\u6696": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u7230": "lead on to; therefore; then"}, "\u5a9b": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u7230": "lead on to; therefore; then"}, "\u63f4": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u7230": "lead on to; therefore; then"}, "\u7de9": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u7230": "lead on to; therefore; then"}, "\u5c5e": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u79b9": "name of a Chinese emperor"}, "\u5631": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5c5e": "belong; genus; subordinate official; affiliated"}, "\u5076": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u79ba": "long-tailed monkey"}, "\u9047": {"\u79ba": "long-tailed monkey", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u611a": {"\u79ba": "long-tailed monkey", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u9685": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u79ba": "long-tailed monkey"}, "\u9006": {"\u5c6e": "left hand; old grass radical (no. 45)", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u5851": {"\u6714": "conjunction (astronomy); first day of month", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u9061": {"\u6714": "conjunction (astronomy); first day of month", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u5ca1": {"\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u5c71": "mountain"}, "\u92fc": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u5ca1": "mount; hill; knoll"}, "\u7db1": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5ca1": "mount; hill; knoll"}, "\u525b": {"\u5ca1": "mount; hill; knoll", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u7f36": {"\u7f36": "can, jar radical (no. 121)"}, "\u9676": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u7f36": "tin can; container; jar radical (no. 121)"}, "\u63fa": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u4343": "a vase; a pitcher; earthenware"}, "\u8b21": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u4343": "a vase; a pitcher; earthenware"}, "\u9b31": {"\u7f36": "tin can; container; jar radical (no. 121)", "\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u9b2f": "fragrant herbs; spiced liqueur; grow; spread", "\u5f61": "three; hair ornament; short hair or fur radical (no. 59)"}, "\u5c31": {"\u4eac": "capital; 10**16", "\u5c24": "reasonable; just; natural; superb; outstanding; plausible"}, "\u8e74": {"\u8db3": "leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear", "\u5c31": "concerning; settle; take position; depart; study; per"}, "\u61c7": {"\u8c78": "snake; legless insect; badger or clawed dog radical (no. 153)", "\u826e": "northeast (Oriental zodiac); stopping; good radical (no. 138)", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u58be": {"\u8c78": "snake; legless insect; badger or clawed dog radical (no. 153)", "\u826e": "northeast (Oriental zodiac); stopping; good radical (no. 138)", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u8c8c": {"\u8c78": "snake; legless insect; badger or clawed dog radical (no. 153)", "\u7683": "countenance; appearance"}, "\u514d": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u9038": {"\u514d": "excuse; dismissal", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u6669": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u514d": "excuse; dismissal"}, "\u52c9": {"\u514d": "excuse; dismissal", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u8c61": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u8c55": "pig; hog; pig radical (no. 152)"}, "\u50cf": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u8c61": "elephant; pattern after; imitate; image; shape; sign (of the times)"}, "\u99ac": {"\u706b": "fire"}, "\u99d2": {"\u99ac": "horse", "\u53e5": "phrase; clause; sentence; passage; paragraph; counter for haiku"}, "\u9a13": {"\u99ac": "horse", "\u50c9": "all"}, "\u9a0e": {"\u99ac": "horse", "\u5947": "strange; strangeness; curiosity"}, "\u99d0": {"\u99ac": "horse", "\u4e3b": "lord; chief; master; main thing; principal"}, "\u99c6": {"\u99ac": "horse", "\u533a": "ward; district"}, "\u99c5": {"\u99ac": "horse", "\u5c3a": "shaku; Japanese foot; measure; scale; rule"}, "\u9a12": {"\u99ac": "horse", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand", "\u866b": "insect; bug; temper"}, "\u99c4": {"\u99ac": "horse", "\u592a": "plump; thick; big around"}, "\u9a5a": {"\u656c": "awe; respect; honor; revere", "\u99ac": "horse"}, "\u7be4": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u99ac": "horse"}, "\u7f75": {"\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u99ac": "horse"}, "\u9a30": {"\u6715": "majestic plural; imperial we", "\u99ac": "horse"}, "\u864e": {"\u864d": "tiger spots; mottled; tiger or tiger crown radical (no. 141)", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u865c": {"\u864d": "tiger spots; mottled; tiger or tiger crown radical (no. 141)", "\u7537": "male"}, "\u819a": {"\u864d": "tiger spots; mottled; tiger or tiger crown radical (no. 141)", "\u80c3": "stomach; paunch; crop; craw"}, "\u865a": {"\u864d": "tiger spots; mottled; tiger or tiger crown radical (no. 141)", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)"}, "\u622f": {"\u865a": "void; emptiness; unpreparedness; crack; fissure; untruth", "\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)"}, "\u865e": {"\u864d": "tiger spots; mottled; tiger or tiger crown radical (no. 141)", "\u5449": "give; do something for"}, "\u616e": {"\u864d": "tiger spots; mottled; tiger or tiger crown radical (no. 141)", "\u601d": "think"}, "\u5287": {"\u864d": "tiger spots; mottled; tiger or tiger crown radical (no. 141)", "\u8c55": "pig; hog; pig radical (no. 152)", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u8650": {"\u864d": "tiger spots; mottled; tiger or tiger crown radical (no. 141)"}, "\u9e7f": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u6bd4": "compare; race; ratio; Philipines"}, "\u9e93": {"\u6797": "grove; forest", "\u9e7f": "deer"}, "\u85a6": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u6176": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)"}, "\u9e97": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u9e7f": "deer"}, "\u718a": {"\u80fd": "ability; talent; skill; capacity", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u80fd": {"\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)", "\u6708": "month; moon", "\u5315": "spoon; spoon or katakana hi radical (no. 21)"}, "\u614b": {"\u80fd": "ability; talent; skill; capacity", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u5bc5": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u7531": "wherefore; a reason", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u6f14": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5bc5": "sign of the tiger; 3-5AM; third sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u8fb0": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)"}, "\u8fb1": {"\u8fb0": "sign of the dragon; 7-9AM; fifth sign of Chinese zodiac; shin dragon radical (no. 161)", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u9707": {"\u96e8": "rain", "\u8fb0": "sign of the dragon; 7-9AM; fifth sign of Chinese zodiac; shin dragon radical (no. 161)"}, "\u632f": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u8fb0": "sign of the dragon; 7-9AM; fifth sign of Chinese zodiac; shin dragon radical (no. 161)"}, "\u5a20": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u8fb0": "sign of the dragon; 7-9AM; fifth sign of Chinese zodiac; shin dragon radical (no. 161)"}, "\u5507": {"\u8fb0": "sign of the dragon; 7-9AM; fifth sign of Chinese zodiac; shin dragon radical (no. 161)", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u8fb2": {"\u66f2": "bend; music; melody; composition; pleasure; injustice; fault; curve; crooked; perverse; lean", "\u8fb0": "sign of the dragon; 7-9AM; fifth sign of Chinese zodiac; shin dragon radical (no. 161)"}, "\u6fc3": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u8fb2": "agriculture; farmers"}, "\u9001": {"\u5929": "heavens; sky; imperial", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u95a2": {"\u9580": "gate; counter for cannons", "\u5173": "frontier pass; close; relation"}, "\u54b2": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5173": "frontier pass; close; relation"}, "\u9b3c": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u513f": "legs radical (no. 10)", "\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)"}, "\u919c": {"\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)", "\u9b3c": "ghost; devil"}, "\u9b42": {"\u4e91": "say", "\u9b3c": "ghost; devil"}, "\u9b54": {"\u9ebb": "hemp; flax", "\u9b3c": "ghost; devil"}, "\u9b45": {"\u9b3c": "ghost; devil", "\u672a": "un-; not yet; hitherto; still; even now; sign of the ram; 1-3PM; eighth sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u584a": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u9b3c": "ghost; devil"}, "\u8972": {"\u9f8d": "dragon; imperial", "\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing"}, "\u5687": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u8d6b": "suddenly; brighten; illuminate; light up"}, "\u6715": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u5929": "heavens; sky; imperial"}, "\u96f0": {"\u96e8": "rain", "\u5206": "part; minute of time; segment; share; degree; one's lot; duty; understand; know; rate; 1%; chances; shaku/100"}, "\u7b87": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u56fa": "harden; set; clot; curdle"}, "\u932c": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u6771": "east"}, "\u9075": {"\u5c0a": "revered; valuable; precious; noble; exalted", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u7f77": {"\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u80fd": "ability; talent; skill; capacity"}, "\u5c6f": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u5c6e": "left hand; old grass radical (no. 45)"}, "\u4e14": {"\u6708": "month; moon", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)"}, "\u85fb": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u6fa1": "wash"}, "\u96b7": {"\u58eb": "gentleman; samurai; samurai radical (no. 33)", "\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u96b6": "extend; give; cast; slave radical (no. 171)"}, "\u7652": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u6108": "be superior; heal; more and more; increasingly; finally; beyond doubt"}, "\u74bd": {"\u723e": "you; thou; second person", "\u7389": "jewel; ball"}, "\u6f5f": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u8204": "a shoe; the sole of a shoe; magpie"}, "\u4e39": {"\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)"}, "\u4e11": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)"}, "\u7f9e": {"\u7f8a": "sheep", "\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u4e11": "sign of the ox or cow; 1-3AM; second sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u536f": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u5369": "seal radical (no. 26)"}, "\u5df3": {"\u5df1": "self; snake; serpent"}, "\u6b64": {"\u6b62": "stop; halt", "\u5315": "spoon; spoon or katakana hi radical (no. 21)"}, "\u67f4": {"\u6b64": "this; current; next; coming; last; past", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u4e9b": {"\u6b64": "this; current; next; coming; last; past", "\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)"}, "\u7826": {"\u6b64": "this; current; next; coming; last; past", "\u77f3": "stone"}, "\u9aed": {"\u9adf": "hair hanging long; mane; long hair radical (no.190)", "\u6b64": "this; current; next; coming; last; past"}, "\u79bd": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u51f6": "villain; evil; bad luck; disaster", "\u79b8": "rump; footprint radical (no. 114)"}, "\u6a8e": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u79bd": "bird; captive; capture"}, "\u6190": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u821b": "dancing radical (no. 136)"}, "\u71d0": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u821b": "dancing radical (no. 136)"}, "\u9e9f": {"\u9e7f": "deer", "\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u821b": "dancing radical (no. 136)"}, "\u9c57": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u821b": "dancing radical (no. 136)"}, "\u5944": {"\u5927": "large; big", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u5eb5": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u5944": "cover; suffocate; obstruct"}, "\u63a9": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5944": "cover; suffocate; obstruct"}, "\u609b": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u5141": "license; sincerity; permit", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)"}, "\u99ff": {"\u99ac": "horse", "\u5141": "license; sincerity; permit", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)"}, "\u5cfb": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u5141": "license; sincerity; permit", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)"}, "\u7ae3": {"\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u5141": "license; sincerity; permit", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)"}, "\u7280": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)", "\u725b": "cow"}, "\u7690": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)", "\u5341": "ten"}, "\u7577": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u7db4": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u93a7": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u8c48": "an interjection of surprise"}, "\u51f1": {"\u8c48": "an interjection of surprise", "\u51e0": "table; table enclosure; table or windy radical (no. 16)"}, "\u5451": {"\u592d": "early death; calamity", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u97ee": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u97ed": "leek radical (no. 179)"}, "\u7c64": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u4ece": "two people", "\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)", "\u97ed": "leek radical (no. 179)"}, "\u61fa": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u4ece": "two people", "\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)", "\u97ed": "leek radical (no. 179)"}, "\u82bb": {"\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)"}, "\u96db": {"\u82bb": "grass cutting; hay", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u8da8": {"\u8d70": "run", "\u82bb": "grass cutting; hay"}, "\u5c24": {"\u5c22": "crooked-big radical (no. 43)", "\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)"}, "\u5396": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u5c28": "shaggy hair or dog"}, "\u6216": {"\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)"}, "\u514e": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u513f": "legs radical (no. 10)", "\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)"}, "\u4e5f": {"\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)", "\u4e59": "the latter; duplicate; strange; witty; fishhook radical (no. 5)"}, "\u5df4": {"\u5df3": "sign of the snake or serpent; 9-11AM; sixth sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u758b": {"\u535c": "divination", "\u4eba": "person"}, "\u83eb": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u4e09": "three"}, "\u66fc": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u4e91": {"\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)", "\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)"}, "\u83ab": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5927": "large; big"}, "\u800c": {"\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)"}, "\u502d": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u59d4": "committee; entrust to; leave to; devote; discard"}, "\u4fa0": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u593e": "insert between"}, "\u5026": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5dfb": "scroll; volume; book; part; roll up; wind up; tie; coil; counter for texts (or book scrolls)"}, "\u4fc4": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u6211": "ego; I; selfish; our; oneself"}, "\u4f43": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy"}, "\u4ed4": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5b50": "child; sign of the rat; 11PM-1AM; first sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u4ec7": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4e5d": "nine"}, "\u4f3d": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u52a0": "add; addition; increase; join; include; Canada"}, "\u5132": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u8af8": "various; many; several; together"}, "\u50d1": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u55ac": "high; boasting"}, "\u5036": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5177": "tool; utensil; means; possess; ingredients; counter for armor, suits, sets of furniture"}, "\u4f83": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5ddb": "curving river radical (no.47)"}, "\u5072": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u601d": "think"}, "\u4fad": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5c3d": "exhaust; use up; run out of; deplete; befriend; serve"}, "\u8129": {"\u6538": "relaxed; at ease; place"}, "\u5005": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5352": "graduate; soldier; private; die"}, "\u505a": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u6545": "happenstance; especially; intentionally; reason; cause; circumstances; the late; therefore; consequently"}, "\u51b4": {"\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)", "\u7259": "tusk; fang; tusk radical (no. 92)"}, "\u51cb": {"\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)", "\u5468": "circumference; circuit; lap"}, "\u51cc": {"\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u513f": "legs radical (no. 10)", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)"}, "\u51db": {"\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)", "\u7980": "salary in rice"}, "\u51e7": {"\u51e0": "table; table enclosure; table or windy radical (no. 16)", "\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)"}, "\u51ea": {"\u51e0": "table; table enclosure; table or windy radical (no. 16)", "\u6b62": "stop; halt"}, "\u5919": {"\u51e0": "table; table enclosure; table or windy radical (no. 16)", "\u6b79": "bare bone; bad; wrong; death radical (n. 78)"}, "\u9cf3": {"\u51e0": "table; table enclosure; table or windy radical (no. 16)", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u527d": {"": ""}, "\u5289": {"\u536f": "sign of the hare or rabbit; 5-7AM; fourth sign of Chinese zodiac; east", "\u91d1": "gold", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u5243": {"\u5f1f": "younger brother; faithful service to elders", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u53ad": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u6708": "month; moon", "\u72ac": "dog"}, "\u96c1": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u4eba": "person", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u8d0b": {"\u96c1": "wild goose", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u53a8": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u8c46": "beans; pea; midget", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u4ec4": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u4eba": "person"}, "\u54e8": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u8096": "resemblance"}, "\u548e": {"\u5404": "each; every; either"}, "\u56c1": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u8076": "whisper"}, "\u558b": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u4e16": "generation; world; society; public", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u5629": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u83ef": "splendor; flower; petal; shine; luster; ostentatious; showy; gay; gorgeous"}, "\u5642": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5c0a": "revered; valuable; precious; noble; exalted"}, "\u54b3": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u4ea5": "sign of the hog; 9-11PM; twelfth sign of the Chinese zodiac"}, "\u55a7": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5ba3": "proclaim; say; announce"}, "\u53e9": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5369": "seal radical (no. 26)"}, "\u5618": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u865a": "void; emptiness; unpreparedness; crack; fissure; untruth"}, "\u5544": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u8c55": "pig; hog; pig radical (no. 152)"}, "\u5420": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u72ac": "dog"}, "\u540a": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)"}, "\u565b": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u9f52": "tooth; cog"}, "\u53f6": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5341": "ten"}, "\u543b": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u52ff": "not; must not; do not; be not"}, "\u5403": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u4e5e": "beg; invite; ask"}, "\u567a": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u65b0": "new"}, "\u564c": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u66fd": "formerly; once; before; ever; never; ex-"}, "\u9091": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5df4": "comma-design"}, "\u5446": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u55b0": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u98df": "eat; food"}, "\u57f4": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u76f4": "straightaway; honesty; frankness; fix; repair"}, "\u5764": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u7533": "have the honor to; sign of the monkey; 3-5PM; ninth sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u58d5": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u8c6a": "overpowering; great; powerful; excelling; Australia"}, "\u57a2": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u540e": "empress; queen; after; behind; back; later"}, "\u5766": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u65e6": "daybreak; dawn; morning"}, "\u57e0": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)"}, "\u5830": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u531a": "box-on-side enclosure radical (no. 22)", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5973": "woman; female"}, "\u5835": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u8005": "someone; person"}, "\u5b30": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish", "\u5973": "woman; female"}, "\u59e6": {"\u5973": "woman; female"}, "\u5a62": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u5351": "lowly; base; vile; vulgar"}, "\u5a49": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u5b9b": "address; just like; fortunately"}, "\u5a3c": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u660c": "prosperous; bright; clear"}, "\u5993": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u652f": "branch; support; sustain; branch radical (no. 65)"}, "\u5a03": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u572d": "square jewel; corner; angle; edge"}, "\u59ea": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u81f3": "climax; arrive; proceed; reach; attain; result in"}, "\u5b2c": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u9700": "demand; request; need"}, "\u59e5": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u8001": "old man; old age; grow old"}, "\u59d1": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u53e4": "old"}, "\u59d0": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u4e14": "moreover; also; furthermore"}, "\u5b09": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u559c": "rejoice; take pleasure in"}, "\u5b55": {"\u4e43": "from; possessive particle; whereupon; accordingly", "\u5b50": "child; sign of the rat; 11PM-1AM; first sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u5b5c": {"\u5b50": "child; sign of the rat; 11PM-1AM; first sign of Chinese zodiac", "\u6534": "strike; hit; folding chair radical (no. 66)"}, "\u5ba5": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u6709": "possess; have; exist; happen; occur; approx"}, "\u5bd3": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u79ba": "long-tailed monkey"}, "\u5b8f": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)"}, "\u7262": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u725b": "cow"}, "\u5b8b": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u5b8d": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u516d": "six"}, "\u5c60": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u8005": "someone; person"}, "\u5c41": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u6bd4": "compare; race; ratio; Philipines"}, "\u5c51": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u8096": "resemblance"}, "\u5c61": {"\u5c4e": "shit; excrement", "\u5973": "woman; female"}, "\u5c4d": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u6b7b": "death; die"}, "\u5c4f": {"\u5c38": "corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)", "\u5e76": "put together"}, "\u5d69": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u9ad8": "tall; high; expensive"}, "\u5d1a": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u513f": "legs radical (no. 10)", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)"}, "\u5dba": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u9818": "jurisdiction; dominion; territory; fief; reign"}, "\u5d4c": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u7518": "sweet; coax; pamper; be content; sugary", "\u6b20": "lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)"}, "\u5e16": {"\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)", "\u5360": "fortune-telling; divining; forecasting; occupy; hold; have; get; take"}, "\u5e61": {"\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)", "\u756a": "turn; number in a series"}, "\u5e5f": {"\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)", "\u97f3": "sound; noise"}, "\u5e96": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u5305": "wrap; pack up; cover; conceal"}, "\u5ed3": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u90ed": "enclosure; quarters; fortification; red-light district"}, "\u5e87": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u6bd4": "compare; race; ratio; Philipines"}, "\u9df9": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u5e84": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u5edf": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u671d": "morning; dynasty; regime; epoch; period; (North) Korea"}, "\u5f4a": {"\u5f13": "bow; bow (archery, violin)", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy"}, "\u5f1b": {"\u5f13": "bow; bow (archery, violin)", "\u4e5f": "to be (classical)"}, "\u7ca5": {"\u5f13": "bow; bow (archery, violin)", "\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre"}, "\u633d": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u514d": "excuse; dismissal"}, "\u649e": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u7ae5": "juvenile; child"}, "\u626e": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5206": "part; minute of time; segment; share; degree; one's lot; duty; understand; know; rate; 1%; chances; shaku/100"}, "\u634f": {"": ""}, "\u63b4": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u56fd": "country"}, "\u637a": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5948": "Nara; what?"}, "\u63bb": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand", "\u866b": "insect; bug; temper"}, "\u64b0": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5dfd": "southeast"}, "\u63c3": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u524d": "in front; before"}, "\u634c": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5225": "separate; branch off; diverge; fork; another; extra; specially"}, "\u6309": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5b89": "relax; cheap; low; quiet; rested; contented; peaceful"}, "\u64ad": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u756a": "turn; number in a series"}, "\u63d6": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u8033": "ear"}, "\u6258": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u4e03": "seven"}, "\u6367": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5949": "observance; offer; present; dedicate"}, "\u649a": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u7136": "sort of thing; so; if so; in that case; well"}, "\u633a": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5ef7": "courts; imperial court; government office"}, "\u64fe": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u6182": "melancholy; grieve; lament; be anxious; sad; unhappy"}, "\u64ab": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u7121": "nothingness; none; ain't; nothing; nil; not"}, "\u6492": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u6563": "scatter; disperse; spend; squander"}, "\u64e2": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u7fbd": "feathers; counter for birds, rabbits", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u647a": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u7fd2": "learn"}, "\u6377": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)"}, "\u6289": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u592c": "decide; determine; archery glove"}, "\u602f": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u53bb": "gone; past; quit; leave; elapse; eliminate; divorce"}, "\u60df": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u60da": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u5ffd": "in a moment; instantly; all of a sudden; neglect; disregard"}, "\u601c": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u4ee4": "orders; ancient laws; command; decree"}, "\u60c7": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u4eab": "receive; undergo; answer (phone); take; get; catch"}, "\u6070": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u5408": "fit; suit; join; 0.1"}, "\u6062": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u7070": "ashes; puckery juice; cremate"}, "\u608c": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u5f1f": "younger brother; faithful service to elders"}, "\u6faa": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u96f6": "zero; spill; overflow; nothing; cipher"}, "\u6d38": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5149": "ray; light"}, "\u6ec9": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u6643": "clear"}, "\u6f31": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u675f": "bundle; sheaf; ream; tie in bundles; govern; manage; control", "\u6b20": "lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)"}, "\u6d32": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5dde": "state; province"}, "\u6d35": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u65ec": "decameron; 10-day period; season (for specific products)"}, "\u6ef2": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u53c3": "three; going; coming; visiting"}, "\u6d12": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u897e": "cover; place on top of; west radical variant (no. 146)"}, "\u6c90": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u6cea": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor"}, "\u6e3e": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u8ecd": "army; force; troops; war; battle"}, "\u6d9c": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u58f2": "sell"}, "\u6881": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife", "\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u6fb1": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u6bbf": "Mr.; hall; mansion; palace; temple; lord"}, "\u6d1b": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5404": "each; every; either"}, "\u6c5d": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5973": "woman; female"}, "\u6f09": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u9e7f": "deer"}, "\u7015": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u983b": "repeatedly; recur"}, "\u6fe0": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u8c6a": "overpowering; great; powerful; excelling; Australia"}, "\u6e8c": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u767a": "departure; discharge; publish; emit; start from; disclose; counter for gunshots"}, "\u6e4a": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u594f": "play music; speak to a ruler; complete"}, "\u6dcb": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u6797": "grove; forest"}, "\u6d69": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u544a": "revelation; tell; inform; announce"}, "\u6c40": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u4e01": "street; ward; town; counter for guns, tools, leaves or cakes of something; even number; 4th calendar sign"}, "\u9d3b": {"\u6c5f": "creek; inlet; bay", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u6f45": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u6ea2": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u76ca": "benefit; gain; profit; advantage"}, "\u6e5b": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u751a": "tremendously; very; great; exceedingly"}, "\u6df3": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u4eab": "receive; undergo; answer (phone); take; get; catch"}, "\u6e25": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5c4b": "roof; house; shop; dealer; seller"}, "\u7058": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u96e3": "difficult; impossible; trouble; accident; defect"}, "\u6c72": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u53ca": "reach out; exert; exercise; cause"}, "\u701e": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u9759": "quiet"}, "\u6e9c": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u7559": "detain; fasten; halt; stop"}, "\u6e15": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5929": "heavens; sky; imperial", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u6c8c": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5c6f": "barracks; police station; camp"}, "\u6ffe": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u616e": "prudence; thought; concern; consider; deliberate; fear"}, "\u6fe1": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u9700": "demand; request; need"}, "\u6dc0": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5b9a": "determine; fix; establish; decide"}, "\u6d85": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u65a7": {"\u7236": "father", "\u65a4": "axe; 1.32 lb; catty; counter for loaves of bread; axe radical (no. 69)"}, "\u723a": {"\u7236": "father", "\u8036": "question mark"}, "\u733e": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u9aa8": "skeleton; bone; remains; frame"}, "\u7325": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u754f": "fear; majestic; graciously; be apprehensive"}, "\u72e1": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u4ea4": "mingle; mixing; association; coming & going"}, "\u72f8": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u91cc": "ri; village; parent's home; league"}, "\u72fc": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u826f": "good; pleasing; skilled"}, "\u72fd": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u72d7": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u53e5": "phrase; clause; sentence; passage; paragraph; counter for haiku"}, "\u72d0": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u74dc": "melon"}, "\u72db": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u7345": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u5e2b": "expert; teacher; master; model; exemplar; army (incl. counter); war"}, "\u72d2": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u5f17": "dollar"}, "\u83a8": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u826f": "good; pleasing; skilled"}, "\u8309": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u672b": "end; close; tip; powder; posterity"}, "\u8389": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5229": "profit; advantage; benefit"}, "\u82fa": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u6bcd": "mother"}, "\u8429": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u79cb": "autumn"}, "\u85dd": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)", "\u4e38": "round; full (month); perfection; -ship; pills; make round; roll up; curl up; seduce; explain away", "\u4e91": "say"}, "\u8599": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u96c9": "pheasant"}, "\u84d1": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u8870": "decline; wane; weaken"}, "\u82d4": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u53f0": "pedestal; a stand; counter for machines and vehicles"}, "\u8569": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u6e6f": "hot water; bath; hot spring"}, "\u8513": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u66fc": "wide; beautiful"}, "\u84ee": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u9023": "take along; lead; join; connect; party; gang; clique"}, "\u8299": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u592b": "husband; man"}, "\u84c9": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5bb9": "contain; form; looks"}, "\u862d": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u95cc": "rise high; be well along"}, "\u82a6": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u6238": "door; counter for houses; door radical (no. 63)"}, "\u85af": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u7f72": "signature; govt office; police station"}, "\u83d6": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u660c": "prosperous; bright; clear"}, "\u8549": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u7126": "char; hurry; impatient; irritate; burn; scorch; singe"}, "\u854e": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u55ac": "high; boasting"}, "\u8557": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u8def": "path; route; road; distance"}, "\u8304": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u52a0": "add; addition; increase; join; include; Canada"}, "\u852d": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u9670": "shade; yin; negative; sex organs; secret; shadow"}, "\u84ec": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u9022": "meeting; tryst; date; rendezvous"}, "\u82a5": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u4ecb": "jammed in; shellfish; mediate; concern oneself with"}, "\u840c": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u660e": "bright; light"}, "\u8461": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u530d": "crawl; creep"}, "\u8404": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u7f36": "tin can; container; jar radical (no. 121)"}, "\u8607": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u9b5a": "fish", "\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)"}, "\u8543": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u756a": "turn; number in a series"}, "\u82d3": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u4ee4": "orders; ancient laws; command; decree"}, "\u83f0": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5b64": "orphan; alone"}, "\u8499": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u8c55": "pig; hog; pig radical (no. 152)"}, "\u8305": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u77db": "halberd; arms; festival float"}, "\u82ad": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5df4": "comma-design"}, "\u82c5": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5208": "reap; cut; clip; trim; prune"}, "\u8471": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u6031": "rush; hurry; be flustered"}, "\u8475": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u7678": "10th calendar sign"}, "\u847a": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u8033": "ear"}, "\u854a": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u8338": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u8033": "ear"}, "\u8494": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u6642": "time; hour"}, "\u82b9": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u65a4": "axe; 1.32 lb; catty; counter for loaves of bread; axe radical (no. 69)"}, "\u82eb": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5360": "fortune-telling; divining; forecasting; occupy; hold; have; get; take"}, "\u84bc": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5009": "godown; warehouse; storehouse; cellar; treasury"}, "\u85c1": {"\u84bf": "mugwort", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u856a": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u7121": "nothingness; none; ain't; nothing; nil; not"}, "\u85f7": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u8af8": "various; many; several; together"}, "\u85ae": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u6570": "number; strength; fate; law; figures"}, "\u849c": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display"}, "\u8568": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u53a5": "that"}, "\u851a": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5c09": "military officer; jailer; old man; rank"}, "\u831c": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u897e": "cover; place on top of; west radical variant (no. 146)"}, "\u839e": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5b8c": "perfect; completion; end"}, "\u8490": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u9b3c": "ghost; devil"}, "\u83c5": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5b98": "bureaucrat; the government"}, "\u8466": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u97cb": "tanned leather radical (no. 178)"}, "\u8fea": {"\u7531": "wherefore; a reason", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u8fbf": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u9019": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u8fc2": {"\u4e8e": "going; from", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u9041": {"\u76fe": "shield; escutcheon; pretext", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u9022": {"\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)", "\u4e09": "three", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u9065": {"\u722a": "claw; nail; talon", "\u7f36": "tin can; container; jar radical (no. 121)", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u907c": {"\u5927": "large; big", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5c0f": "little; small", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u903c": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u8fc4": {"\u4e5e": "beg; invite; ask", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u9017": {"\u8c46": "beans; pea; midget", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u912d": {"\u5960": "decision", "\u9091": "village; rural community; right village radical (no. 163)"}, "\u9695": {"": ""}, "\u9688": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u754f": "fear; majestic; graciously; be apprehensive"}, "\u6191": {"\u99ae": "displeasure; proper name", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u60f9": {"\u82e5": "young; if; perhaps; possibly; low number; immature", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u6089": {"\u91c6": "separate; divide; topped rice radical (no. 165)", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u5ffd": {"\u52ff": "not; must not; do not; be not", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u60e3": {"\u7269": "thing; object; matter", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u6108": {"\u516a": "steal", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u6055": {"\u5982": "likeness; like; such as; as if; better; best; equal", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u6634": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u536f": "sign of the hare or rabbit; 5-7AM; fourth sign of Chinese zodiac; east"}, "\u664b": {"\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u665f": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u6210": "turn into; become; get; grow; elapse; reach"}, "\u6688": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u8ecd": "army; force; troops; war; battle"}, "\u6689": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u8ecd": "army; force; troops; war; battle"}, "\u65f1": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5e72": "dry; parch"}, "\u664f": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5b89": "relax; cheap; low; quiet; rested; contented; peaceful"}, "\u6668": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u8fb0": "sign of the dragon; 7-9AM; fifth sign of Chinese zodiac; shin dragon radical (no. 161)"}, "\u6652": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u897e": "cover; place on top of; west radical variant (no. 146)"}, "\u6643": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5149": "ray; light"}, "\u66dd": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u66b4": "outburst; rave; fret; force; violence; cruelty; outrage"}, "\u66d9": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u7f72": "signature; govt office; police station"}, "\u6602": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5369": "seal radical (no. 26)"}, "\u660f": {"\u6c0f": "family name; surname; clan", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u6666": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u6bce": "every"}, "\u81bf": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u8fb2": "agriculture; farmers"}, "\u8151": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u5e9c": "borough; urban prefecture; govt office; representative body; storehouse"}, "\u80f1": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u5149": "ray; light"}, "\u80da": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u4e15": "large; great; grand; glorious; distinguished"}, "\u809b": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)"}, "\u8106": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u5371": "dangerous; fear; uneasy"}, "\u808b": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u8154": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u7a7a": "empty; sky; void; vacant; vacuum"}, "\u80b1": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)"}, "\u80e1": {"\u53e4": "old", "\u8089": "meat"}, "\u6953": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u98a8": "wind; air; style; manner"}, "\u694a": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u661c": "open; sun"}, "\u690b": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u4eac": "capital; 10**16"}, "\u699b": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u79e6": "Manchu dynasty; name given to naturalized foreigners"}, "\u6adb": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u7bc0": "node; season; period; occasion; verse; clause; stanza; honor; joint; knuckle; knob; knot; tune; melody"}, "\u69cc": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u8ffd": "chase; drive away; follow; pursue; meanwhile"}, "\u6a35": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u7126": "char; hurry; impatient; irritate; burn; scorch; singe"}, "\u68af": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5f1f": "younger brother; faithful service to elders"}, "\u67d1": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u7518": "sweet; coax; pamper; be content; sugary"}, "\u676d": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u4ea2": "high spirits"}, "\u67ca": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u51ac": "winter"}, "\u67da": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u7531": "wherefore; a reason"}, "\u6900": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5b9b": "address; just like; fortunately"}, "\u6802": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u6bcd": "mother"}, "\u67fe": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u6b63": "correct; justice; righteous; 10**40"}, "\u698a": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u795e": "gods; mind; soul"}, "\u6a2b": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5805": "strict; hard; solid; tough; tight; reliable"}, "\u69d9": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u771f": "true; reality; Buddhist sect"}, "\u6962": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u914b": "chieftain"}, "\u6a58": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u77db": "halberd; arms; festival float", "\u518f": "light; clear; bright"}, "\u6867": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u4f1a": "meeting; meet; party; association; interview; join"}, "\u68f2": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u59bb": "wife; spouse"}, "\u6816": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u897e": "cover; place on top of; west radical variant (no. 146)"}, "\u6854": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5409": "good luck; joy; congratulations"}, "\u675c": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u6777": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5df4": "comma-design"}, "\u68b6": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5c3e": "tail; end; counter for fish; lower slope of mountain"}, "\u6775": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5348": "noon; sign of the horse; 11AM-1PM; seventh sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u6756": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u4e08": "length; 10feet; measure; Mr.; Ms.; height; stature; all (one has); only; that's all; merely"}, "\u6a3d": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5c0a": "revered; valuable; precious; noble; exalted"}, "\u6ad3": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u9b6f": "foolish; Russia"}, "\u6a7f": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy"}, "\u6753": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u52fa": "ladle; one tenth of a go; dip"}, "\u674e": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5b50": "child; sign of the rat; 11PM-1AM; first sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u68c9": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5e1b": "cloth"}, "\u696f": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u76fe": "shield; escutcheon; pretext"}, "\u698e": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u590f": "summer"}, "\u6a3a": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u83ef": "splendor; flower; petal; shine; luster; ostentatious; showy; gay; gorgeous"}, "\u69cd": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5009": "godown; warehouse; storehouse; cellar; treasury"}, "\u67d8": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u77f3": "stone"}, "\u68b1": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u56f0": "quandary; become distressed; annoyed"}, "\u6787": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u6bd4": "compare; race; ratio; Philipines"}, "\u6a0b": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u901a": "traffic; pass through; avenue; commute; counter for letters, notes, documents, etc."}, "\u6a47": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u6bf3": "nap; down; fluff"}, "\u69c3": {"\u822c": "carrier; carry; all", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u681e": {"\u5e75": "put together", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u6930": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u8036": "question mark"}, "\u6a80": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u4eb6": "truly; wholly; cordial"}, "\u6a17": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u96e8": "rain", "\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)"}, "\u69fb": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u898f": "standard; measure"}, "\u6919": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u660c": "prosperous; bright; clear"}, "\u5f6c": {"\u6797": "grove; forest", "\u6749": "cedar; cryptomeria"}, "\u6876": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u752c": "road with walls on both sides"}, "\u6955": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5de6": "left", "\u6708": "month; moon"}, "\u6a12": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5bc6": "secrecy; density (pop); minuteness; carefulness"}, "\u6bec": {"\u6bdb": "fur; hair; feather; down", "\u6c42": "request; want; wish for; require; demand"}, "\u71ff": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u7fbd": "feathers; counter for birds, rabbits", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u71ce": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u5927": "large; big", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5c0f": "little; small"}, "\u70ac": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u5de8": "gigantic; big; large; great"}, "\u711a": {"\u6797": "grove; forest", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u7078": {"\u4e45": "long time; old story", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u717d": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u6247": "fan; folding fan"}, "\u7164": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u67d0": "so-and-so; one; a certain; that person"}, "\u7149": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u6771": "east"}, "\u71e6": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u7cb2": "bright"}, "\u707c": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u52fa": "ladle; one tenth of a go; dip"}, "\u70d9": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u5404": "each; every; either"}, "\u7114": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u65e7": "old times; old things; old friend; former; ex-"}, "\u70f9": {"\u4ea8": "pass through; go smoothly", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u727d": {"\u7384": "mysterious; occultness", "\u725b": "cow"}, "\u725d": {"\u725b": "cow", "\u5315": "spoon; spoon or katakana hi radical (no. 21)"}, "\u7261": {"\u725b": "cow", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u7433": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u6797": "grove; forest"}, "\u7409": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u342c": "a cup with pendants; a pennant; wild; barren; uncultivated"}, "\u7473": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u5dee": "distinction; difference; variation; discrepancy; margin; balance"}, "\u7422": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u8c55": "pig; hog; pig radical (no. 152)"}, "\u73ca": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u518a": "tome; counter for books; volume"}, "\u745a": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u80e1": "barbarian; foreign"}, "\u745e": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u5c71": "mountain", "\u800c": "rake"}, "\u7396": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u4e45": "long time; old story"}, "\u745b": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u82f1": "England; English"}, "\u73b2": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u4ee4": "orders; ancient laws; command; decree"}, "\u7562": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u7566": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u572d": "square jewel; corner; angle; edge"}, "\u75d2": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u7f8a": "sheep"}, "\u75f0": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u708e": "inflammation; flame; blaze"}, "\u75b9": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u5f61": "three; hair ornament; short hair or fur radical (no. 59)"}, "\u75d4": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u5bfa": "Buddhist temple"}, "\u764c": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u5d52": "rock"}, "\u75fa": {"\u7592": "trailing sickness; sick radical (no. 104)", "\u5351": "lowly; base; vile; vulgar"}, "\u7738": {"\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor", "\u725f": "pupil (eye); moo (cow sound)"}, "\u7729": {"\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor", "\u7384": "mysterious; occultness"}, "\u96c9": {"\u77e2": "dart; arrow", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u77e9": {"\u77e2": "dart; arrow", "\u5de8": "gigantic; big; large; great"}, "\u78d0": {"\u822c": "carrier; carry; all", "\u77f3": "stone"}, "\u7887": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u5b9a": "determine; fix; establish; decide"}, "\u78a7": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u77f3": "stone"}, "\u786f": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u898b": "see; hopes; chances; idea; opinion; look at; visible"}, "\u7825": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u6c0f": "family name; surname; clan", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)"}, "\u7897": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u5b9b": "address; just like; fortunately"}, "\u788d": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u65e6": "daybreak; dawn; morning", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u78a9": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u78ef": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u5e7e": "how many; how much; how far; how long; some; several"}, "\u783a": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u4e07": "ten thousand; 10,000"}, "\u7893": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u79a6": {"\u5fa1": "honorable; manipulate; govern", "\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display"}, "\u7977": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u5bff": "longevity; congratulations; one's natural life"}, "\u7950": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u53f3": "right"}, "\u7947": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u6c0f": "family name; surname; clan"}, "\u7962": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u5c13": "you; that"}, "\u7984": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u6c34": "water"}, "\u798e": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u8c9e": "upright; chastity; constancy; righteousness"}, "\u79e4": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u5e73": "even; flat; peace"}, "\u9ecd": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u6c34": "water"}, "\u79bf": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u7a14": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u5ff5": "wish; sense; idea; thought; feeling; desire; attention"}, "\u7a17": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u5351": "lowly; base; vile; vulgar"}, "\u7a63": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u8944": "rise; raise"}, "\u7a1c": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u513f": "legs radical (no. 10)", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)"}, "\u7a00": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u5e0c": "hope; beg; request; pray; beseech; Greece; dilute (acid); rare; few; phenomenal"}, "\u7a46": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5c0f": "little; small", "\u5f61": "three; hair ornament; short hair or fur radical (no. 59)"}, "\u7aba": {"\u7a74": "hole; aperture; slit; cave; den", "\u898f": "standard; measure"}, "\u7a84": {"\u7a74": "hole; aperture; slit; cave; den", "\u4e4d": "though; notwithstanding; while; during; both; all"}, "\u7a7f": {"\u7a74": "hole; aperture; slit; cave; den", "\u7259": "tusk; fang; tusk radical (no. 92)"}, "\u7ac3": {"\u7a74": "hole; aperture; slit; cave; den", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u7aea": {"\u81e3": "retainer; subject", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand", "\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect"}, "\u98af": {"\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u98a8": "wind; air; style; manner"}, "\u7ad9": {"\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u5360": "fortune-telling; divining; forecasting; occupy; hold; have; get; take"}, "\u9756": {"\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u9752": "blue; green"}, "\u59be": {"\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u5973": "woman; female"}, "\u887f": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u4eca": "now"}, "\u88b7": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u5408": "fit; suit; join; 0.1"}, "\u88b4": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u5938": "boast"}, "\u8956": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u5965": "heart; interior"}, "\u7b19": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u751f": "life; genuine; birth"}, "\u7b4f": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u4f10": "fell; strike; attack; punish"}, "\u7c3e": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u5ec9": "bargain; reason; charge; suspicion; point; account; purity; honest; low price; cheap; rested; contented; peaceful"}, "\u7baa": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u5358": "simple; one; single; merely"}, "\u7aff": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u5e72": "dry; parch"}, "\u7b86": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u6bd4": "compare; race; ratio; Philipines"}, "\u7b94": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u6cca": "overnight; put up at; ride at anchor; 3-day stay"}, "\u7b25": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u53f8": "director; official; govt office; rule; administer"}, "\u7bad": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u524d": "in front; before"}, "\u7b51": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)", "\u51e1": "mediocre"}, "\u7be0": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u689d": "article; ray of light"}, "\u7e82": {"\u7b97": "calculate; divining; number; abacus; probability", "\u7cf8": "thread"}, "\u7afa": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)"}, "\u7b95": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u5176": "that"}, "\u7b08": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u53ca": "reach out; exert; exercise; cause"}, "\u7bc7": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u6241": "level; small"}, "\u7b48": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u820c": "tongue; reed; clapper"}, "\u7c38": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u5176": "that", "\u76ae": "pelt; skin; hide; leather; skin radical (no. 107)"}, "\u7c95": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u7cdf": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u66f9": "cadet; friend"}, "\u7cca": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u80e1": "barbarian; foreign"}, "\u7c7e": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u5203": "blade; sword; edge"}, "\u7ce0": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u5eb7": "ease; peace"}, "\u7cde": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u7570": "uncommon; queerness; strangeness; wonderful; curious; unusual"}, "\u7c9f": {"\u897e": "cover; place on top of; west radical variant (no. 146)", "\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre"}, "\u7e4b": {"\u8eca": "car", "\u6bb3": "pike; windy-again radical (no. 79)", "\u7cf8": "thread"}, "\u7db8": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u4f96": "think; be methodical"}, "\u7d68": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u620e": "warrior; arms; barbarian; Ainu"}, "\u7d46": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u534a": "half; middle; odd number; semi-; part-"}, "\u7dcb": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u975e": "un-; mistake; negative; injustice; non-"}, "\u7d9c": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5b97": "religion; sect; denomination; main point; origin; essence"}, "\u7d10": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u4e11": "sign of the ox or cow; 1-3AM; second sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u7d18": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)"}, "\u7e8f": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5edb": "fine residence; shop; store"}, "\u7d62": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u65ec": "decameron; 10-day period; season (for specific products)"}, "\u7e4d": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u7c9b": "solemn; quietly; softly"}, "\u7d2c": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u7531": "wherefore; a reason"}, "\u7dba": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5947": "strange; strangeness; curiosity"}, "\u7dbe": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u513f": "legs radical (no. 10)", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)"}, "\u7d43": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u7384": "mysterious; occultness"}, "\u7e1e": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u9ad8": "tall; high; expensive"}, "\u7dac": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u53d7": "accept; undergo; answer (phone); take; get; catch; receive"}, "\u7d17": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5c11": "few; little"}, "\u8235": {"\u821f": "boat; ship", "\u5b83": "other"}, "\u806f": {"\u8033": "ear", "\u5e7a": "short thread radical (no. 52)", "\u4e31": "saguaro-like kanji; horn-shaped locks of hair; young; tender"}, "\u8061": {"\u8033": "ear", "\u516c": "public; prince; official; governmental", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u8058": {"\u8033": "ear", "\u7531": "wherefore; a reason"}, "\u803d": {"\u8033": "ear", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u8036": {"\u8033": "ear", "\u9091": "village; rural community; right village radical (no. 163)"}, "\u86a4": {"\u53c9": "fork in road; crotch", "\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)", "\u866b": "insect; bug; temper"}, "\u87f9": {"\u89e3": "unravel; notes; key; explanation; understanding; untie; undo; solve; answer; cancel; absolve; explain; minute", "\u866b": "insect; bug; temper"}, "\u86cb": {"\u758b": "head; counter for animals", "\u866b": "insect; bug; temper"}, "\u87c4": {"\u57f7": "tenacious; take hold; grasp; take to heart", "\u866b": "insect; bug; temper"}, "\u877f": {"\u866b": "insect; bug; temper", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u87fb": {"\u866b": "insect; bug; temper", "\u7fa9": "righteousness; justice; morality; honor; loyalty; meaning"}, "\u874b": {"\u866b": "insect; bug; temper", "\u9f20": "rat; mouse; dark gray"}, "\u8766": {"\u866b": "insect; bug; temper", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u86f8": {"\u866b": "insect; bug; temper", "\u8096": "resemblance"}, "\u87ba": {"\u866b": "insect; bug; temper", "\u7d2f": "accumulate; involvement; trouble; tie up; continually"}, "\u8749": {"\u866b": "insect; bug; temper", "\u5358": "simple; one; single; merely"}, "\u86d9": {"\u866b": "insect; bug; temper", "\u572d": "square jewel; corner; angle; edge"}, "\u86fe": {"\u866b": "insect; bug; temper", "\u6211": "ego; I; selfish; our; oneself"}, "\u86e4": {"\u866b": "insect; bug; temper", "\u5408": "fit; suit; join; 0.1"}, "\u86ed": {"\u866b": "insect; bug; temper", "\u81f3": "climax; arrive; proceed; reach; attain; result in"}, "\u86ce": {"\u866b": "insect; bug; temper", "\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u4e07": "ten thousand; 10,000"}, "\u7f6b": {"\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u5366": "a divination sign"}, "\u8888": {"\u52a0": "add; addition; increase; join; include; Canada", "\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing"}, "\u88df": {"\u6c99": "sand", "\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing"}, "\u622a": {"\u88c1": "tailor; judge; decision; cut out (pattern)"}, "\u54c9": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u8a62": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u65ec": "decameron; 10-day period; season (for specific products)"}, "\u8ac4": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u4eab": "receive; undergo; answer (phone); take; get; catch"}, "\u8b90": {"\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)", "\u8a00": "say"}, "\u8acc": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u6771": "east"}, "\u8ad2": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u4eac": "capital; 10**16"}, "\u8b83": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u8cdb": "approve; praise; title or inscription on picture; assist; agree with"}, "\u8a0a": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u4e59": "the latter; duplicate; strange; witty; fishhook radical (no. 5)", "\u5341": "ten"}, "\u8a23": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u592c": "decide; determine; archery glove"}, "\u8a6b": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5b85": "home; house; residence; our house; my husband"}, "\u8abc": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5b9c": "best regards; good"}, "\u8b2c": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u7fbd": "feathers; counter for birds, rabbits", "\u5f61": "three; hair ornament; short hair or fur radical (no. 59)"}, "\u8a1d": {"": ""}, "\u8afa": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5f66": "lad; boy (ancient)"}, "\u8ab9": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u975e": "un-; mistake; negative; injustice; non-"}, "\u8b02": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u80c3": "stomach; paunch; crop; craw"}, "\u8adc": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u4e16": "generation; world; society; public", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u8a3b": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u4e3b": "lord; chief; master; main thing; principal"}, "\u8b6c": {"\u8f9f": "false; punish; crime; law", "\u8a00": "say"}, "\u8f5f": {"\u8eca": "car"}, "\u8f14": {"\u8eca": "car", "\u752b": "for the first time; not until"}, "\u8f3b": {"\u8eca": "car", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy"}, "\u8f2f": {"\u8eca": "car", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u8033": "ear"}, "\u8c79": {"\u8c78": "snake; legless insect; badger or clawed dog radical (no. 153)", "\u52fa": "ladle; one tenth of a go; dip"}, "\u8cce": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish", "\u6214": "damage; remain; slight"}, "\u8cb0": {"\u4e16": "generation; world; society; public", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u8cd1": {"\u8c9d": "shellfish", "\u8fb0": "sign of the dragon; 7-9AM; fifth sign of Chinese zodiac; shin dragon radical (no. 161)"}, "\u8d16": {"": ""}, "\u8e93": {"\u8db3": "leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear", "\u8cea": "substance; quality; matter; temperament"}, "\u8e44": {"\u8db3": "leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear", "\u5e1d": "sovereign; the emperor; god; creator"}, "\u8e5f": {"\u8db3": "leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear", "\u8cac": "blame; condemn; censure"}, "\u8de8": {"\u8db3": "leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear", "\u5938": "boast"}, "\u8dea": {"\u8db3": "leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear", "\u5371": "dangerous; fear; uneasy"}, "\u91a4": {"\u5c06": "leader; commander; general; admiral; or; and again; soon; from now on; just about", "\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)"}, "\u918d": {"\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)", "\u662f": "just so; this; right; justice"}, "\u9190": {"\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)", "\u80e1": "barbarian; foreign"}, "\u9187": {"\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)", "\u4eab": "receive; undergo; answer (phone); take; get; catch"}, "\u9eb9": {"\u9ea5": "wheat", "\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre"}, "\u91e6": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u929a": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u5146": "portent; 10**12; trillion; sign; omen; symptoms"}, "\u92e4": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u52a9": "help; rescue; assist"}, "\u92f8": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u5c45": "reside; to be; exist; live with"}, "\u9310": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u936c": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u79cb": "autumn"}, "\u92f2": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u5175": "soldier; private; troops; army; warfare; strategy; tactics"}, "\u932b": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u6613": "easy; ready to; simple; fortune-telling; divination"}, "\u9328": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u82d7": "seedling; sapling; shoot"}, "\u91d8": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u4e01": "street; ward; town; counter for guns, tools, leaves or cakes of something; even number; 4th calendar sign"}, "\u9453": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u9063": "dispatch; despatch; send; give; donate; do; undertake"}, "\u92d2": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)", "\u4e09": "three", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u939a": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u8ffd": "chase; drive away; follow; pursue; meanwhile"}, "\u9266": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u6b63": "correct; justice; righteous; 10**40"}, "\u9306": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u9752": "blue; green"}, "\u937e": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u91cd": "heavy; heap up; pile up; nest of boxes; -fold"}, "\u92cf": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u593e": "insert between"}, "\u9583": {"\u9580": "gate; counter for cannons", "\u4eba": "person"}, "\u60b6": {"\u9580": "gate; counter for cannons", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u95a4": {"\u9580": "gate; counter for cannons", "\u5408": "fit; suit; join; 0.1"}, "\u96eb": {"\u96e8": "rain", "\u4e0b": "below; down; descend; give; low; inferior"}, "\u971e": {"\u96e8": "rain", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u7ff0": {"\u5341": "ten", "\u65e9": "early; fast", "\u7fbd": "feathers; counter for birds, rabbits"}, "\u65a1": {"\u5341": "ten", "\u65e9": "early; fast", "\u6597": "Big Dipper; 10 sho (vol); sake dipper; dots and cross radical (no. 68)"}, "\u978d": {"\u9769": "leather; become serious; skin; hide; pelt", "\u5b89": "relax; cheap; low; quiet; rested; contented; peaceful"}, "\u97ad": {"\u9769": "leather; become serious; skin; hide; pelt", "\u4fbf": "convenience"}, "\u9798": {"\u9769": "leather; become serious; skin; hide; pelt", "\u8096": "resemblance"}, "\u9784": {"\u9769": "leather; become serious; skin; hide; pelt", "\u5305": "wrap; pack up; cover; conceal"}, "\u976d": {"\u9769": "leather; become serious; skin; hide; pelt", "\u5203": "blade; sword; edge"}, "\u97a0": {"\u9769": "leather; become serious; skin; hide; pelt", "\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre"}, "\u985b": {"\u771f": "true; reality; Buddhist sect", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u7a4e": {"\u9803": "time; about; toward", "\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u9817": {"\u76ae": "pelt; skin; hide; leather; skin radical (no. 107)", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u980c": {"\u516c": "public; prince; official; governmental", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u981a": {"\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u9910": {"\u6b79": "bare bone; bad; wrong; death radical (n. 78)", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand", "\u98df": "eat; food"}, "\u9957": {"\u90f7": "home town; village; native place; district", "\u98df": "eat; food"}, "\u8755": {"\u98df": "eat; food", "\u866b": "insect; bug; temper"}, "\u98f4": {"\u98df": "eat; food", "\u53f0": "pedestal; a stand; counter for machines and vehicles"}, "\u99d5": {"\u52a0": "add; addition; increase; join; include; Canada", "\u99ac": "horse"}, "\u9a28": {"\u99ac": "horse", "\u5358": "simple; one; single; merely"}, "\u99b3": {"\u99ac": "horse", "\u4e5f": "to be (classical)"}, "\u9a19": {"\u99ac": "horse", "\u6241": "level; small"}, "\u99b4": {"\u99ac": "horse", "\u5ddb": "curving river radical (no.47)"}, "\u99c1": {"\u99ac": "horse", "\u723b": "to mix with; to associate with; to join; double X radical (no. 89)"}, "\u99c8": {"\u99ac": "horse", "\u4e18": "hill; knoll"}, "\u9a62": {"\u99ac": "horse", "\u76e7": "hut"}, "\u9c3b": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u66fc": "wide; beautiful"}, "\u9bdb": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u5468": "circumference; circuit; lap"}, "\u9c2f": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u5f31": "weak; frail"}, "\u9c52": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u5c0a": "revered; valuable; precious; noble; exalted"}, "\u9bad": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u572d": "square jewel; corner; angle; edge"}, "\u9baa": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u6709": "possess; have; exist; happen; occur; approx"}, "\u9b8e": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u5360": "fortune-telling; divining; forecasting; occupy; hold; have; get; take"}, "\u9bf5": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u53c2": "nonplussed; three; going; coming; visiting; visit; be defeated; die; be madly in love"}, "\u9c48": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u96ea": "snow"}, "\u9bd6": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u9752": "blue; green"}, "\u9bab": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u4ea4": "mingle; mixing; association; coming & going"}, "\u9c39": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u5805": "strict; hard; solid; tough; tight; reliable"}, "\u9c0d": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u79cb": "autumn"}, "\u9c10": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u54a2": "outspokenly"}, "\u9b92": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u4ed8": "adhere; attach; refer to; append"}, "\u9ba8": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u65e8": "delicious; relish; show a liking for; purport; will; clever; expert"}, "\u9c2d": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u8006": "senility"}, "\u9d0e": {"\u533a": "ward; district", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u9d6c": {"\u670b": "companion; friend", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u9e1a": {"\u5b30": "sharp (music); baby", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u9d61": {"\u6b66": "warrior; military; chivalry; arms", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u9d5c": {"\u5f1f": "younger brother; faithful service to elders", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u9dfa": {"\u8def": "path; route; road; distance", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u9df2": {"\u5c31": "concerning; settle; take position; depart; study; per", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u9d28": {"\u7532": "armor; high (voice); A grade; first class; former; instep; carapace", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u9cf6": {"\u5f0b": "piling; ceremony radical (no. 56)", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u689f": {"\u9ce5": "bird; chicken", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u5875": {"\u9e7f": "deer", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u9e92": {"\u9e7f": "deer", "\u5176": "that"}, "\u8205": {"\u81fc": "mortar", "\u7537": "male"}, "\u9f20": {"\u81fc": "mortar"}, "\u947f": {"\u81fc": "mortar", "\u6bb3": "pike; windy-again radical (no. 79)", "\u91d1": "gold"}, "\u8258": {"\u821f": "boat; ship", "\u53df": "old person"}, "\u7791": {"\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor", "\u51a5": "dark"}, "\u669d": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u51a5": "dark"}, "\u5750": {"\u4ece": "two people", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u6714": {"\u5c6e": "left hand; old grass radical (no. 45)", "\u8089": "meat"}, "\u66f3": {"\u66f0": "say; reason; pretext; history; past; flat sun radical (no. 73)", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)", "\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)"}, "\u6d29": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u66f3": "pull; tug; jerk; admit; install; quote; refer to"}, "\u5f57": {"\u4e09": "three", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)"}, "\u6167": {"\u5f57": "comet", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u723e": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)", "\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u723b": "to mix with; to associate with; to join; double X radical (no. 89)"}, "\u5609": {"\u5409": "good luck; joy; congratulations", "\u52a0": "add; addition; increase; join; include; Canada"}, "\u5147": {"\u51f6": "villain; evil; bad luck; disaster", "\u513f": "legs radical (no. 10)"}, "\u515c": {"\u767d": "white", "\u513f": "legs radical (no. 10)"}, "\u9744": {"": ""}, "\u52ab": {"\u53bb": "gone; past; quit; leave; elapse; eliminate; divorce", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u6b4e": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u592b": "husband; man", "\u6b20": "lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)"}, "\u8f3f": {"\u81fc": "mortar", "\u8eca": "car", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u6b6a": {"\u4e15": "large; great; grand; glorious; distinguished", "\u6b63": "correct; justice; righteous; 10**40"}, "\u7fe0": {"\u7fbd": "feathers; counter for birds, rabbits", "\u5352": "graduate; soldier; private; die"}, "\u9edb": {"\u4ee3": "substitute; change; convert; replace; period; age; counter for decades of ages, eras, etc.; generation; charge; rate; fee", "\u9ed1": "black; dark; evil; sinister"}, "\u9f0e": {"\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor"}, "\u9e75": {"\u535c": "divination", "\u56d7": "box or enclosure radical (no. 31); box"}, "\u9e78": {"\u9e75": "salt", "\u50c9": "all"}, "\u8654": {"\u864d": "tiger spots; mottled; tiger or tiger crown radical (no. 141)", "\u6587": "sentence; literature; style; art; decoration; figures; plan; literary radical (no. 67)"}, "\u71d5": {"\u5eff": "twenty; 20", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5317": "north", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u5617": {"\u5c1a": "esteem; furthermore; still; yet", "\u65e8": "delicious; relish; show a liking for; purport; will; clever; expert"}, "\u6b86": {"\u6b79": "bare bone; bad; wrong; death radical (n. 78)", "\u53f0": "pedestal; a stand; counter for machines and vehicles"}, "\u724c": {"\u7247": "one-sided; leaf; sheet; right-side kata radical (no. 91)", "\u5351": "lowly; base; vile; vulgar"}, "\u8997": {"\u53f8": "director; official; govt office; rule; administer", "\u898b": "see; hopes; chances; idea; opinion; look at; visible"}, "\u9f5f": {"": ""}, "\u9f6c": {"": ""}, "\u79e6": {"\u4e09": "three", "\u5927": "large; big", "\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)"}, "\u96c0": {"\u5c11": "few; little", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u96bc": {"\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)", "\u5341": "ten"}, "\u8000": {"\u5149": "ray; light", "\u7fbd": "feathers; counter for birds, rabbits", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u5937": {"\u5927": "large; big", "\u5f13": "bow; bow (archery, violin)"}, "\u56a2": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u66a2": {"\u7533": "have the honor to; sign of the monkey; 3-5PM; ninth sign of Chinese zodiac", "\u661c": "open; sun"}, "\u5efb": {"\u56de": "-times; round; game; revolve; counter for occurrences", "\u5ef4": "long stride or stretching radical (no. 54)"}, "\u6b23": {"\u65a4": "axe; 1.32 lb; catty; counter for loaves of bread; axe radical (no. 69)", "\u6b20": "lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)"}, "\u6bc5": {"\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u8c55": "pig; hog; pig radical (no. 152)", "\u6bb3": "pike; windy-again radical (no. 79)"}, "\u65af": {"\u5176": "that", "\u65a4": "axe; 1.32 lb; catty; counter for loaves of bread; axe radical (no. 69)"}, "\u5319": {"\u662f": "just so; this; right; justice", "\u5315": "spoon; spoon or katakana hi radical (no. 21)"}, "\u5321": {"\u531a": "box-on-side enclosure radical (no. 22)", "\u7389": "jewel; ball"}, "\u8087": {"\u6238": "door; counter for houses; door radical (no. 63)", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)", "\u807f": "brush; finally; self; relate; follow; here; fast; writing brush radical (no. 129)"}, "\u9ebf": {"\u9ebb": "hemp; flax", "\u5442": "spine; backbone"}, "\u53e2": {"\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)", "\u7f8a": "sheep", "\u53d6": "take; fetch; take up"}, "\u80b4": {"\u4e42": "mow; cut grass; subdue", "\u6709": "possess; have; exist; happen; occur; approx"}, "\u6590": {"\u975e": "un-; mistake; negative; injustice; non-", "\u6587": "sentence; literature; style; art; decoration; figures; plan; literary radical (no. 67)"}, "\u537f": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u5373": "instant; namely; as is; conform; agree; adapt"}, "\u7feb": {"\u7fd2": "learn", "\u5143": "beginning; former time; origin"}, "\u65bc": {"\u65b9": "direction; person; alternative", "\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)"}, "\u5957": {"\u5927": "large; big", "\u9577": "long; leader"}, "\u53db": {"\u534a": "half; middle; odd number; semi-; part-", "\u53cd": "anti-"}, "\u5c16": {"\u5c0f": "little; small", "\u5927": "large; big"}, "\u58f7": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)"}, "\u53e1": {"\u777f": "intelligence; imperial", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u914b": {"\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)", "\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)"}, "\u9d2c": {"\u5c0f": "small, insignificant", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u8d6b": {"\u8d64": "red"}, "\u81e5": {"\u81e3": "retainer; subject", "\u4eba": "person"}, "\u7525": {"\u751f": "life; genuine; birth", "\u7537": "male"}, "\u74e2": {"\u7968": "ballot; label; ticket; sign", "\u74dc": "melon"}, "\u7435": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u6bd4": "compare; race; ratio; Philipines"}, "\u7436": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u5df4": "comma-design"}, "\u53c9": {"\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand", "\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)"}, "\u4e56": {"": ""}, "\u7560": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy"}, "\u5703": {"\u56d7": "box or enclosure radical (no. 31); box", "\u752b": "for the first time; not until"}, "\u4e1e": {"\u4e86": "complete; finish", "\u6c34": "water", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)"}, "\u4eae": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u80e4": {"\u513f": "legs radical (no. 10)", "\u5e7a": "short thread radical (no. 52)", "\u6708": "month; moon"}, "\u758f": {"\u758b": "head; counter for animals", "\u342c": "a cup with pendants; a pennant; wild; barren; uncultivated"}, "\u818f": {"\u9ad8": "tall; high; expensive", "\u6708": "month; moon"}, "\u9b41": {"\u9b3c": "ghost; devil", "\u6597": "Big Dipper; 10 sho (vol); sake dipper; dots and cross radical (no. 68)"}, "\u99a8": {"\u58f0": "voice", "\u6bb3": "pike; windy-again radical (no. 79)", "\u9999": "incense; smell; perfume"}, "\u7252": {"\u7247": "one-sided; leaf; sheet; right-side kata radical (no. 91)", "\u4e16": "generation; world; society; public", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u77a5": {"\u655d": "be worn-out; be dilapidated; be defeated", "\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor"}, "\u777e": {"\u8840": "blood", "\u5e78": "happiness; blessing; fortune"}, "\u5deb": {"\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)", "\u4ece": "two people"}, "\u6566": {"\u4eab": "receive; undergo; answer (phone); take; get; catch", "\u6534": "strike; hit; folding chair radical (no. 66)"}, "\u594e": {"\u5927": "large; big", "\u572d": "square jewel; corner; angle; edge"}, "\u7fd4": {"\u7f8a": "sheep", "\u7fbd": "feathers; counter for birds, rabbits"}, "\u7693": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u544a": "revelation; tell; inform; announce"}, "\u9ece": {"\u9ecd": "millet", "\u6c34": "water"}, "\u8d73": {"\u8d70": "run", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u5df2": {"\u5df1": "self; snake; serpent"}, "\u68d8": {"\u673f": "thorn"}, "\u795f": {"\u51fa": "exit; leave; go out; come out; put out; protrude", "\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display"}, "\u7526": {"\u66f4": "grow late; night watch; sit up late; of course; renew; renovate; again; more and more; further", "\u751f": "life; genuine; birth"}, "\u526a": {"\u524d": "in front; before", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u8ebe": {"\u8eab": "somebody; person; one's station in life", "\u7f8e": "beauty; beautiful"}, "\u5925": {"\u679c": "fruit; reward; carry out; achieve; complete; end; finish; succeed", "\u591a": "many; frequent; much"}, "\u9f3e": {"\u9f3b": "nose; snout", "\u5e72": "dry; parch"}, "\u9640": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u5b83": "other"}, "\u7c81": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u5343": "thousand"}, "\u7cce": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u5398": "rin; 1/10sen; 1/10bu"}, "\u7c8d": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u6bdb": "fur; hair; feather; down"}, "\u5678": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u9813": "suddenly; immediately; in a hurry"}, "\u54e9": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u91cc": "ri; village; parent's home; league"}, "\u6d6c": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u91cc": "ri; village; parent's home; league"}, "\u540b": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u544e": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5c3a": "shaku; Japanese foot; measure; scale; rule"}, "\u68b5": {"\u6797": "grove; forest", "\u51e1": "mediocre"}, "\u85a9": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u7523": "products; bear; give birth; yield; childbirth; native; property"}, "\u83e9": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u5516": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u4e9c": "Asia; rank next; come after; -ous"}, "\u725f": {"\u53b6": "I; myself; katakana mu radical (no. 28)", "\u725b": "cow"}, "\u8fe6": {"\u52a0": "add; addition; increase; join; include; Canada", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u73c8": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u52a0": "add; addition; increase; join; include; Canada"}, "\u7432": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u975e": "un-; mistake; negative; injustice; non-"}, "\u6a9c": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u6703": "meet; party; association; interview; join"}, "\u8f61": {"\u8eca": "car", "\u7cf8": "thread", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u6df5": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u4f0d": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4e94": "five"}, "\u4ec0": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5341": "ten"}, "\u842c": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u79ba": "long-tailed monkey"}, "\u9081": {"\u842c": "ten thousand; 10,000", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u71ed": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u8700": "green caterpillar; Szechwan"}, "\u901e": {"\u5448": "display; offer; present; send; exhibit", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u71c8": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u767b": "ascend; climb up"}, "\u88e1": {"\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u91cc": "ri; village; parent's home; league"}, "\u8597": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5712": "park; garden; yard; farm"}, "\u92ea": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u752b": "for the first time; not until"}, "\u5d8b": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u5cef": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u5902": "winter radical (no. 34)", "\u4e09": "three", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u57dc": {"\u6797": "grove; forest", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u9f8d": {"\u7acb": "stand up; rise; set up; erect", "\u6708": "month; moon"}, "\u5bf5": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u9f8d": "dragon; imperial"}, "\u807e": {"\u9f8d": "dragon; imperial", "\u8033": "ear"}, "\u617e": {"\u6b32": "longing; covetousness; greed; passion; desire; craving", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u5dbd": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u7344": "prison; jail"}, "\u570b": {"\u56d7": "box or enclosure radical (no. 31); box", "\u6216": "some; one; or; possibly; a certain"}, "\u811b": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u5ddb": "curving river radical (no.47)", "\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)"}, "\u52c1": {"\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u5ddb": "curving river radical (no.47)", "\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u7940": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u5df3": "sign of the snake or serpent; 9-11AM; sixth sign of Chinese zodiac"}, "\u7953": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u72ac": "dog", "\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)"}, "\u8e87": {"\u8db3": "leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear", "\u8457": "renowned; publish; write; remarkable; phenomenal; put on; don; wear; arrival; finish (race); counter for suits of clothing; literary work"}, "\u58fd": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u5de5": "craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u8e8a": {"\u8db3": "leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear", "\u58fd": "longevity; congratulations"}, "\u9945": {"\u98df": "eat; food", "\u66fc": "wide; beautiful"}, "\u5614": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5340": "ward; district"}, "\u9f08": {"\u655d": "be worn-out; be dilapidated; be defeated", "\u9efd": "green frog; industry"}, "\u90c1": {"\u6709": "possess; have; exist; happen; occur; approx", "\u9091": "village; rural community; right village radical (no. 163)"}, "\u4ea8": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u4e86": "complete; finish"}, "\u55ac": {"\u5451": "drink", "\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u53e3": "mouth"}, "\u5dcc": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u53b3": "stern; strictness; severity; rigidity"}, "\u5dfd": {"\u5df1": "self; snake; serpent", "\u5171": "together; both; neither; all; and; alike; with"}, "\u5b5f": {"\u5b50": "child; sign of the rat; 11PM-1AM; first sign of Chinese zodiac", "\u76bf": "dish; a helping; plate"}, "\u5c2d": {"\u5349": "grass", "\u5140": "high & level; lofty; bald; dangerous", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u6b3d": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u6b20": "lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)"}, "\u5d6f": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u5dee": "distinction; difference; variation; discrepancy; margin; balance"}, "\u4f51": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u53f3": "right"}, "\u752b": {"\u7528": "utilize; business; service; use; employ", "\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)"}, "\u821c": {"\u722a": "claw; nail; talon", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u821b": "dancing radical (no. 136)"}, "\u5f6a": {"\u864e": "tiger; drunkard", "\u5f61": "three; hair ornament; short hair or fur radical (no. 59)"}, "\u4f36": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4ee4": "orders; ancient laws; command; decree"}, "\u5016": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5e78": "happiness; blessing; fortune"}, "\u7476": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u722a": "claw; nail; talon", "\u7f36": "tin can; container; jar radical (no. 121)"}, "\u4f91": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u6709": "possess; have; exist; happen; occur; approx"}, "\u68a7": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u543e": "I; my; our; one's own"}, "\u4ea6": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u4e85": "feathered stick; barb radical (no. 6)"}, "\u51dc": {"\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)", "\u7a1f": "salary in rice"}, "\u7199": {"\u531a": "box-on-side enclosure radical (no. 22)", "\u5df3": "sign of the snake or serpent; 9-11AM; sixth sign of Chinese zodiac", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u7155": {"\u531a": "box-on-side enclosure radical (no. 22)", "\u5df3": "sign of the snake or serpent; 9-11AM; sixth sign of Chinese zodiac", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u76e7": {"": ""}, "\u8d99": {"": ""}, "\u4fe3": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5929": "heavens; sky; imperial"}, "\u91e7": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u5ddb": "curving river radical (no.47)"}, "\u5d8c": {"": ""}, "\u583a": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u754c": "world"}, "\u51a8": {"\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy"}, "\u6e58": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u76f8": "inter-; mutual; together; each other; minister of state; councillor; aspect; phase; physiognomy"}, "\u59dc": {"": ""}, "\u5176": {"\u7518": "sweet; coax; pamper; be content; sugary", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u8acf": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u53d6": "take; fetch; take up"}, "\u5d14": {"": ""}, "\u7092": {"": ""}, "\u9b4f": {"": ""}, "\u834f": {"": ""}, "\u9d08": {"": ""}, "\u9b6f": {"\u9b5a": "fish", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u7109": {"": ""}, "\u5c39": {"": ""}, "\u700b": {"": ""}, "\u8431": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u5ba3": "proclaim; say; announce"}, "\u73c2": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u53ef": "can; passable; mustn't; should not; do not"}, "\u7165": {"": ""}, "\u5ce8": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u6211": "ego; I; selfish; our; oneself"}, "\u65db": {"": ""}, "\u7bc6": {"": ""}, "\u5b95": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u77f3": "stone"}, "\u848b": {"": ""}, "\u6a1f": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u7ae0": "badge; chapter; composition; poem; design"}, "\u8944": {"": ""}, "\u7b18": {"": ""}, "\u56c3": {"": ""}, "\u7c17": {"": ""}, "\u5cd9": {"": ""}, "\u8218": {"\u820d": "inn; hut; house; mansion", "\u5b98": "bureaucrat; the government"}, "\u9295": {"": ""}, "\u9112": {"": ""}, "\u8737": {"": ""}, "\u7b8f": {"": ""}, "\u9d60": {"": ""}, "\u7b0f": {"": ""}, "\u6292": {"": ""}, "\u8521": {"": ""}, "\u937c": {"": ""}, "\u5859": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u9ad8": "tall; high; expensive"}, "\u7912": {"": ""}, "\u54b8": {"": ""}, "\u8594": {"": ""}, "\u81a0": {"": ""}, "\u771e": {"\u5315": "spoon; spoon or katakana hi radical (no. 21)", "\u76ee": "eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u8317": {"": ""}, "\u7624": {"": ""}, "\u6fa4": {"": ""}, "\u6ea5": {"": ""}, "\u53a6": {"": ""}, "\u51a4": {"": ""}, "\u8d05": {"": ""}, "\u6c6a": {"": ""}, "\u7337": {"": ""}, "\u641c": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u53df": "old person"}, "\u685d": {"": ""}, "\u95ca": {"": ""}, "\u85cf": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u81e7": "good; bribe; servant"}, "\u6d59": {"": ""}, "\u5f6d": {"": ""}, "\u6dd8": {"": ""}, "\u5f98": {"": ""}, "\u5df7": {"\u5171": "together; both; neither; all; and; alike; with", "\u5df1": "self; snake; serpent"}, "\u8881": {"": ""}, "\u8229": {"": ""}, "\u7c11": {"": ""}, "\u6a84": {"": ""}, "\u59da": {"": ""}, "\u84fc": {"": ""}, "\u7515": {"": ""}, "\u5598": {"": ""}, "\u927e": {"": ""}, "\u55dc": {"": ""}, "\u5055": {"": ""}, "\u8f4d": {"": ""}, "\u5ee3": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u9ec4": "yellow"}, "\u821b": {"": ""}, "\u8b33": {"": ""}, "\u675e": {"": ""}, "\u58ec": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball"}, "\u535c": {"\u535c": "divination, katakana to radical (no. 25)"}, "\u4f7c": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u4ea4": "mingle; mixing; association; coming & going"}, "\u50fb": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u8f9f": "false; punish; crime; law"}, "\u50ad": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5eb8": "commonplace; ordinary; employment"}, "\u63a0": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u4eac": "capital; 10**16"}, "\u64b9": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u899a": "memorize; learn; remember; awake; sober up"}, "\u7194": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u5bb9": "contain; form; looks"}, "\u73ea": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u572d": "square jewel; corner; angle; edge"}, "\u8a51": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u5b83": "other"}, "\u93d1": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u53e4": "old"}, "\u6b1d": {"\u723b": "to mix with; to associate with; to join; double X radical (no. 89)", "\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u826e": "northeast (Oriental zodiac); stopping; good radical (no. 138)", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u805a": {"\u53d6": "take; fetch; take up", "\u4eba": "person"}, "\u4e99": {"\u4e92": "mutually; reciprocally; together", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u4e36": "dot; tick or dot radical (no. 3)"}, "\u8eaf": {"\u8eab": "somebody; person; one's station in life", "\u533a": "ward; district"}, "\u639f": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5b9a": "determine; fix; establish; decide"}, "\u7c60": {"\u7af9": "bamboo", "\u9f8d": "dragon; imperial"}, "\u4e4e": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u4e85": "feathered stick; barb radical (no. 6)"}, "\u4e58": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5317": "north"}, "\u4e9e": {"\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)"}, "\u4f5b": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5f17": "dollar"}, "\u4f86": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u4ece": "two people"}, "\u4fd0": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5229": "profit; advantage; benefit"}, "\u4fe0": {"": ""}, "\u4ff1": {"": ""}, "\u50b3": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u5c08": "specialty; exclusive; mainly; solely"}, "\u50de": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u7232": "change; be of use; reach to; do; try; practice; cost; serve as"}, "\u50f9": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u8cc8": "buy; tradesman"}, "\u5109": {"\u4eba": "person", "\u50c9": "all"}, "\u5152": {"\u81fc": "mortar", "\u513f": "legs radical (no. 10)"}, "\u51c9": {"\u51ab": "two-stroke water radical or ice radical (no. 15)", "\u4eac": "capital; 10**16"}, "\u51f0": {"\u51e0": "table; table enclosure; table or windy radical (no. 16)", "\u7687": "emperor"}, "\u5269": {"\u4e58": "power; multiplication; record; counter for vehicles", "\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u5317": "north", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u528d": {"\u50c9": "all", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife"}, "\u52f3": {"\u718f": "smoke; fog; vapor; cure", "\u529b": "power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert"}, "\u5377": {"\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)", "\u4eba": "person", "\u5369": "seal radical (no. 26)"}, "\u537d": {"": ""}, "\u53a9": {"\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u65e2": "previously; already; long ago"}, "\u541e": {"": ""}, "\u55ae": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u7532": "armor; high (voice); A grade; first class; former; instep; carapace", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)"}, "\u56b4": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5382": "wild goose; trailing cliff radical (no. 27)", "\u6562": "daring; brave; bold"}, "\u5708": {"\u56d7": "box or enclosure radical (no. 31); box", "\u5377": "volume; book; part"}, "\u5713": {"\u56d7": "box or enclosure radical (no. 31); box", "\u54e1": "employee; member; number; the one in charge"}, "\u5718": {"\u56d7": "box or enclosure radical (no. 31); box", "\u5c08": "specialty; exclusive; mainly; solely"}, "\u582f": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u5140": "high & level; lofty; bald; dangerous"}, "\u589e": {"": ""}, "\u58d8": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey"}, "\u58de": {"\u571f": "soil; earth; ground; Turkey", "\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)"}, "\u58ef": {"\u723f": "left-side kata radical (no. 91)", "\u58eb": "gentleman; samurai; samurai radical (no. 33)"}, "\u5967": {"\u5182": "upside-down box radical (no. 13)", "\u91c6": "separate; divide; topped rice radical (no. 165)", "\u5927": "large; big"}, "\u596c": {"\u5c07": "commander; general; admiral", "\u5927": "large; big"}, "\u5a29": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u514d": "excuse; dismissal"}, "\u5b43": {"\u5973": "woman; female", "\u8944": "rise; raise"}, "\u5be2": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u723f": "left-side kata radical (no. 91)", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u53c8": "or again; furthermore; on the other hand"}, "\u5be6": {"\u5b80": "shaped crown; katakana u radical (no. 40)", "\u8cab": "pierce; 8 1/3lbs; penetrate; brace"}, "\u5bec": {"": ""}, "\u5c07": {"\u723f": "left-side kata radical (no. 91)", "\u6708": "month; moon", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u5c08": {"\u5341": "ten", "\u5bf8": "measurement; foot/10"}, "\u5cfd": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u593e": "insert between"}, "\u5dd6": {"\u5c71": "mountain", "\u56b4": "strictness; severity; rigidity"}, "\u5de2": {"": ""}, "\u5e36": {"\u5eff": "twenty; 20", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)"}, "\u5e9a": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u4eba": "person"}, "\u5ef3": {"\u5e7f": "dotted cliff radical (no. 53)", "\u807d": "careful enquiry; headstrong"}, "\u5f48": {"\u5f13": "bow; bow (archery, violin)", "\u55ae": "one; single; simple"}, "\u5f4c": {"\u5f13": "bow; bow (archery, violin)", "\u723e": "you; thou; second person"}, "\u5f9e": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u4ece": "two people"}, "\u5fa0": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u4f86": "come; due; next; cause; become"}, "\u5fb5": {"": ""}, "\u5fb7": {"": ""}, "\u5fbd": {"\u5f73": "stop; linger; loiter; going man radical (no. 60)", "\u5c71": "mountain", "\u7cf8": "thread", "\u6535": "strike; hit; folding chair radical variant (no. 66)"}, "\u6046": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u4e99": "range; reach; extend; cover"}, "\u60e0": {"\u5341": "ten", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u60e1": {"\u4e9e": "rank; follow", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u60fa": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u661f": "star; spot; dot; mark"}, "\u613c": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u771e": "truth; reality; Buddhist sect"}, "\u61c9": {"\u96c1": "wild goose", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u61f7": {"\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)", "\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing", "\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)"}, "\u620a": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)"}, "\u621f": {"\u5341": "ten", "\u65e9": "early; fast", "\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)"}, "\u6230": {"\u55ae": "one; single; simple", "\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)"}, "\u6232": {"\u864d": "tiger spots; mottled; tiger or tiger crown radical (no. 141)", "\u8c46": "beans; pea; midget", "\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)"}, "\u62c2": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5f17": "dollar"}, "\u62d4": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u72ac": "dog"}, "\u62dc": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u4e00": "one; one radical (no.1)", "\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)"}, "\u6372": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u5dfb": "scroll; volume; book; part; roll up; wind up; tie; coil; counter for texts (or book scrolls)"}, "\u63ac": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre"}, "\u63ed": {"": ""}, "\u6416": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u6708": "month; moon", "\u7f36": "tin can; container; jar radical (no. 121)"}, "\u6451": {"": ""}, "\u64ca": {"": ""}, "\u651d": {"\u624b": "hand", "\u8076": "whisper"}, "\u6536": {"\u4e28": "number one; line; rod radical (no. 2)", "\u6534": "strike; hit; folding chair radical (no. 66)"}, "\u654d": {"\u4f59": "too much; myself; surplus; other; remainder", "\u6534": "strike; hit; folding chair radical (no. 66)"}, "\u660a": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5929": "heavens; sky; imperial"}, "\u6644": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5149": "ray; light"}, "\u665a": {"": ""}, "\u665d": {"\u807f": "brush; finally; self; relate; follow; here; fast; writing brush radical (no. 129)", "\u65e6": "daybreak; dawn; morning"}, "\u66c6": {"": ""}, "\u66c9": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u582f": "high; far"}, "\u66fe": {"\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)<br />\u65e5 day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u689b": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u90a3": "what?"}, "\u689d": {"\u6538": "relaxed; at ease; place", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u691b": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u82b1": "flower"}, "\u695a": {"\u6797": "grove; forest", "\u758b": "head; counter for animals"}, "\u69ae": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u69c7": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u771e": "truth; reality; Buddhist sect"}, "\u6a02": {"\u767d": "white", "\u5e7a": "short thread radical (no. 52)", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u6a23": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u7f8a": "sheep", "\u6c38": "eternity; long; lengthy"}, "\u6a59": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u767b": "ascend; climb up"}, "\u6a6b": {"": ""}, "\u6aa2": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u50c9": "all"}, "\u6ac2": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u7fbd": "feathers; counter for birds, rabbits", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u6afb": {"\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u5b30": "sharp (music); baby"}, "\u6b65": {"": ""}, "\u6b77": {"": ""}, "\u6bcf": {"": ""}, "\u6bd8": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u6bd4": "compare; race; ratio; Philipines"}, "\u6c23": {"\u6c14": "spirit; steam radical (no. 84)", "\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre"}, "\u6c93": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u6d89": {"": ""}, "\u6dda": {"": ""}, "\u6de8": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u722d": "to dispute; fight; contend; strive"}, "\u6e34": {"": ""}, "\u6eab": {"": ""}, "\u6eef": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u5e36": "belt; girdle; band; strap; zone"}, "\u6f23": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u9023": "take along; lead; join; connect; party; gang; clique"}, "\u6f81": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u6b62": "stop; halt"}, "\u6fd5": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5e7a": "short thread radical (no. 52)", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u7027": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u9f8d": "dragon; imperial"}, "\u7028": {"": ""}, "\u7130": {"": ""}, "\u714c": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u7687": "emperor"}, "\u71d2": {"\u706b": "fire", "\u582f": "high; far"}, "\u722d": {"\u722a": "claw; nail; talon", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u4e85": "feathered stick; barb radical (no. 6)"}, "\u7232": {"\u722a": "claw; nail; talon", "\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u72c0": {"": ""}, "\u72f9": {"\u72ac": "dog", "\u593e": "insert between"}, "\u7378": {"\u53e3": "mouth", "\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u72ac": "dog"}, "\u73c0": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days"}, "\u7425": {"\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u864e": "tiger; drunkard"}, "\u758a": {"\u7530": "rice field; rice paddy", "\u5196": "wa-shaped crown radical (no. 14)", "\u4e14": "moreover; also; furthermore"}, "\u7626": {"": ""}, "\u76c3": {"\u4e0d": "negative; non-; bad; ugly; clumsy", "\u76bf": "dish; a helping; plate"}, "\u76dc": {"\u6c34": "water", "\u6b20": "lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)", "\u76bf": "dish; a helping; plate"}, "\u76e1": {"\u807f": "brush; finally; self; relate; follow; here; fast; writing brush radical (no. 129)", "\u706b": "fire", "\u76bf": "dish; a helping; plate"}, "\u7827": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u5360": "fortune-telling; divining; forecasting; occupy; hold; have; get; take"}, "\u788e": {"\u77f3": "stone", "\u5352": "graduate; soldier; private; die"}, "\u7941": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u9091": "village; rural community; right village radical (no. 163)"}, "\u7955": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u5fc5": "invariably; certain; inevitable"}, "\u797f": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u5f51": "pig's head radical variant (no. 58)", "\u6c34": "water"}, "\u79aa": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u55ae": "one; single; simple"}, "\u79ae": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u8c4a": "bountiful; excellent; rich"}, "\u79b0": {"\u793a": "show; indicate; point out; express; display", "\u723e": "you; thou; second person"}, "\u79b1": {"": ""}, "\u79be": {"\u4e3f": "katakana no radical (no. 4)", "\u6728": "tree; wood"}, "\u7a1f": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u56de": "-times; round; game; revolve; counter for occurrences", "\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)"}, "\u7a3b": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u722a": "claw; nail; talon", "\u81fc": "mortar"}, "\u7a57": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u60e0": "blessing; grace; favor; kindness"}, "\u7a70": {"\u79be": "2-branch tree radical (no. 115)", "\u8944": "rise; raise"}, "\u7a79": {"\u7a74": "hole; aperture; slit; cave; den", "\u5f13": "bow; bow (archery, violin)"}, "\u7c1e": {"": ""}, "\u7cb9": {"\u7c73": "rice; USA; metre", "\u5352": "graduate; soldier; private; die"}, "\u7da0": {"": ""}, "\u7dd6": {"": ""}, "\u7de3": {"": ""}, "\u7e23": {"\u770c": "prefecture", "\u7cfb": "lineage; system"}, "\u7e31": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u5f9e": "from; by; since; whence; through"}, "\u7e61": {"": ""}, "\u7e6b": {"": ""}, "\u7e96": {"\u7cf8": "thread", "\u4ece": "two people", "\u6208": "halberd; arms; festival car; float; tasselled spear radical (no. 62)", "\u97ed": "leek radical (no. 179)"}, "\u7f9a": {"\u7f8a": "sheep", "\u4ee4": "orders; ancient laws; command; decree"}, "\u807d": {"\u8033": "ear", "\u7389": "jewel; ball", "\u5341": "ten", "\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u5fc3": "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)"}, "\u81df": {"\u8089": "meat", "\u85cf": "hide; own; have; possess"}, "\u8207": {"\u81fc": "mortar", "\u516b": "eight; eight radical (no. 12)"}, "\u838a": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u58ef": "big; large; robust; name of tribe"}, "\u840a": {"": ""}, "\u8420": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u670b": "companion; friend"}, "\u8463": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u91cd": "heavy; heap up; pile up; nest of boxes; -fold"}, "\u8523": {"": ""}, "\u857e": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u96f7": "thunder; lightning bolt"}, "\u85b0": {"": ""}, "\u85e5": {"\u8278": "grass; plants; grass radical (no. 140)", "\u6a02": "music; comfort"}, "\u865b": {"": ""}, "\u87ec": {"": ""}, "\u881f": {"": ""}, "\u885e": {"\u884c": "going; journey", "\u53e3": "mouth", "\u5dfe": "towel; hanging scroll; width; cloth radical (no. 50)"}, "\u88dd": {"\u58ef": "big; large; robust; name of tribe", "\u8863": "garment; clothes; dressing"}, "\u89bd": {"\u81e3": "retainer; subject", "\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u898b": "see; hopes; chances; idea; opinion; look at; visible"}, "\u8b20": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u6708": "month; moon", "\u7f36": "tin can; container; jar radical (no. 121)"}, "\u8b93": {"\u8a00": "say", "\u8944": "rise; raise"}, "\u8ce3": {"\u58eb": "gentleman; samurai; samurai radical (no. 33)", "\u7f51": "net; net or net crown radical (no. 122)", "\u8c9d": "shellfish"}, "\u8cf4": {"": ""}, "\u8f49": {"\u8eca": "car", "\u5c08": "specialty; exclusive; mainly; solely"}, "\u9059": {"\u6708": "month; moon", "\u7f36": "tin can; container; jar radical (no. 121)", "\u8fb6": "walk; walking; road radical variant (no. 162)"}, "\u90de": {"": ""}, "\u9189": {"\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)", "\u5352": "graduate; soldier; private; die"}, "\u91ac": {"": ""}, "\u91c0": {"\u9149": "west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)", "\u8944": "rise; raise"}, "\u91c9": {"\u91c6": "separate; divide; topped rice radical (no. 165)", "\u7531": "wherefore; a reason"}, "\u9304": {"": ""}, "\u934a": {"": ""}, "\u93ad": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u771e": "truth; reality; Buddhist sect"}, "\u9444": {"\u91d1": "gold", "\u58fd": "longevity; congratulations"}, "\u958f": {"\u9580": "gate; counter for cannons", "\u7389": "jewel; ball"}, "\u9677": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u52f9": "wrapping enclosure; wrapping radical (no. 20)", "\u81fc": "mortar"}, "\u96aa": {"\u961c": "hill; mound; left village radical (no. 170)", "\u50c9": "all"}, "\u96dc": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u4ece": "two people", "\u6728": "tree; wood", "\u96b9": "bird; old bird radical (no. 172)"}, "\u975c": {"\u9752": "blue; green", "\u722d": "to dispute; fight; contend; strive"}, "\u985a": {"": ""}, "\u986f": {"\u65e5": "day; sun; Japan; counter for days", "\u5e7a": "short thread radical (no. 52)", "\u706b": "fire", "\u9801": "page; leaf"}, "\u98dc": {"\u756a": "turn; number in a series", "\u98db": "fly; skip (pages); scatter"}, "\u9a37": {"\u99ac": "horse", "\u86a4": "flea"}, "\u9a4d": {"\u99ac": "horse", "\u582f": "high; far"}, "\u9a57": {"\u99ac": "horse", "\u50c9": "all"}, "\u9aee": {"\u9adf": "hair hanging long; mane; long hair radical (no.190)", "\u72ac": "dog"}, "\u9dc4": {"\u595a": "servant; what; why", "\u9ce5": "bird; chicken"}, "\u9dd7": {"": ""}, "\u9ec3": {"": ""}, "\u9ed1": {"\u91cc": "ri; village; parent's home; league", "\u706b": "fire"}, "\u9ed8": {"\u9ed2": "black", "\u72ac": "dog"}, "\u9f4a": {"\u4ea0": "kettle lid radical (no. 8)", "\u5200": "sword; saber; knife", "\u4e8c": "two; two radical (no.2)"}, "\uf91d": {"": ""}, "\uf928": {"": ""}, "\uf929": {"": ""}, "\uf936": {"": ""}, "\uf9d0": {"": ""}, "\ufa16": {"": ""}, "\ufa19": {"": ""}, "\ufa1a": {"": ""}, "\ufa1b": {"": ""}, "\ufa22": {"": ""}, "\ufa46": {"": ""}, "\ufa4a": {"": ""}, "\ufa4f": {"": ""}, "\ufa53": {"": ""}, "\ufa3d": {"": ""}, "\ufa30": {"": ""}, "\ufa31": {"": ""}, "\ufa33": {"": ""}, "\ufa34": {"": ""}, "\ufa35": {"": ""}, "\ufa37": {"": ""}, "\ufa38": {"": ""}, "\ufa3a": {"": ""}, "\ufa3b": {"": ""}, "\ufa3f": {"": ""}, "\ufa40": {"": ""}, "\ufa41": {"": ""}, "\ufa43": {"": ""}, "\ufa44": {"": ""}, "\ufa45": {"": ""}, "\ufa47": {"": ""}, "\ufa48": {"": ""}, "\ufa4b": {"": ""}, "\ufa4c": {"": ""}, "\ufa4d": {"": ""}, "\ufa4e": {"": ""}, "\ufa50": {"": ""}, "\ufa51": {"": ""}, "\ufa52": {"": ""}, "\ufa54": {"": ""}, "\ufa55": {"": ""}, "\ufa56": {"": ""}, "\ufa57": {"": ""}, "\ufa59": {"": ""}, "\ufa5a": {"": ""}, "\ufa5b": {"": ""}, "\ufa5c": {"": ""}, "\ufa5f": {"": ""}, "\ufa61": {"": ""}, "\ufa62": {"": ""}, "\ufa63": {"": ""}, "\ufa64": {"": ""}, 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