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All Showcases |
Do you have a machine or project you'd like to see featured on the showcase? Post it in the forum's "show your stuff" section or create an issue on our website's github repository. Submissions should consist of at least one photo or video, a short explanation, and include a link to the forum or a personal blog with more information.
The showcase is not for promoting commercial products that use or include LinuxCNC, it is for promoting things that the LinuxCNC software enables our users to do.
{% comment %}
A bug in liquid means that you have to do this dance to reverse and
limit or offset a list. They haven't applied a fix for it due to backwards
compatibility concerns. Shopify/liquid#456
{% endcomment %}
{% assign showcase = site.showcase | sort: 'date' | reverse %}
{% for post in showcase %}
- {{ | date: "%b %-d, %Y" }} {{ post.title }} {% endfor %}
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