- A simple Typescript API written in Node that can be used as a starter in multiple API application usecase scenarios. We will be using:
- Express - For API SetUp
- TypeORM - For our PostgreSQL ORM interfacing with our app.
- Docker Compose - To spin up our PostgreSQL and pgAdmin4 containers.
npm init
npm i -S express
npm install -D typescript @types/express
tsc --init
- Setup package.json with your start scripts in dev env.
npm install -D ts-node-dev
* Dev environment running and watching script.
"dev": "node_modules/.bin/ts-node-dev --respawn --notify false --prefer-ts --ignore-watch node_modules -- src/app.ts "
- SetUp TypeOrm.
npm install -S typeorm reflect-metadata pg
npm install -D @types/node
** ormconfig.json
- This file contains metadata information needed by
before running the application. It contains database configuration information, and credentials, logging, entity and migration information.
- Before running the app, ensure the containers are up and running, in order for you to create the
DB over pgAdmin4 interface.
docker-compose up
In order to login to the pgAdmin4 console, use the credentials provided in the docker-compose pgadmin container environment configs, to login and check your IP Address(on Linux using
ip a
), before proceeding as you will use this as a HostName to create a connection between pgAdmin4 container and PostgreSQL Container. -
After creating
database or the database name in the ormconfig.json, start your application by running:
npm run dev