Neuron Automatic Classification
Tool for automatic classification of biological neural signals.
Electrophysiological data for two distinct populations of neurons were collected by several research teams with common experimental measurements and parameters. The goal of the project is to find a way to automatically classify neurons from these data with the best possible prediction rate. This alternative would have several advantages such as avoiding the use of transgenic animals.
A dataset is made available to students with the category (1 or 2) of each neuron. Ideally a supervised learning method is envisaged using the Caret library and the R software but also using the Python language and the Scikit-Learn library. Any other solution can be considered and this can be discussed with the group of students.
- Python2.7
- Sckiti-leran: sklearn
- Matlplotlib
- Tkinter
Just unpack the file : and run LaClassificationNeuronale.exe
Before use the script you need to install some packages:
-python2.7 (if you are on MacOS)
For the first time, open a terminal and use these command :
sudo apt-get install python2.7
pip install -U numpy,scipy,scikit-learn
python -m pip install matplotlib
apt-get install python-tk
If you already have a working installation of any of these packages :
pip -review --auto
sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
You can check the latest source swith the command :
git clone
André Garenne ([email protected]), Team MNEMOSYNE, laboratory IMN
Author :
Thouvenin Arthur : [email protected]
Contributors :
Blais Benjamin : [email protected]
Cottais Déborah : [email protected]
De Oliveira Lila : [email protected]
Jouan Clément : [email protected]
Link to order (in french)
Link to specifications (in french)
Link to report (in french)
Link to final report (in french)
Link to defense (in french)
Scikit-Learn : Sklearn
- SVM from Scikit-Learn : SVM
- Neural Network from Scikit-Learn : Neural Network
Playlist of youtube videos which explain how scikit-learn work (by Sentdex) : Scikit-learn Machine Learning with Python and SKlearn