At the beginning of March 2022 i was going through the Holberton School's entrance tests, where i had to build a website (first time) from scratch and i really had a blast: it felt like the first "real" touch with programming, my first "real" dive into it. Tons of ideas grew from there. In 2023 i have then been accepted at École2600 where i discovered a strong interest for low level stuff and especially for exploit developement and reverse engineering.
Using TryHackMe, TCM Security Academy, HTB and (not enough but still did) Root-Me ... i have been learning about Cybersecurity. Using Udemy and Brilliant i have been learning Maths. Using EdClub i am learning how to type faster. Using CodeCademy and Charles Severance courses i learned about Python3, SQL and Computer Architecture (my profil can be seen here).
My parent's pyjamas and co ! Most beautiful (and comfortable!) you'll ever wear !:)