A great starting point for your LunarVim journey!
starter.lvim is a collection of language specific LunarVim configs. Each config is in its git own branch, if you want to contribute see the guidelines.
This branch contains a config for a couple common languages
Note formatting, diagnostics, completions should work out of the box for the languages below with the
configuration in this branch
- C/C++
- Typescript/Javascript
- python
- go
- rust
- bash
- html
- css
- json
- yaml
- toml
- dockerfile
Most of the language servers installation should happen automatically, but there is a few that are manually configured and may requires manual installation.
Install them with the command below
:MasonInstall clangd rust_analyzer gopls
Binaries needed for diagnostics and formatting requires manual installation.
You need to install them using the builtin mason.nvim
or with your favorite package
use the command below to install them with mason
:MasonInstall eslint_d prettier yamllint taplo goimports golangci-lint shellcheck shfmt hadolint flake8 black
Note Leader is mapped to Space
Mode | Key | Action |
visual | Leader+r+r | Refactor selection |
normal | Leader+P | Project menu |
normal | Leader+r+o | Search and replace (open spectre panel) |
normal | Leader+r+f | Search and replace (search current file) |
normal | Leader+r+c | Search and replace (search word under cursor) |
normal | Leader+t+w | Workspace diagnostics |
normal | Leader+t+d | Document diagnostics |
normal | Leader+t+t | LSP Type definitions |
normal | Leader+t+r | LSP references |
normal | Leader+t+q | Quickfix |