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JokerSDK is a flexible and user-friendly Python library wrapping around Joker's Voice API.

Key Features

  • Creating outbound voice calls.
  • Playing audio/text into live calls.
  • Gathering DTMF with audio/text from live calls.
  • Transferring recipients from Leg A to Leg B.
  • Sending DTMF into a live call.


  • Python >= 3.10

To do

  • Fix type hints.
  • Redo docs, add docs.
  • Integrate callback class.

Guide - How to install JokerSDK

JokerSDK via PyPi:

$ pip install JokerSDK

Or, if you wish to download it directly from this repository:

$ python install

JokerSDK - Usage

Create an outbound call

import JokerAPI

call = JokerAPI.client.create_outbound_call(
    apiKey = "API_KEY", # Your API Key, this can be found on site.
    to = "1234567890", # The number to call.
    from_ = "1987654321", # The number to call `to` from.
    callbackUrl = "" # A web server to send all callbacks to.

Object attributes

import JokerAPI

call = JokerAPI.client.create_outbound_call(
    apiKey = "API_KEY", # Your API Key, this can be found on site.
    to = "1234567890", # The number to call.
    from_ = "1987654321", # The number to call `to` from.
    callbackUrl = "" # A web server to send all callbacks to.

callSid = call.sid # Access the SID of the call.
retrieved = call.__retrieve__ # Boolean to check if the call has been retrieved or not.
staticStatus = call._sid # A static status indicating if the call has been terminated. This is inferred and does not reflect the actual state of the call.

Play audio into a call.

import JokerAPI

call = JokerAPI.client.create_outbound_call(
    apiKey = "API_KEY", # Your API Key, this can be found on site.
    to = "1234567890", # The number to call.
    from_ = "1987654321", # The number to call `to` from.
    callbackUrl = "" # A web server to send all callbacks to.

    audioUrl = "" # A web server which holds the audio file to play.

Play text into a call.

import JokerAPI

call = JokerAPI.client.create_outbound_call(
    apiKey = "API_KEY", # Your API Key, this can be found on site.
    to = "1234567890", # The number to call.
    from_ = "1987654321", # The number to call `to` from.
    callbackUrl = "" # A web server to send all callbacks to.

    text = "This is an example phrase of in what will be presented into a live call/channel", # A phrase which JokerAPI will synthesise.
    voice = "ai3-en-US-Madison" # The voice name of in which JokerAPI will synthesise with.

Gathering DTMF whilst playing Audio

import JokerAPI

call = JokerAPI.client.create_outbound_call(
    apiKey = "<API_KEY>", # Your API Key, this can be found on site.
    to = "1234567890", # The number to call.
    from_ = "1987654321", # The number to call `to` from.
    callbackUrl = "" # A web server to send all callbacks to.

    audioUrl = "", # A web server which holds the audio file to play.
    maxDigits = 5 # The amount of digits which will be captured before calling back.

Gathering DTMF whilst playing Text

import JokerAPI

call = JokerAPI.client.create_outbound_call(
    apiKey = "<API_KEY>", # Your API Key, this can be found on site.
    to = "1234567890", # The number to call.
    from_ = "1987654321", # The number to call `to` from.
    callbackUrl = "" # A web server to send all callbacks to.

    text = "This is an example phrase of in what will be presented into a live call/channel", # A phrase which JokerAPI will synthesise.
    voice = "ai3-en-US-Madison", # The voice name of in which JokerAPI will synthesise with.
    maxDigits = 5 # The amount of digits which will be captured before calling back.

Send DTMF tones

import JokerAPI

call = JokerAPI.client.create_outbound_call(
    apiKey = "<API_KEY>", # Your API Key, this can be found on site.
    to = "1234567890", # The number to call.
    from_ = "1987654321", # The number to call `to` from.
    callbackUrl = "" # A web server to send all callbacks to.

    input_ = "1234" # Digits to Send DTMF tones to Leg B(to) from.

Retrieve an session.

call = JokerAPI.client.retrieve(
    apiKey = "<API_KEY>", # Your API Key, this can be found on site.
    sid = "1234567890" # A valid identifier in which to retrieve.

Every object attribute & function from the retrieve class is interconnected with the create_outbound_call class.

Finally, hang up the call.

import JokerAPI

call = JokerAPI.client.create_outbound_call(
    apiKey = "<API_KEY>", # Your API Key, this can be found on site.
    to = "1234567890", # The number to call.
    from_ = "1987654321", # The number to call `to` from.
    callbackUrl = "" # A web server to send all callbacks to.

Callback class demo

import JokerAPI
from flask import Flask, request

def callBacks():
    requestPayload = request.json

    if not all(requiredParameters in requestPayload for requiredParameters in ['status', 'callsid']):
        # At this point, the request is invalid/malformed.
        return "Invalid.Parameters" # You can return any value.

    call = JokerAPI.client.retrieve(apiKey = "API_KEY", sid = requestPayload['callsid'])

    match requestPayload['status']:
        case JokerAPI.callback.Enums.RINGING:
            print("The call is ringing!")

        case JokerAPI.callback.Enums.ANSWERED:
            print("The call has been answered, waiting for voicemail detection!") # Only if Voicemail detection is enabled, if not skip to detection
        case JokerAPI.callback.Enums.VOICEMAIL_DETECTED:
            print("The system has detected that this call is not legitimate, hanging up!")
        case JokerAPI.callback.Enums.HUMAN_DETECTED:
            print("The system has detected that this call is legit, we will play some text into the call!")
            call.play_text(text = "This is the text that will be presented into the call!")
        case JokerAPI.callback.Enums.NOTSURE_DETECTED:
            print("The system couldn't detect the integrity of this call, hanging up!")
        case JokerAPI.callback.Enums.DTMF_RECIEVED:
            digit = request.json['digit']
            print(f"The user[Leg(b)] has entered a DTMF digit!, Digit: {digit}")
            call.play_text(text = f"You have entered the DTMF digit {digit}")
        case JokerAPI.callback.Enums.DTMF_GATHERED:
            digits = request.json['digits']
            print(f"The system has gathered multiple DTMF digits!, Digit: {digits}")
            call.play_text(text = f"You have entered multiple DTMF digits {digits}")
        case JokerAPI.callback.Enums.HANGUP:
            print("The recipient has hung up the call.")
            print(f"RecordingURL: {request.json['recordingurl'] if request.json.get('recordingurl', False) else 'No URL'}")

    return "JokerSDK/Demo"

# Create a web app server for webhooks.
server = JokerAPI.client.callback_server(




  • Feel free to contribute by opening issues or sending pull requests.


This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license - see the LICENSE file for details.