Was created with the help of multiple Guides, not the best coding styles cause im still learning the language and im just starting :D Credits: Discord.js, anidiotsguide
must have: - node installed (v5 and higher) - sqlite plugin from npmjs (https://www.npmjs.com/package/sqlite) - discord.js - a brain or atleast the will to google
After download, push folder anywhere u want and after that go into the folder with the console and type npm install discord.js then install the sqlite plugin with npm install sqlite --save
Help for the Setup: https://anidiotsguide_old.gitbooks.io/discord-js-bot-guide/content/getting-started/the-long-version.html https://discordjs.guide/#/preparations/
After following the insturctions of https://discordjs.guide/#/preparations/
use npm run start to start the bot
Set your token in the config.json