In this project structure, the cmd directory contains the entry point of the application, which is the main.go file. The internal directory contains the implementation details of the application, which are divided into three layers:
- api: The api layer contains the input/output logic of the application
- domain: The domain layer contains the business logic and entities of the application
- infrastructure: The infrastructure layer contains the implementation details
- Make build tool.
- Gin HTTP Web Framework.
- pgx for PostgreSQL Driver.
- Migrate Database migrations CLI.
- Testify Test framework.
- GoMock Mocking framework.
- Github Runner For CI/CD deployment and test.
- Swaggo for generate RESTful API documentation with Swagger 2.0.
First configure environment variable on your local machine or update it on Makefile
and app.env
, then do db migration for initial db setup
make migrate-up
It will setup db and also insert 20 random product. Then run server
make run
After running the application on localhost visit http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html#/ for swagger doc of the project, or get the raw swagger json and yaml from docs
make test
Please check internal/infrastructure/datastore/pg/brand_test.go
for unit test, and internal/api/web/brand_test.go
for HTTP API test. Test will be performed automatically on Github Runner, where it will also setup postgresql db test.
Note: As it is a assessment, I am doing here only one test.
endpoint is exposed for product listing with all criteria implemented
endpoint is exposed for category tree with all criteria implemented
make lru
For more detail, see internal/domain/algo/lru_test.go
- Dockerfile is available on
- Instruction about run this project is available on this
- All API Endpoints, Request Body, Query Params, and Response format are available on
directory and also available on swagger endpoint - All the PostgreSQL schema is available on
run (if not installed)
go install -tags 'postgres'
To create a new migration
migrate create -ext sql -dir database/migrations -seq name_for_migration
and then edit the new files in /database/migrations
make migrate-up
for db tear-down
make migrate-down
docker exec pg-docker pg_dump -U postgres --schema-only --verbose -s technoStore > ts_ddl.sql
Install gomock
go install
Generate mock datastore definition implementation
make mock-db
make swag
docker build --progress=plain -f ./cmd/server/Dockerfile -t techno-store:latest -t techno-store:0.1 .