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MIT License

React library enabling you to interact with the Metaplex candy machine

(This library currently only supports the following guards solPayment allowList mintLimit startDate endDate)

Demo: Cmv3 Frontend


  • Support all guards
  • Phase Metadata
  • Multi-Mint


npm install \
  "use-cmv3" \
  "@metaplex-foundation/mpl-candy-machine" \
  "@metaplex-foundation/mpl-token-metadata" \
  "@metaplex-foundation/mpl-toolbox" \
  "@metaplex-foundation/umi" \
  "@metaplex-foundation/umi-bundle-defaults" \
  "@metaplex-foundation/umi-rpc-web3js" \
  "@metaplex-foundation/umi-signer-wallet-adapters" \
  "@metaplex-foundation/umi-uploader-nft-storage" \
  "@solana/wallet-adapter-base" \
  "@solana/wallet-adapter-react" \
  "@solana/wallet-adapter-react-ui" \
  "@solana/wallet-adapter-wallets" \

Using inside your project

Add the following to your .env file


Wrap necessary components within Cmv3Provider, ensuring that WalletAdapter is an ancestor.

import { WalletProvider } from  '@solana/wallet-adapter-react'
import { Cmv3Provider } from 'use-cmv3'

export default function App({children}) {
    /* wallet adapter stuff */
    const  allowLists  =  new  Map<string, Array<string>>([['OGs', ['61DZsc2GKvgygUMgmNcYmT2jVjdJmxWEiPyn3nfJW3Td']]])
    return (
                    candyMachineId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CANDY_MACHINE_ID,
                    candyMachineLut: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CANDY_MACHINE_ID
                    allowLists: allowLists

You can now call useCmv3() inside wrapped components.

import { useCmv3 } from 'use-cmv3'

export  default  function  Mint() {

    const cmv3 = useCmv3()
    return (
            <h1>Mint Page!</h1>
                { => (
                    <Phases.Phase phase={phase}/>

Context Values

Values returned by useCmv3()

Name Type Description Default
loading { candyMachine: boolean, phases: boolean} Loading values for the whole candyMachine or just phases { candyMachine: true, phases: true }
candyMachine? CandyMachine Returns the initialised candy machine if applicable undefined
candyGuard? CandyGuard Returns the initialised candy machines guard if applicable undefined
phases Phase[] Array of phases relative to the connected wallet []
mintCounter { supply: number; sold: number; } Exposes sold/supply statistics of candy machine { supply: 0; sold: 0 }
minting string / false Label of the phase user is currently minting false
mint (label: string) => Promise<void> Function to mint a phase with label
mints { mints: string; metadata: JsonMetadata }[] Array of NFTs minted by user []


Phases are an interpolation of candy guard groups.

Name Type Description
label string Label of the guard candy guard group
errors string[] Guards stopping the user from minting
payments { basisPoints: number; decimals: number; identifier: string; } Payment guards formatted into Payment
startsAt? number UNIX timestamp of the phases start date
endsAt? number UNIX timestamp of the phases end date


This library is un-audited and not affiliated with Solana or Metaplex.

Big thanks to MarkSackerberg who's work I often referenced while creating this library.