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Multi-chain one-stop service platform, through API, can quickly connect to various on-chain services, such as NFT, Defi, transfer, query, etc. Allow all developers to use on-chain services without deploying nodes or knowing professional knowledge, including the following core services:
- blockchain: directly access the public chain, select the optimal node, and provide http and ws type protocols to interact with it
- collect: the specific executor of the task, to filter, verify and analyze the data on the acquisition chain
- task: Generate block tasks according to the latest height of the public chain
- tasksapi: receive user-defined tasks
- store: Receive monitoring addresses submitted by users, receive user subscriptions, actively push eligible transactions, and place data on the market
- You can get the transactions you care about, and you can also get the original transactions of the public chain
- Configure multiple nodes for each public chain, intelligently select the best node
- Provide http, ws and other protocols to adapt to more scenarios
- Components can be used independently or in combination
- Functions are configurable and can be configured freely according to business needs
- Support various public chains
- Data traceable and replayable
- Possess exception monitoring and task retry capabilities
- Visualization of task execution process
- Submit custom tasks
- Set transaction filter conditions
- user subscription
- Active push
- Support subscription for various business scenarios: asset transaction, token transfer, pledge, activation, etc.
- Historical data backup
blockchain | chaincode | desc |
ethereum | 200 | ETH |
tron | 205 | TRX |
polygon-pos | 201 | POLYGON |
bitcoin | 300 | BTC |
filecoin | 301 | FIL |
ripple | 310 | XRP |
bnb | 202 | BNB |
- CPU With 4+ Cores
- 16GB+ RAM
- 200GB of free storage,Recommended that high performance SSD with at least 512GB free space
- go version>=1.20 install
- git : Install the latest version of git if it is not already installed. install
- cURL :Install the latest version of cURL if it is not already installed. install
- docker : Install the latest version of Docker if it is not already installed. install
- docker-compose: Install the latest version of Docker-compose if it is not already installed. install
mkdir easynode && cd easynode
git clone https://github.com/0xcregis/easynode.git
cd easynode
- ./build/scripts : Database initialization script, mainly modify the database name (database) default: ether2
- ./build/config : The configuration file required for system startup, the following files and fields often need to be modified
- blockchain_config.json, collect_config.json: mainly modify the node address of each public chain
- store_config.json : DbName field
- task_config.json : BlockMin, BlockMax and other fields
- Initialize the environment for easynode operation
docker-compose -f docker-compose-single-base.yml up -d
Quick deployment, execute the following command
docker-compose -f docker-compose-single-base-app.yml up -d
Shortcut mode deployment, step 5 can be skipped, but it is often applicable to simple business requirements
- Other commands that may be used
docker-compose -f docker-compose-single-base.yml ps
docker-compose -f docker-compose-single-base.yml down
docker-compose -f docker-compose-single-base.yml down -v
docker-compose -f docker-compose-single-base-app.yml build easynode
- The default of clickhouse: account: test, password: test
In order to improve the scope of application of easynode, we adopt a componentized design idea, so we provide the following three operation and deployment methods for easynode.
Download configuration files Download
Download the installation package Download
Add hosts item easykafka
Among them, Kafka server IP, replace it with your own server IP, easykafka: Kafka service name needs to be consistent with the environment script, and the general situation remains unchanged
Run easynode
./easynode -collect ./config/collect_config.json -task ./config/task_config.json -blockchain ./config/blockchain_config.json -taskapi ./config/taskapi_config.json -store ./config/store_config.json
- Build image
#create image
docker build -f Dockerfile -t easynode:1.0 .
#scan image
docker images |grep easynode
- Run easynode
docker run --name easynode -p 9001:9001 -p 9002:9002 -p 9003:9003 --network easynode_easynode_net -v /root/easy_node/easynode/config/:/app/config/ -v /root/app/log/:/app/log/ -v /root/app/data:/app/data/ -d easynode:1.0
network easynode_net : need to be consistent with docker-compose-single-base.yml
-v file mount: the path of the container is immutable, and the path of the host is changed to the absolute path available on the machine
The directory structure of ./config is as follows, the specific configuration of each configuration file see and the file name is immutable
- If step 4 executes docker-compose-single-base-app.yml, you can skip step 5
Networks setting
Determine the network name in step 4, use the following command to view, and modify the networks.default.name field in docker-compose-cluster-easynode.yml
docker network ls|grep easynode_net
Manager service
According to the needs of specific scenarios, add or delete related services learn
Run cluster
docker-compose -f docker-compose-cluster-easynode.yml up -d
The use and function of each service, details
- Check whether the operating environment is started
docker-compose -f docker-compose-single-base.yml ps
- Check Kafka data
# review Kafka
docker exec -it 25032fc8414e kafka-topics.sh --list --bootstrap-server easykafka:9092
#review kakfa data
docker exec -it 25032fc8414e kafka-console-consumer.sh --group g1 --topic ether_tx --bootstrap-server easykafka:9092
- Check easynode
#review app container
docker ps |grep easynode
# review app log
docker logs -n 10 24a81a2a8e89
- Port 9001 of easynode Instructions
- Port 9002 of easynode Instructions
- Port 9003 of easynode Instructions
- Add monitoring address
# create token
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9003/api/store/monitor/token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"email": "[email protected]"
#submit monitoring address
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9003/api/store/monitor/address' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"blockChain": 200,//Not required, if not passed the default 0, it means cross-chain monitoring
"address": "0x28c6c06298d514db089934071355e5743bf21d61",
"token": "5fe5f231-7051-4caf-9b52-108db92edbb4"
#submit subscription rules
curl --location --request POST 'localhost:9003/api/store/filter/new' \
--header 'User-Agent: apifox/1.0.0 (https://www.apifox.cn)' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '[
"token": "afba013c-0072-4592-b8cd-304fa456f76e",
"blockChain": 205,
"txCode": "1",
"params": ""
- Submit subscription and accept return
url: ws://localhost:9003/api/store/ws/{token}
"code": 1, //message type
"blockChain": 200, //chain code
"data": {