ClayPigeons is a simple program I wrote to help me with my service detection research. It parses nmap's nmap-service-probes
file and starts sub-processes with listening sockets that respond in such a way that, if you run an nmap scan against the server, nmap should respond as if various random services are running on the system.
Start clayPigeons from the Linux command line as python3
. Use CTRL-C to exit.
ClayPigeons now attempts to locate the nmap-service-probes
file in its own directory, then in common locations and finally using the OS command locate. It will throw an exception if it can't find the file. Also, ClayPigeons saves its configuration in a file cp.conf
. If you run ClayPigeons a second time with this file in the directory, it will load the configuration from that file. This will allow you to replay experiments. Deleting the cp.conf
file will cause clayPigeons to create a new random configuration.
ClayPigeons was developed to run on a Mac or Linux system. It uses Python3 and requires the exrex library, as well as a current installation of nmap. You'll need to edit the path to nmap-service-probes in the source code to point to wherever that file is on your system.
I created this for educational purposes only, specifically to help me conduct research towards my dissertation. While I took precautions (localhost listening only by default, safer eval functions, etc.), running this on any production system is a really bad idea.
I have no affiliation with nmap other than being a really big fan. This tool requires a file from nmap, and the best way to get that file is to install nmap itself.
This program is a work in progress, in the early development stages, and will be modified to adapt to my research. I only made this repo public because a colleague saw the output and wanted to use it. It does not properly emulate all services, has confusing debugging-style output, and may have other issues as well. :-) Use at your own risk!
A new Python process is created for each listener. There must be a better way to do this, but it works fine for me right now.
Exrex doesn't handle all the regular expressions and will occasionally print an error message beginning with [!] cannot handle expression
SSL services are not yet implemented.
The list of limitations in the README file is incomplete.
Below is an excerpt from sample output of an nmap scan run on a Kali Linux box with clayPigeons:
Starting Nmap 7.91 ( ) at 2020-12-19 12:54 EST
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.000015s latency).
Not shown: 65490 closed ports
390/tcp open ldap
548/tcp open afp Netatalk _._- (name: MyBookWorld; protocol 3.3)
554/tcp open am-pdp amavisd-new AM.PDP 2.4.5
706/tcp open silc SILCd conferencing service
992/tcp open telnets?
994/tcp open ssl/ircs?
1080/tcp open socks4 (Connection rejected or failed; connections possibly ok)
1111/tcp open smtp qmail smtpd
1433/tcp open ms-sql-s Microsoft SQL Server 2008 10.00.6241; SP4+ MS15-058
1501/tcp open crossmatchverifier Cross Match Verifier E fingerprint advanced control (Gain: 2464351395; Contrast: 5854711829479; Time: 52285453; Illumination: 646523866567390)
1521/tcp open oracle?
1583/tcp open psql-btrieve Pervasive.SQL Server - Btrieve Engine
1720/tcp open lineage-ii L2J Lineage II game server
1883/tcp open mqtt
2181/tcp open zookeeper Zookeeper .--.-.. (Built on //./.)
3310/tcp open dyna-access?
3333/tcp open kumo-manager Kumofs
3388/tcp open ms-wbt-server Microsoft Terminal Services
3389/tcp open ms-wbt-server Microsoft Terminal Services
4369/tcp open epmd Erlang Port Mapper Daemon
4533/tcp open rotctld Hamlib rotctld (model: $]i5hsFu8(F`a:e6s)
4567/tcp open tram?
5555/tcp open adb Android Debug Bridge (token auth required)
5800/tcp open http APC SmartUPS http config
6050/tcp open minecraft Minecraft game server
6715/tcp open jmon JMON for zOS (FMID HALG300)
6996/tcp open java-rmi Java RMI
8008/tcp open ajp13 Apache Jserv (Protocol v1.3)
8081/tcp open http-proxy-ctrl WWWOFFLE proxy control (Unauthorized)
8728/tcp open lotusnotes Lotus Domino server (CN=-..-- . - -;OU= ... ..- -. /.. ..... . - ;Org=---- - .)
9095/tcp open oo-defrag O&O Defrag
9096/tcp open oo-defrag O&O Defrag
9098/tcp open drda?
9099/tcp open drda
10000/tcp open rtsp Helix Mobile Server rtspd _.-...-.-
10310/tcp open tcpwrapped
10333/tcp open teamtalk BearWare TeamTalk (protocol: 2.0.4434755.0360)
10512/tcp open tcpwrapped
10601/tcp open unknown
14238/tcp open unknown
19700/tcp open rhpp Ricoh Reliability Host Printing Protocol
25565/tcp open minecraft?
41523/tcp open wow World of Warcraft authserver (realm: I;FSU>m@ko&J n+MFW on 54756.2303:33462892)
60022/tcp open ibm-db2 IBM DB2 Database Server```