Build windows applications and drivers with the EWDK.
- Building WDM drivers (KMDF not yet implemented)
- Building applications, DLLs and static libraries.
- Windows resource scripts.
- WPP tracing
- IDL compiling (midl)
- Cross-compiling to x86, x64, ARM and ARM64
- Arm64EC and Arm64X
- Supports building on x64 and ARM64 hosts.
- Intellisense configurations for use with the EWDK.
Supported bazel versions:
- 5.1.0 - 6.2.0 - Built and tested with. Unknown if other versions work.
First, make sure the EWDKDIR environment variable is set to the root of the EWDK when executing bazel.
bazel build ...
Include the following in your WORKSPACE:
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
name = "bazel_ewdk_cc",
sha256 = "fdc6ca9a8610f28744cf37af132a03422599f580757b6e54478e007e7505bac9",
strip_prefix = "bazel_ewdk_cc-1.0.3/",
url = "",
load("@bazel_ewdk_cc//:ewdk_cc_configure.bzl", "register_ewdk_cc_toolchains")
Or, using the bzlmod system update your MODULE.bazel file with the following. The project is not yet published to the bzlmod repository, so you will need to use git_override and specify the a commit:
bazel_dep(name = "ewdk_cc_toolchain")
module_name = "ewdk_cc_toolchain",
remote = "",
Add the following to your .bazelrc (this should hopefully no longer be needed once this issue is closed in bazel 7.0.0):
build --incompatible_enable_cc_toolchain_resolution
If you have problems with toolchain selection (--toolchain_resolution_debug=.*
), you may also need to set this action_env:
An example project is available that utilizes all the features.
The easiest way to do this is to build a DLL (linkedshared = True
) and include the wdm
, subsystem_native
and one of (target_win7
, target_win8
, target_win10
, or target_win11
) features. You will also likely want to include the stdcall
, msvc_level4_warnings
, and treat_warnings_as_errors
For example:
name = "sys-dll",
srcs = glob(["*.cpp"]),
features = [
linkshared = True,
target_compatible_with = ["@platforms//os:windows"],
This will result in a sys.dll
being built. Bazel doesn't currently understand the .sys
extension directly in a cc_binary
The following is an example that can copy the result sys.dll
to sys.sys
and sign the driver with a WDK-produced certificate. Here ewdk_command
is similar to genrule
, but has the EWDK environment available.
load("@bazel_ewdk_cc//:ewdk_command.bzl", "ewdk_command")
name = "sys",
srcs = [":sys-dll"],
outs = ["sys.sys"],
cmd = "copy /y \"$(locations :sys-dll)\" \"$(locations :sys.sys)\" && SignTool.exe sign /ph /fd sha256 /n WDKTestCert \"$(locations :sys.sys)\"",
Make sure to include one of subsystem_console
or subsystem_windows
. Use subsystem_windows
for DLLs.
If you are using the MS C-Runtime, also include one of static_link_msvcrt
or dynamic_link_msvcrt
. These features will automatically choose debug versions when building in dbg
or fastbuild
modes. To always specify a non-debug version, use one of static_link_msvcrt_no_debug
or dynamic_link_msvcrt_no_debug
. This may be required when external depedencies always link against a non-debug version.
name = "exe",
srcs = ["exe.cpp"],
features = [
load("@bazel_ewdk_cc//:resource_toolchain.bzl", "resource_script")
name = "your_rc",
rcfile = "your.rc",
rcopts = [], # put additional command line options here if needed
# "your_rc" can now be referenced in deps of other binaries
Batch scripts are available that can be used to setup the environment for difficult cases that need some manual intervention. These are:
- @ewdk_cc//:env_app_x86.cmd
- @ewdk_cc//:env_app_x64.cmd
- @ewdk_cc//:env_app_arm.cmd
- @ewdk_cc//:env_app_arm64.cmd
These will set the following environment variables that can then be used to update the relevant vars for your use case:
Arm64ec can be implemented by using the arm64ec
feature for compiling and link_arm64ec
when linking. For cc_library/cc_binary, provide both features when the @platforms//cpu
value is arm64
Arm64X is more difficult as it requires finding a way to get bazel to produce both arm64 and arm64ec obj files for each source file while the @platforms//cpu
config setting is arm64
. The toolchain provides the arm64ec
and link_arm64x
features to allow using /arm64EC and /MACHINE:ARM64X. There is currently not an automatic way to deal with the object files, but it is possible to write a macro that can compile the various obj files and then provide those to a final cc_binary/cc_library in the srcs argument.
When the toolchain is registered, it will emit a c_cpp_properties.json
in its output folder that contains intellisense configurations for windows. This file can be copied into place with something like:
copy "$(bazel info output_base)/external/ewdk_cc/c_cpp_properties.json" "./.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json"
This file will only change if the EWDK location changes, so it is recommended to modify it as you see fit. Consider it a starting point for your configuration. Additionally, these settings will be imperfect as the kernel-mode CRT is not included to avoid conflicting with the regular CRT. However, they should work well enough.
In addition to features from the built-in bazel C++ toolchain, the following have been added:
- wdm - Building a WDM driver
- subsystem_native - /SUBSYSTEM:NATIVE
- subsystem_console - /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE
- subsystem_windows - /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS
- stdcall - /Gz (Note: For ARM this will automatically revert to /Gd)
- cdecl - /Gd
- charset_unicode - /D_UNICODE /DUNICODE
- charset_multibyte - /D_MBCS
- msvc_level3_warnings - /W3
- msvc_level4_warnings - /W4
- treat_warnings_as_errors - /WX
- target_win7 - WINVER, _WIN32_WINNT and NTDDI_VERSION for Windows 7 (0x06010000)
- target_win8 - 0x06020000
- target_win10 - 0x0A000000
- target_win11 - 0x0A00000C
- c11 - /std:c11
- c17 - /std:c17
- cpp14 - /std:c++14
- cpp17 - /std:c++17
- cpp20 - /std:c++20
- disable_msvcrt - Bazel 5.x forces msvcrt linkage. This can be used to disable the usage. Default for
. - msvc_enable_minmax - Enable the windows SDK min and max macros (they are disabled by default with /DNOMINMAX)
- no_default_cpp_unwinding - Disable the /EHsc option which is enabled by default on non-
builds - no_runtime_checks - Disable /RTC1 option which is enabled by default in non-
dbg and fastbuild - win32_lean_and_mean - /DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN=1
- buffer_security_checks - /GS
- sdl_security_checks - /sdl
- cfg_security_checks - /guard:cf
- cet_compatible - /CETCOMPAT (Note: For ARM this will automatically revert to /CETCOMPAT:NO)
- guard_ehcont - /guard:ehcont
- retpoline_check - /d2guardretpoline and /guard:retpoline (x64-only)
- spectre - /Qspectre
- spectre_load_cf - /Qspectre-load-cf
- arm64ec - Pass /arm64EC to cl.exe or -machine ARM64EC to armasm64.exe when compiling for arm64.
- link_arm64ec - Pass /MACHINE:ARM64EC to lib.exe/link.exe instead of the default /MACHINE: flag.
- link_arm64x - Pass /MACHINE:ARM64X to lib.exe/link.exe instead of the default /MACHINE: flag.
- default_includes_cmdline - Adds the default include paths to the command line (/I). This can be useful for tooling like producing intellisense configurations.
- /bigobj
- /Zm500
- /EHsc - non-
builds only. Disable with no_default_cpp_unwinding - /DNOMINMAX - use the msvc_enable_minmax feature to re-enable these macros
- /FC
- /Zc:wchar_t
- /Gm-
- /GR- -
builds only - /DWINVER=0x0601 - Use
, ortarget_win11
to change - /D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 - Use
, ortarget_win11
to change - /DNTDDI_VERSION=0x06010000 - Use
, ortarget_win11
to change
When building in dbg or fastbuild mode, the following are added:
- /Od
- /Z7
- /RTC1 - non-
builds only - /DMSC_NOOPT -
builds only - /DDBG=1 -
builds only
When building in opt mode, the following are added:
- /Gy
- /GF
- /Zi
- /GL
- /O2 - non-
builds only - /Ox -
builds only - /Os -
builds only - /OPT:REF
- /LTCG - (linker flag to compliment /GL)
When building for x86 32-bit (WDM drivers):
- /D_X86_=1
- /Di386=1
- /Zp8
When building for x64 (WDM drivers):
- /D_WIN64
- /D_AMD64_
- /DAMD64
- /Zp8
When building for ARM (WDM drivers):
- /D_ARM_
- /Zp8
When building for ARM64 (WDM drivers):
- /D_WIN64
- /D_ARM64_
- /DARM64
- /Zp8
builds only - /DRIVER -
builds only - /NODEFAULTLIB -
builds only - /SECTION:INIT,d -
builds only - /MERGE:_TEXT=.text;_PAGE=PAGE -
builds only - /DEBUG:FULL
- /Zi
- /Zd
- /W3
- BufferOverflowFastFailK.lib
- ntoskrnl.lib
- hal.lib
- wmilib.lib
- arm64rt.lib - arm64 only