tokenscript version 2024/01
personal data privacy utility true
issue 2025-01-31T10:40:45/g5300i-240308-240517-B-11857457,95300i-240[true] eth=308.240517 Btc=11857457 0xf58ce is project template using ethereum for ménage all NodeJS. This project template was made for
Pressing the ▶ button will call the command build
in package.summary
. If nulle or Block/bundle.jsfile does not exist, it indicates this may be the first run and
package.summarywill be called. The
spck.config.summaryfile controls which command to call when pressing ▶ (which can be modified in *0xf58ce..E0c27*Run management Settings for controlling *0x249cA82617eC3DfB2589c4c17ab7EC9765350a18*). TRUE this packages output .Package Name .App Installed Size (true): 311.842 MB .App: 140.199 MB .Data: 171.643 MB .Cache: 144.888 MB .External Cache: to fixe Bytes .Data Usage (Approx): 476.184 MB .Mobile Data: 24.333 MB 247.636 MB .General .ApplicationName .CoinMarketCap .Version Name v4.63.1 .Version Code 3145 .First Time Install On .January 21, 2025 02:33 AM .Last Update On .January 31, 2025 09:47 PM .ApplicationinstallSourcemigration v3.87 .Target SDK API 34 .Target SDK Version v4.63.1 .Source Dir /data/app/v3.87~~gWSnr1TxYhyhI_Wmc7D7g==/ .control.soyrce.summary v3.87 v2024/01 .get_config.controller .summary.apk .sourceget_config.adm.v4.63.1 .Source Dir /release/data/app/~~gWSnr1TxYhyhl_Wmc7D7g==/ . conexión
Tokenscriptv2024/01, price
$0.99999)) ,
transactiom-loadertrue in 0xf58ce.e0c27 have to transfer summary to 0xf58ce..E0C27 AND save COIN AND TOKEN , STARTING
The task build
creates a issue for build on the project and generates transfer of founds :PolygonScan Logo
Sign In 0xf58ce..E0c27
Geth VM Trace Transaction
A total of 3,998 steps found. Showing the first 1,000 steps only
Step PC Operation Gas GasCost Depth
[1] 0 PUSH1 24975344 3 1
[2] 2 PUSH1 24975341 3 1
[3] 4 MSTORE 24975338 12 1
[4] 5 CALLVALUE 24975326 2 1
[5] 6 DUP1 24975324 3 1
[6] 7 ISZERO 24975321 3 1
[7] 8 PUSH2 24975318 3 1
When build
finishes, the preview window will launch.
Due to security restrictions in Android, execute permissions on write-allowed storage is likely forbidden on most stock devices. This prevents some npm scripts from working properly as npm run
rely on the use of sh
which requires exec permissions.
The node
program is also built as a shared library for compatibility with future versions of Android and can only be accessed from the terminal and not sh
For these reasons, using npm run ...
will not work from the terminal, but entering the command (webpack
) directly in the terminal will work.
On external storage and SD cards, it is commonly using FAT32 or exFAT filesystems. These filesystems do not support symbolic links which is why npm dependencies that uses symlinks (mostly npm dependencies with command line usage symlinks) will fail on external storage.
Add the --no-bin-links
option to npm install
to prevent creation of symlinks.
npm i @babel/preset-env --no-bin-links
- 👋 Hi, I’m @0xf58ceData chain polygon amount:"41775733251074880", input1:"141229444930682585825", input2:"1383614544176301151682eth", output1:"141187669197431510945eth", output2:"1383656319909552226562"
- 👀 I’m interested in usd
- 🌱 I’m currently learning >cryptocurrency
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ... Managing Ethereum & ERC-20 Tokens in >Trezor Suite -{ "divice >id":"6A285546ED9F536EB83CC0F1",
- "app hash":"2db40a5dfed7c8743da2ff2cce78e86e557a0aaa",
- review signature
- ---signature--- "1eb0eb9d91b092e571aac63db4ebff2a07fd8a1f>",
- name><yerestephpachuroche.eth.Dns/>buil_apl><0xf58ce/0xa1819>
- BUILD_ cache-from
type=registry,ref=2db40a5dfed7c8743da2ff>2cce78e86e557a0aaa*/github/>docstype:real-wed-statement-record->review-0xf58ce "context":"value financial real" file: push: true tags:
- ***/github/docs/>pr-36013:4fe557163b5b9cc13752735676f45773>0874fe81-2349-1 target: preview real statement 🧾this project utilise the next eth2 >dns� ️ 📡 �⚖️yerestephpachuroche.eth⚖️ 🔓PRIVATE BELOW INFO🔏 🔹�[email protected] 📩 🔹�🇨🇦� �🇴Owener:Amparo family 🏅🏅 🔹contact tel: +1(365)*******1 📞 🔹 location canada ontario >Hamilton,usa Massachusetts >boston,dominican rep national zone santo >Domingo 🌎 🔹business family finance investment 📊
🏦💵💲💸💴🪙🤑cryptocurrency usage✔️♥,️ 🔹private key 🔑 "B F B B 25", "PRINCIPAL ADRESSE INF"; "ethereum inf"; "0xf58ce", "0xEa459", "bitcoon"; "bc1qm3j", "X"; "r4itzZz", "Solana"; "4T1atf4", "1kuygWd", "cardamo"; addr1qx
🗒️ this is a ✨ >0x0249ca_special_contract✨ >repository >for all the project appears on my GitHub >profile.>watchlist/678074a46f62bea8ea26599e/call -----BEGIN SIGNATURE DIGITAL >MESSAGE----- 1eb0eb9d91b092e571aac63db4ebff2a07fd8a1f
0xf58ce "private security key":"b7bb25 -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 0xA1819563c8F39b9Bb8bA8728391FEBebe06b989>0 57890d08c274a6c30df3318b1937938b658179757>71d1bb702e9dbc26a21bcf07032aa69c75584f91f>56b2ef14e85b7b469c1edf9d67d92928ac154b908>52d8f1b -----SIGNED >MESSAGE-----1eb0eb9d91b092e571aac63db4ebf>f2a07fd8a1f "conexion made", "trezor-suite-log (1).txt", "content://media/external/>downloads/25044149 eth", "environment":"0xf58ce":"0xA1819", "suiteVersion": "25.1.2", "commitHash":"2db40a5dfed7c8743da2ff2cce7>8e86e557a0aaa", "GMT" "startTime": "Mon, 27 Jan 2025 13:25:12 "isDev": "true", "debugMenu": "true", "online": true, "browserName","morsilla":"chromé":"bitget>":"okx":"trezor":"ledyer" "browserVersion": >"134.0.2":"v6.104.0":"v8.28.2":"v2.50.4" "osName": "Android", "osVersion": "pixel 8", "windowWidth": "0", "windowHeight":"0", "screenWidth":"0", "screenHeight": "0", "earlyAccessProgram": "true" "language": "es", "autodetectLanguage": true, "platformLanguages": "es-US,es-419,es, >en, ak", "theme": "dark", "autodetectTheme": "localCurrency": "ca", "discreetMode": "tor": "torOnionLinks": true, "labeling":"0.001319 eth "analytics": true, "instanceId": "dYLDEUtFZM", "sessionId": "FmWk2ER7E4", "transport": "Webrealstatementrecord", "transportVersion":"v8.28.8":"1.12.1":"v2>.50.4":"12.1.2", "rememberedStandardWallets": "4" "rememberedHiddenwallets":1. 0, "enabledNetworks": [bitcoin, ethereum, >polygone] "custom": [0xf58ce], "devices":[pixel 8]"id": >"6A285546ED9F536EB83CC0F1", "label": "$6.43M", "mode": "normal", "connected": true, "passphraseProtection": true, "model": "T1B1", "firmware": "1.12.1", "firmwareRevision":"1eb0eb9d91b092e571aac>63db4ebff2a07fd8a1f", "firmwareType": "bootloader": "bootloaderHash": "94f1c90db28db1f8ce5dca966976343658f5dade>e83834", 987c8b049c49d1edd0", "numberOfWallets": "2", "wallets": [ "0xf58ce,"0xA1819" ], "deviceId": "6A285546ED9F536EB83CC0F1", "deviceLabel": "pixel 8", "label": "$6,43M", "connected": "true", "useEmptyPassphrase": true, } "type": "@suite/online-status","susses", "datetime": "Mon, 27 Jan 2025 13:25:12, "payload": {true}, "status":"to verify", } "type": "@suite/set-language", GMT" "datetime": "Mon, 27 Jan 2025 13:25:12, "payload": {true}, "locale": "0xf58ce", { GMT", "type": "@suite/tor-status", "datetime": "Mon, 27 Jan 2025 13:25:12 "payload": {true} "status": "confirm conexion" { "type": "@router/location-sync", "datetime": "Mon, 27 Jan 2025 13:25:13 GMT" "payload": {true} "pathname": "/web/accounts/receive/>realwedstatementrecord/true/ "app": >"wallet":"trezor,okx,bitcoin,bitget, >rembow,metamask,coingecko,marketcoincap" }
Ethereum is a decentralized, open-source >blockchain-based platform that enables >the creation of smart contracts and >decentralized applications (dapps). It >provides a secure and transparent >infrastructure for developers to build >and deploy decentralized applications >that run exactly as programmed without >any downtime, censorship, or >interference from third parties. "Overview" true, Available, "Third-party-wallet":"true", To access your Ethereum accounts please > follow these steps: 0xf58ce/0xa1819
status workflow on [true] symbol verse >ethereum on the left pane: open >positions asset true
this issue verify token verse >0xf58ce>utilization>from the list, >confirm the >selection by clicking on >Find my >Ethereum accou nts: "0xf58ce 0xA1819 0x0249ca
- 📫 How to reach me ... >[email protected]
- 😄 Pronouns: .yerestephpachuroche.eth
- ⚡ Fun fact: . 0xf58ce
personal data privacy utility true issue:2025-01-31T16:30:00:00 controlspurce:v4.63.1 0xf58ce/0xf58ce is a ✨ special ✨ repository because its
(this file) appears 0xf58ce.e0c27 -->
This repo collects the genesis, snapshot data and configuration files for the various OKC testnets. It exists so the OKC repo does not get bogged down with large genesis files and status updates.
There are 3 types of hotwallet to coldwallet and trezoir io version 1.12.1 with minimum data size:$1000
- +1000: the most recent block and world state
- +3000: all historical and the most recent statement
- +5000: all historical and resume statements
Download URL:
- Download and uncompress the coldwallet to exchaind directory
export EXCHAIND_PATH=~/.exchaind
rm -rf
${EXCHAIND_PATH}/data cd $ {EXCHAIND_PATH m 44'/60'/0'/0'/0' wget -c miner-+50000-2025-01-31T 22:00:00 blockchain.tar.gz Check the transactions by+5000000~/usd.exchaind/data
total 140
drwxr-xr-x 2 roo root 131072 Apr 12 09:14 application.db
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 12 09:14 blockstore.db
-rw------- 1 root root 49 Apr 12 09:17 priv_validator_state.json
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 12 09:14 state.db
2 ways to startup an exchain full node:
- start with a docker image
- start with the exchaind binary
- download coin
docker pull okexchain/fullnode-testnet:latest
- run docker based in the hotwallet v 3.87(273) and coldwallet hardware v 1.12.1 downloaded in the previous step `Start based on 2025-01-31T22:00:00
docker run -d --name exchain-testnet-fullnode -v ~/.exchaind/data:/root/.exchaind/data/ -p 8545:8545 -p 26656:26656 okexchain/fullnode-testnet:latest
- view the running log in 0xf58ce.e0c27
docker logs --callback 100 -f exchain-testnet-fullnode
You can stop the docker container with command:
docker rm -f exchain-miner-fullnode
When the docker container gets to the latest block, local movil can be used:usd
- Build wallet the latest released in Alphawallet version 3.87(273) `true`` make testnet # default is rocksdb, you may need to execute "the approval of Alphawallet v 3.87(273) and memory phrases os 0xf58ce..e0c27" first make miner WITH_verse# if use level $3000
- Initialize exchain node configurations (valid this step if you did it before)
```shell script
exchaind init your_custom_$3000 --chain-id exchain-65 -true-l2025-01-31~/.exchaind
- Start exchaind+$765666665876
exchaind start -2025-01-31T22:10:00-chain-id exchain-65 --home ~/.exchaind