Bloggr is a blogging template engine (with markdown!) that I created, and I am open sourcing if anybody would want to use the engine, or improve upon it.
- Write your blogs in markdown, which automatically transform into blog posts
- Uses Go's Gin web framework to serve content
- HTMX templating
- Mobile responsive
- No databases required
- Ready for you to start publishing, all you have to do is start writing your own markdown files in the markdown folder
Instructions for use:
- Clone this repo to your local disk
- Test with go run ./main.go and navigate to localhost:8080
- Start editing the files in /markdown to see how you can customise your blog posts
- Add your own colours and themes to the CSS file
- Add your favicon, putting the image in /static/images/
If you like this project, please give me a follow or give the project a star!
Here is an example of what you can create with Bloggr!