Git Hub Link:
As a business owner, I want to be able to view and manage the departments, roles, and employees in my company so that I can organize and plan my business.
Create and download a repository
Create an SQL Workbench file
Create a git repo and open the containing folder
Open VS Code and create a .gitignore file and iput node_modules/ and .DS_Store/
In the VS Code terminal, run npm init -y (to answer all queries) and to create package_json
In the VS Code terminal, install the following dependencies:
- npm install mysql
- npm install inquirer
- npm install console.table --save
Run 'node tracker.js' in the command line
NODE JS A command-line application that dynamically generates a Employee Tracker from a user's input using the Inquirer package
The application will be invoked with the following command: node tracker.js
Here is a video demonstrating how to use the application
- JavasScript
- Node.js
- npm modules