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/ wp-codeception Public archive

Integrates Codeception framework into WordPress and allows run tests using WP CLI command.


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WP Codeception

This is a WordPress Plugin which integrates with the Codeception PHP testing framework and allows you to write and run Codeception tests for WordPress via WP CLI.

Support Level

We're working towards supporting all of Codeceptions commands. If you find one we haven't included yet, please submit a Pull Request!


Download the latest version and extract, or clone the repository with Git into a new directory wp-content/plugins/wp-codeception in your WordPress install.

Install required node modules and composer dependencies

We'll run our commands from within VVV because WP CLI, Node, and Composer are already installed for us there.

$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre-headless
$ cd /srv/www/yoursite/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wp-codeception
$ composer install
$ wp plugin activate wp-codeception

Afterwards you'll have a new vendor directory within your plugins/wp-codeception directory which contains all the code libraries we're dependant on.

Install as a composer dependency

There is an alternative way to install this plugin. You can add it as a composer dependency for your project. To do it, run following command in your terminal:

$ composer require 10up/wp-codeception

This command will install the plugin and all its dependencies for your project. Please, pay attention that if you already use composer/installers dependency in your project, then wp-codeception will be installed into <PROJECT_DIR>/wp-content/plugins/wp-codeception/ folder. It happens, because wp-codeception has wordpress-plugin type and will be processed by composer/installers accordingly (read its documentation for more details).

If you want to add it as a dependency to your plugin or theme, you will need to update your composer.json file and tell it where to install wp-codeception. You can achieve it by providing installer-paths instructions like in the snippet below.

    "extra": {
        "installer-paths": {
            "vendor/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-plugin"]

Now composer/installers will know to install wordpress plugins into vendor folder. The final step which you need to do is to update your autoload section and add wp-codeception.php file to the autoload files list.

    "autoload": {
        "psr-X": {
        "files": [

Install the test suite

See the Codeception bootstrapping documentation for further information.

# You'll create the test suite in your own plugin or theme directory..
$ cd /srv/www/yoursite/htdocs/wp-content/{your plugin or theme directory}
$ wp codeception bootstrap

Afterwards you'll have a new tests directory within your plugin or theme directory. This is your new test suite, and where you'll write all your tests.

Writing Tests

You can write tests using any of the three Codeception testing frameworks: Acceptance, Functional and Unit testing. If you look within the new tests directory you'll see three config files; one for each test framework (acceptance.suite.yml, functional.suite.yml, unit.suite.yml). Edit these files as you wish.

Generate your first test

# You should be in the plugin or theme directory where you ran the bootstrap
$ wp codeception generate-(cept|cest) (acceptance|functional|unit) MyTestName

# Example
$ wp codeception generate-cept acceptance LoginTest

Afterwards you'll have a new file in your plugin or theme directory tests/acceptance/LoginTest.php, where you can write your first test. Remember, any Codeception test will work here! For example, you could run any of the acceptance test examples mentioned in the Codeception documentation. Likewise, the same goes for Functional and Unit tests.

Example: Writing a Login Acceptance Test


// Make sure you've added your site URL to acceptance.suite.yml
// @see
$I = new AcceptanceTester( $scenario );
$I->wantTo( 'Ensure WordPress Login Works' );

// Let's start on the login page
$I->amOnPage( wp_login_url() );

// Populate the login form's user id field
$I->fillField( 'input#user_login', 'YourUsername' );

// Popupate the login form's password field
$I->fillField( 'input#user_pass', 'YourPassword' );

// Submit the login form
$I->click( 'Log In' );

// Validate the successful loading of the Dashboard
$I->see( 'Dashboard' );

Running Your Tests

Now you've written some tests, it's time to run them! But first..


If you've created any browser automation/acceptance tests you'll need to turn Selenium on, and likewise, you'll want to stop Selenium after you're through running tests.

# You can run these commands from anywhere in your WordPress install
$ wp selenium start

# Stop Selenium when you're through
$ wp selenium stop


You'll use the run command to execute your tests from within your plugin or theme directory (where you ran the bootstrap). We've implemented most of the Codeception 'run' command arguments, but if you find one we've missed please submit a Pull Request!

# You should be in the plugin or theme directory where you ran the bootstrap
$ wp codeception run

Example: Running our Login Test

# You should be in the plugin or theme directory where you ran the bootstrap
# Let's display verbose output
$ wp codeception run -vvv

Codeception PHP Testing Framework v2.0.11
Powered by PHPUnit 4.5.1 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

  Rebuilding AcceptanceTester...

Acceptance-production Tests (1) ---------------------------------
Modules: WebDriver, WordPress, AcceptanceHelper
Ensure WordPress Login Works (LoginTest)
* I am on page ""
* I fill field "input#user_login","YourUsername"
* I fill field "input#user_pass","YourPassword"
* I click "Login"
* I see "Dashboard"

Support Level

Archived: This project is no longer maintained by 10up. We are no longer responding to Issues or Pull Requests unless they relate to security concerns. We encourage interested developers to fork this project and make it their own!

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Integrates Codeception framework into WordPress and allows run tests using WP CLI command.



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