Zixin Jiang
- We have three kinds of embedding: static embedding, advaned static embedding, and contextual embedding
- corpus.py, model.py, run.py is for static embedding
- corpus_advanced.py is for advaned static embedding and corpus_context.py is for contextual embedding
- model_enhenced.py and run_context.py is for both advaned static embedding and contextual embedding
- run corpus.py first to generate pre-process train, dev, test data class. The output will be save as files for later usage and avoid redundant pre-process procedual each time.
- run rn.py to do the experiment. Change the parameters as you wish. Based on the model/embedding you want to use, comment or uncommnet certain lines of code according to the instructions inside the files.
- The output will show the training loss, validation loss, and validation accuracy for each epoch.