Monitoring scripts to check websites and services, look for file changes, check backups and detect IP address changes.
Sends Telegram messages with a bot and the telegram API.
- Create a bot with Botfather with the command /newbot
- Copy the API key and place it in .token in the main telegrambot directory
- Send a message to the chat or put the Chat ID in the .chatid file in the main telegrambot directory
$ python 'Hello world!'
Check if specifc word is found on website.
$ python '<url>' '<expected_word>'
Or to check website, but only send a message after a 2 number of failures. You can change the number of failures before messaging in the python code.
$ python '<url>' '<expected_word>'
Check for recent changes files in directory. For instance to verify if backups are working.
$ python '<directory>' <alarm_after_x_minutes>
Check if server is reachable with a ping command.
$ python '<hostname or ip>'
Check current server WAN ip address. Used for home connections where ip addresses tend to change.
$ python
Check if a specific service is running on a server. Works for Ubuntu and probably other unix operating systems.
$ python '<service_name>'
Or to check for a service and only send a message after the second failure, to avoid false warnings.
$ python '<service_name>'
Check if a Bitcoin core node is running and returns the number of blocks synced. Uses the Bitcoinlib library.
$ python '<bitcoind_url>' '[<block_count>]'