A simple command-line catalogue crawler for the "application/vnd.tsbiot.catalogue+json" IoT catalogue format.
Starting from the supplied URL, the crawler will build a knowledge graph of discovered facts, following links to other catalogues wherever they are found.
On completion, the knowledge graph is written to stdout in GraphViz/DOT format.
Using the --nquads
option will instead output data in N-Quads format (http://sw.deri.org/2008/07/n-quads/)
N-Quads can be converted to RDF, Turtle, NTriples and other formats with http://any23.apache.org/
Written in node.js
Toby Jaffey, [email protected]
npm install
node crawler.js --url URL
node crawler.js --url URL > out.dot
dot -Tpng out.dot -o out.png
node crawler.js --url URL --nquads > out.nq
To crawl a catalogue, it must be exposed through HTTP on a web server. Crawling the hierarchical catalogue in examples/tree will produce a graph similar to the following:
The code is provided under an MIT license.