A small python script to convert the csv files exported from Reaper to a xml format the MA understands - only tested on MA2
you can configure stuff by hand but i just throw it togehther that it worked
python ReaperTimecodeExport [your exported.csv file]
- You just need lxml
- Download Python and install it
- check if pip is installed
pip --version
- run
pip install lxml
For any system:
For setup:
- Double click the "easyinstall.cmd" If any error messages appear feel free to message me or open an issue I'll try to come back to you You may now remove any file except the "ReaperTimecodeExport.py" and "run.bat"
Fou usage:
- Move the ReaperTimecodeExport.py file and you exported csv file to the same folder
- Run the
file by double clicking it. This processes all .csv files in the folder
coming if I get a hold of a mac sometime
Here is a link to a page that explains how to open the terminal in a folder directly. Open the directory you unzipped the downloaded stuff that way.
Then proceed as described here
And then as described here