e2e-testcafe plugin(ui) for vue-cli 3.x
This adds E2E testing support using TestCafe.
- Run TestCafe tests in headless chrome with
vue-cli-service testcafe
vue-cli-service testcafe
run e2e tests with testcafe.
--mode specify the mode the dev server should run in. (default: development) --url run e2e tests against given url instead of auto-starting dev server --file runs a specific spec file or a directory of spec files
Additionally, all TestCafe CLI options for testcafe are also supported.
This command automatically starts a server in development mode to run the e2e tests against. If you want to run the tests multiple times without having to restart the server every time, you can start the server with
vue-cli-service serve --mode production
in one terminal, and then run e2e tests against that server using the--url
We've pre-configured TestCafe to place most of the e2e testing related files under <projectRoot>/tests/e2e
npm install -D vue-cli-plugin-ui-testcafe
For TestCafe Statistics in vue-cli 3.x ui, please install vue-cli-addon-ui-testcafe in npm's global mode.
npm install -g vue-cli-addon-ui-testcafe