Written by Peace12345 (aka Brain_Juice) Send automatic welcome messages to players.
Commands: Register player(s) with ".registerwelcome ". Set a specific welcome message for player(s)* with ".welcomemessage <player(s)> ". To set where in to put the player's name, use within the string. Ex. ".welcomemessage Brain_Juice Hello, !". Leaving empty will default to "wb ", but a space after is still required. List the players you send welcome to with ".listwelcome". Remove player(s)* from your welcome list with ".removewelcome ". Reset players you send welcome to with ".resetwelcome". NOTE: This removes all players from the list, use with caution. Turn welcome message on (globaly) with ".welcome ". Turn welcome message off (globaly) with ".welcome ".
- To input more than one player, separate them by commas without spaces in between, Ex. "Brain_Juice,Peace12345,etc".
How to download this (and other) CSMs:
- From github, click on the green "<> Code⏷" Button. From there, click "Download ZIP".
- Go to your Downloads folder. Extract the .zip file.
- Move the extracted file to the "clientmods" folder in your Minetest directory.
- If there is not already, create a text file, "mods.conf". Type in, "load_mod_welcomemessage = true".
- Launch Minetest, go to settings, and enable client modding.
- All done!