User-Facing Improvements
Backup Codes: Show backup code reminder for partner-initiated requests (#11744 )
Translations: Update translations from LQA (#11763 )
Bug Fixes
socure: User who reached capture complete page should not be able to recapture (#11782 )
Alerting: Reduce RiscDeliveryJob exception noise (#11794 )
Analytics: Omit empty FormResponse errors from analytics logging (#11799 )
Analytics: Avoid logging empty hash default values (#11800 )
Doc Auth Socure: Create a Redis set to track Socure users (#11773 )
JavaScript Helper: Avoid printing preload_links_header attribute for scripts (#11790 )
Maintenance: Upgrade to Rails 8 (#11793 )
Performance: Avoid queries for ServiceProvider with blank issuer (#11798 )
Scripts: Warn when data-pull is used locally (#11784 )
Source code: Remove gem dependency from mailer previews (#11791 )
Upcoming Features
Multi-Factor Authentication: Convert Security Key to Face or Touch Unlock when detected as platform authenticator (#11795 )
Socure: Add Idv::DocPiiForm check to Socure flow. (#11747 )
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