RC 448
User-Facing Improvements
- Multi-Factor Authentication: Convert Security Key to Face or Touch Unlock when detected as platform authenticator (#11788)
- account management: No change available if partner shares all emails (#11701)
Bug Fixes
- Identity Verification: Allow users designated for Socure to opt-in to In Person Proofing (#11804)
- In-person proofing: Add selected_location to IdV in person proofing location submitted analytic event when flow path is hybrid (#11806)
- Automated Testing: Raise error when analytics test hash_including is exactly equal (#11802)
- Code Quality: Extract mixin for common MFA deletion behaviors (#11796)
- Doc Auth: Add a socure user to the socure user redis set (#11816)
- Documentation: Add build tooling sections to frontend documentation (#11812)
- Documentation: Add introductory high-level overview for frontend documentation (#11807)
- IdV Doc Auth: Allow timed out user to retry docv (#11792)
- Reporting: Create MFA Report script (#11740)
Upcoming Features
- Email Selection: Adding email in select flow links back to select page (#11805)
- Socure: Log Pii validation (#11813)
- socure: Enforce socure max user limit (#11808)
!!! Invalid Changelog Entries !!!
update end of day bug (#11809)