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DPImageBench is an open-source toolkit developed to facilitate the research and application of DP image synthesis.


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DPImageBench: A Unified Benchmark for Differentially Private Image Synthesis Algorithms

DPImageBench is an open-source toolkit developed to facilitate the research and application of DP image synthesis. DPImageBench simplifies the access, understanding, and assessment of DP image synthesis, making it accessible to both researchers and the broader community. The strengths of DPImageBench are presented as follows.

(1) Methods: DPImageBench studies eleven prominent methods and systematically characterize each based on model architecture, pretraining strategy, and privacy mechanism.

(2) Evaluation: We include nine datasets, and seven fidelity and utility metrics to thoroughly assess these methods. Notably, we find that the common practice of selecting downstream classifiers based on the highest accuracy on the sensitive test set not only violates DP but also overestimates the utility scores. DPImageBench corrects for these mistakes.

(3) Platform: Despite the wide variety of methods and evaluation protocols, DPImageBench provides a standardized interface that accommodates all current and future implementations within a unified framework.

Synthetic images by algorithms in DPImageBench with epsilon=10

Synthetic images by algorithms in DPImageBench with $\epsilon=10$ .

1. Contents


  • 🎉 (2024.01.23) We add a new SOTA DP image synthesizer DP-LORA to DPImageBench! Please try it out!
  • 🎉 (2024.11.19) We're thrilled to announce the release of initial version of DPImageBench!


2. Introduction

2.1 Currently Supported Algorithms

We list currently supported DP image synthesis methods as follows.

Methods Link
DP-MERF [AISTATS 2021] DP-MERF: Differentially Private Mean Embeddings With Randomfeatures for Practical Privacy-Preserving Data Generation
DP-NTK [AISTATS 2021] Differentially Private Neural Tangent Kernels (DP-NTK) for Privacy-Preserving Data Generation
DP-Kernel [NeuriPS 2023] Functional Renyi Differential Privacy for Generative Modeling
PE [ICLR 2024] Differentially Private Synthetic Data via Foundation Model {API}s 1: Images
GS-WGAN [NeuriPS 2020] GS-WGAN: A Gradient-Sanitized Approach for Learning Differentially Private Generators
DP-GAN [arXiv 2020] Differentially Private Generative Adversarial Network (
DPDM [TMLR 2023] Differentially Private Diffusion Models
PDP-Diffusion [2302.13861] Differentially Private Diffusion Models Generate Useful Synthetic Images (
DP-LDM [TMLR 2024] Differentially Private Latent Diffusion Models
DP-LoRA [arXiv 2024] Differentially Private Fine-Tuning of Diffusion Models
PrivImage [UESNIX Security 2024] PrivImage: Differentially Private Synthetic Image Generation using Diffusion Models with Semantic-Aware Pretraining

2.2 Currently Supported Datasets

We list the studied datasets as follows, which include seven sensitive datasets and two public datasets.

Usage Dataset
Pretraining dataset ImageNet_ILSVRC2012, Places365
Sensitive dataset MNIST, FashionMNIST, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, EuroSAT, CelebA, Camelyon

3. Repo Contents

Below is the directory structure of the DPImageBench project, which organizes its two core functionalities within the models/ and evaluation/ directories. To enhance user understanding and showcase the toolkit's ease of use, we offer a variety of example scripts located in the scripts/ directory.

├── configs/                     # Configuration files for various DP image synthesis algorithms
│   ├── DP-MERF      
│   ├── DP-NTK       
│   ├── DP-Kernel
│   ├── PE            
│   ├── DP-GAN         
│   ├── DPDM        
│   ├── PDP-Diffusion      
│   ├── DP-LDM-SD
│   ├── DP-LDM
│   ├── DP-LORA
│   ├── GS-WGAN
│   └── PDP-Diffusion   
├── data/                       # Data Preparation for Our Benchmark
│   ├── stylegan3
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── 
├── dataset/                    # Datasets studied in the project
├── docker/                     # Docker file
├── exp/                        # The output of the training process and evaluation results.
├── evaluation/                 # Evaluation module of DPImageBench, including utility and fidelity
│   ├── classifier/             # Downstream tasks classification training algorithms
│   │   ├──  
│   │   ├── 
│   │   ├── 
│   │   └── 
│   ├── 
│   └── 
├── models/                     # Implementation framework for DP image synthesis algorithms
│   ├── DP_Diffusion      
│   ├── DP_GAN       
│   ├── DP_LDM
│   ├── DP_LORA     
│   ├── DP_MERF
│   ├── DP_NTK          
│   ├── GS_WGAN       
│   ├── PE     
│   ├── PrivImage
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── pretrained_models       # The pre-downloaed files for PE and PrivImage
│   ├──  
│   ├──          
│   └──  
├── opacus/                     # Implementation of DPSGD
├── plot/                       # Figures and plots in our paper
│   ├──                           # Plotting for Figure 5 and 10
│   ├──                          # Plotting for Figure 6
│   ├──             # Plotting for Figure 7
│   ├──              # Plotting for Figure 9
│   ├──          # Plotting for Figure 8   
│   └──                             # Plotting for Figure 4 
├── scripts/                    # Scripts for using DPImageBench
│   ├──                    
│   ├──                          
│   ├──                               
│   ├──                           
│   ├──            
│   ├── 
│   ├── 
│   ├──                  
│   └──                                            
├── utils/                      # Helper classes and functions supporting various operations
│   └──                    
├──                   # Main project documentation
└── requirements.txt            # Dependencies required for the project

4. Quick Start

4.1 Install DPImageBench

Clone repo and setup the environment:

git clone [email protected]:2019ChenGong/DPImageBench.git

We also provide the Docker file.

4.2 Prepare Dataset

sh scripts/

After running, we can found the folder dataset:

├── camelyon/       
├── celeba/ 
├── cifar10/ 

4.3 Running

The training and evaluatin codes are and

The core codes of are present as follows.

def main(config):


    model, config = load_model(config)

    sensitive_train_loader, sensitive_val_loader, sensitive_test_loader, public_train_loader, config = load_data(config)

    model.pretrain(public_train_loader, config.pretrain)

    model.train(sensitive_train_loader, config.train)

    syn_data, syn_labels = model.generate(config.gen)

    evaluator = Evaluator(config)
    evaluator.eval(syn_data, syn_labels, sensitive_train_loader, sensitive_val_loader, sensitive_test_loader)

4.3.1 Key hyper-parameter introductions

We list the key hyper-parameters below, including their explanations and available options.

  • --data_name: means the sensitive dataset; the option is [mnist_28, fmnist_28, cifar10_32, cifar100_32, eurosat_32, celeba_male_32, camelyon_32].
  • --method: the method to train the DP image synthesizers; the option is [DP-NTK, DP-Kernel, DP-MERF, DPGAN, DP-LDM-SD, DP-LDM, DP-LORA, DPDM, PE, GS-WGAN, PDP-Diffusion, PrivImage].
  • --epsilon: the privacy budget 10.0; the option is [1.0, 10.0].
  • --exp_description: the notes for the name of result folders.
  • setup.n_gpus_per_node: means the number of GPUs to be used for training.
  • pretrain.cond: specifies the mode of pretraining. The options are [true, false], where true indicates conditional pretraining and false indicates conditional pretraining.
  • the name of pretraining dataset; the option is [null, imagenet, places365, emnist], which mean that without pretraining, using ImageNet dataset as pretraining dataset, and using Places365 as pretraining dataset. It is notice that DPImageBench uses ImageNet as default pretraining dataset. If users use Places365 as pretraining dataset, please add public_data.n_classes=365 public_data.train_path=dataset/places365.
  • eval.mode: the mode of evaluations; the option is [val, syn] which means that using part of sensitive images and directly using the synthetic images as the validation set for model selection, respectively. The default setting is val.
  • setup.master_port: a configuration parameter specifying the port number on the master node (or primary process) that other processes or nodes use to communicate within a distributed system.
  • pretrain.n_epochs: the number of epoch for pretraining.
  • train.n_epochs: the number of epoch for finetuning on sensitive datasets.
  • train.dp.n_split: the number of gradient accumulations for saving GPU memory usage.


DP-LDM originally uses a latent diffusion model as the DP synthesizer. For a fair comparison, we now use a standard diffusion model, just like other diffusion-based models, which we call DP-LDM-SD. In addition, DP-LDM means using latent diffusion models (i.e., stabel diffusion) as synthesizers.


Experiments such as pretraining or using DPSGD require significant computational resources, as shown in Table 17 of our paper. We recommend to use 4 NVIDIA GeForce A6000 Ada GPUs and 512GB of memory. Here are some tips to help users efficiently reduce computational resource usage and running time in an appropriate way:

  • Reduce pretrain.n_epochs and train.n_epochs: Reducing the number of pretraining and fine-tuning steps can decrease running time but may also impact the performance of synthetic images.
  • Increase train.dp.n_split: Increasing train.dp.n_split enables jobs to run even when GPU memory is insufficient. However, this adjustment will lead to longer running times.
  • Share the pretraing models: Some algorithms can share the same pretrained models, PDP-Diffusion and DP-LDM-SD, as well as DP-LoRA and DP-LDM. Additionally, for certain algorithms, different sensitive datasets can also share the same pretrained model. For detailed instructions on using pretrained synthesizers, please refer to the section "Directly use the pretrained synthesizers" in 4.3.2 How to run. Sharing pretrained models eliminates the need for additional pretraining, helping to save computational resources.


It is a common issue that we can not run a distributed process under a setup.master_port=6026. If you intend to run multiple distributed processes on the same machine, please consider using a different setup.master_port, such as 6027.

4.3.2 How to run

Users should first activate the conda environment.

conda activate dpimagebench
cd DPImageBench

For the implementation of results reported in Table 5, 6, 7, and 9 (RQ1).

We list an example as follows. Users can modify the configuration files in configs as their preference.

We provide an example of training a synthesizer using the PDP-Diffusion method with 4 GPUs. The results reported in Table 6 were obtained by following the instructions provided. Additionally, the results (fidelity evaluations) reported in Table 7 were obtained using the default settings.

python setup.n_gpus_per_node=4 --method PDP-Diffusion --data_name mnist_28 --epsilon 10.0 eval.mode=val

The results reported in Table 5 were obtained by following the instructions below.

python setup.n_gpus_per_node=4 --method PDP-Diffusion --data_name mnist_28 --epsilon 10.0 eval.mode=sen


It is noted that the default resolution for pretraining is 28x28 when --data_name is set to mnist_28 or fmnist_28, but 32x32 for other datasets. we provide synthetic images for celeba in resolutions of 64x64 and 128x128 as follows.

The results presented in Table 9, which explore synthetic images at different resolutions for celeba, are obtained by following the instructions below.

python setup.n_gpus_per_node=4 --method PDP-Diffusion --data_name celeba_male_64 --epsilon 10.0 eval.mode=val

We provide more examples in the scripts/, please refer to scrips.

Besides, if users want to directly evaluate the synthetic images,

python --method PDP-Diffusion --data_name mnist_28 --epsilon 10.0 --exp_path exp/pdp-diffusion/<the-name-of-file>

The results are recorded in exp/pdp-diffusion/<the-name-of-file>/stdout.txt.

Test the classification algorithm on the sensitive images without DP.

python ./scripts/ --method PDP-Diffusion --data_name mnist_28 --epsilon 10.0  -ed no-dp-mnist_28

The results are recorded in exp/pdp-diffusion/<the-name-of-file>no-dp-mnist_28/stdout.txt. This process is independent of --method and uses of --epsilon.

Only pretraining the synthesizer on public datasets and without finetuning on the sensitive datasets.

Please set and eval.mode=sen. For example, to use ImageNet for pretraining:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2 python \ eval.mode=sen \ 
 setup.n_gpus_per_node=3 \ \ 
 pretrain.cond=true --method PDP-Diffusion \
 --data_name cifar10_32 --epsilon 10.0 \ 
 --exp_description pretrain_imagenet32

For the implementation of the results reported in Figures 5, 6, and 9 (RQ2), the performance is analyzed by varying the epsilon and model size.

If users wish to change the size of the synthesizer, the following parameters should be considered.

  • train.dp.n_split: the number of gradient accumulations for saving GPU memory usage. For example, if your server allows to train a 4M DPDM with batch_size=4096 and train.dp.n_split=32. When you want to train an 80M DPDM with the same batch_size, you may need to increase train.dp.n_split into 512,
  • Change the model size: For diffusion based model, please change, and to adjust the synthesizer size. For GAN based model, please change model.Generator.g_conv_dim to adjust the synthesizer size.

In our experiments, we list the model sizes and corresponding hyper-parameter settings as follows.

Standard Diffusion Model size Hyper-parameters
Latent Diffusion Model size Hyper-parameters
GAN size Hyper-parameters
3.8M model.Generator.g_conv_dim=40
6.6M model.Generator.g_conv_dim=60
10.0M model.Generator.g_conv_dim=80
14.3M model.Generator.g_conv_dim=100
19.4M model.Generator.g_conv_dim=120


It is hard to control synthesizers with different foundational models so that they have exactly the same parameter sizes.

For example:

(1) Using DPDM with an 80M diffusion model.

python setup.n_gpus_per_node=4 --method DPDM --data_name mnist_28 --epsilon 10.0 eval.mode=val \ \[1,2,2,4] \[16,8,4] \
 train.dp.n_split=512 \
 --exp_description 80M 

(2) Using DP-LDM with an 80M diffusion model.

python setup.n_gpus_per_node=1 --method DP-LDM --data_name mnist_28 --epsilon 10.0 eval.mode=val \ \[1,1,2,4] \[16,8,4] \
 train.dp.n_split=16 \
 --exp_description 80M 

(3) Using DPGAN with a 14M generator.

python setup.n_gpus_per_node=4 --method DPGAN --data_name mnist_28 --epsilon 10.0 eval.mode=val \ \
 model.Generator.g_conv_dim=120 \
 --exp_description 14M 

We provide more implementation examples of edit the model size of synthesizers in the scripts.

For the implementation of the results reported in RQ3.

Users can set the pretrain.cond and to choose between conditional and unconditional pretraining or to enable or disable pretraining. indicates that pretraining is excluded. If users wish to use Places365 or a pretraining dataset, please take note of the following key parameters.

  • public_data.n_classes: the number of categories for pretraining dataset (e.g., 365 for Places365).
  • [null, imagenet, places365].
  • public_data.train_path: the path to pretraining dataset.

We use ImageNet as the default pretraining dataset, and these parameters are configured accordingly. We provide more implementation examples in the scripts.

For example,

(1) Using ImageNet to pretrain DPGAN using conditional pretraining.

python setup.n_gpus_per_node=4 --method DPGAN --data_name mnist_28 \
 --epsilon 10.0 eval.mode=val \ \
 pretrain.cond=true \
 --exp_description pretrain_imagenet_conditional 

(2) Using Places365 to pretrain DPGAN using conditional pretraining.

python setup.n_gpus_per_node=4 --method DPGAN --data_name mnist_28 \ 
 --epsilon 10.0 eval.mode=val \ public_data.n_classes=365 public_data.train_path=dataset/places365 \
 pretrain.cond=true \
 --exp_description pretrain_places365_conditional 

(3) Using Places365 to pretrain DPGAN using unconditional pretraining.

python setup.n_gpus_per_node=4 --method DPGAN --data_name mnist_28 \ 
 --epsilon 10.0 eval.mode=val \ public_data.n_classes=365 public_data.train_path=dataset/places365 \
 pretrain.cond=False \
 --exp_description pretrain_places365_unconditional 

If users wish to use select the public dataset for pretraining like PrivImage in Table 12, you should set the public_data.selective.ratio.

For example, use 5% ImageNet to pretrain DPDM.

python setup.n_gpus_per_node=4 --method DPDM --data_name cifar10_32 \
 --epsilon 10.0 eval.mode=val \ \
 public_data.selective.ratio=0.05 \
 pretrain.cond=true \
 --exp_description pretrain_imagenet_5perc 

4.3.3 Training Using Checkpoints

DPImageBench also supports training synthesizers from the checkpoints. As mentioned in the results structure, we provide snapshot_checkpoint.pth to store the synthesizer's parameters at the current epoch after each iteration. If users wish to finetune the synthesizers using pretrained models, they should: (1) set, and (2) load the pretrained synthesizers through model.ckpt. For example, the pretrained synthesizer can be sourced from other algorithms. Readers can refer to the file structure for more details about loading pretrained models like

python setup.n_gpus_per_node=3 eval.mode=val \
 model.ckpt=./exp/pdp-diffusion/<the-name-of-scripts>/pretrain/checkpoints/snapshot_checkpoint.pth \
 --method PDP-Diffusion --data_name fmnist_28 --epsilon 10.0 --exp_description <any-notes>

If users wish to continue the pretraining using checkpoints, you just need to set the as usual like

python setup.n_gpus_per_node=3 eval.mode=val \
 model.ckpt=./exp/pdp-diffusion/<the-name-of-scripts>/pretrain/checkpoints/snapshot_checkpoint.pth \
 --method PDP-Diffusion --data_name fmnist_28 --epsilon 10.0 --exp_description <any-notes>

Currently, only diffuisn-based methods are supported, because GAN-based methods usually do not benefit from pretraining and their training is fast.

4.4 Results

We can find the stdout.txt files in the result folder, which record the training and evaluation processes. The results for utility and fidelity evaluations are available in stdout.txt. The result folder name consists of <data_name>_eps<epsilon><notes>-<starting-time>, e.g., mnist_28_eps1.0-2024-10-25-23-09-18.

4.4.1 Results Structure

We outline the structure of the results files as follows. The training and evaluations results are recorded in the file exp. For example, if users leverage the PDP-Diffusion method to generate synthetic images for the MNIST dataset under a privacy budget of eps=1.0, the structure of the folder is as follows:

├── dp-kernel/                              
├── dp-ldm/ 
├── dp-merf/
├── dp-ntk/ 
├── dpdm/ 
├── dpgan/ 
├── gs-wgan/ 
├── pdp-diffusion/ 
│   └── mnist_28_eps1.0-2024-10-25-23-09-18/  
│           ├── gen  
│           │   ├── gen.npz 
│           │   └── sample.png 
│           ├── pretrain  
│           │   ├── checkpoints  
│           │   │   ├── final_checkpoint.pth  
│           │   │   └── snapshot_checkpoint.pth  
│           │   └── samples 
│           │       ├── iter_2000 
│           │       └── ... 
│           ├── train
│           │   ├── checkooints  
│           │   │   ├── final_checkpoint.pth  
│           │   │   └── snapshot_checkpoint.pth    
│           │   └── samples 
│           │       ├── iter_2000 
│           │       └── ... 
│           └──stdout.txt   
├── pe/ 
└── privimage/  

We introduce the files as follows,

  • ./gen/gen.npz: the synthetic images.
  • ./gen/sample.png: the samples of synthetic images.
  • ./pretrain/checkpoints/final_checkpoint.pth: the parameters of synthsizer at the final epochs.
  • ./pretrain/checkpoints/snapshot_checkpoint.pth: we store the synthesizer's parameters at the current epoch after each iteration, deleting the previous parameters to manage storage efficiently.
  • ./pretrain/samples/iter_2000: the synthetic images under 2000 iterations for pretraining on public datasets.
  • ./train/checkpoints/final_checkpoint.pth: the parameters of synthsizer at the final epochs.
  • ./train/checkpoints/snapshot_checkpoint.pth: we store the synthesizer's parameters at the current epoch after each iteration, deleting the previous parameters to manage storage efficiently.
  • ./train/samples/iter_2000: the synthetic images under 2000 iterations for training on sensitive datasets.
  • ./stdout.txt: the file used to record the training and evaluation results.

4.4.2 Results Explanation

In utility evaluation, after each classifier training, we can find,

INFO - - 2024-11-12 05:54:26,463 - The best acc of synthetic images on sensitive val and the corresponding acc on test dataset from wrn is 64.75999999999999 and 63.99
INFO - - 2024-11-12 05:54:26,463 - The best acc of synthetic images on noisy sensitive val and the corresponding acc on test dataset from wrn is 64.75999999999999 and 63.87
INFO - - 2024-11-12 05:54:26,463 - The best acc test dataset from wrn is 64.12

These results represent the best accuracy achieved by: (1) using the sensitive validation set (63.99%), (2) adding noise to the validation results of the sensitive dataset (model.eval = val), and the accuracy is 63.87%, and (3) using the sensitive test set for classifier selection (64.12%).

If synthetic images are used as the validation set (model.eval = syn), the results after each classifier training would be:

INFO - - 2024-10-24 06:45:11,042 - The best acc of synthetic images on val (synthetic images) and the corresponding acc on test dataset from wrn is 63.175 and 56.22
INFO - - 2024-10-24 06:45:11,042 - The best acc test dataset from wrn is 64.22

These results present that the best accuracy achieved by: (1) using the synthetic images for validation set (56.22%) and (2) using the sensitive test set for classifier selection (64.22%).

The following results can be found at the end of the log file:

INFO - - 2024-11-13 21:19:44,813 - The best acc of accuracy (adding noise to the results on the sensitive set of validation set) of synthetic images from resnet, wrn, and resnext are [61.6, 64.36, 59.31999999999999].
INFO - - 2024-11-13 21:19:44,813 - The average and std of accuracy of synthetic images are 61.76 and 2.06
INFO - - 2024-11-13 21:50:27,195 - The FID of synthetic images is 21.644407353392182
INFO - - 2024-11-13 21:50:27,200 - The Inception Score of synthetic images is 7.621163845062256
INFO - - 2024-11-13 21:50:27,200 - The Precision and Recall of synthetic images is 0.5463906526565552 and 0.555840015411377
INFO - - 2024-11-13 21:50:27,200 - The FLD of synthetic images is 7.258963584899902
INFO - - 2024-11-13 21:50:27,200 - The ImageReward of synthetic images is -2.049745370597344

The first line shows the accuracy of the downstream task when noise is added to the validation results of the sensitive dataset for classifier selection (model.eval = val), across three studied classification outcomes.

If synthetic images are used as the validation set (model.eval = syn), the first line would be:

INFO - - 2024-11-12 09:06:18,148 - The best acc of accuracy (using synthetic images as the validation set) of synthetic images from resnet, wrn, and resnext are [59.48, 63.99, 59.53].

The synthetic images can be found at the ./exp/<algorithm_name>/<file_name>/gen/gen.npz.

4.5 Results Visualization

We provide the plotting codes for results visualization in the folder plot of DPImageBench.

  • plotting for Figure 5 and 10.
  • plotting for Figure 6.
  • plotting for Figure 7.
  • plotting for Figure 9.
  • plotting for Figure 8.
  • plotting for Figure 4.

5. Customization

This part introduces how to apply DPImageBench for your own sensitive dataset or new synthesizer algorithm.

5.1 Data Preparation

First, you need to organize your own dataset like:

├── class1/       
├── calss2/ 
├── class3/ 
├── class1/       
├── class2/ 
├── class3/ 

Process your dataset using:

cd data; python --data_name <name-of-your-dataset> --train_path <dir-of-train-folder> --test_path <dir-of-test-folder>

5.2 New Synthesizer

5.2.1 Config File

You need to create a config folder for your algorithm like:

├── <name-of-your-algorithm>/     
│   ├── <name-of-your-dataset>_32_eps10.0.yaml
│   ├── <name-of-your-dataset>_32_eps1.0.yaml 

Please refer to ./configs/DP-MERF/mnist_28_eps10.0.yaml for the config file structure.

5.2.2 Functions File

You need to create a ./models/<name-of-your-algorithm>.py, including two essential functions to be consistant with DPImageBench. The first function takes an image dataset sensitive_dataloader and the training hyperparamters config as input to perform the training and outputs the trained model. The second function takes the generation hyperparameters config as input and outputs the specified number of synthetic images. Please refer to ./models/ for the detailed function structure.

After that, you need to import the new function in ./models/

For example, if we want to optimize the training process of DPDM and name the new algorithm DPDM-plus, we can start by copying ./configs/DPDM/mnist_28_eps10.0.yaml to ./configs/DPDM-plus/mnist_28_eps10.0.yaml, and set setup.method=dpdm-plus. Then, we can copy ./models/ to ./models/ We can rename its DP_Diffusion class DPDM_plus and make the necessary modification to the train function inside the DPDM_plus class. Fininally, we need to add an if statement to the load_model function in ./models/ to support the loading of the new algorithm:

elif config.setup.method == 'dpdm-plus':
    from models.dpdm_plus import DPDM_plus
    model = DPDM_plus(config.model, config.setup.local_rank)

5.3 Training

For example, if your want to use your new synthesizer as your synthesizer with eps=10, you can run:

python setup.n_gpus_per_node=4 --method <name-of-your-algorithm> --epsilon 10.0 --data_name <name-of-your-dataset> sensitive_data.n_classes=<num_of_classes>

Other processes are the same.

6. Main Results

Acc (%) of the classifier trained on synthetic images under eps = (1.0 / 10.0).

Algorithm MNIST F-MNIST CIFAR-10 CIFAR-100 EuroSAT CelebA Camelyon
DP-MERF 80.3 / 81.3 62.2 / 62.2 27.2 / 29.0 3.4 / 4.2 34.9 / 28.0 81.0 / 81.2 60.4 / 58.3
DP-NTK 50.0 / 91.3 64.4 / 76.3 17.0 / 28.2 1.8 / 2.1 22.8 / 30.8 61.2 / 64.2 53.1 / 64.1
DP-Kernel 94.0 / 93.6 68.4 / 70.0 26.4 / 25.1 6.0 / 6.1 50.2 / 50.2 83.0 / 83.7 68.0 / 68.7
PE 27.9 / 32.7 47.9 / 57.8 64.6 / 75.3 15.4 / 24.9 32.1 / 36.8 70.5 / 74.2 63.3 / 64.9
GS-WGAN 72.4 / 75.3 52.7 / 56.7 20.4 / 21.3 1.3 / 1.6 28.6 / 29.7 61.4 / 61.5 52.1 / 58.9
DP-GAN 92.4 / 92.7 71.8 / 70.3 26.2 / 30.5 2.0 / 1.7 39.4 / 38.2 77.9 / 89.2 83.2 / 79.6
DPDM 89.2 / 97.7 76.4 / 85.6 28.9 / 36.8 2.4 / 2.5 48.8 / 72.8 74.5 / 91.8 80.6 / 79.5
PDP-Diffusion 94.5 / 97.4 79.2 / 85.4 59.3 / 70.1 3.9 / 17.3 46.6 / 73.8 89.4 / 94.0 85.2 / 84.8
DP-LDM (SD) 78.8 / 94.4 75.9 / 81.6 63.0 / 69.9 6.0 / 19.9 48.1 / 73.1 84.4 / 89.1 84.0 / 84.7
DP-LDM 44.2 / 95.5 62.3 / 86.3 41.7 / 64.8 3.5 / 16.9 65.1 / 78.8 85.8 / 92.4 81.9 / 84.7
DP-LoRA 82.2 / 97.1 63.5 / 83.8 64.6 / 77.2 4.3 / 33.2 70.7 / 83.6 87.0 / 92.0 84.1 / 87.0
PrivImage 94.0 / 97.8 79.9 / 87.1 74.5 / 78.4 9.9 / 15.8 47.3 / 71.0 90.8 / 92.0 82.8 / 82.9

Fidelity evaluations of synthetic MNIST images under eps = 10.0.

Algorithm FID↓ IS↑ Precision↑ Recall↑ FLD↓ IR↑
DP-MERF 106.3 2.64 0.03 0.03 34.9 -2.23
DP-NTK 69.2 2.18 0.09 0.08 25.5 -2.21
DP-Kernel 38.9 2.19 0.24 0.02 17.8 -2.18
PE 45.3 2.79 0.08 0.28 25.6 -2.21
GS-WGAN 47.7 2.37 0.13 0.01 25.4 -2.14
DP-GAN 30.3 2.06 0.19 0.22 15.0 -2.16
DPDM 4.4 2.07 0.63 0.73 3.3 -2.00
PDP-Diffusion 3.8 2.87 0.61 0.82 3.4 -2.02
DP-LDM (SD) 18.7 2.23 0.21 0.77 12.2 -2.13
DP-LDM 99.1 1.85 0.00 0.03 32.1 -2.18
DP-LoRA 95.4 1.85 0.00 0.03 32.1 -2.18
PrivImage 2.3 2.16 0.62 0.83 2.8 -2.01

Fidelity evaluations of synthetic FashionMNIST images under eps = 10.0.

Algorithm FID↓ IS↑ Precision↑ Recall↑ FLD↓ IR↑
DP-MERF 106.4 2.86 0.08 0.01 29.2 -2.05
DP-NTK 120.5 3.05 0.04 0.00 36.4 -2.19
DP-Kernel 74.2 3.45 0.23 0.01 21.3 -1.95
PE 23.1 5.37 0.15 0.53 16.1 -1.90
GS-WGAN 97.2 2.95 0.17 0.00 28.1 -1.95
DP-GAN 76.9 3.60 0.17 0.02 23.9 -1.94
DPDM 17.1 3.92 0.54 0.38 6.6 -1.63
PDP-Diffusion 6.2 4.23 0.53 0.71 4.9 -1.66
DP-LDM (SD) 20.1 4.33 0.32 0.71 11.7 -1.87
DP-LDM 53.2 3.74 0.28 0.40 15.4 -1.87
DP-LoRA 43.7 3.98 0.26 0.53 14.8 -1.89
PrivImage 5.3 4.29 0.56 0.72 4.3 -1.64

Fidelity evaluations of synthetic CIFAR-10 images under eps = 10.0.

Algorithm FID↓ IS↑ Precision↑ Recall↑ FLD↓ IR↑
DP-MERF 214.1 3.06 0.25 0.00 32.1 -2.27
DP-NTK 346.9 1.59 0.01 0.00 41.7 -2.27
DP-Kernel 161.4 3.69 0.18 0.00 27.2 -2.27
PE 9.2 14.97 0.59 0.54 2.7 -1.31
GS-WGAN 194.4 2.34 0.17 0.00 31.1 -2.28
DP-GAN 138.7 2.65 0.67 0.01 22.5 -2.28
DPDM 110.1 3.12 0.59 0.04 19.4 -2.21
PDP-Diffusion 18.4 8.11 0.50 0.66 7.2 -2.09
DP-LDM (SD) 19.8 8.14 0.48 0.68 9.0 -2.13
DP-LDM 47.4 6.40 0.49 0.49 14.1 -2.23
DP-LoRA 27.8 7.64 0.49 0.64 9.3 -2.18
PrivImage 13.1 8.41 0.56 0.63 5.1 -1.92

Fidelity evaluations of synthetic CIFAR-100 images under eps = 10.0.

Algorithm FID↓ IS↑ Precision↑ Recall↑ FLD↓ IR↑
DP-MERF 197.5 2.93 0.32 0.00 25.2 -2.26
DP-NTK 398.1 1.28 0.13 0.00 43.0 -2.28
DP-Kernel 224.1 2.43 0.12 0.00 26.1 -2.27
PE 9.6 19.65 0.58 0.54 3.7 -2.22
GS-WGAN 246.4 1.87 0.44 0.00 26.1 -2.28
DP-GAN 181.0 2.34 0.45 0.00 23.2 -2.28
DPDM 42.4 6.21 0.52 0.42 12.5 -2.24
PDP-Diffusion 19.9 8.28 0.53 0.64 9.1 -2.25
DP-LDM (SD) 19.8 8.39 0.53 0.63 8.94 -2.25
DP-LDM 51.5 6.08 0.57 0.39 12.4 -2.26
DP-LoRA 29.1 7.71 0.54 0.57 9.25 -2.26
PrivImage 21.4 8.08 0.54 0.62 8.9 -2.24

Fidelity evaluations of synthetic EuroSAT images under eps = 10.0.

Algorithm FID↓ IS↑ Precision↑ Recall↑ FLD↓ IR↑
DP-MERF 182.2 2.20 0.05 0.00 34.6 -2.26
DP-NTK 257.6 1.95 0.06 0.00 40.3 -2.27
DP-Kernel 181.6 2.52 0.05 0.01 32.2 -2.23
PE 48.1 8.16 0.08 0.69 16.7 -2.10
GS-WGAN 236.3 1.75 0.02 0.00 45.0 -2.28
DP-GAN 222.4 1.95 0.03 0.00 47.0 -2.27
DPDM 168.8 1.67 0.61 0.10 20.3 -1.57
PDP-Diffusion 24.2 3.39 0.57 0.61 4.8 -1.62
DP-LDM (SD) 29.7 3.39 0.49 0.60 6.7 -1.68
DP-LDM 69.6 3.06 0.42 0.27 15.3 -1.96
DP-LoRA 50.9 3.23 0.46 0.36 12.8 -1.93
PrivImage 24.2 3.75 0.49 0.66 5.4 -1.69

Fidelity evaluations of synthetic CelebA images under eps = 10.0.

Algorithm FID↓ IS↑ Precision↑ Recall↑ FLD↓ IR↑
DP-MERF 147.9 3.61 0.08 0.00 17.1 -2.20
DP-NTK 227.8 3.21 0.05 0.00 30.6 -2.23
DP-Kernel 128.8 2.90 0.11 0.00 14.4 -1.72
PE 22.0 3.87 0.28 0.52 5.1 -0.96
GS-WGAN 290.0 1.66 0.03 0.00 43.2 -2.27
DP-GAN 31.7 2.28 0.62 0.05 3.9 -0.69
DPDM 28.8 2.23 0.60 0.15 4.5 -1.38
PDP-Diffusion 8.1 2.73 0.53 0.61 2.2 -1.09
DP-LDM (SD) 24.1 3.15 0.38 0.64 5.1 -1.49
DP-LDM 40.4 3.02 0.40 0.40 6.7 -1.65
DP-LoRA 32.2 3.03 0.38 0.52 6.0 -1.62
PrivImage 11.3 2.88 0.50 0.61 2.9 -1.25

Fidelity evaluations of synthetic Camelyon images under eps = 10.0.

Algorithm FID↓ IS↑ Precision↑ Recall↑ FLD↓ IR↑
DP-MERF 251.6 2.45 0.12 0.00 50.5 -2.16
DP-NTK 234.5 1.67 0.00 0.00 52.7 -2.25
DP-Kernel 217.3 3.21 0.01 0.01 38.0 -2.21
PE 69.1 4.58 0.01 0.77 13.6 -2.11
GS-WGAN 291.8 1.45 0.04 0.01 64.2 -2.27
DP-GAN 66.9 1.84 0.37 0.14 3.01 -1.67
DPDM 29.2 1.65 0.74 0.29 -2.71 -1.87
PDP-Diffusion 6.1 2.09 0.62 0.69 -5.9 -1.82
DP-LDM (SD) 15.3 2.03 0.46 0.68 -4.22 -1.92
DP-LDM 45.4 1.88 0.32 0.43 -0.21 -1.91
DP-LoRA 36.8 1.94 0.35 0.51 -5.09 -1.91
PrivImage 10.1 2.17 0.50 0.71 -4.76 -1.88

7. Contacts

If you have any question about our work or this repository, please don't hesitate to contact us by emails or open an issue under this project.

8. Citation

author = {Chen Gong and Kecen Li and Zinan Lin and Tianhao Wang},
title = {DPImageBench: A Unified Benchmark for Differentially Private Image Synthesis},
year = {2025},
howpublished = {}


Part of code is borrowed from DP-MERF, DP-Kernel, DP-NTK, GS-WGAN, DPAGN, PE, DPDM, DP-LDM, DP-LORA, PrivImage. We have elaborate them on the Appendix B.1 of our paper. We sincerely thank them for their contributions to the community.


DPImageBench is an open-source toolkit developed to facilitate the research and application of DP image synthesis.







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