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Project: Week 1: To-do list application


As a team, you should create and style the front-end of a to-do list web application using React and Material UI components. A typical user wants to be able to use a to-do list to organize tasks. Keeping user stories in mind when designing applications helps determine important features. We encourage you to take a unique approach to this lab as there is no one right answer.

  • Material Design is a design system that can guide you on what UI decisions to make if you would like to explore best practices, but functionality is the key focus of the lab.
  • No back-end is required for this lab, all data (tasks) should live in the front-end.


Feature requirements (Week1 task is complete when you):

  • Design your personalize about me page
  • Take in and display to do list items

Implementation requirements:


About Page

Note: The styling for all pages are provided for you. However, feel free to play around with the styling to gain better understanding of how they work.

  1. Navigate to src/pages/About.js. Replace the p tag with your content. Your content should include:
    • A picture
    • Details about you like Interests, fun fact so on... To achieve this, consider using div tags to split the page in half like so
        <div class="split left">
          <div className="centered">
              // Image goes here
              alt="Profile Pic"
        <div className="split right">
          <div className="centered">
            <div className="name_title">Your Name</div>
            <div className="brief_description">
              // Details about you goes here
  2. Upload your profile picture into the assets folder. i.e /src/assets/<profile_pic_name.jpg>
  3. Import About.css file and profile picture in your About.js file like so
    import "./About.css";
    import <profile_pic_name> from "../assets/profile_pic_name.jpg";


  1. Navigate to src/components/AddTodo.js and src/components/todos.js
    • AddTodo.js
      1. import Button and TextField from material UI like so: import { Button, TextField } from "@mui/material";
      2. Both handleChange and handleSubmit functions are already provided for you. Paste the code below in the div tag inside the render() function.
        label="Add New Item"
        //onChange={call handleChange here}
        //value={set the content state here}
        style={{ marginLeft: "10px" }}
        //onClick={call handleSubmit here}
    • todos.js
      1. Import material UI components like so: import {Card,CardContent,Grid,ListItemButton,ListItemText,Checkbox,} from "@mui/material";
      2. Inside the CardContent MUI tag replace the add todo content. Remember to use curly braces {}.
      3. Enter "You have no todo's left" in the p tag.
      4. Inside the return function replace the call todo list here.
  2. Navigate to src/pages/Home.js. Import AddTodo.js, todos.js, and Home.css files. By now you should be familiar with imports
  3. In Home.js file:
  • Inside the constructor(), create a list with the name todos
  • Inside the render() function replace the p tag with both Todos and AddTodo components like so:
    • <Todos todos={make your change } />. Hint: return current todo list state. Remember to use the this keyword
    • <AddTodo addTodo={make your change} />. Hint: call addTodo() function. Remember to use the this keyword


When testing web components, developers often use ids to uniquely define elements on a page. The React Testing Library provides a query which can identify items with the attribute data-testid to do just that (reference here). We have implemented simple tests in App.test.js that will look for ids in your code. Do not push changes to the tests in this file. To get familiar with the idea of testing ids, implement the attributes below: + data-testid="new-item-input" on the Input component which takes user input for new items. + data-testid="new-item-button" on the Button component which submits new items to the to do list.

Note: Material UI components (and other libraries) render as HTML components under the hood, so using Material UI's TextField would still render in the DOM as an Input element and pass the tests for this lab.

Pre-session Material

Here is a link to the pre-session material that was provided to you earlier.


to-do-list_week1-StarlingStarter created by GitHub Classroom






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