This repository is based on "Lab 1 Brief" documentation, which shows examples for Verilog syntax with testbenches (both Verilog testbenches and Cocotb testbenches).
- Example 1: AND Gate
- Example 2: 1-bit Full Adder
- Example 3: 4-bit Full Adder
- Example 4: 4-input Multiplexer
- Example 5: D Flip Flop
- Example 6: Parameterized Full Adder (N-bit Full Adder)
To run Cocotb testbenches, you need to install Cocotb (using Python 3.6+) with GNU Make and Icarus Verilog. The guide for installation is on the lab 1 brief documentation.
- Go to the directory of example we want to run testbench and go to
cd test
- If Conda or Miniconda is used, activate the virtual environment that contains Cocotb and Pytest libraries.
conda activate <venv_name>
- Run the test using GNU Make.