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Ultimate Dev Setup for Windows πŸͺŸπŸͺ„

win2k in action
win2k in action

win2k is a set of handcrafted configs for setting up a complete dev environment on Windows.

It makes developing on Windows much more pleasant for CLI lovers.

✨ Features

  • Can set up a complete dev environment within minutes
  • Full featured CLI dev environment on Windows (natively, without WSL!)
  • Shiny and extensible prompt with oh-my-posh and posh2k
  • Powerful personalized editing with nvim2k
  • Tiling window management with komorebi and whkd
  • Modern and intuitive keybindings for Windows inspired by tmux-tilit
  • Statusbar support with yasb
  • More!!


πŸš€ Installation

  • Enable remote script execution (Only needed one time)
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
  • Install scoop
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri | Invoke-Expression
  • Install git (7zip and aria2 to help with scoop installations) if you haven't already
scoop install aria2 7zip git
  • Clone win2k
git clone --recurse-submodules
  • Run setup in Admin mode (Press Win + x and select Terminal (Admin))
cd win2k

This will install all necessary packages, modules and setup symlinks for you.

If setup runs into errors, try running the command in admin mode again or run the command from setup.ps1 manually.

πŸ’» Usage

Windows Terminal

If you are having issues starting up Windows Terminal after the setup, you can try removing the folder:



It is recommended to setup git and GitHub before anything else.

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global "[email protected]"

git config --global commit.gpgSign false #Disable GPG signing

gh auth login #Login to github

If you want to use GPG signing check this


Next I would recommend setting up nvim2k

  • Clone the repo in a appropriate location
git clone
  • Setup symlink
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim" -Target "$PWD\nvim2k" -Force


I recommend using PowerToys to add some keybindings using the Keyboard Manager, for example:

  • Remap Caps Lock to Esc for quick access in vim
  • Remap Win + q to send Alt + F4 for closing current window, using the Remap Shortcuts

I also use the PowerToys Run launcher mapped to Win + Space


Run StartTiling/StopTiling on a Powershell prompt to control tiling.

Status Bar

You can use yasb to show a status bar, similar to polybar. Follow instructions on yasb to set up.

My yasb configs are here


If you want to try out other fonts, you can also use oh-my-posh to install fonts

Just run oh-my-posh font install in an Admin window and select the font of your choice.

More Tools

I have intentionally kept the default list of packages to bare essentials.

If you want any other tools you can install them with scoop or winget.

# Install VS Code
scoop install code
# Install winget
scoop install winget

You can also search for packages using scoop search name.

Other Configs

For most tools I'm symlinking configs over from my main dots2k.

You can do the same or plugin your own.

Behind The Code

🌈 Inspiration

I find working on Windows somewhat unpleasant, WSL although tries and fixes it, but it felt constrained.

That's why I decided to set up a dev environment using native windows tooling.

πŸ’‘ Challenges/Learnings

  • The main challenge was to figure out all the pieces of this puzzle and solving it.
  • Learned a lot about Powershell and did quite some scripting with it.
  • Learned more about the Windows ecosystem, different environment variables, configs etc.
  • Had lots of fun!

🧰 Tooling

  • dots2k β€” Dev Environment
  • nvim2k β€” Personalized Editor
  • qute2k β€” Personalized Browser
  • Powershell
  • Windows Terminal

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