Coding challenge for Link to Learn
In the project directory terminal, you can run:
Install all Node dependencies.
Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
Click for instructions
Build a React UI interface that closely resembles the Search & Filter UI of this site:
The UI should properly manipulate rendered data of the Post model from this dummy data api:
Feel free to use React-based design and UI libraries to rapidly prototype. Be ready to discuss why you chose them.
- A Single Text Search Input that filters table for any matching text across Owner, Text, Tags data
- Simple dropdown menus
- A slider UI to filter for minimum # of Likes
- Selectable Filter for owner (multi-select - button/checkbox/radio/select input)
- Selectable Filter for tags (multi-select - button/checkbox/radio/select input)
All filters including the Search input’s string match should be additive.
Use Case Example:
- If user sets [Minimum Likes] filter slider to 10, then only posts with 10 or more likes should be shown.
- Then if user selects [owner filter] to “Joe Smith”, then only Joe Smith posts with 10 or more likes should be shown.
- Then if user searches for “Foobar” in the [search input], then only Joe Smith posts with 10 or more likes AND Text or Tags that include “Foobar” should be shown
- Then if user selects “Tag 1” and “Tag 2” in the [tag filter], then then only Joe Smith posts with 10 or more likes AND Text or Tags that include “Foobar” AND Tags that include both Tag 1 and Tag 2 should be shown
NOTE: The order that a user selects filters should not matter
- Show off UX design capabilities
- Lazy load data below view screen on scroll
- Clear All Filters Btn
- Optimize code or be ready to discuss Optimization improvements you would make if allowed more time.
- Launch mini-app on live URL