In the project directory terminal, you can run:
Install all Node dependencies.
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
Click for instructions
This assessment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Correctness: Is your solution complete and does it pass different test cases?
- Code Organization, Readability, & Maintainability: Is your code easy to read and well organized?
- Code Performance: Is your code efficient? Did you use appropriate data structures?
- Best Practices: Did you utilize good programming practices? Did you show a good grasp of your language/framework of choice?
The first step of the assignment is to fetch data from a public JSON API, and present the information on the screen.
The second step of the assignment is to style the web page. Replicate the style of the image below as best as you can with the Raleway font.
Add a text input, where a user can filter the list of students by their name (including full name!).
Make each student have an expandable list view, so that all of their test scores may be viewed. Required: the plus should be an HTML button, and if the button is clicked on, the expansion will toggle.
Finally, add a text input field to add tags for a specific student. You will then add another search bar to search for students based on tags.