Demo project to test out viewmodel rendering in godot.
Copy these uniforms to where your uniforms are.
const float PI = 3.1415926;
uniform float viewmodel_fov = 50.0f;
Copy this at the end of your vertex shader
float onetanfov = 1.0f / tan(0.5f * (viewmodel_fov * PI / 180.0f));
float aspect = VIEWPORT_SIZE.x / VIEWPORT_SIZE.y;
// modify projection matrix
PROJECTION_MATRIX[1][1] = onetanfov;
PROJECTION_MATRIX[0][0] = onetanfov / aspect;
// draws the viewmodel over everything (disable if you want dof near on viewmodel)
POSITION.z = mix(POSITION.z, 0, 0.99);
See /Assets/Viewmodel.gdshader
for the complete shader code.
The viewmodel shader modifies its projection matrix to render the viewmodel at a different fov than the main camera.
camera fov 40 and viewmodel fov 60
camera fov 90 and viewmodel fov 60
money shot with dof
doesnt clip into nearby geometry