This tool has been developed by 30000Km/s to help Arrels foundation to make the annual survey to count homeless people in Barcelona. The objective is provide to an amount of 900 volunteers a cartography of the city organized and coordinated to be distributed in different teams Once the data is on the paper, it can be scanned and digitized
This tool is very experimental. Is made by three main blocks of code:
1 city divider:
- 1.1 divide the city in differents parts
- 1.2 determine how many meters of paths there are
- 1.3 determine how big is each area
- 1.4 determine how subdivide each zone for a comfortable exploration
2 atlas builder (for Qgis):
2.1 map maker: you can use your custom shapefiles, the cadaster files from spain or any web tile service
2.2 form maker: you can configure the form that will be printed with each sheet of map
3 scan reader:
3.1 digitize the maps
3.2 digitize the forms