This tool has been developed by 30000Km/s to help [Arrels foundation] ( to make the annual survey to count homeless people in Barcelona.
The purpose of this tools is generate a cartography to organize and be used by citizens in crowd surveys where GPS, phones and modern technologies are not precise enought or they need skilled people.
Once you have defined in Qgis the areas of the city you want to explore then the plugin generates an atlas that optimize the subdivision of the regions in paper sheets and coordinates the final documents.
The plugin will generate an atlas divided in ZONES and AREAS, where a zone contains different areas, and each area is printed in different papers according their size.
Once the data is on the paper, it can be scanned and digitized with othe tools that we are developing and testing, even you can create a new map with the small parts collected.
Also we provide qr code and bar code description for process the survei after it collection.
a base map of your city, territory or piece of land that you want to explore
divide it in different AREAS according the lead teams that are going to help you with this big task (assign them an id and a name)
divide (in other file) the AREAS in ZONES, and to each ZONE assign a name and the id of the belonging AREA
- set a beautiful style to your map, when it's ready launch the plugin
- project name: this will be printed in the template
- folder: where you want to store a copy of the files
- areas layer: the layer with the description of the polygons of the areas
- area id attribute: the field that identifies each polygon of the areas
- area name attribute: the name associated to each of these polygons
- zones layer: the layer with the description of the subdivision of the areas in zones
- area id attribute: the field where is indicated the name og¡f the belonging area
- aprox. scale: the aproximate scale to be used in the subdivisions of the zones
Select templates (advanced users only)
- zone template: the template of the zone
- subzone template: the template of the subzone
- form: the template of the form
- form file: a png with the image of the form to insert
- print form: check this box if you want to print the form (is optional!)
- print test: check this box if you want to print a test to verify that all works as expected