You can play the game here
Fight or Flight is a mix of a classic tower defence game and a real time strategy with a twist. Your base is populated with a finite amount of people whom you have to evacuate as many as you can using rockets before the base inevitably gets overrun by aliens. The catch is - every tower needs to be manned in order to function. So the game becomes a challenging puzzle with a lot of second to second decision making involved in order to optimize gold production, building towers, evacuating people and of course, fighting off the enemy.
This game was made in 72 hours as a Ludum Dare 50 entry.
Enemies attack your base in waves so you have to place your towers and assign men to them strategicaly. The more men in a tower or mine, the faster it shoots or the more gold it produces.
When 8 people are sent to space you receive a science point which unlocks the mortair and the final turret tower upgrade.
The goal is to save as many people as you can. When there's no more people left on the base the game is over.
I was responsible for most of the technical aspects of the game, i.e. programming and level building.
Music and the Audio Manager were made by my teammate Chertkov.
All the art was made by my teammate Blobasaur.
Some of the UI icons used are from Kenney.
The game was made using Unity 2020