a Steam library install size calculator.
Created as a python learning experience
& because SteamGauge was down and I couldn't find any other tool for this.
Note: SteamCMD seems currently pretty broken on Windows.
Having symptoms simmilar to this Issue just way less predictable
and without workarounds; at least none that I tried during testing.
The Script should technically work. Let's hope Valve fixes it one day.
Either that or I'll come up with a better solution till then.
Don't forget to pip install -r requirements.txt
Start steamlibsize_multithreaded.py
or steamlibsize_apiver.py
from the command line with the -u [profileurl]
When no argument is provided, the script will ask you for a Steam Custom URL ID.
Use --help
to get a list of arguments to manage the local app cache with.
If the repo's been freshly cloned, the script will automatically download & setup steamcmd in a subdirectory.
Except for steamlibsize_apiver.py
since it relies on the Community maintained SteamCMD.net API instead of Valve's standalone binary.
tldr; Because I managed to get more consistent results with it.
There is a Community made api at steamcmd.net but it failed to provide information most of the time
& creating this workaround solution was more fun and rewarding.
edit: the community api is pretty useable after all.