This is a NMS based scoreboard library for Minecraft plugins (spigot, paper).
This project is divided in several modules:
main API of this librarysidebar-v_1_8_R3
will provide support for 1.8.8 (R3)sidebar-v_1_12_R1
provides support for 1.12.2sidebar-v_1_16_R3
provides support for 1.16.5 (R3)sidebar-v_1_17_R1
provides support for 1.17.1sidebar-v_1_18_R1
provides support for 1.18.2 (R2)sidebar-v_1_19_R2
provides support for 1.19.2 (R2)sidebar-v_1_19_R3
provides support for 1.19.4 (R3)sidebar-v_1_20_R1
provides support for 1.20 (R1)
It is really important to call Sidebar#remove(player) when a player leaves the server to avoid memory leaks.
Firs of all make sure to shade sidebar-base
and the version specific modules in your project. Then use
your #onEnable
to initialize the sidebar manager like this:
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
public class MyPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
private static final SidebarManager sidebarManager;
public void onEnable() {
if (null == (sidebarManager = SidebarManager.init())) {
// todo server version not supported
public static SidebarManager getSidebarManager() {
return sidebarManager;
A sidebar can be sent to several players, but if you have a language-based server or if you want to
provide player-targeted placeholders you should consider creating a new sidebar instance for each player.
A sidebar example:
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class MySidebar {
private Sidebar handle;
public MySidebar(Player receiver) {
var title = new SidebarLineAnimated(new String[]{
ChatColor.RED + "Hello World",
ChatColor.BLUE + "Hello World"
List<SidebarLine> lines = new ArrayList<>();
// we add a static line
lines.add(new SidebarLine() {
public String getLine() {
return ChatColor.AQUA+"This line does not move";
// an animated line with a placeholder
lines.add(new SidebarLineAnimated(new String[]{
ChatColor.GREEN + "Hello {player}",
ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "Hello {player}"
List<PlaceholderProvider> placeholders = new ArrayList<>();
placeholders.add(new PlaceholderProvider("{player}", () -> receiver.getDisplayName()));
handle = MyPlugin.getSidebarManager().createSidebar(title, lines, placeholders);
// we can also add placeholders at a later time
// to add and remove lines use
//handle#addLine and handle#removeLine
// let's send the scoreboard
// if we want another player to see the same sidebar we use handle#add again
// let's format player tab
var prefix = new SidebarLine() {
public String getLine() {
return ChatColor.AQUA+"Prefix ";
var suffix = new SidebarLineAnimated(new String[]{
ChatColor.GREEN + " ###",
ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + " ###"
// users that have been added to this sidebar will see now the tab-format for the given player
var tabGroup = handle.playerTabCreate("redTeam", receiver, prefix, suffix, PlayerTab.PushingRule.NEVER);
// we can send the same tab format to other players as well via
// this tab group is show only on his sidebar (current). For mini-games such as bed wars we add
// players from the same team to the same tab group in order to have an ordered tab list.
// name tag visibility can be changed via
// tab header and footer does is logically detached from the sidebar si you won't need to create
// a new sidebar to handle header and footer messages in tab
MyPlugin.getSidebarManager().sendHeaderFooter(player, "PLAY.SERVER.COM", "Be kind!");
// you want to show the player health under his name?
// this will automatically start showing health for all players
handle.showPlayerHealth(sidebarLine, showAsWellInTab);
// hide health with
public Sidebar getHandle() {
return handle;
An example of how you can refresh and manage your sidebar.
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class MyPlugin extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {
private static final SidebarManager sidebarManager;
private static final List<MySidebar> sidebars = new ArrayList<>();
public void onEnable() {
if (null == (sidebarManager = SidebarManager.init())) {
// todo server version not supported
// register join listener
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);
var titleRefreshInTicks = 10L;
var linesRefreshInTicks = 20L;
var healthTextRefreshInTicks = 80L;
var tabUpdateInTicks = 80L;
()-> sb.getHandle().refreshTitle(),
20L, titleRefreshInTicks
// will update only animated lines and their placeholders
()-> sb.getHandle().refreshAnimatedLines(),
20L, linesRefreshInTicks
// will refresh placeholders in every sidebar line
()-> sb.getHandle().refreshPlaceholders(),
20L, linesRefreshInTicks
// if enabled, refresh text bellow player name (in case of animated lines)
// player health amount has to be updated manually
// Sidebar#setPlayerHealth
()-> sb.getHandle().refreshHealthAnimation(),
20L, healthTextRefreshInTicks
// to refresh tab formatting (in case of animated lines)
()-> sb.getHandle().playerTabRefreshAnimation(),
20L, tabUpdateInTicks
public static SidebarManager getSidebarManager() {
return sidebarManager;
public void onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
// keep trace of our sidebar
sidebars.add(new MySidebar(event.getPlayer()));
<!-- And based on which versions you want to support compile
the listed modules above -->
Created with <3 by Andrei Dascălu (andrei1058)
Jetbrains supports SidebarLib with their Open Source Licenses.