A simply bash script running in an Alpine docker to clean up completed pipeline runs, keeping up to NUM_TO_KEEP
instances for each Pipeline.
- name: kubectl
image: docker.io/alpine/k8s:1.20.7
- name: NUM_TO_KEEP
value: "3"
- /bin/bash
- -c
- >
while read -r PIPELINE; do
while read -r PIPELINE_TO_REMOVE; do
test -n "${PIPELINE_TO_REMOVE}" || continue;
kubectl delete ${PIPELINE_TO_REMOVE} \
&& echo "$(date -Is) PipelineRun ${PIPELINE_TO_REMOVE} deleted." \
|| echo "$(date -Is) Unable to delete PipelineRun ${PIPELINE_TO_REMOVE}.";
done < <(kubectl get pipelinerun -l tekton.dev/pipeline=${PIPELINE} --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp -o name | head -n -${NUM_TO_KEEP});
done < <(kubectl get pipelinerun -o go-template='{{range .items}}{{index .metadata.labels "tekton.dev/pipeline"}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}' | uniq);
# rbac
kubectl -f rbac.yaml
# cronjob
kubectl -f cronjob.yaml
- Related to tektoncd/experimental#479