This is a logger library that provides some utility features on top of Android's normal Log class.
You can control who can see your logs with WatcherType and use LogTypes with special chars to enhance your Log reading.
You can also use the concept of Design By Contract and Summary
Use Fileman library to store logs in a local file.
Use HTTP Sender to send logs to a remote server (it's possible to add more than one sender). In the future we can add some other type of Senders like a toaster or notification.
Fileman and HTTP Sender are using WorkManager with Coroutines under the hood to guarantee log chronology and to keep the job working even when the app is not running anymore.
You can control your logs with a powerful Time Control. There are 4 types of time: Current, Absolute, Relative and Relative by ID.
Use default Logcat types (Verbose, Debug, Info, Warning, Error) to enhance readability and add color control.
Uncaught Error Handler (UEH): if the application crashes by some exception error like Null Pointer Exception, ShowMeUncaughtExceptionHandler class will store in a local file all the necessary and available information. If it's a throwing error, it will be possible to know the exact Class, Method and Line number.
- ShowMe Log Sample
- Readability
- Watcher Types
- Log Types
- Time Interval
- Implementation
- Create ShowMe object
- Log Methods
- Fileman
- HTTP Sender
- ShowMe Uncaught Exception Handler (UEH)
A small log example using ShowMe library.
To enhance readability I've changed line space and Android Logcat colors.
The main goal of this library is to control your log access, who can see and which type of logs may be shown in different scenarios.
For example, you develop a library that will be used by another developer. There might be some logs that you do not want anyone else to see, for that we have the WatcherType (DEV, GUEST, PUBLIC) provided by an enum Class.
enum class WatcherType(val type: Int) {
DEV(0), //only developer can see
GUEST(1), //only developer and guest can see
PUBLIC(2) //anyone can see
During development phase:
- Instantiate a showMe object:
var mShowMeDev = ShowMe(true, "Sample-Dev", WatcherType.DEV.type)
//true = activate logs
//“Sample-Dev” = prefix for your logs
//WatcherType.DEV = DEV, GUEST and PUBLIC logs will be shown
- When writing your log, pass DEV type for watcher:
mShowMeDev.d(“this is a private log, only dev can see”, WatcherType.DEV.type)
Please see below a snapshot of current status:
During deployment (sending your lib to another dev), just change watcherType in step 1:
var mShowMeDev = ShowMe(true, "Sample-Dev", WatcherType.GUEST.type)
Now our current status is:
Only GUEST and PUBLIC logs will be shown.
Or you can simply disable all your Logs by setting false to the first parameter.
var mShowMeDev = ShowMe(false, "Sample-Dev", WatcherType.DEV.type)
To enhance readability we have the Logtypes provided by an enum Class:
enum class LogType(val type: Int) {
Just like WatcherType, you can control which log to show when setting logType value in showMe object.
- Instantiate a showMe object:
var mShowMeDev = ShowMe(true, "Only-warnings and above", LogType.WARNING.type)
//true = activate logs
//LogType.Warning.type = Warning, Error, Success and ALL logs will be shown.
- When writting your log, pass logType value:
mShowMeDev.d(“this is an error message”, LogType.ERROR.type) //will be shown
mShowMeDev.d(“this is an event message”, LogType.EVENT.type) //will not be shown
See below our current status:
During development will be wisely to set LogType to DEBUG and WatcherType to DEV in order to see all your logs. In production mode you can set to false (disable all logs) or choose LogType = Warning and WatcherType = Public for example, it’s up to you.
For more detailed examples, please check ShowMeSampleAct.
In build.graddle (app)
dependencies {
implementation 'com.3xcool:showme:$LATEST_VERSION'
There are 4 types:
- Current: show current time with the following format "yyyy-MM-dd, HH:mm:ss:SSS".
- Absolute: show elapsed time in milliseconds since startLog() call.
- Relative: show elapsed time in milliseconds since the last log shown.
- Relative by ID: show elapsed time in milliseconds since the same logID shown.
You can control which one to show in your Logcat with the fun setTimeIntervalStatus()
now:2020-06-02, 14:22:39:304 │abs: 0.063s │rel: 63ms │ID:0-rel: 120ms
Now let’s get a deep dive to all resources of this lib.
var mShowMeDev = ShowMe(
mShowMeStatus: Boolean = true,
mTAG: String = "ShowMe",
mLogTypeMode: Int = LogType.DEBUG.type,
mWatcherTypeMode: Int = WatcherType.DEV.type,
@Deprecated mShowTimeInterval: Boolean = false,
@Deprecated mWriteLog: Boolean = false
mShowMeStatus = show showMe logs, true if you want to show .
mTAG = add some text before your log message.
mLogTypeMode = Select your LogType Mode.
mWatcherTypeMode = Select your WatcherType Mode.
mShowTimeInterval = Deprecated, use setTimeIntervalStatus() to control the four types of time interval control. Backward versions will use this to show Relative By ID time interval.
mWriteLog = Deprecated, use buildFileman() to store your logs in a file.
mShowMeDev = ShowMe(true, "Sample-Dev", LogType.DEBUG.type, WatcherType.DEV.type)
Just like the original function Log.d() we have the same for ShowMe. To show your log as Verbose v(), Debug d(), Info i(), Warning w() and Error e() using Logcat Category strategy.
msg: String,
logType: Int = defaultLogType,
watcherType: Int = defaultWatcherType,
addSummary: Boolean? = defaultAddSummary,
wrapMsg: Boolean? = defaultWrapMsg,
logId: Int = 0
msg = Log message;
logType = choose any logType or use the defaultLogType.
watcherType = choose any watcherType or use the defaultWatcherType.
addSummary = set true to add in summary (will also appears in showSummary call).
wrapMsg = wrap the message if needed.
logId = give an ID to your log in order to control time interval between logs.
mShowMeDev.d(“My first ShowMe log”) //using default values
mShowMeDev.d(“Only dev can see this error”, LogType.ERROR.type, WatcherType.DEV.type)
For more examples, please check ShowMeSampleAct activity.
To increase readability add some title to your logs.
mShowMeDev.title("Some title", LogType.ALL.type, WatcherType.PUBLIC.type)
╠═══ Some title ═══╣
Powerful way to check possible error during your business logic.
rule: Boolean,
msg: String,
logType: Int? = LogType.ERROR.type,
watcherType: Int? = WatcherType.PUBLIC.type)
rule = your business logic.
msg = prompt error message in case the rule is not satisfied (Contract is Broken)
Log and WatcherTypes default values are ERROR and PUBLIC but you can change this as well.
dbc (a > b, "$a is not greater than $b")
Will show all logs that have been added to summary.
showSummary(logType: Int = defaultLogType, watcherType: Int = defaultWatcherType, logcatType: LogcatType?=defaultSummaryLogCatType)
skipLineQty = how many lines to skip skipLineRepeatableChar = which char to repeat, default is “=” skipLineRepeatableCharQty = how many repeatable char, default is 100.
Clear mLogsId, mAbsoluteTimeInterval and mRelativeTimeInterval in order to restart time interval.
Clear mLogsId and summaryList.
Enable showMe at runtime
Disable showMe at runtime.
If you want to see alternative special chars to your logs.
If you want to change default values.
If you want to change log skipLine() default values.
ShowMe is using Fileman Library to store your logs into a file.
To use it call buildFileman()
showFilemanLog:Boolean?= mShowMeStatus,
context: Context,
drive: Int?,
folder: String?,
filename: String?,
append: Boolean?,
useWorkManager: Boolean? = false,
viewLifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner? = null)
showFilemanLog -> activate or not Fileman logs.
drive -> See FilemanDrivers() class. It can be SandBox (app is installed), Internal (device) or External (SD Card)
append -> Set to false to overwrite file
useWorkManager -> Set to true if you want to write your log using WorkManager + Coroutine. In most cases you won't need this.
viewLifecycleOwner -> To observe WorkManager LiveData feedback
Example 1:
showMeObject.buildFileman(false, this, FilemanDrivers.Internal.type, "Sample Folder", "Log Test", append = true)
Example 2 (With WorkManager):
showMeObject.buildFileman(true, this, FilemanDrivers.Internal.type, "Sample Folder", "Log Test", append = true, useWorkManager = true, viewLifecycleOwner = this)
showMeObject.filemanWM?.filemanFeedback?.observe(this, Observer { output->
//Check FilemanFeedback class
output.message?.let { Log.d("ShowMe", it) }
Read the content stored in local file.
readLog(drive:Int?=SHOWME_DRIVE, folder: String?=SHOWME_FOLDER, filename: String?=SHOWME_FILENAME)
Delete log local file.
deleteLog(drive:Int?=SHOWME_DRIVE, folder: String?=SHOWME_FOLDER, filename: String?=SHOWME_FILENAME)
HTTP Sender have two constructors:
ShowMeHttpSender(true,"ID-02", applicationContext, headers, protocol, host, path, null, gsonConverter, 10000, 10000, false, true, true)
val httpSender :Sender? = ShowMeHttpSender.Builder(this)
.setId("ID-01") //you don't need to pass this value, default is using UUID to generate random ID
.active(false) //set this to true in order to send logs to the server
.addHeader("Connection", "keep-alive")
.buildUrl(protocol, host, path, null)
.setConverter(gsonConverter) // or PlainTextConverter
Add sender to ShowMe object
mShowMeDev.addSender(httpSender, defaultSendLog = true) //set to true in order to send all logs (if it's Loggable, respecting Watcher and LogType levels)
It's possible to send the logs as Plain Text or as JSON.
Bear in mind that this library is trying to be as lightweight as possible, so there is only Gson library for serialization. Feel free to send a PR with another library implementation.
ShowMe is using ShowMeHttpLogModel class to serialize to JSON. This class have two properties: "showMeLog" and "timestamp".
val gsonConverter = GsonBodyConverter(Gson(), ShowMeAPILogModel()) //faster solution
It's also possible to use your custom Class (e.g. UserAPIModel) for serialization but keep in mind that this solution requires Reflection. Pass which field is for showMeLog and timestamp and you can add a HashMap<String,String> for aditional info.
val listOfFieldsValues = mutableMapOf<String,String?>()
listOfFieldsValues[] = "someProjectName"
val gsonConverter = GsonBodyConverter(Gson(),,,, listOfFieldsValues) //showMe logs will be add to payload field.
The most useful and important resource of this library. If the application crashes by some exception error like Null Pointer Exception, ShowMeUncaughtExceptionHandler class will store in a local file all the necessary and available information. You can add some extra info such as APP ID, Version Code, Flavor and so on.
Bear in mind that it's not possible to get Class + Method + Line Number for every type of error, but some useful information will be given at "RAW EXCEPTION" and "CAUSE" sections.
Building UEH object
val extraInfo = mapOf<String, String>(Pair("some key", "some value"))
ueh = ShowMeUncaughtExceptionHandler(this, "UEH_test_file", true, extraInfo ) //set addNewline to true for adding "\n" after each line read (default is true)
Using UEH object
ueh.getUEHcontent() //for getting UEH log
ueh.deleteUEHfile() //for deleting UEH file
You can send the log using HTTP Sender
Copyright© 2020 André Filgueiras
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.