Simple django app that handles basic currency handling, formatting and manual addition of exchange rates that can be used to easy convert from one currency to another
from currency.models import Currency, ExchangeRate, Money
usd = Currency.objects.create(code='USD', short_name=u'$')
eur = Currency.objects.create(code='EUR', short_name=u'€')
ExchangeRate.objects.create(base_currency=usd, foreign_currency=eur, rate=1/1.3)
print(usd.get_rate(eur)) # Decimal('0.76923')
print(eur.get_rate(usd)) # Decimal('1.30000')
my_money = Money(1531, 'USD')
print(my_money) # 1531.00000USD
my_money += Money(23, 'USD')
print(my_money) # 1554.00000USD
print(my_money.convert_to('EUR')) # 1195.38342EUR
# be careful with conversions. Errors accumulate with each conversion. Example:
print(my_money.convert_to('EUR').convert_to('USD')) # 1553.99845USD
# indirect rates through rates of default currency (USD) are available too
hrn = Currency.objects.create(code='UAH', short_name='hrn')
rub = Currency.objects.create(code='RUB', short_name='rub')
base_currency=default_currency, foreign_currency=hrn,
# get stored value to normalize decimals precision:
rate1 = ExchangeRate.objects.get(
base_currency=default_currency, foreign_currency=hrn)
base_currency=default_currency, foreign_currency=rub,
# get stored value to normalize decimals precision:
rate2 = ExchangeRate.objects.get(
base_currency=default_currency, foreign_currency=rub)
self.assertEqual(hrn.get_rate(rub), rate1.rate / rate2.rate)