A simple app to keep track of expenses and incomes.
In order to develop you'll need to have installed Lando and Docker.
Lando https://docs.lando.dev/getting-started/installation.html
Once you cloned the repo the .env in the src folder will be all set to run in local with lando, for others environment you'll have to setup the configuration variables on the .env file.
cd src cp .env.local .env
Run lando start to launch the environment
lando start
Once lando has started, install all dependencies (inside of src/ directory)
lando composer install
lando npm install
Run migrate to install the database schema.
lando artisan migrate
Seed the database to have sample data.
lando artisan db:seed
Create the currencies
lando artisan db:seed CurrenciesSeeder
Done!, access to the site and start playing.
To use composer, run
lando composer COMMAND
To use artisan, run
lando artisan COMMAND
To use npm, run
lando npm COMMAND
To Compile scss and js, use for development
lando npm run dev
To access to mysql, use
lando mysql laravel
To tests emails, enter to the Mailhog service with your browser.