- It is describe active in 42seoul. 42seoul means a 42 activity in seoul.
- sunghwki (Sung Hwan Kim)
- (2021.04 ~)
- libft (Replicate simple C functions)
- Born2beroot (Setting debian server)
- ft_printf (Replicate C function "printf" using va_arg)
- get_next_line (Replicate "readline" in libreadline")
- push_swap (Sorting integer using 2 stack and such a simple instruction)
- pipex (Replicate linux system call "pipe ('|')" and redirection)
- fract-ol (Make my own fractal)
- minishell (Replicate bash using system call)
- Philosopher (Solving "Dining Philosopher" problem)
- miniRT (Make 3D figure using raytracing)