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An easily hackable kickstart-based Neovim distribution with sensible pre-configurations.


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This Neovim configuration is based on kickstart.nvim. Refer there for features not covered in this documentation.


And he has finally made his own distribution.

Version Changelogs

  • Add a Neorg configuration
  • Add custom folds and markers
  • Remove vim-tmux-navigator
  • Add zen-mode and twilight
  • Use mini.pairs instead of autoclose.nvim
  • Add a disable command for autoformatting in conform.nvim
  • Redid code structure of init.lua, dashboard.lua, and theme.lua
    • Added folds for legibility
  • Add hanging indents on wrapping lines
  • Add leap.nvim
  • Improve README documentation and installation guide


Preview Screenshots

NOTE: background opacity is not a feature included in this distribution but in my Arch Linux + Hyprland configuration.

init.lua dashboard.lua
image image
neotree splits and telescope buffer
image image
neorg with zen-mode and twilight preview markdown
image image


IMPORTANT: This repository doubles as my backup for my configuration backup so clone from a stable branch version not the main one!

  1. Install all dependencies needed by this distribution (Can refer to kickstart.nvim's documentation)

    • neovim.
    • Basic utilities such as: git, make, unzip, ripgrep, and gcc
    • A clipboard tool such as xclip/xsel/win32yank (depending on platform)
    • A Nerd Font of your choice
    • Language setup such as python, npm, cargo (Rust), go (Go)
    • The kitty terminal is also recommended, as this distribution supports kitty-scrollback and vim-kitty
      • If you are going to use kitty-scrollback, refer to their documentation on other things needed to setup beforehand
    • A Github account eligible for Copilot, if you are planning on using the copilot.lua plugin.
  2. Clone your stable version of choice

Linux, MacOS $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim, ~/.config/nvim
Windows (cmd) %userprofile%\AppData\Local\nvim\
Windows (powershell) $env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\nvim\
git clone -b stable-<VERSION> git@ 
  1. Install your language servers and formatters needed using :Mason and update plugins with :Lazy.
    • You can also install tree-sitter using :TSInstall syntax highlighting manually, though this automatically happens whenever you open a file without treesitter parsing yet.

NOTE: All keybindings won't be found in [[ tyraelvim keymaps ]], some of them you will have to find (Telescope Live-Grep can help with this).

  1. Optional customization (these can all be found in ./lua/custom/plugins):
    • Text pools found in dashboard.lua
    • Font and background for silicon
    • Theme in themes


From kickstart.nvim, you can press <leader>sk to search for particular keymappings. Moreover, kickstart.nvim has which-key.nvim for hints.

init.lua code snippet
-- ./init.lua
-- shorthand for binding keymap
local bind = vim.keymap.set

-- Open File tree
bind('n', '<leader>t', '<cmd>Neotree toggle reveal<CR>', { desc = 'Open Neo[T]ree' })

-- Open an Oil buffer
bind('n', '<leader>f', '<cmd>Oil<CR>', { desc = 'Open [F]ile explorer buffer' })

-- Toggle lines for indented
bind('n', '<leader>i', '<cmd>IBLEnable | set cc=80<CR>', { desc = 'Enable Indent Blank Line' })
bind('n', '<leader>j', '<cmd>IBLDisable | set cc=0<CR>', { desc = 'Disable Indent Blank Line' })

-- Additional normal bind shortcut for ergonomics
bind('i', 'jk', '<Esc>', { desc = 'Normal mode' })

-- Close a tab
bind('n', '<leader>bd', '<cmd>bd!<CR>', { desc = '[B]uffer [D]elete' })

-- Cycle through buffers
bind('n', '<leader>[', '<cmd>bp<CR>', { desc = '[[] Previous Buffer' })
bind('n', '<leader>]', '<cmd>bn<CR>', { desc = '[]] Next Buffer' })

-- Zen mode
bind('n', '<leader>zen', function()
end, { desc = '[Zen] mode' })

-- Trigger Twilight
bind('n', '<leader>tw', '<cmd>Twilight<CR>', { desc = 'Toggle [Tw]ilight' })

-- Take code snapshot
bind('v', '<leader><leader>', function()
end, { desc = '[ ][ ] Take code snapshot' })

-- Markdown preview
bind('n', '<leader>pm', '<cmd>MarkdownPreviewToggle<CR>', { desc = '[P]review [M]arkdown' })

-- Note taking
bind('n', '<leader>nb', '<cmd>:enew<CR>', { desc = '[N]ew [B]uffer' })

-- Conceal cursor with in a Neorg file
bind('n', '<leader>cc', function()
  if vim.o.concealcursor == '' then
    vim.o.concealcursor = 'nc'
    vim.o.concealcursor = ''
end, { desc = '[C]onceal [c]ursor' })

-- Format on save disable on command
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('FormatDisable', function(args)
  if args.bang then
    -- FormatDisable! will disable formatting just for this buffer
    vim.b.disable_autoformat = true
    vim.g.disable_autoformat = true
end, {
  desc = 'Disable autoformat-on-save',
  bang = true,
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('FormatEnable', function()
  vim.b.disable_autoformat = false
  vim.g.disable_autoformat = false
end, {
  desc = 'Re-enable autoformat-on-save',


Additional plugins are added by creating a corresponding .lua file in ./lua/custom/plugins/ that returns a Lazy.nvim table.

  • The file names don't have to match the plugins, they just have to be in the directory.


-- ./lua/custom/plugins/oil.lua

return {
  opts = {},
  -- Optional dependencies
  dependencies = { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' },

Be sure to remove unused LSPs in ./init.lua.


An easily hackable kickstart-based Neovim distribution with sensible pre-configurations.








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