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Not allowed. Only subset of claimed tasks can be retrieved using specific filters see below
Provide details about a specific task in the pool. The JSON response document is as follow
"id": 1,
"step": "editstep",
"action": "editaction",
"type": "claimedtask",
"uniqueType": "workflow.claimedtask"
Exposed links:
- step: the workflow step
- action: the workflow action
- workflowitem: the workflowitem underlying the task
- owner: the eperson that own the task
/api/workflow/claimedtasks/<:id>/workflowitem (READ-ONLY)
It returns the underlying workflowitem holds by the task. See the workflowitem endpoint for more info. This is a read-only endpoint, once the task is created the backend workflowitem cannot be changed.
/api/workflow/claimedtasks/<:id>/owner (READ-ONLY)
It returns the eperson that own the task. See the eperson endpoint for more info. This is a read-only endpoint, once the task is claimed the owner cannot be changed. To unclaim a task see the DELETE method below
/api/workflow/claimedtasks/<:id>/step (READ-ONLY)
It returns the workflow step currently assigned to the task. See the workflow steps endpoint for more info. This is a read-only endpoint
/api/workflow/claimedtasks/<:id>/action (READ-ONLY)
It returns the workflow action currently assigned to the task. See the workflow actions endpoint for more info. This is a read-only endpoint, the POST to the claimed task is used to perform the action
It returns the tasks claimed by the specified user
/api/workflow/claimedtasks/search/findAllByItem?uuid=<:item-uuid> Accessible only by Admin It returns all the claimed tasks related to the specified item
The supported parameters are:
- page, size see pagination
- uuid: mandatory, the uuid of the item object
Return codes:
- 200 OK - if the operation succeed. This include the case of no matching tasks where a 0-size page json representation is returned.
- 400 Bad Request - if the uuid parameter is missing or invalid
- 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated
- 403 Forbidden - if you are not logged in with sufficient permissions. Only users with ADMIN right can use the endpoint
- 422 Unprocessable Entity - if the provided uuid cannot be resolved to an item regardless to the item status
/api/workflow/claimedtasks/search/findByItem?uuid=<:item-uuid> It returns, if any, the single task related to the specified item claimed by the current user
The supported parameters are:
- page, size see pagination
- uuid: mandatory, the uuid of the item object
Return codes:
- 200 OK - if the operation succeed
- 204 No Content - if there is no claimed task for the specified item and the current user
- 400 Bad Request - if the uuid parameter is missing or invalid
- 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated
- 422 Unprocessable Entity - if the provided uuid cannot be resolved to an item regardless to the item status
To create a claimedtask, i.e. to claim a pooltask. The pooltask must be supplied as URI in the request body using the text/uri-list content-type If successful a 201 code will be returned along with the new claimedtask. The pooltask will also be removed.
An example curl call:
curl -i -X POST
\ -H "Content-Type:text/uri-list" \
--data ""
Return codes: 201 Created - if the operation succeed 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated 403 Forbidden - if the loggedin user is not the reviewer of the pooltask 422 Unprocessable Entity - if the pooltask provided doesn't exist
To perform a claimed task a POST request must be issued against the single claimed task URL /api/workflow/claimedtasks/:id using http request parameters to instruct the workflow action class about the specific command to perform approve, reject, add a score, etc. In some case other parameters must be specified too as for instance the reason parameter for the reject action
action | command options | parameter to trigger the command | additional parameters |
editaction | approve | submit_approve=true | none |
editaction | reject | submit_reject=true | reason= |
finaleditaction | approve | submit_approve=true | none |
selectrevieweraction | choose a reviewer | submit_select_reviewer_=true | no extra parameters needed but the primary parameter name define the selected eperson |
scorereviewaction | record the score | submit_score=true | score= |
- 204 No content is returned if the request succeed
- 403 Not authorized if the task cannot be performed by the logged in user
- 404 if the task is not longer available
- 422 validation errors (e.g. no "reason" parameter provided)
To unclaim a task it is sufficient to issue a DELETE request
Not allowed