Limbook api is a minimal REST Api for creating social app like facebook or twitter. It has basic features like posts, comments and react.
I had met quite a few people who have wanted to have their own private social network for their office or fun project. So, to help them, I had create this minimal version of the social API which they can integrate easily into their design and have the app up and running in no time. Also, they can take this as a starter and build on top of this api.
Technology Used
- Python
- Flask
- Flask-SQlalchemy
- Redis
- Redis Queue
- Postgresql
- Auth0
All python code follows PEP8 style guidelines
For documentation of API visit here:
- Post
- Comment
- React
- Image Manager
Upcoming Features
- Chat
- Notification
- Activity
- User Bot
- Python >= 3.7
- Pip >= 19.0
- redis-server
Note: may run in lower version but haven't tested.
Using virtual environment
# go to project directory and create venv
$ virtualenv venv
$ (or) python3 -m venv path_to_project/venv
# source venv from project directory
$ source venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Export secrets
# in ~/.profile add your env variables:
export SECRET_KEY='my_secret_key' #any random string
export DATABASE_URL= #db path
export REDIS_URL= # redis url
export MAIL_SERVER= # mail server host
export MAIL_PORT= # mail server port
export MAIL_USERNAME= # mail username
export MAIL_PASSWORD= # mail password
export DEMO_USER_PASSWORD= # password for demo seed user
# logout and login or
$ source ~/.profile
Run migration
# initialize and run migration
flask db init
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade
Seed demo data
flask seed run
# Security Note: seed data has some default users with password.
# [email protected]/password
# [email protected]/password
# [email protected]/password
Run Redis Server and Worker
# if you want to use redis queue you need to enable redis server and worker
# to run redis-server
# to run worker
# or you can disable redis in the config:
Run app
# using python
# using flask
export FLASK_APP=limbook_api
flask run
This should bring the api up and running at:
# Note: unittest may not detect all the tests. So use PYTEST:
# Simply run pytest from the root directory.
Debugging with python interpreter
# in the command line
# inside python interpreter set app context
from run import app
# now you can test and try
from limbook_api.setup_db import db
from limbook_api.models import Post
post = Post(user_id="id",content="my post")
- Create new app in heroku
- Add Postgresql and Redis as addons
- Connect github to the app
- Set config vars (secret_key, db url, mail credentials etc)
- Create pipeline and add app to the pipeline
- Choose auto-deploy master branch
- Make sure both web and worker dyno are running:
heroku ps:scale web=1 worker=1
If you want to contribute, just fork the repository and play around, create issues and submit the pull request. Help is always welcomed.
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License
Sudip Limbu