Note that theses instructions were developed on OSX El Capitan. For other operating systems, your mileage may vary
- Clone this repository.
- Create a virual environment using python3.4.
- Add the line
to the end of your new virtual environment'sbin/
script. pip install -r requirements.txt
- install postgres, and set your local settings to connect to it
brew install postgres
brew services start postgres
createdb `whoami`
- You'll need to create a
to instruct django on how to connect to this postgres database. - Theres is an example of how the
setting would look in website/settings/ - the name of the database will your username
- you should have all privileges granted
- your database's password will be the same as your user account's
python makemigrations
python migrate
python createsuperuser
python runserver
- The application should now be running at
- Set up a Heroku account if you have not already.
- Install Heroku CLI
- Configure the remote to use the heroku remote in addition to the github remote, if desired.
heroku local web
- The application should now be running at
- Access http://localhost:4200/admin and log in using the credentials you set up when you ran
python createsuperuser
. - First, we'll replace the default site with our own. Click on Explorer > Welcome to your new wagtail site!.
- In the top left of the teal bar, click the home icon. This is where root pages to the site live.
- Lets add a child page. We'll pick
Home Page
- Add some content and click publish at the bottom of the window.*
- We also need to add a footer.
- In the menu, click Snippets, and then on Footers.
- In the top right hand corner, you'll see a button to add a new footer.
- At the bottom of the window, press save.
- Your new page should be ready to view.
*When developing new pages on a live site, one should preview the page first.
- admin_base.html is the base template for the admin page. It has been modified to customize the admin page. It does not belong to this directory. One MUST move it to the lib/python3.4/site-packages/wagtail/wagtailadmin/templates/wagtailadmin directory in the virtual environment and replace the original one with this modified one to show the change in the admin page.
- el-pagination has been installed to enable the lazy load of articles. Current version of endless-pagination is not 100% compatible with the django version we use. So there are some modifications that we need to do after installaztion.
- pip install django-el-pagination
- add 'el_pagination' to installed_apps in the setting
- rename to and move it to ...python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/blog/ and replace the old file. This is to avoid the warning of tuple being depreciated in the search field.