Docker Hub repo -
Originally forked from this variant based on full featured, production ready nginx for windows
Because nginx-win require vcredist (C++ 2010 ) and nanoserver support only MSIX packages this dockerfile based on servercore image for ability to deploy required packages (vcredist_x86.exe & vcredist_x64.exe). Maybe later i'll try to investigate what exact components is needed and try to build on nanoserver. Additionally nanoserver does not contain powershell since 1709 version (should be installed additionally).
Set required nginx-win version ( for example, where %20 is URL-encoded space)
docker build --build-arg VERSION="" -t nginx-win-servercore .
Download URL, port and protocol could be overrided by relevant arguments - DLURL, PORT, PROTO. Default values are "", "80" and "http". For example:
docker build --build-arg VERSION="" --build-arg DLURL="" --build-arg PORT="8080" --build-arg PROTO="http" -t nginx-win-servercore .
docker run -d --name nginx --expose 80 -p 80:80 nginx-win-servercore
docker run -d --name nginx --expose 80 -p 80:80 -v .\conf:C:\nginx-win\conf nginx-win-servercore
docker run -d --name nginx --expose 80 -p 80:8080 -e PORT=8080 nginx-win-servercore