Utility for code generation based on simple DSL for describing entities.
--lombok Use Lombok (useful only for Java)
--auditable Add database auditing
--security Generate basic JWT security implementation
--doc Generate openapi documentation and
-A, --all Generate everything (entity, repository,
service, controller)
-E, --entity Generate entities
-R, --repository Generate repositories
-S, --service Generate services
-C, --controller Generate controllers
--specification Repositories will extend JPA Specification
-o, --output VALUE Output directory (project root)
-d, --domain TEXT Domain/package of the project (e.g.
-n, --name TEXT Name of project (e.g. app)
--javaVersion TEXT Java version
--kotlinVersion TEXT Kotlin version
--springVersion TEXT Spring Boot version
--packaging TEXT Packaging type (e.g. jar, war)
Database type (e.g. mysql, postgres,
mariadb, mongodb)
--databaseUser TEXT Database user
--databasePass TEXT Database password
--databaseHost TEXT Database host
--databasePort INT Database port
--databaseName TEXT Database name
--language TEXT Language (e.g. java, kotlin)
--dbNamingStrategy VALUE Database naming strategy (e.g. snake,
kebab, uppercase, lowercase, none).
Default: none
-h, --help Show this message and exit
INPUTFILE Input .strap file
This is the syntax for the input file:
entity EntityName [userDetails, table=`table_name`]
field `id` <type> [id, references, list, serial, column=`column_name`, username, password]
"string" to "String"
"varchar" to "String"
"text" to "String"
"char" to "Char"
"int" to "Int"
"integer" to "Int"
"long" to "Long"
"float" to "Float"
"double" to "Double"
"decimal" to "Double"
"real" to "Double"
"bool" to "Boolean"
"boolean" to "Boolean"
"timestamp" to "Instant"
"date" to "LocalDate"
"datetime" to "LocalDateTime"
"time" to "LocalTime"
If we want to build a simple blog application our input file could look like this:
entity Post
field `id` int serial id
field `title` string
field `content` string
field `author` references Author
field `tag` list Tag
field `category` references Category
entity Author userDetails table=`user`
field `id` int serial id
field `email` string username column=`username`
field `password` string password
entity Category
field `id` int serial id
field `name` string
entity Tag
field `id` int serial id
field `name` string
field `post` list Post
And the command to generate the code would be:
strap-parser app.strap -A --lombok --auditable --security --specification --doc --language java -o ~/test -d com._7aske -n app